The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 19, 1941, Page 19, Image 19

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pffmhr 10, 1041
Sptciol Chriitmas
AScrvlccs Scheduled
At Firir Mothodist
.Special Clirlalinita acrvleea nt
jio Hrsl Mulliwllsl church i,l
(mill Truth anil High hti.-cu
will M"l Sunday illuming ill
4(1 o'clock, t ho church riumliiy
ti'liiml hour, 'i'hii children will
have pi'vut'titTiM hi lliii depart
numts awl Uuiy will ho given
t'hrlatinns trcuU. At tin, 1 1
o clock worship service tin- i-hmt-will
"IXK special Ui iMihik
anthems unci (III! minister, li-V.
Victor Phillips, will pri'iKl
(ho subject, "Wlno Mini, A Slur,
A Beby."
At It o'clock In tin' iilli'i niiiiii
there Will be CUIIillcllUhl vim
ur service when the clwir, un
der thu direction l Mi. ,s
Mvutlu Uedgvr, with Mr. K s.
Vsalcll, accompanist, will give
Hi,, following prtigrum.
Prelude, "Snncliu," (imiiiml
Proceaatuitel, "Cllurlu "
"Tim Kerlli !,ny Wrapt," 1,. T
' Sleep of thu Illfiint .Imlii,"
French Nod,
"Jesua l Horn," Hiihniniiii
carol, wuinen'a vulees.
Coventry Carol,' Knulimi
"Cuinn To My limit Unci
Jcnni," Mwllhnwa.
Mary's Vuioh Divine," Ward
btaphan. bulo by Wlmiilnil
Offertory, "Ave Miinii, ' llach
(lOtinixl Mb xl Mi' I.miri-iifiiiti,
violin, Dorothy liiiureiuoii, iuii
i t ... , , .. ..,... .
Mlliniliu iifi iiM,nu, i muni',
Mm K. H. Veelch
"A Chrlatmaa Carol," Krumli
I-O, How a Huso Kro llliiniii
Inn," Praelorlus. Uuurtul, Irma
Usdgvr, Florence Terwllligcr,
Uon It. Drury, Wendell U
"O, Holy Night," Aduma ,Solo
by Mrs. T. U. Powers.
"Walla Carol," Slursman.
Recessional, "Dona Nohli Pa
earn," (Grant Ua Peace).
Poalluria, Mra. K. S Vnalch.
Tht young people of Ilia
church will meet at B.30 p. in.
for service of worahlp and fel
lowship by lh flrealda.
On Monday evening at 7.30
tho Junior church will hold Ita
Chrtatmaa party when visit by
Santa Claim la expected who
will bring trrata for all.
Covenant Church
23 Walnut avenue, Clot If red
J. Anderson, pastor.
UnnHiiv Wl a
Morning aorvlco, II a. in.
"Witnesses of Chrlal'a Mlaaton,"
la tho thrme of th morning
Tho girls' trio will furnish the
pre la I mualcal number.
Tho Sunday achool give It
annual ChrUlmaa program at 7
p. m, Tho program:
Song, "Joy to tha World."
Sunday achool and audience.
Kcaponstve reading by Krik
Prayer, Peter Kaslman.
Welcome, Ronnie Lnrson.
Recitation, Donnu Tcnuskl.
Piano aolo, Brent Hedberg.
Recitations: Melvin Mualoe,
Clslo Kaattnnn, Jean Hciilh, Su
sanna CJocllcr, Clyde bundborg.
Song, "Tho Story Thai Never
Grows Old," Sunday school.
"Wonderful Ncwa," Dorothy
"Thli Qlad Day," Bonnie All
man. Solo, Nancy Berg.
) "Good to Know," Johnny
"Marry Christmas," Lorrnyno
Chrlatma songs, beglnneri
and primary departmonta.
"When I Grow Up," Drent
Hedbarg and Ronnie Johnaon.
