PAGE SIXTEEN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MAUN MASON ORDERS SEAT NEW OFFICERS MALIN At joint open In stallation, members of the Malin Masonic lodge and of the Malin chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, were Inducted into ottice Tuesday night in an impressive ceremony. . Installing officers for the Star were Mrs. Anne Fruits, Merrill, Installing matron; Mrs. Maud Heaton, Merrill, installing chap lain: Mrs. Helen Brainard, In dian Wells, California, installing marshal, and Mrs. Alma Cofer, Klamath Falls, Aloha chapter, Installing musician. Jack Mur phy, Klamath Falls, was install ing officer for the Masons. ' Mrs. Leah Street, Malin, con ducted the installing officers Into the chapter and the installing marshal and chaplain led the newly1 elected officers to their stations. Following installation of the worthy matron, Mrs. Madge Carey, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpa trick, accompanied by Mrs. Lillian Thomas at the piano, sang "Hold Thou My Hand." Other officers of the chapter were then installed. - Emblems of the order were then presented to the retiring worthy matron, Mrs. Florence DeMerritt and to the retiring worthy patron, T. A. DeMerritt. Mrs; OeMerritt's recognition of service was the past matron's ring. At the close of installations Mrs. Francis Cannell presented two violin solos, Schumann's,! "Traumerei" and "The Hindu Chant," Rimsky Korsakov. Mrs. Claud Moreland was accompan ist. Officers installed other than Mrs. Carey included Joe Halou sek, worthy patron; Hazel Ka lina, associate matron; Harold Dehlinger, associate patron; Frances Cannell, conductress; Edith Rigor, associate conduc tress; Thelma Stukel, .secretary; Ann Fruits, treasurer; Ethel Hamilton, chaplain; Mildred Prather, marshal; Helen More land, organist; Arlie Mae John son, Frances McNeeley, Marion Wilson, Beulah Reber and Helen Ottoman who will serve as Ada, Ruth, Esther, Martha, Electa; Dorothy Dehlinger, warder, and violet Harris, sentinel. Masons installed Harold Dehl inger, Henley, as master; Joe Halousek, senior warden; Leon ard Bowman, Junior warden; Wendell Wainwright, senior dea con; R. S. Thompson, junior dea con: P. G. Wilson, senior stew ard; Bill Halousek, junior stew ard; Lester Schreiner, tyler; Ivan Ottoman, treasurer; Frank Paygr, secretary. During the proceedings Sam Dehlinger, father of the incom ing master, presented his son with a life membership in the order. - The past master's em blem, a ring, was presented to the retiring master, Leland Har ris. Following the double cere mony the members and their guests retired to the dining room of the church where a plate luncn was served by the Ladies Aid of th e Malin Presbyterian cnurch. The lovely Christmas appoint ments ot evergreens, red and deep green tapers and lighted Christmas trees were prepared by Mrs. Marlon Wilson, Mrs. Hazel Kalina and Mrs. Helen Ann Ottoman. Merrill Tots to Present Christmas Program Sunday MERRILL Little folks, too young to go to school, many of them appearing in public for the first time, will present a varied program of songs and readings at the Merrill Presbyterian church Sunday evening, December 21, under the direction of Mrs. Claud Moreland. Mrs. Martin Winther and Mrs. Louis Moore are presenting a group of older children. The program to be given by the baby class follows: A wel come, Donald Carson; "Mend ing," a reading, Conniemae Reeves; reading, "The Christmas Ship," Charles Mitchelmore; reading, "Star and' Candle," Sharon Moreland; reading, "A Hint for Santa," Rodney Ed wards. "A Christmas Jar," Barbara Hodges; two songs, "What is