The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 19, 1941, Page 20, Image 20

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The cocked hat of your grade school dayt solves the problem
of making a handsome Chrlttmai package out of tuch awkwai-d
things as coat hangeri. Fold the wrapping paper the way you
used to fold a newspaper to make cocked hat. Then slip the
hangers in. Fold under each lower edge separately. Secure with
transparent, almost invisible, scotch tape.
From Lord and Taylor. New York
Now with many loops of matching ribbons make a gay cock
ade. Tie the package with ribbon looped firmly around base and
one side of the triangle. Attach the cockade, by means of wire or
a separate piece of ribbon, on top of the "hat." Bright, decorated
Yule paper increases the gayety of the package which. Instead
of an awkward piece, becomes something particularly inviting.
jflllllllBll nhn (fry
Another tape trick, plus scissors, and a troublesome round
container is neatly wrapped up in gay Christmas style. First,
slash the top of the paper into a ribbon of fringe. Then wrap
cylindrically, securing the paper to the container by means of
scotch tape. The lower part of the paper can now be folded under
smoothly. Tape this also.
PAWHUSKA, Okla., Dec. 19
: (IP) A soldier of Osage Indian
descent is on the warpath against
. then Japanese as the new chief
of Uncle Sam's Hawaiian air
forces. -
Brig. Gen. Clarence L. Tinker,
newly, named to the command
of the army's air forces in Hawaii,
is the son of the publisher of
. Pawhuska's first newspaper. He
' was born in the Osage nation
near the Kansas line November
21, 1887.
: His father, Ed Tinker, who
started the Wakshashe News in
this Osage capital many years
before Oklahoma became a state,
recalls how young Clarence used
to - "toddle around under my
feet" as he was setting type.
! Clarence got his early educa
tion at a country school near
Sedan, Kas., and an Osage board
ing school here. His father, once
a member of the Osage council,
taught him the tribal tongue.
"When he was a little boy, we
talked often in the Osage lan
guage," the elder Tinker said,
"and he still speaks it fluently.
"The last time I saw him it
was in Denver not long ago I
talked to him In Osage and he
replied the same way. He hasn't
forgotten a bit of it."
Informed of his son's promo
tion, the aged heavily-bearded
Tinker said in a choked voice:
"I'm awful proud of him. I know
he'll get the job done."
O. F. Winchester patented his
ruie iujy , xauo.
MANILA, Dec. 19 (AP) The
youthful leader of a daredevil
squadron of six Filipino pilots in
erstwhile training planes who
took on 54 Japanese air raiders
last Friday over Bantangas and
shot down two said today he
"got so mad" he forgot to be
"When I saw the first flight
of 27 planes I felt frightened at
first," said Capt. Jesus Villa
more, "but went 'upstairs' any
way. "Then I saw a second flight of
27 planes and thought they were
Americans and I said to myself:
'This is going to be a heck of a
good fight.' But they were Japs.
"That made me so mad I went
right for 'em, and the rest of the
boys were with me. After that I
didn't feel anything except a de
termination to get a few of them
and break up the formation.",
Of the Filipino pilots, one was
wounded and parachuted to safe
ty and another was killed, Villa
more said, when seven Japanese
planes "rode him down."
Villamore is the son of a late
associate justice of the Philip
pine supreme court and trained
as a pilot at Randolph and Kelly
Ski and Sport Jackets The
Gun Store 714 Main.
Hubby, Read This and It
May Help You Pick Your
Gift for the Little Wife
Their wives can't at least
they shouldn't tell them and so
it's up to someone else to let hus
bands in on what women like
and do not like their husbands
to give them for Christmas.
Well, men, ' here goes. And
please don't let this information
go in one ear and out the other,
Remember it this Christmas arid
next, your next anniversary and
the ones following, and act on it.
Women are sentimental crea
tures, but they're practical, too.
And so though they are, or near
ly all, tell their husbands, "I
love anything you pick out for
me yourself secretly they
would rather you had consulted
your mother than to have spent
your hard-earned cash on that
impractical frilly-silly satin robe
that caught your eye because it
looked so feminine to you.
Ask Mother She Knows
So here's the first rule: Unless
you are positive that you know
how to pick out gifts that a
woman would buy for herself if
she could let herself be that ex
travagant call in some outside
feminine help.
Be sure it is someone who
knows your wife, her tastes and
her secret longings. And not the
cute little trick in your office
that you think is feminine
enough to know everything
along that line.
Get your advice from the
friend who "knows all" about
your wife and see that she is
definite. In fact, you should urge
her o do some sleuthing for you
before ever you start out on your
shopping expedition. If she will
have several suitable gifts lined
up for you in several stores, you
Gather the slashed, thus flexibile, ends together at top, and
tie firmly with a short piece of ribbon. Make a separate bow by
looping ribbon, and tie into the original circle of ribbon. The
package is neat. Jaunty. This one, in "personalised" wrapping
paper bearing the senders' names, needs no card.
