December 19, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN CLAN DINNER SET SUNDAY Thomas' Stolen Car Recovered In Louisiana The 1041 Chevrolet coup owned by Jerry Thomas of this city tluit wns stolon from In front of the Mnrlon apartments on November 7, lien been recov ered In Baton Rouge, La., ac cording to word received here Friday by .Sheriff Lloyd Low. Two mm whose names are not yet known have been appre hended nnd uro being held In connection with the cane. Sheriff Low tin turned the rase over to the Fill. AIRPORT L SUIT CARRIED COURT CHRISTMAS PLAY riant for the annunl Bnnln Haul Clun dinner and program to be given Sunday nt 2 p. in. In the Klamath full armory, are now complete and even the menu ha been worked out down On the lul piece in reiery. During the dinner the Klam ath Knl In municipal bund will present a concert. The Itev. L. K. Johnson of the Klamath I. nih il run church will give the Invo cation followed by entertain ment. Drown will tins a (roup of tone's, Mildred Hur.ald's ac cordion band will pluy, there will he tone by Edna Good win, Marlon Hiiker and Madeline uvenm kM4 ,l...... 1.,. ChlrU.. . - rrancia p. wen am nci-uruiuil numbers by Phyl Clemson. immcaiaioiy oner me pro- flrP(.(lon of Mr, dram onuia iuiui, wun a iuiiqwm pack, will appear to meet the . h.v rbli S( n Darkness" children Only Iho.e udult. who ,how, ,,, ol)tct of Bethleiem have received Invitation are ,, ,,ow ,,)e , rc)pcd by I( eligible to attend the dinner. Blld flnolv rccelvc., n, ad Membera of various oriii.nlia-, fnllh ,,.,; th(, nlrlh of jMU, lions participating a Santa , Christ Claim' assistant will be on hand The' eharnelem are an follows: Miriam, Ilia oulcail, Hazel Bed- brother! $2782.80 for the 38.7 acres of land, and they hove countered with a claim for $14, 037.80. H. E. Perklnt It representing the city and J. H. Carnnhnn la attorney for the Kelly brother. FUNERALS DOROTHY ALICE JONES Commitment service and In terment or the late Dorothy The Klki lodge will sponsor a "refresher course" at Klamath Union high school after Janu ary 1. for Hying cadets, accord ing In an nnnnnneement made Alice Jones will lake place In i FrMay by Angus Newton, chair- "They That Sit In Darkness" will he presented at the Salva tion Army hall. 400 Klamath Sunday, December 21, ni. The play will be Trial of the condemnation suit brought by the city of Klamath Falls against C. H. Kelly and J. T. Kelly, owners of land wanted for municipal airport expansion, proceeded Friday with testimony present ed by the city Intended to show that the land Is practically worthiest for either farming or as a suburban home alto. Witnctttt testifying for the city included John C. Cleghorn, E. A. Thomas, R. H. Dunbar, E. M. Hammond, Leigh Acker man, A. R. Campbell and W. 0. Ely the Llnkvllle cemetery on Sat urday, December 20, at 4 p. m., ftev. L. K. Johnson officiating. Ward's Klamath Funeral Home In charge of the arrangements. man of the Elks "Keep 'Em Fly ing" committee. Newton stated he had infor mation that the army and navy enlistments might be cancelled soon and men needed would be taken from the draft-age group. Those wishing to enlist In the PETER ENAR FRYXELL The funeral service for th late Peter Enar Fryxell, whofl, rnH,. nr fikH . rnn passed away In this city on Tuev the sucrclarv of the Elk, lod(!c, day, December 16, will take 181 for urther n(ormation. place from the chapel of Ward ti e,glblc are mcn naving Klamath Funeral Home. B2S I h j var . Priii-,. nr . December 18. The deceased was a native of Buckgrove, Iowa, and was aged 42 yean 1 month and 12 dayt when called. She Is sur vived by her husband, Jest L. of this