SERIAL STORY ; LADY BY BY HELEN R. WOODWARD THB STORYl Til climax of 'van? Inanlta aim at niaaa Curt fey hmw alatar-ln-law, Adda, cornea raa tko vfrloua apltafal, slrl framr narellnn- Between Dion UnA hmr former employer, flirta tion Rlcr-ar Thorpe. Diana, fcaowlnir Thorp od Adela or kYt an affair, so to ail aant taaT lodaT bolloTlas Adela ) laer. teuhea anao them together, la hurt aai bewildered ma tnouk fcla aaarrlaaT to Ulaaa lo tempo rary and ono of convenience, con ' tracted to irrnti him ax,ooo.OOO la ' fceritanc whlen a would Bt re , eere antra ho married befor th an of 83. Other In iho atorr ar : Fall Brucft, Stephen beat friend who la trona;lr attracted to Diana I " Krnlrn Thorpe bennttfitl blind wlfo of Richard, whom lllana be : Uorea atephen loTea. lleea ionr , where. Diana I triumphant Adela aoka whan her plot to dlaeredit kla wife with Stephen ha worked. I Iot him.1 flaahea lllana. aad I'm aolna- t aht for him!" Stephen atlll feele, however, that Pfaaa la lanoceni. althoush aha doe not explain. Golaa; to South 1 America, be Infuriate Adela br fleaelaa; Diana la chant. Then .word come that tephraa plan ' la mlralaaT. Adela aeada for her . plump, crafty Aunt Chrlati a . tJhey await further word :! ; -l WONT BELIEVE IT! '". ' . CHAPTER XX QN tin lourth day after the dis appearance ot Stephen's plane the broadcaster said, "Bits of Boating debris picked up 20 miles west of Cristobal indicate that the lost plane of the Pan-American Airways cracked up somewhere in the vicinity. Hope has been aban doned that Pilot Smith might have found his way down to some se cluded cove to await better weath er." : ' Diana stood up, her face as white as death, her whole body trembling. "Excuse me," she choked, and left the room. She never knew how she got into her wraps, but suddenly she found .herself walking through the night, utterly without destination or plan. The pounding of her heart was echoed in the pounding of her footsteps. "It Isn't true, it Isn't true!" The words beat them selves into her brain, until they became the refrain of her breath ing. Stephen couldn't be deadl There was too much unsaid be tween them. Unfinished, incom plete. "It isn't true. I know it isn't true!" . Weariness claimed her at last' and she looked up to find herself In the vicinity of old Ellen Curt'i apartment After a moment's hesi tation, she went up and entered without knocking. She found old Ellen crouched by the radio, tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked , up as Diana entered and the anguish in ber eyes was pitiful to behold.. "Don'tl" cried Diana harshly.; "It Isn't true. Dont yon know it cant be true?" - And she Sung herself to the floor and buried her head in the old woman's lap. ' The president of the airways company called to see Diana, of fering sympathy and regrets. The President of the United States sent , a message of condolence. The house was overrun with re porters, syndicate representatives, and radio officials. Diana sent in the last column Stephen had writ ten and the papers made much of it, edging the words in black. The whole country seemed to regret the passing of a great and bril liant man. But Diana, alone in her room,, told herself again and again that Stephen could not be dead. "He can't be gone!" Through all the hard, unhappy days, Diana kept that assurance in her heart, until at last she came to believe that so matter what anyone else said, Stephen