; . PAGE FOURTEEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Decembsr 19, 1D4T JIf PORTS PUT CHILL ON ISTOCKWIARKET : NEW YORK, Dec. 18 W) Slightly cloudier war news from the Far East today helped chill a nice stock market rally that, in the forenoon, lifted many weak leaders of the past week or so fractions to more than a point. Some steels, coppers, rails. mail orders, aircraft and rub bers managed to cling to modest pius signs. Closing quotations: Air Reduction 371 .. It ..1391 - 261 - 641 - 291 - 31 - 10. - 391 -125 47 - 21 - 31 - 261 - 3 - 251 . 31 . 13 . 38i - 591 . 181 - 191 201 . 181 Alaska Juneau Al Chem St Dye Allis-Chalmers American Can Am Car & Fdy Am Rad Sta San . Am Roll Mills Am Smelt It Ref Am Tel & Tel Am Tob "B" . Am Water Works Am Zinc L & S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix A via . Beth Steel Boeing Alrp Borden Borge-Warner . Calif Packing Callahan ZL. Calumet Hee Canada Dry ; WAL ' "'I I 71 Mil i I m v . . -.' y nj I isr .... . . I VI .jS it A naras Greatest I tKi 1 IChrisimas ( DINNERVARE SALE J 53-Piece Service for 8 Sprays of wheat In natural colors occent the new modern' shapes! Cold line around rims . . . gold , trimmed handles! First quality American semi-porcelain! Match ing pieces available! 32 Pe. Service for 6 ... . 5.50 95PIECE SET A lovely gift for the home. Choice of two beautiful patterns . ..Famous Rochelle or Cash- mere; Lends distinctive: to the holiday festivities. Limit ed quantities at this timely Sav ing! Service for 12 . . . Value! Canadian Pacific Cat Tractor . Celanese . Ches & Ohio Chrysler Col Gas & El .. Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth & Sou Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil .. Cont'l Can Corn Products .., Crown Zellerbach Curtiss WriBht Doug Aircraft Dupont De N bastman Kodak El Pow & Lt General Electric 281 371 General Foods . General Motors 291 131 111 201 111 51 101 451 231 56 II 53 35 201 221 341 21 251 31 13i 13 231 121 71 12 91 41 81 41 101 171 98 Goodrich Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry Dfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd . Int Tel & Tel Johns Manville . Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew's Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dist National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel ...... Pac Amer Fish Pac Gas & El . Pac Tel & Tel li 50 rhnm 24.95 7 181 321 42! 451 1 50 ZIZII. 651 no Sale Priced 21" Reg. Pan Amer Airways 141 Paramount Pic .... 131 Penney (J C) ......... 75 Penna R R 181 Phelps Dodge 291 Phillips Pet 45. Proctor St Gamble . 501 Pub Svc N J 124 Pullman 211 Radio 21 Republic Steel 184 Richfield Oil 91 Safeway Stores 421 Sears Roebuck 51 J Shell Union 159 Socony Vacuum 81 bou Cal Edison 16i Southern Pacific 101 Snerry Cora 30 Standard Brands . 4 Stand Oil Calif 2t Stand Oil Ind 301 Stand Oil N J 421 Stone St Webster 41 Studebaker 31 Sunshine Mlnine A Texas Corp 431 lTans-Amerlca Union Carbide Union Oil Calif 4 69 131 601 9i 341 1 41 66 171 78 5U 181 5 241 751 241 Union Pacific . United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber nfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union . Westinghouse Woolworth PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND TV to ad. USDA) Hoes: salable 100. total 300; early sales lightweights around 15c higher, late trade all weishts steadv: fpw annr choice 190-210 lb. weights $12.15 other lightweights mostly 12.00 250 lb. butchers $11.25; packing sows $B.so-.Z5; feeder pigs quot able $10.25-11.25. Cattle: salable 50. tots) isn- calves salable 10, total 35; steers scarce: best fed steers this week $12.85; scattered sales other classes steadv: one lot medium heifers $9.50; good young cows $8.00; cutter-common dairy type cows $5.50-6.25: canners sal a Ms down to $4.25; good bulls $9.00; good-choice vealers $12.00-13.00. BOSTON. Dee. 19 fAP.irsnAi Prices for domestic wools were steadv tadav in th Rratnn mar ket although sales were general ly, limited to wools urgently needed for immediate consump tion. Graded fine of average French mmhino length sold at SI. 10-1 13 .n,-i basis, and one-half blood French combine lenpth cnlri a i no 1.08, scoured basis. Spot foreign line wools were in anmi demand at firm prices. Save 20 On Memorials By Calling at Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 118 So. Uta St. and Making Your Own Selection TURKEY Sunday TULELAKE TRAPS, NEAR STRONGHOLD Sponsored by Tultlaka-Butt. Valley Sportsman's Assoc. Win a Live Turkey Shooting Start At Noon SHOP AT WARDS UNTIL! O'CLOCK SAT., MON., and TUES. NIGHTS Come Ini You'll find a huge variety of. quality gifts ... all at Wards usual down-to-earth pricesl Buy all of your gifts and all your holiday needs at ... . MONTGOMERY WARD Corner 9th and Pine ACTIVITY LACKING J CHICAGO, Dec. 19 (IP) With activity of dealers who trade In grains on an investment basis virtually at a minimum, cereal prices held to a narrow range today as the market awaited Washington price control devel opments. Wheat drifted frac tionally lower. Commercial dealings, Involv ing principally the placing or re moval of hedges in connection with normal flow of crain into consumption, constituted the bulk of trade. Purchase of 670,000 bushels of 1939 and 1940 red wheat owned by the commodity credit corporation by Missouri mills was reported. However, re placement purchases of an equal amount of hard wheat were to be made by the CCC. Wheat closed 1-tc lower tlm. yesterday, December $1,221. May $1,251-1; corn l ie down, December 77lc, May 821c; oats unchaneed tn ir nff- rv i i. lower; soybeans l-lc iower. Transportation News ENT IP. Appointment of D. J. Russell as a vice president of the South em Pacific company, executive department, was announced Thursday by A. T. Mercier, pres' ident of the railroad. In taking ovpr hi neu, onA larger duties, Russell advances from the position of assistant to me president, an office he has filled since July 1 of this year. freVlOUSlV he was unjrtnt0n- dent of the railroad's Los Ange les division. RUSsell hpffnn him all.s.t,l career with Southern Pacific in 1920 after comDletina his srhnnl. ing at Stanford university. He Started as assistant foreman ni a maintenance of way gang on the Sacramento division and ad vanced rapidly through the engi neering and ooeratine depart ments. In 1927 he was marl marl. master on the company's Port land division and became assist ant trainmaster there in 1928. Promotion to trainmaster fol lowed in 1929 and tn nktunt superintendent in 1934. He left Portland in 1937 to become as sistant to the eeneral mana San . Francisco, a position he held until named superintendent of the Los Angeles division in July 1939. NEW YORK UP) Thev w.r. sent to Britain as Christmas guts, and what's more they ar rived in time for Christmas. But the shipment of 500 presents by Camp Fire Girls, Inc., was intended for Christ mas, 1940, and had been lost a year in transit the organiza tion said today. SHOOT TraD Shooting POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 10 15 cars (AP-USDA) Potatoes unbroken, 18 broken cars on track; 3 California. 13 Oreuon arrived; Klamath Russets No. 1, very few sales, $2.20-2.25, some held higher LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19 (AP- USDA) Potatoes: 12 unbroken, 34 broken cars on track: 3 Coll. fornia, 8 Idaho arrived: bv tmrW 17 California, 1 Idaho. 1 Utah or- rived; no Klnmath quotations CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. 