Christmas," and "Away in a Manger," beginners and primary groups; "While the Bells Chime," Mary Lucille Dillard; "The Great Change," Douglas Scott; "Santa Claus," three primary boys; "A Christmas Garden," Virginia Carson, assisted by the primary class; song, "Santa Claus Parade"; "Tiny Tots Cir cle," Johnny Black and nursery class; reading, "Christmas Cake," Patye Taylor assisted by both classes; "Our King," Donnle Rog ers. "We Rejoice," Sharon John son; "A Wonderful Time," Don ald Patton; "A Loud Speaker," Evelyn Ochs. Carols will be sung Christmas eve by members of the Christian Endeavor society for shut-ins of the community. fK J w These Are Our Everyday Chicken Prices! DORRIS The pupils of the Dorris grammar school have been practicing for the program they presented Thursday eve ning at the Butte Valley high school. After the salute to the flag by the audience, Rev. Wal ter Rowley gave the invocation. Mrs. Ruth Lommel directed the first grade in "A Surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Santa. Miss Cleo Esbenshade directed the second and third grades in "Old King Wle. The glee club very creditably gave several of the old Christmas carols. Miss Helen Bedillon di- rectea me upper grades m i Christmas at Beanville School" i and "Star Brieht" "Silent Night"- was sung by .the audi ence, led by Kenny Rigo and di-1 rected by Miss Esbenshade. The benediction was given by Rev. Harold J. Willis. FREE Delivery Phone 4282 rr- SATURDAY Trulove's Chicken Center MONDAY 919 EAST MAIN SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY HEMS c.,...a lb.26ic GEESE lb. 27c DUCKS lb. 27c FRYERS Colored' lb. 29c TURKEYS Toms, lb. 29c; Hens, lb. 33c 01 FT '.' Swell line of Men's Slippers at Th. Gun Store 714 Main. ... c. r Jjlrf'uictlve CORDIALS Fruit Cordials . . 50 Proof Aprirat Blatklwny Pint 85c ViQt.SI.60 Creme do Menllie . fiO Proof ,' 34 Pint 85c VQt.81.bO Creme de Carao . 60 Proof 4s QL 81.60 Bernardino . . 84 Proof ; . VQt. 82.15 ' THE L 0. LYONS a HAAS CO. ' 8aa Fmclna, California at After-Christmas Savings1. ROBES SKIRTS Reduced! Close Out! 395to$69S l42 1$2" Sfiti for luxury ond ploids ond pste shdes' Sweaters BLOUSES Specially Priced! Marked Down! T" .'2 80' - T Slipover a nd cardigan Tailored or dressy styles- smart colors or white. XM AS DRESSES 7.9)5 Bright . . . Sparklinq Gifts She'll Appreciate! Sparkling tequint, lame, metallic. Brightly trimmed blacks Street, sports, office, afternoon mod els Crepes in holiday hues Casual and dress-up wools SPECIAL! FURRED " ocicli lauiiiB inter lined for warmth Unequalled at the price Authentic styles that will 1 c a u lui apuimi r-asiei shades. r . k 29 Advance Showing! $1495 Spring Suits . . Authentic styles that will lead for Spring! Pastel shades. 2T OPEN TIL 8 P. M. SATURDAY . MONDAY - TUESDAY The Ideal Christmas Gift at Savingsl Welcome Values . for Christmas Buyers AW Luxurious Chenille "Wraps" in Heavily Tufted or "Baby" Chenille Regular 4.49 Sale Priced 3.88 Regular 2.98 Suede Chenilles 2.77 (the one she wants is at wards for surpris ingly little) 1 IK Catalog Order sores you money on many items not carried In stock! YES . . . Ym Co Still uy n Wards Canvanlanf Monthly Payment Qti Um tktlK SM ul TtllV . . . nto iktw rw i iws fer Ih4m jlllK Ml,' 1W Till lUltanl 7li wt lieruMd MMlmnr VtH i kxtmkhI ht ntlu. U n (all rw brt Uil inpti w yi fU rf st4f. AMI mmmk In zipper and wraparound styles. Some with sequins or embroidery! bizes 12 to 44. sV t& aTk qb i: now Stunning pastel or deep colors, print or plain, with sweeping skirts. Sizes 14-44. .J)a 1 Mil I'lf ' ."" r iiiiiiiiiiMii: CORNER NINTH ft PINE TELEPHONE 3181 -617 MAIN 1