city; a brother, Manley Pence, and a titter, Hat tie Pence, of Seattle, Wash. The remains will be forwarded via Southern Pacific to Orovllle, Calif., Fri day evening where final rites will take place from the Hamll ton-Riley Funeral Home In Oro vllle at a later date. Interment will take place In the Cherokee, Calif., cemetery. Ward i Klam ath Funeral Home In charge of the arrangement. Genuine "J o h n s o n't" Ice Skates What could be better for a Xmat Olft The Oun Store Puckttt and Houston 714 Main. Richard Bed- O VITAL STATISTICS iUwiNstNU Horn at mil tide Ore dow; Ruth, the Innkeeper's daughter, K I o r e nc e Bowyer; ' i Mary, the mother of Jesus, Vlo- e ' car- hospltul, Kluinutli rails, 1 ... ... ..,. , u ,UJ . December IB, 1(141. to Mr I h l'rrr; Joh- ,np, ., . . ... ,1 penter. Monroe Klinnev; , Sprague River, Ore, a girl Melgnt: 8 pounds 4 ounrtes. SHEPHERD Horn at iiill.Mde hospital, Klamath Falls, Org, December 18, 1U4I, to Mr. and Mrs. Vim il Shepherd, 21.1 Ortnl street, a girl. Weight 8 pounds 1 ounce. SUTHERLAND Born at Hill side hospital, Klumath Falls, Ore, December 18. 1U41. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sutherland. 4234 Altamont drive, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 14 ounces. H1LDEBRAND Born at Hill side hospital, Klamnth Falls. Ore , December 18. 1041. to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hlldebrand, 109t Laurel street, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 8 ounces. ROSE Born at Klumath Val ley hospital, Klamath Foils, Ore , December 17, 1041. to Mr. and OI rs H. J. Rose, route 3, box Oil. city, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 121 ounces. According to Campbell, prom' lnnl Vluiviafh rAiintv farmer. . ,,,.,-, I, ik. .. ..i. ........... itnn. TC i , ., 7" "l the clover crop on the neiiy the balvatlon Army under the hrnlh((r,. Unrt r... 00ir. i Two witnesses for the defense hod been called by noon Friday, Earl W. Short and Frederick A. Ohlemeyer. Ohlemeyer. who lives close by the Kelly brothers ranch, testified that condemnation of Ihn parcel of land needed for the airport expansion would ruin the remainder of the ranch, which he considers good farm land. Ohlemeyer said he knew from personal experience that planes flying close overhead created "terrific" noise and mode living conditions difficult. The city has offered the Kelly High street, on Saturday, De cember 20. at 2 p. m , the Rev. J. C. Orr of the Immanuel Bap tist church officiating. Commit ment service and Interment in the Llnkvllle cemetery. Friends high school education. OBITUARY MARY ALMA FORD Mary Alma Ford, a resident are respectfully Invited to at-; for the past two years, passed away In this city on Thursday, ton Hit OHRItTMAi TIE RACK $1.00 DREW'S MANST0RE Ml Mite FISHING POOH PORTLAND. Dec. 19 VP) The state game commission's fishing bulletin today aatd that the outlook for tteelhead angl ing this weekend Is poor. Coast al streams generally have been too high for good results. We have the .22 Rlf let the Air Guns that your boy wants for Xmaa The Oun Store Puekatt and Houston 714 Main. Read the Classified nags XIDEALNGIFT THEATRE SCRIP S SAVe 20 I THEATRE SCRIP 1 I BOOKS J TM fallwn, rtnt Trw, ' Vos in NaliMww (Aa Ttwstna mm&6l in) IX) & Innkeeper. Hurley Hyatt; Anion, servant. Hoy Patterson. Esther, I.eln llrnvo. Itnrhel, Faye Hull; .Saruh. Bonnie Hall; Rumah, Mar )orle Baker. Rebecca, Ruby Edge; Nathan. Sam Pcnlesky; Homur. Leon Shoppler; Jona than. Edwin Pryor; Abel. Hoy Patterson: and the Three Kings are Florence Pryor. Ramona : Tin ker, and Marian Baker. The public Is cordially Invited to attend this Christmas