The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 19, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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tl. I .V Al
December 19, 1941
According to the best of In
formation an unsigned pub
licity sheet we found on our
desk the Rocky Mountain mule
deer, native of northeastern Cali
fornia and southern Oregon, be
longs to the species of largest
deer In the United States.
And, Judging from weights re
corded during the late season,
bucks of the Modoc national for
est are representative of the
race. Recording was done fol
lowing the U. S. Forest service
practice started some years ago.
, The facts:
'About 20 per cent of the bucks
weighed scaled 200 pounds or
more. The largest deer came
from Smith flat in the Big Val
ley district. It had five points
on each antler and tipped the
forest beam at 255 pounds hog
dressed. Estimated on-the-hoof
weight was 300 pounds.
Two animals tied for second
place at 240 pounds.
At Happy camp, the biggest
buck was 175 pounds.
The smallest deer recorded
was a wee 110 pounds. Unusual,
for th buck bore four points
and was in good condition.
Lejt reports from the valley
eector, which were gleaned near
ly a month ago, indicate that
Sparky Bourque, the astute
manager of Medford's successful
ice rink, is going in for ice hock
ey. .
Action is being patterned af
ter commercial league basketball
circuits, the whole business be
ing on an amateur basis. Sparky
hoped to have at least six teams
In play by the first of the year.
, Confirmation of an army can
tonment in Medford to house
33,000 soldiers brought Christ
mas cheer to ice rink backers.
. .
Crater lake skiing, because of
a snow lack only so-so up to now,
should be adequate from Sunday
on. This week's snows have pro
vided an ample blanket for most
lopes with the exception of the
Garfield rock slide.
- The Crater Lane Ski club's
$1500 electric tow, dormant so
far, may begin operation any
day. Mark Clark, club prexy.
cays he's hired a Fort Klamath
sentleman to engineer tne pro
ect. ' Dave Totten, originally
scheduled to do the job, was re
cently transferred to Salem by
the highway department.
Bill Edmunson, Pelican grid-
ders reserve fullback and place
kicker, was the only guy not to
show up at the Lions' club an
nual award dinner held two days
after the Jap attack. But the big
boy had a reasonable excuse
He had left that evening for
Portland after enlisting in the
navy . . . Hank Evans, Chiloquin
skier who captained the Univer
sity ef Oregon slat team last
year and won both the Crater
lake cross-country and Silver
Slalom titles, has joined the air
corps and is in training at Kan
dolph field, Texas
.... Tom Chatburn, top scor
er with the Merrill Huskies, last
years county a loop champs. Is
married and playing commercial
circuit basketball in the basin
Pelicans Engage
Four Teams Tonight
Bigbills Play in Cage Jamboree
At Medford; Love, Cox Crippled
In their last effort before the Christmas holidays. Coach Dutch
French's KUHS Pelicans take on four opponents tonight on Med
ford maples in the first southern Oregon basketball jamboree.
The Bigbills will play six-minute quarters against Medford,
Ashland, Grants Pass and Roseburg. The other quartet of quintets
will also play a four-sided round-robin. Grand winner will be
decided on the basis of the most games won.
A foul-tossing contest will De
Titles Will
Merge Tonight
NEW YORK, Dec. 19 (iP)
Two world lightweight cham
pionships will be merged into
one at Madison Square garden
tonight as a result of the current
collaboration between Abe
Greene, the National Boxing as
sociation president, and the New
York athletic commission with
Promoter Mike Jacobs acting as
Sammy Angott of Washington,
Pa., the NBA champion, and
Lew ' Jenkins of Sweetwater,
Tex., recognized ;
ruier in rvew
York, will
tie it out over
the 15-round
route in the
third such two
title affair
staged in recent
months. A
crowd of about Ik-
10,000 is expect- ,
ed to pay about
25.000 to watch
them. Earlier Sammy Angott
this year Gus
Lesnevich took over the unani
mous light-heavyweigbt title and
Tony Zale gained the nuaoie
weight crown.
The whole situation has been
peculiar since the 135-pound ti
tle was split up a year and a half
ago. The NBA withdrew its rec
ognition from Lou Ambers when
he took on Jenkins, who wasn't
even considered an important
challenser. instead of Angott or
Davey Day.- Those two fought it
out for the NBA crown, then a
few days later the lean, hungry
Texan complicated the situation
by stiffening Ambers in three
Since then Jenkins has done
his best to justify the nickname
of "Looney Lew" which the
sportswriters hung on him. He'd
refuse to train except in night
clubs; he tangled with speeding
cars and motorcycles, and put
up some sour fights in over
weight affairs. His recent bout
with Welterweight Champion
Eed Cochrane was about as poor
an exhibition as any on record.
bat-S- 3
this winter. . . . Fearless Frank
Calise, this column's chief opera'
tive among B leaguers last sea
son, is a college boy now. He's
attending the University of Ore
- 1942 Hunting and Fishing Li
censes now ready at. The Gun
Store The Ideal Xmas Gift.