Curt would never be dead to her. ;JHIL was priceless help during - these days interviewing peo ple, keeping the curious away from Adela and Diana, attending to countless troublesome details tfor them, all the while his eyes khadowed with genuine sadness. Adela kept to her room in the company of Aunt Christie, for which Diana was devoutly thank IfuL She felt that later she might De more aoie to cope with Adela. I Her father hnrl rnmo ti niana las soon as he got the news. They sat lor a long time talking about eiepnen curt. "I guess you've often wondered why I changed my mind so sud denly about your marriage that Iday," Mr. Tucker said. "But after lt talked to Stephen, I knew every thing would be all right. . I. knew fit from something he said." "What? Oh, tell me!" "He said. 'Maybe it won't be make-believe marriage after all. nor. xucKer. rii try my best to tmake it real.' And so I always hoped " l One morning Larkln summoned plana to the library where a vis itor' awaited her. "I am John Dewlanev from th !lnsurahce company," said the tall man who rose at her entrance.! I have come to make arranee-i ments for paying over your late! husband's insurance." Diana was startled. It was the first time the thought of insur ance had entered her head. "who to whom is it made out?" she questioned, this aspect 'of the matter bringing to her mind more clearly than anything else hadvdone the fact that Stephen was really, in the eyes of the world, dead. Insurance companies did not pay unless they were sure had proof. Her heart grew cold within her breast "You are the beneficiary, Mrs. Curt, of this particular policy," John Dewlaney said.. "The sum Is SIOO.OOOI" ' Diana stared. "But there must be soma mistake! Stephen's sis Iter!" .... .. . ! ' "The sister has been amply pro Sldedfor." the man answered. REQUEST COPYRIGHT. t4l, NBA CIIVICK, INC. "This policy is made to you that's all I know about it If you will Just sign a few papers " "No!" The word hung In the ttiU room like an explosion. It she took the money, Diana felt she would be admitting to the world to herself that Stephen was dead. And he wasn't! Over and over she told herself that! JOHN DEWLANEY stared at Di ana. "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Curt I don't understand." Stephen had wanted her to have the money, had taken time, that last busy day, to think of her future. She smiled rather wanly at Mr. Dewlaney. "I hope you won't think me queer, but I'd like your company to Just Just keep that money for me for a while. Could you?" Dewlaney was bewildered. "Why I suppose it can be ar rangedheld in trust But it's a bit unusual." "Thank you!" Diana wanted him to leave at once, so that she could go back to her room to think over this new evidence of Ste phen's regard for her. He did, finally, after much conversation, and Diana started for the stair way. But Larkln interrupted her again. She was wanted on the telephone long distance, it was. It was her mother, urging Diana to come home to the farm, at least for a few days. Diana assured her that she was quite well and definitely needed where she was. She turned from the phone to find Phil Bruce standing beside her. He noted her white face, the dark circles under her eyes. "You look downright puny!" he? said bluntly. "Need fresh air. Come for a drive with me." She smiled, shook ber head. "Thanks, but I'd rather not" THIS CURIOUS WORLD coca, mi sy nla service, m& t. u. ILLINOIS, - KNOWN AS THE OS rY& WOCf), HAS A RADIO STATIOM WITH THE fAI I,. LETTERS woy 12-19 - NEXT: Have Jron INDOOR HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted indoor winter sport. 