service. No loolln'l Wleland't Ale a great help fer poor appetites. FREE AT Carlisle's Jewelry Store $5 Grocery Order with each cash purchase amounting to 127.50 or over (tax Included.) All fair-trade Items excludtd- 1008 Main St. PTA at Dorris Gives Card Party DORRIS The Dorris gram mar school Paronts Teachers as sociation gavo a public card party In the school auditorium last Tuesday evening. There was a good crowd present In spite of tlio weather. Mrs. Joe Matthews won the first prite of fine fat turkey and Jack Ahrens won the chicken second prlie. Whist was played. Refreshments were served by the committee In charge at a late hour. There's 1000 sensible, utelul Gifts that men like at The Qua Store 714 Main. The WAFFLE HOUSE WAFFIEITIS Inm morning when you're tort f tow AM fMdnt prtllr ewlul, J ii slop Id tt The "Wifrie Hvw" rW order wp waffle. And m )rw will o hive ft mttwJ, lt' fun to lt and arutter. And watth how dalntly tho MM ManlpuUloa her batter, the pour H ort tho waffto Iron, Then olampo down on the butiMee, Then cooks till the to Mfelr at To have no ailtfctaf troukloa. he handt It to yoi on plate, Your heart boflne to flutter, Anf with your knife you ftmeer M e'er With oheleott olden butter. T hen wt t h A wu ett at (lea ling (too, And nth bird ilka ehlrrup, Vou let the butter melt a Ml Thin, fill the ho I to with ayrup. The waffle quiefciv ditippoan To It's laet rest In your tummy, And ru go forth to teto the day Ail bright And glad and etiummy. -L, 0. CAB" FORMERLY HAMBURGER ORCHARD NO. 315 So. 6th NOW UNDER MANAGEMENT OF 'LOUISE BARR BERT BARR M&Mholi da yM ( " I 1 ElginsK S WW Duwm1 AG B,kt U,h Bike Hora gasket... Mirror. m SkL 59c 79c 89c 21c yj V- ' Built for speed and beauty . . . with more f. 1 FTIunian el rilie aaletv features than ever before ... ax h tm. eumes i . wese if d)u,fsb)e t-Mi- . STANDARD ELGINS STtS "L?Z ... ?FUTJ. X',ZJri . M M lWn rt, Elgin eoaater J?vta0''m W sss tM. - - SSJT"' MS V A ithPUn.tur. 0e9. rear fender for added safety. m UA m9 .. Aji mfS l( (Mot lllu."tt.l0 ! P.w Mriler 1 l-liirposc Doppcr Uad STAINLESS STEEL BODY Set Includes: 10-lnch covered skil- T. f let, 2 quart double boiler, 2 quart covered saucepan, 3 quart french fryer basket, 4 quart covered mcm sauce pot. UNIFORM AND RAPID HEAT DISTRIBUTION SNUG FITTING COVERS ALL WELDED CONSTRUCTION 1 1 'liSs 1 3 Speeds 8.95 Includes two beaters, two white glass mixing bowls, one 3-qt. and one 1-qt size. ITeatmaster Electric Roaster Heatmaster Heater ll95 Blotted run around deflecting' doors keeps steady radial flow of heat circulating through the car. Built-in defroster blower and foot warmer. Complete with Illuminating switch, hose, fittings. Chrome plated trim, gray finish. Pit Onty $ Down (Utual Oarrylns Chars.) IMPROVED r-oTwarTt, AUTO HEATER ft. to floor and to wind uueiQ or csr. Pay Only I.M Dawn (Usual Carrying Chargo 1495 RADIATOR SHIELDS 89 "Frost King" Radiator Shields. Ideal protection for eold weather dlrWingl Capaeltr Roasts, cooks, bakes, stews or steams. Con trolled by automatic heat regulator. Includes three 3-qt. porcelain enameled inset pans. Crest Country 45 PLATES 90 BATTERY t)oniplete Ills Workshop lliis Chrlslinns Willi Craftsman ntirl Tt is si I mi f& Power Tools fjri choico of 2 &iiv Buy Them on Sears Easy Payment Planl 9-et. Beverage Glassed Heavy bate (lasses In assorted color;. Num bered "one to eight." 8 Glasses 99c With Oil) Batttry Ouirtnt eed 34 months on a serv ice basts. Lifewear rubber separators, no-spill a a f e t y vent 45 heavy duty plates. Buy Any BMry ea Sean Buy Psymsnt plan Sears wilt be open Saturday, Monday, Tuesday evenings only! 133 So. 8th Dial 3181