Ah, Sweet Sound
Of My Stolen Car
That rattle in the left rear fender
and the peculiar whine in second
gear enabled Le Roy Gardener,
Gervais, to recover his stolen car
yesterday - at the outskirts of
The car was stolen December
9. . Gardener heard a vehicle
traveling a farm road yesterday.
It sounded familiar. He listened
harder. Nary a doubt that was
his car. He gave chase.
State Policeman Vern Hill and
Bert Walker said they arrested
Floyd Rhaines on a charge of
taking the car. -
With the Purchase of any New or Used Car
Between Now and Christmas!
Immediate Delivery!
All Colors All Body Stylet
424 So. 6th
can look at them all, and take
your choice, -
For you do want to have SOME
say-so in the matter, and you
want to be able to look your wife
in the eye and say, "I thought
you'd like it. There was a green
one that I almost bought, but I
thought the blue would match
your eyes."
Above all, don't walk into a
department store wearing the
"sell me something and let me
out of here" look of a man who
hasn't the slightest idea what he
wants except that it is a Christ
mas present for his wife.
If you do, some ambitious
salesgirl is sure to sell you a gift
that somebody -not wives
thinks Is just the thing for a hus
band to give his wife for Christ
mas. In case you do wander Into
some department store in that
dazed condition about seven
o'clock this Christmas eve and
chances are you will in spite of
my forewarning here are
things not to let a salesgirl, no
matter how pretty, wrap up for
A colored dresser set, made
up of innumerable bottles, mir
ror, comb, brush, etc.
Black chiffon underwear.
A fussy negligee. (Though a
tailored, smart-looking house
coat would probably bean excel
lent choice.)
A clock. Too utilitarian for a
man to be giving the woman he
loves. Give it to the son you have
to drag out of bed in the morn
ing. A handbag unless you know
whether your wife is wearing
brown or black accessories this
Fine Una. of Men's Leather
Jackets and Coats Just what
he would like for Xmas The
Gun Store 714 Main.
31 x 5 Portraits
3 Settings
3 for $1.29
129 So. 7th
Dial 3138
'Butch' Is Excited
(J ""a
War brought a lot of excite
ment into the life of Edmund
"Bute h" Chamberlain Jr.
(above). 18-months-old son of an
army sergeant at Fort Mac
Arthur, who was busy helping
his mother pack as women and
children were ordered from the
California fort as a precaution
ary measure.
lli'il in gift pockoget Ctitex and Gloso fip5
Coty, Odoare Mealrare In Bakettte . ,M
fXwM&&-irV $1.00, $1.00, M.T5 Cawe .Me A3 , - - .
plii&TT! Con BHtodsl. .o.TS other Mod,!, from J) V' ' ' fl
-Jo, v3pI It i jJ ni".;""?.1' jMV"0 i '
.J 'i1'"! kw kii?k7ul"r7i. TtlnlZi' Bmutlfiil Assortment i k. f V rtiCiCM
t are. 50c - k4c1
Tf"y ffr .l3r l"' F,"'d Traveling 55 J V ?
-kx 'ttSSJT OeVllblse Per. nR., ttO AC &J'
rS&ZkrfFI Atomiser, from VrJk
mmj?? nnr akmJ.
Kif. iElrrL Ptlf? C?u'.!!t ,ov,iZ The Sweet Thing to Olre Wol Gift
Mk & Xr.$l. X Wrsppe- rand, Box ft QQ
w . I I i Eleclrlo Clocks mnke uneful
W"T .mK. 1 aa. Priced !
Warche A f?-:-ir Tlk. vf I P'Uw Soda King Syphon Bettla
f!hf O I 2SU $4.95
$2.19 itMSifmJ "Bfijji Gift Suggestions U($P0,k,et $yph0B 8o"
-" ""I B?h?rItoa, bIu $5.95
mn . ' I Duntlna Powder
Pen fir Pencil Sets " -jjgJSr' XX'
PorketSet $1.95 I fZXS lfC Me"'S Shavi"9 S
Parker Da Luxe ..$2.9? K " --.'i '"itVftTx powder Jtirs By Coty, Houbifcant, Mennen,
porker , 4 Sl&-tfi Phoo Album. Xra'fAm 98C
Seti $3.75 fo $1 5 sum I
Desk Sef. from ..$2.50 4&B men-h FITTKI.
