December 10, ll)4t THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON - ' PAGE FIVE ' City fcM&lfi Returns Mr. W. C. Little, WW Orcliurcl wny, lun returned Irorn Snlrin wlinru shn wn call id to iiMfikI thn f unrrnl of her irnmlmother, Mm. K o b a k o h Wllknrson, who died December 10 t the home of her ilutitf hlcr, Mm. H. It. McWhorter. Mn. Wllkersun, who won burled Krl dny, wus 08 years of no arid leuvrs three noun, one diiuKhtrr, 'X Krandi'lilldrcn, five grout Krmidclilldren, mid two Ml'i'iit Ifrciit.jfrundi'hlldrtMi. Mn. Little ccoiiipiinlcil thn Itcv. Kimi'iia V. Iluyui's to Kiilcin. Ilo spent lev friil (I ii. vii In I'lirthind on bust nam. Mrn. W, 11. Nflnon, Mm. Montjiompry Mrrrlwenther mid ion, Mlcliiii'l, ill mi drove north with Mr. lluyiir. Mn. Nelson visited with rclnllvr In I'nrtliind ml Mm. Merrlwenlhrr vlsltf-d hrr pnrenls In the north. All returned Itint Knturdiiy evening. Open Restaurant Mr. mid Mm. Ili'il lliirr linvo purchnned the "llnmbiirunr Orchurd'' lit 313 South Sixth street. After consldorabla remodeling and tho addition of new equipment, they have renamed tho establishment the "Wafflo House," and are now open for busincM. liiirr, who la well known In the barber trade here, will lenvo actlvo manage ment of the "Waffle lloune" to Mra. Hnrr. Hare From Knoxvlll Cor poral Don Weal, ion of L. A. Writ of the Morrill road, Ii here on Christmas furlough Irom Knoxvllla, Tenn., where ho Is a member of tho staff of tho army reception center. Young Went wa a ituost of Tom Walters at Friday' meeting of thn Rotary club. Treatment Mr. Lucll Am nion of San Francisco, who be came 111 en route to Seattle where ha wa to upend the holi day with her brother, Edward E.ipojidoifl, head of the Peruvian conmilato In Seattlo, I receiving treatment at Klamath Valloy hospital. Mr. Ammon plan to continue north tlili weekend. To Portland Mr. Howard Davla and ion, Howard Lyle, left for Portland Thursday after visit with Mr. Davli' mother, Mr. Ruby Lylo of Paclflo Tor race. Drive South Mr. and Mr. Bernard Zollman left Friday morning for the south where they will remain until after the holiday. Return Homo Mr. R. R. Mo Elroy and Infant eon, left Klam ath Valloy hospital Thurtday for their home, 2409 South Sixth trect. First ChrUtlaa Church Tho Downtown Church," Pine street at Ninth itreet. Ar thur Chorlc Bate, minister. Church atudy phone, 0432. Roil dence, 638 Lincoln itrect, phone 838B. The Bible ichool meot at the hour of 0:43 a. in. C. S. Robert ton I tho (uperlntendent. Orrln Fraley I tho assistant. Mr. Gerald Wlckershum, pianist. There I class for every age groOp. Tho morning worship with communion Is at 11 o'clock. Mr. Mnry Hnydcn will be at tho organ and Miss Augusta B. Park er will direct the choir. Prelude and the doxology fol lowed by tho Invocation by the mlnl.itrr. Choir response, "Al mighty Father," Lysberg. Open ing hymn, "It Came Upon a Mid night Clenr." Scripture, Com munion hymn, "When I Sur vey the Wondrous Cross." Tho observance of tho Lord's Sup per. "Do this In remembrance to me," Jesus said. Hymn, "Harkl Thn Jlornld Angels Sing." Pray er dedicating tho tithes and of fering. Anthem, "Glory to God," Rogers, by tho choir. Sermon, "Fulfilling tho Law." Invitation hymn, "Yo Must Bo Born Again." Benediction, 'Threefold Amen" by tho choir. Postltido, selected. Evening services. Christian Endeavor meetings 6:30 o'clock. Three societies meeting at the snmo hour. The church hour will 'bo given over to n Christmas piny to be given by tho young penplo nt 7:30 p. m. . The- First Chrlstinn church In vites you to worship with us this Lord's day. In North Mn, Victor Vohr lug and ion Richard, ar In Port' land visiting at tho home of Mrs. Vehring's father, L. C. Davis. Vehrlng will Join his family In Portland on Christmas day. They will return to their home, 2027 Earln street loon after New Years. In Hospital Larry Homer, S-year-old ion of Mr, and Mrs. K. L. Homer, rout 3 box 032, city, Ii a patient in Klamath Valley hospital where ho submit ted to major surgery Thursday. mas party scheduled Sunday In tho Lorella Full Gospel church In Langell valley has been can colled duo to tho dnnger of scar let fovcr, It wos announced Friday. Buy tho Men Tolks what they would buy themselves this Xmss Hundreds of useful and sensible Olfts at The dun Stor 714 Main. Returns Home Mrs, Dale Duncan, 844 Eldorado, has re turned to her home from Klam ath Valley hospital. For Your