19 (AP u&UA) Potatoes, arrivals 77; on track 238; total US shipments 734; supplies moderate, demand fairly good; market stronger but unsemco. position; Idaho Russet miroanks, US No. 1, $2.60-75 Nebraska R In Trlnmnl.. IIO No. 1, $2.45-55: Colorado R..rf mctlurcs, US No. 1, $2.30; Min nesota and North HnUln Ull Irlumnhs. IIS Nn 1 i no on. v-ODDiers, US No. 1, $1.40-00 Wisconsin Kurals, US No. 1 $1.35-40: new stock, suoullp imni. demand nlnw mbni about steady. Florida Bliss Trl umpns ua no. i, $2.40-50 per misnei crate. A good Huntlno Knife is what most men want We have 'em The Gun Store . Puckatt and Houston 714 Main LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hn hmn Hulv appointed administrator of the estate oi Frederick E. Page, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, and all persons having claims against said cstato arc nereov notified tn n-MAnt nmn to said administrator at tho of lice of R C. Groesbcck. Ijhwoi- First Federal Savings and Loon Buildine. Klamath Fall hmnn within six months from the date of this notice. Dated: December 5th. 1941 EARL WHITLOCK Administrator of the Estate of Frederick E. Page, De ceased. D 5-1 2-19-28. No. 1 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT .OF THE STATE OP nnpr.nM FOR KLAMATH COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CYRUS B BROWN, Deceased. Notice is herehv si vn thai 1 have filed my final account of the administration of thi. o.tnt,. of Cyrus -. B. Brown. rincoA and that tho I rt httm n n l I January-10. 1942, at ten o'clock 8. m. as tho time for harinc objections to such final accoun and tho settlement thereof. RUBY MAY BROWN. V . Administrntrly D 12-19-26: J 2. No. 189 CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Rent Automotive Business Opportunities Educational Financial For Sale or Trade General Notice Health .'. Heln Wanted. Fpinal Help Wanted. Male ! nouses or Kent Livestock and Poultry Lost and Found Miscellaneous For Rent Miscellaneous For Sal Miscellaneous Wanted Real Estate For Sal Real Estate Wanted . Room and Board Lost and Found STRAYED TO MY PLACE at 2169 Madison, 8 small calves Owner may have same by pay ing adv. and feed bill. Ivar Crumpacker. 12-1 General Notices CONTINUOUS enrollment for complete courses. New tuition rates. There's no substitute for quality. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 Sinus trouble may be ueeM.fullv irm.rn.tmA without the usual op- ration at the HEALTH CENTER. Many hava tried this non-surgical, drugltss treatment and liked It. Drainage may ba established in a nat ural way by our mathods. 24 34 48 12 46 38 4 13 14 1A 44 ."28 36 42 ,, .30 32 20 THE HEALTH CENTER General Notices SILVER GLEAM The silver polish that makes your silver waro glrnni like now Re moves tnriii.il) without scratch ing. Vso on chrome, wind shields, mirrors, windows, etc. 25c at drug stores. 12-20 I WILL NOT bo responsible for any bills contracted hy anyono other than myself after De cember 18, 1941. Signed: Ilium A. Swanson, 12-111 Personals FREE MARCELS every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 Tramportation DRIVING TO PORTLAND Tues day or Wednesday, return about Friday, Room for one for company. Phone 7077. 12-11) 10 Service HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING. Buttons and Buckles covered, Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H.- M. Allender, 7M1 Main, Room 216. riiono 720:t. 1-lOinU PICTURE FRAMING Goeller's 2:10 Main. 2 l4mtf PAPERII ANGING, PAINTING. kalsomlnlng. Dial 6848. Mel vln E. Frost. 113mlf ELECTRO' UX CLEANERS Sales Service. P. O. Rox 1114. Phone 5018 Your dealer. Tarkcl Tweet. 1-l j SAWS REPAIRED Tho right way. Uodcnhamcrs. 353 E. Main. l-io BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Rcymers Associated Service, Fourth and Main l-3mtf CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned Doremus Rug Clean ers Phono 5875. 