December 19, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREB NROLL E DEFENSE STUDY CLASSES HERE Enrollment fliiures for the de- fi-nm pri'Ji'il rlii.nir conducted nt KIiiiiiiiIIi IJiiiim school Blmw 11 tntul (if lllll, mcordliiK to Information nliliilnml at t h elimulit-r of commerce Krlduy. Climes urn hclil dully and In Icitstcd piMHiinn should Inquire M llm Midi' iiiplcivmrnl offlrc, 'I hint mid M it l it nlroi-tx. I'iiIIiiwiiik In tlui rhcdnlo of duy cliifinrft: W.lilinu. 10 . m. to 4:30 n. in , I II member. Aviation sheet metal, 10 I. m., to 'I Mil p. in. Night claws iiro conducted f i nn) 0 p. in, to 12 mklnlKlit. Instructor In sheet metal work I I'rmicU Snviuic; driivvliiK and nliitcd work, Johnny Cnrroth it:.; widdliiK, Mr. Necdhiim, ' Mud" Levelled; rndlo, Jim Kel ler; mnrhlnn shop, Charles Rln-nrltrv Karl Ward, woods foreman of Tlonrstu, California, was rushed to Klniiiath Vnlley hospital early Friday mornliiK, after tho car he wan drlvlnit collldi-d with a snow plow nt tin: Junction of hlhway (i(i mid 117. Ward's Injuries were reported as lliht. Heavy snow on the old Mid land rnnd caused a minor col lision Wednesday evening be tween Lloyd Foster of tho Long Del! Lumber company and Mike Zupun, 420 Commercial street. No Injuries were reported. " Western Pine Orders Down PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 19 OP) Tho Western l'lnc association re ported today Hint 88 mills had orders totaling 01,710,000 board t feet for the week ending Dec. 13, compared with 61,109,000 tho week before and 74,863,000 a year nuo. Shipments were 62,394,000 feet for the week agnliiKt 04, 482,000 a week ago and 80.475,. 000 a year ago. Production totaled 60,314,000 board feet for tho week compared with 62,946. P00 a week ago and 67,107,000 a year ago. Embroidery Spells Smartness Today lIotiM'tiold Art. by A' Alien Krooks S'A. M r' CO mm. MOUUUOiO AAIl. tMC PATTERN 7157 Done ntircly Easy itchcry Beautify tea cloth or scarf with these eosy-to embroldcr col onial motifs. They'll add to the pleasure of entertaining Pattern 7157 contains a transfer pattern of four 8k by 0 and twelve 2 by 21 Inch motifs; Illustrations of stitches; materials needed; color schemes. To obtain this pattern send 10 cents In coin to The Herald and News, Household Arts Dept. Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep It and tho num ber for reference. Bo suro to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of tho en velope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No to oUowed by your name and address Contributors To Red Cross Contributions previously ac knowledged, $2208.38. Mr. and Mrs. John Tokac Sr., Mulln $ Mr. and Mrs. Vac. Dra.lll, Mulln Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dal- ton. Mulln Mr. and Mrs. Ted DcMcr- ritt, Mulln Mr. mid Mrs. A. G. Swei- Kart, Mulln Mr. anoMWrs. Dan Mc- Aullffc, Mulin W. II. Auklln, Mulln B.OO Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wurren, Chlloo,uin Mr. unci Mrs. J. liluino Stlnson, Chiloquin Mrs. Hurley Richardson .. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Brown Mrs. R. E. Hooker ft. 00 Mrs. hlizubeth Mannay 1.00 Alton Mannoy 2.00 United States National Bank 25.00 Leila L. Humphrey 10.00 W. H. Myers J.00 Anncs L. Thorpe 5.00 S.OO 5.00 2.50 1.00 fl.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 B.OO Mr, and Mrs. Walter West C. E. Merrltt, Sprague River Claudo Masters Y. Doney Mr. and Mrs, George Brookfield Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fitzpatrlck Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Grizzlo Mrs. Amelia Hunks C. L. Hubblo Mrs. L. Nnncarron Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pat terson M. W. Rico Ruby Smith Mr. and Mrs. L. Mnrgulis Wong Lee Hong Mr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Helms W. C. Strong Stewart and Rose M. Day L. C. Gass Klamath Hotel by E. C. Jerrue Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Owsley Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Buss man ..'. Lester Hutchinson . E. A. Freeberg - 2.00 1.00 1.00 .. 1.00 , 4.00 ... 2.00 2.00 1.00 ... 10.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.00 With every American citizen anxious to do hli part In the de fense of his country, Klamath county's voluntary-contributions drive to add $10,000 to the $50, 000,000 American Red Cross war relief fund had rolled up a total of over $2400 at the end of the first week. A large number of contributors have sons or rela tives serving with the armed forces of America. It was announced from Red Cross headquarters here today that there is still room for stu dents who wish to enroll in the first aid class now being con ducted at Fairhaven school by First Aid Instructor Carl Brooks. This class is for men and wom en, and meets every Monday and Thursday evening at 7:30. Every one interested in first aid who lives in the vicinity of Fairhaven school is urged by chapter offi cials to enroll in this class. Total $2450.88 SOR HIS CHRISTMAS A Pair ol DRESS GLOVES $2.95 DREW'S