10 There are men on each team. 14 Sell. 15 Corrosion. 17 Insect egg. 18 Snaky fish. 19 Crimson. 20 Expire. 21 Ocean. 22 Get up. 24 Narrow channel. ' 26 Bone decay. 28 Incidents; 31 Near. 33 Exist 34 Before. 35 Right (abbr.) 36 Auricle. 37 Upon. ' 38 Georgia (abbr.). Answer to 47 Projecting bay window. 48 Tilt SI Employ. 53 Vessel (anat). 84 Devour. 57 Mineral rock 68 Article ol clothing, 60 River (Sp.) 61 Players of this game form a 39 Tiresome, 44 Either. 45 Say. -sm lS3 , vr k. (11 HT". rrrAr w mm SmATEiC!rAjj I IFIQQ.n! I A EnTioiNmcnRiA'PTrBnT SSHHIIaflRSHgMHejf r;e Nitqo;b aETsHstj&R A'N'TI-I jESB5?EWTpRiN SBEIT U I SQSjT QlR EBL SiElPh-felNlTiRii !oIn!a!l iliy I I 13 ad.- P 1 I p 44o- -TJir 26 I jio j j 2a" si si I fer 54 bTbT 5 59 65" -1ST- 163 I ' ' ' f I 19 f 4S 149 I 57" aT ' "Look here Steve wouldn't want you to make yourself 111 worrying over his affairs." She thought that over. "No, I don't suppose he would." (To Be Continued) One of the great things at stake .... Is nothing less than the preservation of private en terprise , . , and the blunt com panion truth Is that if private en terprise is going to come through it has got to undergo consider able improvement. Donald M. Nelson, executive director, 8PAB. SOLDIER PRIME MINISTER Winston Churchill, England's prime minister, was a soldier at 19, saw the Spanish campaign In Ceuta, served in the Indian fron tier wars, the Sudan campaign in 1898, the Boer war and the World war. By William Ferguson ate. u, a. pat. of r. SAMUEL H. POJOJEN- AN EDEMTON, NORTH CAROLINA, BANKER, WHO SHOT HIMSELF WITH a, PISTOL., WAS FOUND GUILTY BV THE CORONER'S JURY OF HAVING COMMITTED UPON HIMSELF AS rOSV Of THE 0Vi-? ,.iie2S... : lip tjs auari xmja rtnnt 1 CROSS COONTRy RUNS AKE NEVER ON THE LEVEL M) JOHN O'DONNELLf ever seen a nhtppoomill? SPORT Previous Punle 11 Mad. 12 Compete. 13 Greek letter. 16 Sinew. 23 Smallest state (abbr.). 25 Id est (abb.). 26 Freight 27 Perfume. 29 Fish. 30 Understanding 32 Irritate. 33 Skill. 40 Roving. 41 One who believes in a personal god. 42 Frozen water. 43 Oil cans. 46 Demigod. 47 Above. 48 Child. 49 Wrath. 50 Vegetable. 51 To feel fear. 52 Cyst. 55 Be indisposed, 56 Part of foot 59 Chinese measure. 62 It is played on a . 63 Island. VERTICAL 1 Flying insect. 2 Era. 3 Pertaining to the sun. 4 Weird. 5 Braid of hair 6 Portend 7 Like. 8 Cover 8 Lag behind. I hMr I4 I5 I6 V I8 I9 I 1 I" I" I" I ii i OUT OUR WAY tfiZFiSsMM OH, SO THIS IS TH' SO THAT V I THIWWi " 'I ItnUTTrCi11 NEW ADDITION! WHAT f RiShT-I ITSATaV gilllp. VOJ'RB ADDIM'TD j WHEW VFoS NgUILD-UP TH' SHOP.' BUT ) THE' V KIOTHIKJ'." ) MVSELF ' II I llfl I I IHAT A,N)'T YeOVERKj. I -rHiKiii, THAT rOR PROPERTY THERE-) MENTISI THEM OLD V CUV-HC ! THAT BELONG THKOUCH I rVRlHEK5o HAD A M Wm .rr?'S MTHI-r AM' AZTEC ysiciKJUR Ji i iSl' ' H VCMA1BlpTO J HE'LL ( RUIMSIS 'FARM FOR SJTH , f HAVE A OLD WAR ) SALE--I-Av america- owd AHOP TIME NOW itll, rZs,' iMVY tr S. FOC' L MACHIME) BE "IN- V f0 r-si. ft WOTHIM3.' SHOPS rcoRFARM fcj v (j) ) Jf-O IV V(jOR. SALE".' THE WEED KILLEBS " a-.ifwTrtiJMs, RED RYDER -5Rhf ! cE ( JJSif ., 1 K'lferfRPJtt!S rCAS' 1 f fx 'athe.r is tub Wil verift ' ViSS-- ro'i lhT-ua OOSUPVIE -.f Pe.CT V,MENCU AFT6.R IHE REWARD rbR ri&EfliNfl FiELD fWM.GR OF I THAT BACK 1 Tt 4 I I POktti' ftOuAvJ rW&TO, Lfl 'SiS l?f , Ti- 17 1 LJtD WW VmvE.Rl ' '? tRWtJ LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE LOOK. NELLIE I win you a iv t A MANS MUFFLER? AS MICE AS YOU CAN FOR. THAT MONEY? ITS ftLL rVE GOT ALMOST- BA MtlCPI FS? Kf MUFFLER? BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES vivi-r. VT jXJC. V, tv 6000 nj 1 WOMOtK. VOMCVV. OOTS V? f A ov,vwH youlvs-v.