1""" MlllUry TltAVKIj 8KT
lather Bro,h flenulne Irfnther, Zipper
BniFohu o o ar?...,...$3.95
FREE GIFT (:' I o.ckta.1. hakkiw
$1.00 1 l -it fio.oo on,
WRAPPING ferT iT!rn-r---u
Evans and JmM. L J ladies- dresser
i Ronson mL- m SETS
, , , Clgaretla Llghtert 1;" feSiaWfc , IN Jpl 3 ....$2.05
Gifts for the Smoker E,., Liahter WKSrlilMM 0,h' . nd 10
Pipe. 500 to IK.00 from ... to .S0 to ...I0.05
Cigars In Xmns Box 3!Jc to 4.30 Combination Lighter 1 1 , k
fir Lwiwm ClgarMte Caw ...3.M fifS TJIT'T ' TWtivLm'''rmnl.
CIGARETTES Benson Combination. t' r .. ( L. ' ' I'lTI T3
Camels, tuckle., Chestera, Inm W'M fMfSWMtJl
Old Cold & Raleigh ..14c pkg. . yr??TOVvSOT
Carton IM Wa couldn't pettlbly bagln T vTvVY 'TTOC5 l
. o tall you about all the ' f& Km ' VSx 1 JS '4
I X Wa'ra aura you'll find Juit &iJffZy'tl j&
I X tha right gift. mil , y--
$15 1 1 1 , 1
The office of civilian defense to
day advised touchers, pupils and
parents what to do and what not
to do during an air raid.
First In Importance, tho OCD
"Do not send pupils home."
It listed eight specific instruc
tions for conduct during air
raids, and concluded with the
warning to parents:
"Stay home, go to your refuge
room, do not try to reach tho
school. You could accomplish no
good. You could do a great deal
of harm."
Hero, summarized, are the air
raid Instructions for schools:
1. What to do when tho air
raid warning sounds: do not per
mit any pupils to leave the build
ing. Do not send tho pupils homo.
These protective measures will
rcquiro organization, planning,
training and drill. They should
bo started at once.
2. Air raid drill: use your flro
drill organization to get pupils
to the ulr raid refuge, but take
them to the air raid refuge.
3. The air raid refuge: You
must' get away from windows
and open doors. Tho large Inslcto
halls of most schools are suitable
for an air raid refuge. Select tho
most protected places In tho
building be sure they provide
onough cupaclty to hold every
one without crowding, Ho sure
there Is moro than ono oxlt.
4. What to do ubout incendi
aries: bo sure tho tiro extinguish
era aro in proper working order,
lio sure you huvo enough people
who know how to uso thorn, Ap
point these people as fire guards,
Appoint a chief flro guard. If In
cendlurles hit tho building, tho
fire guards should try to hundlo
thorn, and put them out with
a water spray not a direct
stream of water,
0. What to organize: Do these
things right uwuy they arc
essential now: (a) select tho ulr
raid refuge: (b) dctormluu how
tho school ulurm will bo sounded
.for an air raid; (c) assign a refuuc
space for ouch class or room;
(d) publish full instructions, huvo
them roud over and over again
to tho pupils.
fl. Hero aro some of the steps
to take: (a) ippolntmonttil
school building wardens: (b) spe
cial transmission of ulr ruld
warnings from the control center
to schools: (c) flro defense ade
quacy of present equipment, ap
pointment of flro watchers, and
special training to combat In
ccndiarlcs; (d) protective con
struction simple quick meas
ures to provide additional secur
ity; (e) study of alternate air ruld
refuges for teachers and pupils
In case of fire.
7. What to do ubout trulnlng:
Start your trulnlng now. Dun I
wait for tho final plnn, Drill
your pupils to behavo Just as
they do on a fire alarm. Keep no
tho morale of tho pupils, so that
If a raid occurs you wtil huvo
experience In keeping them oc
cupied. 8, Are wo In danger? Tho
answer to that Is Wo don't
Intend to get caught napping
again anywhero or anytime.
Docombor 19, 1041
American aircraft Industries
huvo contracted to build more
than five und one-half bllllnQ
dollnrs worth of military ir
planes for tho United States,
Groat Britain und other coun
tries. ti,i wnrknra of this nation
will prove that frco Americans
can outproduce, as incy can oui
flght, uny combination of slave
peoples. Sidney Illllmnn, labor
member, OPM.
A hullo Is an isolated strop
L-Je guided by the f
branu tnnt i r u i y
reprctentf "ciutom
oualitxj." till.
Make your y
Only rnvmlMr
of Ota! rat tf(Hii
of flm old Ken
lucky whtttitya hI tuh )
Ini sw to ttmtunttl rtutn, hittvU
(id (U'lfunta M K 1'OGUK
Kin Ki urhy Hum bon, bottled
tacluttvtly luf ttnil tf cully ltct
U by fflauty tilth ittecrimittAlktia
buy ft, will brtt utUfy your tl.
Kvfrytxvi ran tnjny "rualom qu
y". by chMMtnt H. I. KX1UK
111. .i. u . i I I W.l