MANST0RE LODGE TO RECEIVE Santa Claus will pay visit to the Elks club Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and members are asked to bring their children and a present with that child's name on It. Elks who have no children may invite a friend's boy or girl, it was announced, In this event they are asked to be sure and bring a gift for that child. Candy will be distributed as well as gifts from Santa't pack. Ice cream and cake will be served following the program. Poor old Xing Tut I HeTee tasted Wleland's Lager Beeil Heel Repairing o Specialty Highest Quality ; Fast Strrlce CONNERS SHOE. SHOP 121 N. 8th St. S Top J Quality FOR CHRISTMAS! NYLONS PLENTY OF THEM TOO I FOULGER'S 82S Mala "I ALL I NYLON Beautiful - I Shoes - ' I Mr war J Salem to Test1 Signal System For Air Raids SALEM. Dec. 10 (I) In order to test the new signal system that will sound air-raid warn ings at six places throughout the city, Salem will have Its first practlco blackout somo time be tween 0 p. m. and midnight Sun day. The test also will determine how thoroughly and how quickly the city can be blacked out. In addition to the six whistles on the signal system, the city hall siren and sirens on flro trucks and police cars will be used. One blast will Indicate tho air raid warning, while the all clear signal will be two blasts. Poor ol' Jonahl ... No Wle land's Ale In the whalel Skis Bkl Binders Ski Wax Strand and Northland Skis The' Gun Store Puckett and Houston 714 Main. f IDEALGIFT THEATRE SCRIP B SAVE 20 B THEATRE SCRIP ! BOOKS I . Tb Paftun, Hrta TrM, J I f Suggestions For a Practical Christinas Furniture Is not only a lasting gift but odds joy and comfort to all home lovers! 3. Aladdin Lamps $6.95 s Portable Wardrobes $2.95 I Wall Racks $1.50 Solid Maple Card Table Sets $29.50 j End Tables $5.95 I Nu St. f mdha Rugs $1.35 Hampers $3.50 Sewing Kits $19.75 Metal Smokers 95c $ Pillows 98c Hassocks $1.15 Lane Cedar Chests $14.95 g Durham Card Tables ....$1.98 $ Bathroom Rugs $1.95 nam Swing Rockers $17.95 f Glider Rockers $42.50 Coffee Tables $11.95 : Phoenix Sculpture Art ware :J Clear Rock Glass Vases and dishes Mirrors of every description i$ Pictures for every room $ an ii i 14 in t n in t :ff Furniture h 221 MAIN lite White BuiMuUf," NEXT TO THE WILLARD HOTEL. DIAL 5353 SK X V.' Jf nr. GET PERSONAL WITH HANDSOME GIFTS FINE SM1HTS Point'1 ... His Own First Choice! Personal but practi cal ... a gift ' to bring you closer to his heartl 'Tru Point," named for its faultless collar that can't curl or wrin- kle, is made from" fine broadcloths, vat dyed, sanforized and ' individually cello- phane wrapped. Sizes . 14 H to 17. MEN'S DRESS SHIRT Famous "Pilgrim" Royalton In assorted prints and white. ' Full-cut yokes, pleated sleeves, ocean pearl buttons and wilt proof, fused collars. Sanforized', sizes 1414 to 17. Others 1.39 to 1.98. . . . . linforlrad fabrics wmt hrMi more trail fl $1119 Mens' Garters "Fashion Tower" 25c Woven elastic bands with rayon satin and rust re sistant metal. Single or double grip. Men's Dress Gloves , Suspenders Mufflers 1.19 to 2.98 Pr. In P I g k I n SiMdM Moehat DMrtJirm. Untd or unlifftd. A prte trcal budget (lit. "Fashion Tower- 49c Another Rift Ml af bright woven tattle with slip or fUt-tvpe tndt tot at trail iv gttt boa. For Mta 59c to 1.59X New patttma In plain, plaid and palalay. Wool ravon and rayon and wool mixed. Men's t Bill Folds 49c $2.98 Hand-tooled leather. Full vision compartments In colorful gift boxes. ; . Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen In 'Slumber King' Pajamas $1165 Coat or tuck-in styles with notch or surplice collars. Vat-dyed, san forized stripes or plains with contrast trim and long sleeves. Made from fine count broadcloths in regular sizes A to D. If he ask the last word in comfort, give him these. FIJZZY-WUZZY SLIPPERS t. Stitch down hard leather soles. , Siies 6 to 11 Use Sears Easy Payment Plan on any thing totaling $10 or morel MENS' TIES 15 Different Fabrics in As Many Styles. $.00 Values up to $2.50 S for $2.75 Nit Tie ll hit one Mnonelon to eo!or. Olve mm l (ay n ) from Sure. A mlshty handsome ffllt it budRet price. All. ellli melree, .rensdinet, "euper.tNtlnti brooedte or foulard-. Imported wrap prlnte, figured saline. Men's Dress Socks . Sleek or regular length m patterned. 1 A A reyone vsllh mereerlred eotton top,fl Jr. 11111 heel and Me. Assorted petterne, tr BAlart. Sl'e S a If. 99 BLUE OPKIIAS 2.59 uoi si; sijppf:ns 2.98 Warm comfort with his smok-' lng Jacket) Blue kid with oak-tanned leather soles, rub ber' heels, g.nuin. shearling lining and prewelt construe- Ion. Slses B to 12. Brown kid leather Er.r.tts with oak-tanned bend leather ' soles, rubber heels, "eompo"! construction and full leather linings, E widths only". Sties ' S to 12. I ML' !l suits r ii ll it im k mni U Ml im. JLJ KF ,. , M.W V JJ 1 L J M.W il II I' , .t...... -tit, ,h - . j.h.,.-. --. . . - - a-; -L( , . i. ... ; -f. H j ft jw, -ft1 ft MaTllill 111 'II If" ' - 1 td rWi i 1. nf IF rii. Mi o. ttth Uiol 9188