Information I Qive PI GG Y SAGE MANICURE SETS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST! 5 Peggy Sago "Hampshire" $5.00 A P'vrr Rag mintrnr ,t fit for qtn Ii I hi tvrlt nvflnp with flu Ki ln B M fratti. Contain two I'-ny htg Pollih, P'tllth ItefnnvAr. CnUcW fl mor, fUtlnrtai and man I'll ft Implt mnta Inrlinlliif Cutirlt brlaaora. Peaav Sua a "Lanr $3.00 Thli VttJ Xag manlnjr at parka it "a mug aa a hug In a rug" . . , fi It rmira In grnuln la(hr or fJur 'J- alila Hng)lim Hnr 'rotifalna four fintlal IVggv hitf iirrparatinnf, Zj riton an4 Impltm'-nti. ftvtral lov- Ij Cflora, Zj WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Occasional rain In extreme north portion today, spreading south ward toward San Francisco bay region tonight; littto change in temperature. WASHINGTON AND ORE GON Rain today and tonight; temperature above normal. MAIL CLOSINO TIME (Effective September 21, 1941) Train 17 Southbound) a. m. Train 20 Northboundi IOiOO a. m. Train It Boathboundi Si4S p, m. Train II Northboundi 9:00 p. m. Old Time Dance The Eagles auxiliary and drum corps will sponsor an old tlmo dance Satur day at 0 p. m. In the KC hall. A new floor manager ha been named and Estln Klger'a orches tra will play. The public is in vited. Hasbln The Hasblns of the Eagles auxiliary will meet at the home of Ursol Bratton, 2141 White avenue, Monday at 7:30 p. m. Party Cancelled The Christ- Peggy Sage 'Doret" $2.50 Vnti won't h abl to rttlit ttia IfnipIaUftfi tit Imy two of flirt.., on for jrntutrlfl It'a compart an4 libelant lal ... A V'tty Hag Manl rtira lift amartly lalfcirwl In honor lilti or courage-. rrxl llrtigalln. And Ota valurf Tlirrfl 1'i-ygy Hagx pff arallona and four tin ImplemrnU Inrludlng Cutirlt ftcUtoral "Pembroke" $1.50 Peggy Sogo A ",ii)rk aa a wink' Prgg Baga manlrtw $t n flgurrd gahardln. Tlia I'rffvr Haga Poliih Rmoitr. Cut tela Krmovcr and Implrmrnta arparaMr for mora than Ut prlca of tlit cntlra att Peggy Sage "Essex" $1 It'a a imartJr tailored tipper hag In lUngalln rtoth and It douhl-a aa a romftlf3 rarr? all. Valua sot: Thn rIty Hag PolUh. Pittlh Hmovr and lmplmrnU ALONE art worth 11.00. EXCLUSIVE AT Currin's for D rugs Klamoth's Cosmetic Center 5 9th and Main Phone 451 14 I HOSE MM woinan s Santa... MONTGOMERY WARD VI -1 I is on every to list BUY THEM AT WARDS I (SHE PROBABLY DOESI) Yeil If you aikod her, the chances ere she'd say, "Wards hole, please." She knows that Wards hose ore oU ways absolutely perfect. (Wards sells no "seconds" no "Irregulars," you know). She'd tell you that Wards hose wear better look better whether they're all Nylon, all silk, or reinforced with Idle or rayon. She'd explain that you can always find uil the right hose at Wards extravagantly sheer chif- ; fons practical "everyday' sturdy service weights. SILK HOSE FROM 69c to $1.25 NYLONS AT $1.50 and $1.95 ;tl N! ! E 5 HE? SALIE IF csnnsTT s 3 O 9tAiX FLOOH Candlcwiek Robes Various designs in white, aqua, red and rose. Full skirted, ZA sleeves. Reg. $5.95 Vals. mm ' Novelty Gifts Ilalf'Price Perfumes, Soaps and Lotions- in lovely Xmas containers. $1.00 values. Novelty Hangers For pants and skirts, dresses (set of 6), hot (set of 3). 59c to $1 Value 50e Each 4c Ladies' Scarfs u Square and triangle in prints and plain, J wools and rayons. Spe cial at 59 c Ea. Gift Stationery Montag's loveliest as sortments of writing materials, handsome ly gift boxed. Special 5 DOW AST AIRS STORE Ladies9 Quilted Robes A gay assortment of zipper and wrap-around styles in new prints. Size 12 to 20.. . Regular $3.98 Val. Novelty 3Iirrors U Round, oval and ob long in plain beveled and decorated. Spe cial at 100 One Lot Gifts Close-out- of broken lines. Dish cloth Dolls, Wall Brackets, Vases and Hot Plate Sets. While they last 2 fori00 One Lot Gifts Pacific Pottery Broken lines to close-out. One and two of a kind, in Pillow Cases - Card Ta ble Covers, Bridge Sets and Pottery Vases. $JJOO 20 pa Starter Sets . . 4 Cups 4 Saucers 4 Plates 4 Bowls 4 Butter Plates. . $5.50 Val. v ( jS&j ?S W hen in Dotibt 2r'' J GIVB HER A II Heisey Console Sets Regular $7.50 value. Large bowl and two double candala bras. While they last ..:..:...... 308 When in Doubt G1VK HER A MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE FROM MOE'S Redeemable Any Time tor Any ' Amount 50 Samson Card Tables Four new designs. A very prac tical and handsome gift. . Really' worth $2.98. While .they last . I y 1 OS TELEPHONE 3188