-TWiX'e KB, wm& oot MV ce. LEL I , nn.nnTt. rS. vu I t tav.v.k. ae.vv u.oki& Tuaov. (vv-tte x ;TnU C ItoiWwmi Fv- I y IKryWl 6 I t.1 I I At UUW&UO. I ahHIrl aH . ai T. IT. ft - TS- . -- -aaaaaaaaaaln '''aatlTii 'ZZ ... rjtfiaW?! 3Vii rl, T a-!!- WASH TUBBS . By Crano TB-EtSorJE LINES; JL, e riHO- MrSSO P-y TW0 m HE SWE0 MMElk WASH A,UUTe A6ifP ' --fl .... ' torn mi .r -tAi...... i.m .. . ''.t orr.. Utl FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosso'r r itM&u& a suy posino as ME! V f hb tolo 1 fjusr A ( Pop ill do 'F4i I WISH I COULO GET HIM H3 MOL0 STILL. JL DOfT J PBOPL6 HB LITTLE MOTH T RfMrMBEft rVTwilJo Vtf-X.- v POSE AS MB W MV LATIN CUSS i FRECiaeS , IMAGINB wPOTB'HOW WAVINOA NOw" IN My POWea 1 S rt, , .... Vy. . S- T6 BOV LONO HAS BRIEP MOMENT FRECKLES. TO KEEP VOL) w n V" Rj V. -ft WAS . I7"18 BEBN , IN THE I DONT FROM HBARINS ) B ' rfi fik -JL, 02 viaoLS )gohq spotlisht want to op rr xJr7 t in I t$r z-lXso TM6 BANO V'heah r a, , ..-CXI" V ul Jy, rvl,0m VT Tlffil plaveoitano PI vou goino iTLkTc KT , -- &w!& r"Y W?) th 1 HB Took bows I 1 f to tue blub WWal ,' L . P?F yJ tm ' V I m t' I I aT tyr m VVJ i ' aT TI EBOT vaT ALLEY OOP ?WHAT? ARB VOUSUR6 1 BU5TE0 LOOSE! HSRS' V0U SAV VOU WBNT TO ) THE PIECES OP THE WOPPO I THB RISHT LINE VOL) TRUSSED GOT K PLACET s HIM TO THB TRBS By J. R. Williams FOR HIM - tVCTOR5S ZEE HE GOES WALKIN' I ANNIE I SO MUCH IN TH SNOW I YOU AN' SLEET IT WONT I ARE BE MUCH OF A 1 KINO CHRISTMAS PRESENT. f AND UT ITLL BE SOMETHlNjTrru. MAKTC jlS Now USTS SEC WHAT HAPPENEO TO WOPPO.THS LSAPCB OP THE PREAPSP BLACK GUARD. ELITE OP KIN& JOHNJSSHOCKTgOOfS OUR jaw BROKEN IT TRY TO MAKE SOMETHING FOR HIM. IF THERE WAS BUT ANYWfff IF I DID THIS MUST CPRIS6- it BOARDING HOUSE, 3 ALVIN AND I YEGM3, WE'LL RELt A-SS THB SOBBlERS I TMW BIS Y J WILL WELP A FROM TUB CRATE ,B0V$ AND LET WOLP CAM'T 4 VOL) BUY THE ViTHEM 6TRETCH TMElF. LE65 IN THE- 60IMGT0 1 "(SIFT6 F0R.-W& y G.ARA.&EALVlrJ,VOlJ TROT ID V EKT ALL THOSE '0RPHAN1& A THE CORNER AND caET OONiE CORN ) TUB.KEY6 ) AFTER NOU U TOR THEIV TO NIBBLE !- HAVE J MIM&ELF ) y RAT-FLU OFF A X TOLD NOU 1 60LO 200 ifj ( BUT IT WOULD ) THE TURrSEVS.' L, WORTH OF RPvFFLE TICKETS? S BE OUST J yfl Y-TSWSSW w WHAlT A CHRISTMAS PARtV Cl-lKE HIMJ iiD iLTtAose.ToT6 Will have at rr AsT mm Zl W TH5 ORPHAN' S LnJoW ABOUT THW S i. V1 vi,... Y'f -r -iy oui iha.1 GARA&E WiNOOW f TME- HETJ SEE AND BE A K7- K?t ;ti POrOOfWl H ANNIE ! I E LEAVe IT I a; Tr fia . m. a y-M . ' . ..., m wYlilCAL" HARO-ALMOST CRUCU 'ii'.f t HAW lL CONSIOBrWtr,J Jl'"" " aMBBJaaiaanaaa-Bim, "rValr','T" twSrwo. T. M. Htm FtT.Wf, J with Major Hooplo '1-T M,,S tVt,j... t By Fred Harmon By Harold Gray THAT CHILOf AN ORPHAN, DOCTOR SAYS RAICEO HIT-ANO-MISS Sei.F RELIANT AND YET RHP TMNkX mz 'mrnCtXZ lOC-Tmm jj DOCTOR UNOERSTANOS-HE'S SO ffl CYNICAL" HARD ALMOST CRUEL. B5v SOME T1MPG- - . A'.'R'l By Martin ' tvw tvr iic. .vvew r4V.ave..O .On.V4Uri6.50 tVNVft tUttaWOL-OVV.VT M,X HM TO - : j By V. T. Hamlin