"Our Progrnm," Rolnnd John
aon. Song, girls' trio.
"Peaco on Earth," Robert
"When Jeaua Waa a Baby,"
Yvonno Rood.
"Christmas Day," Tommy Ab
nr. "Tha Gift of the Wle Men,"
Carol Eaatman, Eileen Nelaon,
Garaldlne ChBpman.
Recitation, Joyco Larson.
Vocnl duel, Peggy Rnfson and
Norma Johnaon.
"Tha Merry Bella of Chrlat.
maa," Virgil Nelaon.
"How Glad I Am," Hnrold Da
lum, "Our Merry Christmas Day,"
Harold Clnuaon.
In a Monger," Tommy An-
Piano aolo, Goldle Olson.
"Tha Flrat Chrlatmoa," Ruth
"Hla Charming Gift." Bernlre
Bong, "Little Babe of Bethle
hem," Intarmadlate boya and
"Tho Measoge of tho Joybclls,"
Richard Chapmnn.
Song, "Como All Ye Faithful,"
Sunday achool and audience.
Presentation of prizes to con
teat winners.
Announcements unci offertory.
Song, "Glory bfCJod," Sunday
school and nmllonro.
Benediction, by the pastor.
Tho annual Julottn or matin
service will bo held on Christ
mas morning at fl o'clock. .
Friday, 7:45 p, m. Christmas
young people's pnrty at tha homo
of Eva Jncobson on Portland
Chriatlan Endeavor
At Ihe I'realiylnrliin church,
rilxlh uml iiu atrcfta, Roberta
Aliixiinder, piesldenl of Klum
ulhl.iiku Chrlnttiiti Knilruvor
iinloii, riiniliii (i.1 candlelight
W'Kpi-r m rvlci! Innl Hiinduy. Tim
1'ionriiin was niiiilu up of Chrlat-
una iiiumi- and ri.-mliiiKa, An or
l!n preludu by Mrs. A. II. Don
nlaoii opt-m-d the service; Buddy
Aubrey mid l,yr Hleers, two
Junior Christliiu Knrleuv'orera,
Kiive (In- t'hriMmiin aerlpturu
ln" oioiy. ' Wo Threo KIiiks
ol Om.iil. wi niing by Dean
hlnplM-iin uinl c:hurlea Uhlig,
Mi finny Mne Knuth gave a
reiiiliim uniiiii-il ' The Meaning of
tlm htm ', Itolivrtii Alnxandur
tend u piiuiii (iilU"; (iull Clniip
uml Kudu Miller anrig "Slur of
tin- KnM", Kill It llimry aung "O
l.ltlle Town ol lliillilnlioin"; Uer
rv Mne KiiiiIIi nuve another
reiiiling. While the City Hleot":
I 'i . A T, Smith pronounced Hie
Tlm (Tirlilliin Knilruvor nirit
lug for December 21 at the
r'lr-U ( lirtinn cbiireh Young
I'eniiln ', miclely will be conduct
ei by IIiikIi Kuflr n, and the rila
i vill be "No Room at the
Inn "
llnrliiirii Adnma will lead the
niui-ling on the aunio topic In the
ItlKh Kehool Chriatlan Kndeavor
inertiiig itt the First Chriatlan
ihiirrh. At the evening church
aervlco this aoel.-ly la preaentilig
play. "The Chrtatmaa Voice."
Tho I'n-nbyterinn Young Peo
ple's society will lend In M
(hrisliuiin iiiiMloiinry program
by I'enrl Jenn WlUon.
( 'In itinn in Sung in id Story"
i the meeting Muxlnv Aubrey
will lend for the Chrlstinn
Churi h Juniors
The high school society of the
Community PrcsbyU-ruin church
at Altninoiil will present u ploy,
"The lluldlug UkIiI," during the
U I bl u achool hour bunduy.
At the I'reabylerlan ilixii
School Chrioltan Kndeavor aocl
ely, Jim Gwin, president of the
aoeicty, will conduct a conaecra
lion inocling.