2012 Or chard. 1.3 REMODELING and REPAIRS win. B. Powell, Builder. Phone 3730 l-l RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS for dependable service. Dial 4768. 12 20 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing M a c h I n 0 Service. 611 South Sixth. 12-31mtf REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, safely and eco nomically. For an estimate phono 3730. Wm. B. Powell 1-1 FL06R SANDING and refinuh- Ing Clifford Golden Phone 3922 12-30mtf SPECIAL S2.05 oil permanent wave ;i. ou. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict, 6848. 1 6 CURTAINS .home laundered. stretched. Reasonable Phone 5647. l-Smtf WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. Hathaway, 120 N 10th St.. Klamath Falls, Ore. 12-30 RAY HALL Your Elcctrolux dealer soles and service. 813 Roscway Drive. Phone 7167. 1-8 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 519 Main. 12-24mtf PAINTING, paperhanglng. kal somlning, 75c hour or contract Phone 5066. 1-8 FLOOR SANDING. FINISHING We generate our own pow er. C. DuFour. Phono 3096. 12-31mtf FLOOR SANDING Old floors rennished Norman Fraley Phone 4001. 12-24mtf H. L. Brown. Phono 422(1 PAINTING, KALSOMINING I2-10mtf 13 Health DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic Snmo location. 532 Main. Dial 7215. l-7mtf 't A Educations! WHEN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS think of Northwestern lleauty College, one of Amer leu's exceptional training schools. 1-2 MODERNISTIC HKAUTY COL LEGE. 015 Klamath Ave Phono 3803 lUOmtf QUICK METHOD In ballroom dancing. Modern, old style. Square dancing. Form your own group. 1401 Esplanado 14 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Woman fur general housework. Reference. Phone 3210. 805 Pacific Terrace 4.1IMIf COMPETENT woman bookkeep er, full or part-time. Write Nows-Hcrald, Boa 42711, giv ing age, experlenat, salary ex pelled. I Mil WANTED Middle aged keeper. 332 No. 10th, house 12-20 WANTED High school girl to work for room, hoard and salary. Modern home, close In Write box 1. News-Herald ltf WANTED Experienced unen cumbered housekeeper. Small family, strictly modern home. $35 IncHiiro Link River Cot tages after 2 p m 47(llltf 18 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Young man over 21, at least two years college. Ap ply Swift Si Co., 834 Market 12-11) FOR JOBS in airplane factories. Apply Mr. Llstal, Room 201, Wlllits Uldg. 1-1 WANTED Havo 30 days work J for handyman repairing build-i lugs, fences, ditches, etc. W.I E. Palmer, 5854 So. 0th St. I Phone 04(10. 1210 IS Situations Wanted SEVEN YEARS experience In bookkeeping, typing, short hand and fire Insurance. Box 320, Nows-Ueriild. 12 21 SITUATIONS WANTED Typ ist, stenographer with General Motors and Chrysler book keeping experience. Box 1025, Tlonesta, Calif. 12-11) WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, selling clothes on consignment. 1021 Washington. Dial .Vlflo. 12 20 SHIPMAN'S BOARDING HOME for children. 3802 Disbee, South Altnmont. Phono 73(15 14 BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phono 8341. 1 12mtf 20 Room and Board ROOM, BOARD, laundry. 31(1 No. 10th. 1211) BOARD AND ROOM 629 Jcf fcrson. 12-10 BOARD AND ROOM 407 No 9th. Phone 9010. 488lllf BOARD AND ROOM. Private shower. Steam heat. 723 Klam ath. 1-7 BOARD, ROOM $35 month. Also sleeping rooms. 1018 Washington. 12-20 ROOM, BOARD Closo In. Ex cellent tabic. Phone 4765. 1028 Jefferson. 1-18 BOARD. ROOM Lady or gen tleman. 1321 Johnson. Phone 5548. l-io FURNISHED APARTMENT 820 E. Main after 2 p. m 12-20 PARTLY FURNISHED, 3-room apt. 1110 Mon Clair. 12-22 22 Rooms For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam hentcd. Weekly rates $3 up. 60c to $1 per night. 