.Pregon State Has Basketball Team That Coast Schools Fear (Editor's nolo: Thla it another a series of stories on northern division Pnclflc Const conference basketball prospects.) By OAIL rOWLEH " CORVALUH, Oru., Ucc. ltt (,V) You'll Hint lliu hunkotliall imiin they're all ufiuld of, rljilit luru on Ilia Oiruon State collide VHinpim. ' WhJ'T Five raliirnliiK amiiora, principally, ulunu Willi wen atpiille UndurMmlics. " l'lie Uuuvois flnlniiud aucond in but wliiliu ' nurtliurn dlvl dun, I'aclflu Cuu.il cuiifuruiico hit, mid worn tlio only town lo hold Mil edge ovur YVushlniflun Stule, winch rli'iiiii'd up lliu weal mid lost lo WiaconMn in the na ilutml llnul. The lli'uvvra beat WSC three out of Jour. lliu John Mumhi.', iilldlvlalon iXjnU'i' thu lint two yuiui, will hid lor thin lionor uKuln. llu docs everything: well, hua alzu oiid apced, was third high scorur lit Ihn divlalon ua u aoph mid (ourlli IiikIi na u Junior mid may Vull lend em nil Una ycur. t'tllll VHll'lltl, Mli;ird, la ollu ill llu: bent act alinta in Denver hi. lory biiplioiiiorca acck the other Ulilircl Job. 'I here a aleuder Don rredcrukaon from lloqulum, dho led Unit school lo u Wiiah lllon Slute prep hoop title cuut'lo of yrurn UK", And there art Lew lleek of Pendleton; Gene llolweuer of l'ortlund; mid Uowurd Jeffrie, and 1)111 Mc Cllukcy. Corvullia. ' If Don burden, UreKou Stale's throe-sport aliilclc. dooim'l get hunted up In the Oregon Stato Duke "TobiR'co bowl" gume New Year's day, he'll be nvuilublc for guurd duty iignln. He's voter 411 aoulhpuw. ' Sum Dement la steady, de pendable forward and Cieorge McNutt, a trunnler who didn't (ill hia stride until Into I nut sea aon, la apeedy, hn a grind ahot and entlk uetlon. Don Hull, one-year lettorman, in the fu.nleat on the squad and may have a Blurting berth by the time the Ueavcrs entrain for Madlaon Siiuurc garden and woypnlula for a preseason barn itnrmlng tour. " ,lT'' 1' l.n.U.I n m asT' John (Handle, Center Orrion Male Colin Beside The Headpin r "uiovaua" If last night wni a forecast of whut Chrlstmiia la going to be, Junior knowa It's going to be a big aucccaa. Santa made a vialt to the Klamath Recreation alleys, bringing tree and presents, to aec all the good little Ladybugi. Junior ia quite certain Doris' Dficembor 19, 1941 PAGE ELEVEN Whan In Msdiord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modara Jo and Anna Earley ' ProprUtora 8000 MILES CORVALLIS, Ore., Dee. 19 (P) Nine Oregon State college sen iors will have footballed their way about a quarter of the dis tance around the world when they reach Durham, N. C, for the transplanted Rose Bowl game with Duke. On the bowl bound squad are those who also mad a football trip to Hawaii in 9939! Backs Durdan, Dethman, Peters, Qray and Busch and Linemen Cteeh, Hammers, Halvarson and Bylns ton. . NEW YOHK. Dec. 19 (II Long Island tinlveralty's basket ball team, winner of 80 consecu tive home games nine this sea son baa loat only three out of 1.17 contests on Its own court in night seasons under Coach Clulr Uee. The defeats were by leama using the zone defense, which Is moat effective on the small LIU court. Cheyne has been a very, vary good girl, for she rolled In a 151-211-211673 for high series. Her 211 was also high game of the evening. Klo Ann Eaton alto rated on Santa's slate with 17.1-13MH0 510 for second, and Mary Tyler third with an even SOU. Swan Confectionery slapped in BOD for high uamc and that's rolling; Eddie's Place is still In there for high team series 2334. At last I've found out what Junior wants for Christmas. After all, it was so simple. In 1940, Carlsbad Caverns national park in New Mexico was vialted by 236,653 persons. Women Don't Say No - - - to Brown & Haley Box Candy! Freih and every box is just crammed with an assortment of tasty sweets! XI Stop! Looking for a Good Time? Coma to Keno Dance EVERY SAT. NIGHT Music By OREGON HILLBILLIES Air Conditioned for Your Comfort. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION . . But in between holidays . . . it's not a bad idoa . . . Mr.! DEPEND ON THE Qitet Rate jbHif STORE jui'h.h" I Read tha riaiainarf na ' IFMIEIE2 WME.ndAUTOimWJI2SL - 527 MAIN " ' SATURDAY, DEC. 20 VALUABLE PRIZES K and t P. M. SOUVENIRS . r ' mm BBsssfew . s- m - arw av ; . '. v jim t n ai - iLTinliinninnnrpnrpnnrp 1 ' U Ml L" ML 7IL ' L - -jull ci . i 1 nnrnn rppirij m rP IP ITl n o I :. irJ ! L-il? LmlUUD An entirely new bear ilppUr, tangltr, light- llryvNk r, tmoothtr than you have ever tatted before. M E&XfZ . aw , Brewed so fine that It li light enough to please wii X. the most fastidious fomlnlne taste, yet full of LW li f ei an abundant goodness that satisfies everyone. Af 'I t "."y X ' For more than two yean thli "Famous Beer II J i22imiS I I from Seattle" has been taking California by f oS'IkJ ip ' 4 storm. But now increased production allows j$4r'K' Ij" ''V iT? f,v sak us to bring you Its special Imported quality. f ' Af V You can Identify the NEW SICK'S SELECT by I f fSt V , CjP the big red numeral 6. In convenient stubbles, VAV "m" XL "I f mfif Jumbos, cans, tall amber bottles and now M ;A "NPT lsf II I en draught. AND YOU CANT BUY BET- v'fV T ' ' i F 111 IL ii? Lf 1 TER"ERr ' SPOTLIGHT OKw UM M Ix, as...$1.f GOLF EQUIPMENT KTSALTER HASEN CUUBS M lew M l S3.29 Woodi $4.49 BA6S $3.4? ALLS S9c ZIPPER bassS2.2 111) UJJ DRIVING SCHICK GLOVES SHAVERS six ire,, $i5 WE bare hundreds of gift ideas something for every member of the family quality merchandise, popularly priced. -Our Toyland will quickly solve the gift problem for the childreo. ; Remember, convenient budget. terms may be arranged if you desire. RANGES G.i Stt.50 to JI4t.5 EUerle$l3.T( to IITf.SO LUGGAGE OVCSNIGHT S6.9S to $16.95 NATSHOi $10.95 t $26.95 WASDSOIS $10.95to $26.95 Q) i r k -a CHIf MNDALI I ' ' J C lAAZtt 7 I I " Made with Cap.haru II JT!L I RTr ,4 VfcF AUT0M0,l, 12M ' TOASTERS NU-TONB U fCLA i--1 $4..$1725 D00RCH,MESgffi KITCHEN 5 IBPil U ' TRIKH - CABINET. .. G. E. OR She'UUkeberowo I B df ( MAKERS $2,S?650 $095,o $3095 . usmws a, V OLYMPIC VAOH$ HQ's --. HIGH QUALITY SLEDS $29 h $04 OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS CENTURY BREWERY, SEATTLE, U. S. A. Letter . MeCoah and Floyd . Shepard, At so late Managert V Si r& WiwlKMiaa Keattat ..........MM!- ;. iS SENIOR BrfiS. , -j,t JLk f Haaha ScaUa .... 4.WJJP J Wi tinker. iL iSSinii V 1 1 y " fmji., . JJ3faVt""!."inr."!:$ tV ( J, TOY PPVic SUBMARINE BATTLESHIP VI T.bi.T.nai. S.h ............-$ 1M 58JL TC "''-VWr $1' $1" ll aimli,toa Sah ..V $ MJP K' 1..$49 4 S:!!ir.::::::::::::::::l": -ft L - --GSfc Tamil at lew aa Cjf 08 f Footb.lh ! li!"9 X JiwKe putg-a-il WIND-UP ; WCHANICAl I SKIS l V.lipad.. J Jr?PS W ' f T Bieyela Spaadomatar J " 1 k DARTBOARDJOJ,: ICE SKATES SZi I " 2 TelSlT ""I" j Vi ii - W WartinkouM Reaatar Maattn scalaa .1 V Lugqaqa ........... J . Holgata Toya . ........ A Tabl Tannii Sata ... .. II Crequat Sah ....v.. W Badminton Sah r Tannll Racquatt .... Oj Tannif Balls ......... J Boxing 6lovoa ...... 11 Baiaball Gloi ..... II Baiaball Bata Footballl '0 Baikatballl ) Valocipadaa Jl Scootara if Rollar Slaltl li Bicycle HaadliahH .. f Bieyela Spaadomatar O. Driving Lights J Oalwa Spotlight .... A Auto Compau JI Chriitmai Traa Ughta .. 4,UP ...iP .. 2.21 "P ..$ 1.nP ..$ 2.29 P .. Mt l.Jup .1 tori 1.29 $ 3.49 P $ 2.49 P I .49 P t 1.19 aa 2.29 P $ 4.49 P 2.49 up $ 1.49 "P t .49 P f 2.91 f 1.91 P 10.9I .... 2.79 ....I .79-P- . 1.1' f . J. K.,J CrooH. M.ra.r.1 Sr. .J Ja rSJTBeaA . J I uomE and aoo syppio 527 MAIN SfODSE 527 MAIN ) ' : ':v t.-j.