Church Nowit SuniJuy eve
ning, December 21, tho high
adiool society of Ihe " Irat Clirisl
lun church will preaent for the
evening aurvlce a pluy entitled,
"The Chrio(miu) Voice." The play
la built around the atory of a
family who are awaiting a visit
from tho Chrlslmaa Gucat, and
who fail to rccogniie Him when
he coinea. This Ihomo Is devel'
uped in an Interesting manner
with high achool boya and glrla
giving characteristically frank
opinions about the way in which
Christmas is celebrated today.
Those tuking port arc Gerry Mae
Knuth, Jean Kollla, Dan Kaflon,
Hetty llrubon, liurbaru Adams,
Jack Pearson, Gull Clupp, Hugh
Kaflon, I,yo Steers, Neva Knuth
and Kredn Miller. Directing tho
play la Charles Uhlig, assisted
by Percy Steers and Don Kaflon.
Presbyterian Church
The Klrat Presbyterian church
choir, under the direction of
Charles It. Stunfiuld with Mil.
Arthur Hull Denison organist, la
to present Falrchlld'a beautiful
cantata "The Son of the High
est,'' at a special vesper aurvlce
held ut five o'clock. This will
bo candle-lighted. The program
Organ prolude, "Tho Bells of
Aberdovcy," by Stuwurt.
Prayer by tho pastor.
"There Wore Shepherds," In
troduction and chorus.
"And Lo, tho Angel of the
Lord," recitative, tenor solo by
Ilnrlan M. Pnrkhurst.
"Fear Not," baritone solo, Guy
"And Suddenly There Was
With the Angel," recitative,
tenor solo, Harlan M. Parkhurat.
"Glory to God," chorus.
Offcrlory, "Meditation" by
"Pence on Earth," organ and
"It Came Upon a Midnight
Clear," hymn, chorus,
"And It Came to Pass," so
prano solo, Mrs, Bart C. Thomas.
"Let Us Now Oo Even Unto
Bethlehem," chorus.
"O Little Town of Bethle
hem," chorus.
"And They Como with Haste."
soprano' aolo, Mrs. Dart C.
"Sleep, Baby, Sleep," contral
to solo with choral Interlude,"
Ruth Honry.
"Ho Shall Be Great," chorus.
Orgnn posllude, Christmas
carol to be selected.
Tho audluuce Is requested 'to
be soaled by B o'clock, the hour
of opening, so that there may be
no interruptions.
Bible School
All meetings hold In tha Mid
land grange hull, located where
tho Midland and airport roads
cross. Mr, and Mrs. G. W, Wheat
toy In charge, assisted by comp
ctitnt consecrated tonchers,
Dlblo school nt 2 p. m classes
for nil ngr groups from begin
ners to adults,
In addition to tho regular
services there will bo n special
Christmas program including I
Christmas tree with gifts for
each boy and girl.
A cordial Invitation is extend
ed to all families living in the
Midland, Millor Island, Long
Boll and airport districts to at
tend these services.
Zion Lutheron
Officers Rerained
The members of Zion Lutner
an church lust Sunday reelected
most of its officers for -another
term of service. Harold KburLcin
was reelected as trustee for a
threo-yeor trm; Frank W. Eber
lc lit. elder, for a three-year term;
Erhard Ullod, cluiirniuii, and Al
bert Ronfeld, treuaurer. All were
Newly elected wera-: Carl Wil
dermulh aa secretory, and R
Dammen as flnaiare committee
member. 9
ol Qod
748 Oak street, Rev. A. Har
old Peralng, pastor, 731 North
Eleventh street. Phone 673S.
Sunday school, V At a. m. with
Mra. Al Kennerly In charge. We
give you an Invitation to visit
our school.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Message by tho puslor. Subject,
"The Plant of Ronoun," A
Christmas message.