1-15 ROOMS 1034 High. 1-flmlf " Dr. Wm. Brady, M. W9M n . .nv.) "t',1 hmtm (a ,-rm 1 nnv inrnonn uatak his guillotine and ',, s J snara on my t " , 1" long as I tonsils CAuIrt hava them extirpated ia ,vJrf i n th safe and com- i " 3 DrtlVlv r. n m fnrt. m aoie wav bv dia- ffTJWj tharmy.' Br. it . fl..i.f h.i h.m L '"'" .olrlii.ll 2fa4 lor y.ara. Onnault him annul your tomlli .ml (droit. ' Rooms For Rant NICE ROOMS Phone 5244 for gentlemen. 14 COMFORTABLE furnace hente.l riioin adjoining I111II1. 1020 .lef fersim or jihuiie (HUH, 1 14 CLAHKMONT. 228 No. 4th. All outsldn newly decorated, mo ilern rooms All with new In nersprlng mattresses, Kren parking. 1-lMnilf NICK CLEAN ROOM Close In. 1127 Walnut. Phone 35115. 12 20 FOR RENT Nice room 3rd. 134 N. IllOOtf 22 TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS 711) Main '"'"''j 24 Apttrtntvnis For Itont VACANCY -- Everything fur. nl.ihed $:i 50 ami up week. HIM Klnmiilh. 12 24 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 1)2(1 Lincoln. H .1117 If APAR TMENT - $;i (10 to $5 0(1. Everything furnished. No 2 Mum. 122:1 LARGE ONE ROOM apartment", Hl.l Pine. 12 20 TWO ROOM furnished, apart ment. 1:1:1 N. Kith. 12 10 C'OMFOHTABL E t wnrno n 1 Til int", Ktoiinil flour 2-IH llniutl 4.Vltitf FURNISHED APARTMENT -1 Reasonable. 10111 Washington. I2:'4 2 ROOM FURNISH KiTa PT. Wood, HkMLs n lid water fur nished. $22 511. I son Siskiyou mornings. Phone 3173 eve mugs. 12 20 FURNISHED APARTMENT (las heal Close In, $32 so. Drew's Manstnre. 12 10 LAKE HOTEL Two-room apart, ineul, $.10 month. 12-23 FURNISHED APT. lift S01 Mur 12 :ii) CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished Con. Venlent hotel erv!ro. Diiy, week or month I )mlf FU H N I S 1 1 E ! APT:i 0 :i Ho" 5 1 h" Phone 11047 12 23 TWO-ROOM furnished a'parb merit 1H05 Main. 3U04U FOR RENT Two bedroom fur. nished apartment 2.100 Blehn. Phone 72(1(1 or 4527. 4l3lltf VACANCY Esplanade Cour Furnished. 12-3 1 mtf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, tights, water, gas 4111 No lOlli 12 2lmlf NICELY furnished 4-room mod ern Apt. 2 bedroom Inquire 21 111 Applegalo. 47-ll)lf IIIVERVIEW AITS., 4 room, nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable. Phono , SB7 47-Kllf 26 Houios For dent MODERN CABIN 2247 llmne. tl1'1''- 12 30 3-ROOM unfurnished house In", quire 412 Upham. HW9 BACHELORS' Willow CABINS 425 13 THREE-ROOM furnished cot. tage, $10. Water. Garage, Bachelor cabin. 255 Broad J BUCKS FOR KENT V.w drive; move yourself, save . Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 East Main. Phono 0304. l-7mtf FIVEROOM HOUSE Largs living room, full basement, hot water well. 1645 Esplan ade. Phono 6925. 4711tf FOUR room duplex, oil clrcula. tor, electric rango and water heater, basement, garago and laundry. Phono 3050. 4075tf FIVE ROOM modern imfiirnlsh. ed house, $25. Inquire 2220 Wiard. )2.g FOR RENT -room cabin, Adams. Furnished three $20 month. 1231 12-22 THREE-ROOM furnished house. t-ioso in. inquire 117 No. nth. 12-10 FOR RENT Three-room flip nlshed house. No dogs. In. quire 2235 Callfornln and Front. 12 " SMALL 3-r'oom furnlshedlioiisn'. Electric ran(o and water heat er. On highway in SlowaH addition. Phone 5027 evenings or Sunday. 12-20 FOuirROOM furnished ho7s" Adults. 3703 Allamont'Drlvo, Phono 8731. 12.22 FOR RENT Four-room house" floor coverings, stove, $27.50, Adults. Also 3 rooms, floot coverings, fully gas equipped, $22.50. Adults, Two block! oast Mills school. Inquire 1000 EsplBnnrle. 12-22 48 Financial Equitable Loans cost you less and get you Out of Dcbt. Lower Interest Rntcg Prompt Scrvlco CHILCOTE & SMITrP sinco mon , . Ill N. Oth St. Phono 45B4 Tu-Fr-U DR. C. B. CASSEL - CHIROPRACTOR 5005 So. 6th St. - Corner of Wiard City Bus to the Door .th and Pine Phone 3188 Phone 4578