Our evening service will be
given over to our Christmas pro
gram with song service begin
ning at 7:30. Wc invite the pub
lie to come and rejoico with us.
Tuesday nlghl at 7:30 o'clock,
devotional, preaching unci pray
er. No service Thursday night.
St. Paul's Church
Jefferson street at Eighth.
Victor E. Newman, rector.
Holy Eucharist at 8 o'clock.
Church school for kindergar
ten and primary classes nt 10
o'clock; older children come to
the 11 o'clock service this Sun -
Holy Euchnrist and sermon atj
11 o'clock. 1
Young people's forum for high
school students ot 6:30 p. m. this
Nativity pageant by the chil
dren of the church school on
Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock
Midnight Eucharist on Christ
mas eve, beginning at 11:30 p.m.
Methodist Church
Ninth street nnd Plum avenue,
W. H. McCormlck, pastor. Sun
day school at 9:45 a. m. Preach
ing at 11 a. m. The Christmas
program will be Sunday at 7:30
p. m.
Rev. E. F. Aiken, district sup
erintendent, will be with us Dec.
19 to 21, and will apeak both
Friday and Saturday evenings
and Sunday morning. All are In
vited to ench and every service.
Klamath Temple
1007 Pine atret. "The Church
That l Different."
Daniel B. Anderson, pastor,
2211 Eberlcin avenue, phone
3874. C. E. Logerwell, assistant
pastor, room 107, the Temple,
phone 6325.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
with special Christmas program
at that time. There will be treats
for all the children at this serv
ice. Last Sunday was a record
breaking attendance and we are
going over the top for Jesus soon.
Morning worship service at II
a. m. with special music and Rev.
Anderson bringing the message.
There will be special illus
trated message in the main audi
torium by the young people at
6:30 p. m. Special scenery effects
and lighting effects.
A Christmas musical program
will be featured at the evangelis
tic service at 7:45 p. m. The pas
tor, officers and membership of
Klamath Temple wish everyone
In this community a very Merry
Christmas and a happy New
Year, prosperous in the blessings
of God. Midweek services for the
Christmas week will be an
nounced from the pulpit Sunday.
There will be no Friday night
service this week at the Temple.
Pilgrim Holineaa
Sunday evening, December 3M
at 7:30 o clock the bunday school
of the church at 2226 Wantland
avenue will present its Christ
mas program to the public.
Though there will be appropriate
exercises by each class, tho out
standing feature - will be a
tableau, presented by the young
people's class, portraying the
! scenes of the enunciation and
nativity. Kcanstic costuming and
ine singing oi laminar wnrisi-
mas carols make these scenes
impressive end delightful. Fol
lowing tho program, treats will
be .distributed. All friends of the
church are invited to attend this
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
the pastor, Rev. Sherman Moore,
will speak upon the subject,
"Wise Men." Before Sunday
school, at 9:45 a. m.. the child
ren will bring their "white
gifts." Prayer meeting, Wednes
day, at 7:45 p. m. will again ba
led by some layman of the con
Church of Christ
The Church of Christ meets
regularly In the Shasta school,
Bible study, 10 a. m., with classes
for all. Sermon at 11 a. m., fol
lowed by the Lord's supper. A
cordial invitation is extended to
all who wish to come.
. t i-JilSa.
Baptist Cruch
Located on Wiard street, just
north of Robinson's store at
South Sixth street. Dr. C. U.
Csssel, pastor. Mrs. J. L. Doniui
hue, Bible school superintend
ent. Miss Frances Smith, direct
or ol young people, Mrs. Gladys
Cox, pianist.
Tower music at 9:15 a. rn.
Listen for the beautiful singing
of the old Christian hymns each
Bible school at 9:45 a. m. In
this world of sin and strife there
Is bpt one steadying influence
and that is the word of God.
Come to the Bible school and
learn of Him.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock..
This will be our Christmas wor
ship aervlco. Let us fall down
and worship before Him whom
Angels announced at His birth.
Baptist Young People's meet
ing at 7 p. m. All young people
are invited to7 attend.
Evening service at 7:45. Mrs.
H. A. Morris will preach for us.
Good music, and a real lively
spiritual service.
The Christmas pageant by the
Sunday school, under the di
rection of Mrs. Oonnahue, and
written by Frances Smith, will
be given in the church on Tues
day at 7:30 p. m.
The public is most welcome to
all of these services.
Presbyterian Church
North Sixth and Pine streets,
the Rev. Theodore Smith, pastor,
Chnrlcs Stanfield, head of the de
partment of music Klamath
Union high school, director of
the choir, and Mrs. Arthur Hall
Denison, organist holds its morn
ing worship at 11 o'clock.
Organ prelude, "March of the
Magi Kings," by Dubois. The
processional is 'The Trisagion."
Congregation and choir unite ln
singing 'The Doxology,"" and
following the Lord's Prayer,
'The Gloria Patri."
The choir response to the
prayer is Whelpton's "Hear Our
Prayer, O Lord," and the choir
offertory, "We Give Thee But
Thine Own," by Schumann. The
anthem is "He Shall Be Great"
by Fairchlld. The organ offer
tory is 'The Pilgrims' Song of
Hope," by Batiste. The pastor
will speak on 'The King Is
Here," The service closes with
the benediction, the choir dis
missal, Whelpton's "Lord, Let Us
Now Depart In Peace," and the
organ postlude, "Postlude," by
A special Christmas cantata
will be presented by the choir
at the vesper service at 5 o'clock.
The full program of this is print
ed elsewhere in this edition.
The Christian Endeavor
groups meet at 6:30 p. m. as
Bible school at 9:45 a. m. with
Mylus P. Winningham in charge.
A special "white gift" offering
is to be received during the
opening worship period of the
Nippon Fleet Chiel
New oommander-ln-ohleJ of the
Japanese fleet ln China waters la
Tlce Adm. Wlnelcm Koga. above.
SECR ETS-Proef of Uncle
Sam's Increasing vigilance about
details which might serve an
enemy'a purpose Is this picture
of MaJ. Gen. William E. Shedd,
Who oommands the Panama coast
artillery. Army censor deleted
baektrennd. possibly of maps.
' i d 'ia, f i '
r 's i " f :
1 - "!jt$t I '-1' I "
Here's Miqfitv Nest for U. S. War Birds
It i?sA
Aboard one of Uncle Sam's huge aircraft carriers on maneuvers in the
the signal to take off. Official U. S. Mary
v f At1'
MAKE THEIRS STRAWBERR Y His women folk pat the Indian aim on Chief Spotted -.
Easlt when this trio from a tribe in Canada's Rockies had shopping spree in Banff, Alberta. Hla
wife. Red Cloud Woman, and their shy little daughter (center) wanted strawberry sodas. The chief.
English name Is Enos Hunter; he and his squaw were celebrating their Mlh wedding anniversary.
r -TMa-!ls,.....iii.lllt.i.i .
aSra n i" isl" ,i.r-- hr ta-WtlTiiaaiiiliiaaait Mi
ALU THIS FOR NOTHING Beeanse they're only six weeks old and the minimum age for
competition is five months, these Persian kittens are putting on their beat airs in vain; they couldn't .
win a prise, no matter how much they tried at a show in Chicago. They were exhibited by Miss Elle ,
Larson of St Joseph, Mica., and watch oat about four months from now.
r -
. 't x , V flit- ; '"' ;
fortification appears In this
if IS T"5!" J
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STRONGHOLD No evidence ef widespread defense whip seal
new view of Singapore, Britain's naval baae. taken by Deane Dlekasen.)
Guarding Pacific
tHEA TtUphotal
Pacific, a speedy fighting plane gat
A'Ts -V'
laassasssfBS-, . gf
tOTMia ars'-fwa aaaaaaaaasaaeal