Distilled from Wi-TOP-OF-WE-CRON
,. For holiday cheer, or for gifts
that win cheers, put OLD QUAKER
at the top of your list! Because,
. OLD QUAKER is distilled from prize
mim Tim whiskey is yum out roiu imiiici.. unworn, sa. .
held midway through the evening.
French said Friday his Klam
ath boys, who have won both of
their pre-season tiffs, will go
into the jamboree in poor physi
cal shape. Captain Gene Love,
ill abed with a cold for the past
several days, will make the
jaunt with the squad but may
not see much action. Jim Cox,
6-foot 3-inch center, is suffer
ing from a stiff neck.
French said the Klamaths
have looked good in practice
this week up until the Love
and Cox setbacks. He plans to
take the full squad of 10 play
ers and a manager to the valley.
Reports from other sectors in
dicate little or nothing is known
of other teams 1941-42 out
looks. Medford will be playing
its first game tonight. Pilot
Russ Acheson has been experi
menting with various combina
tions but hasn't picked a defi
nite starting lineup.
Roseburg, last years district
3 champions, has four letter
men returning headed by
Hughes, a two-year award winner.
Grants Pass has a new coach,
new system and five lettermen.
Arnold Benard, North Dakota
State grad, has sent the Cave
men into four games thus far
this season and has copped half
ot them.
Mentor Jerry Gastineau at
Ashland has three first string
ers from his 1940-41 five back
in action. However, Charley
Jandreau of grid, cage and net
ability, has not recovered from
a broken leg received in foot
ball and will not be available
for some time.
Next game for the Klamath
Pelicans after tonight is against
Grants Pass in the "valley on
January 2. .
Indians Down
Sprague Town
Five, 35-29
ly organized Sprague River
Townies basketball team met de
feat at the hands of the smooth
working Klamath Indian Sons
by a score of 35 to 29 in a game
played at Sprague River Tues
Both teams opened the game
playing cautious ball and the
quarter ended. 7 to 4 in favor of
the Sons. . The Sons increased
the lead to 11 to 17 at the half.
The second half saw both teams
unloose with their fast break
ing offenses that kept the crowd
on its feet. It developed into a
pitching battle between the In
dians' Hi Hatfield and Sprague
mvers ueorge Hobbs. who Dour-
ed them in from about the center
line time and again. Both boys
were on ana it developed into a
struggle to see who would miss
lira, aom men lea tnelr re
spective teams in scoring by a
targe margin.
SprasiM Mnr ( rot. ' k I troth torn (II)
Robruoo F fiiil
C Httfleld
" Dumoni
O Partridge
Four Quints
Poised for
Cougars, Tigers, Huskies,
Kansas Staters Collide
In Two-Night Round-Robin
SEATTLE, Dec. 19 W Four
college basketball teams, includ
ing the defending western cham
pions, Washington blate, were
poised today for the opening this
evening of a two-night jnmborco.
The opener will find w ashing
ton State pitted against Missouri,
followed by the University of
Washington vs. Kansas State.
The Cougars will build their
game around Capt. Kirk Gebcrt,
mainstay lctterman, with Owen
Hunt, Al Akins and Gail Bishop
expected to sec considerable no
tion. Littlo is known about the
Missouri aggregation except its
loss to Idaho by a 40-28 count
Wednesday night.
Coach Jack Gardner of the
Kansans announced he will
start four letter men and one
sophomore against Hoc Edmund
son's boys. Jack Horacck, who
led Kansas scoring last year and
is playing his final season, will
team up with Bruce Holman, at
forwards; Ben Howe, at center;
and Larry Beaumont and George
Mendenhall at guards.
Edmundson Is expected to use
his usual starting lineup, Doug
Ford. Chuck Gilmur, Norm
Dalthorp, Bobby Lindh and Bill
Morris. Ford is the only non
letterman in the group.
Bob Britton
Clashes With
Fred Cochrane
MIAMI, Fla.,' Dec. 19 (if)
Fast-hitting Bobby Britton, the
fighting son of a one-time world
champion, will get the big
chance of his ring career; tonight
in a non-title fight with Welter
weight King Freddie Cochrane.
An upset triumph over Coch
rane in the main event of the Mi
ami Herald's Empty Stocking
fund show would carry the 23
year-old Britton closer to the top
than he has managed to climb in
eight years of boxing.
His trainer and chief handler
is Jack Britton, an ln-and-outer
for years before he suddenly de
veloped into a great fighter and
won the welter crown in IV in at
the age of 34. 1 -"V"
Ever since Bobby made his de
but as a fancy-boxing, light
punching 15-year-old, his father
has been grooming him lor a
shot at the championship he him
self lost to Mickey Walker in
Artistic performers come
dime a dozen in the lighter
classes, so in the intervening
years Bobby has been converted
into a hitter at the cost of oc
casional lessons from kinds who
never could have touched him
had he stuck to defensive sparring.
Loveobftrg .
AmbrofitH -
Klamath Gunners
Slate Turkey
Shoot Sunday
The Klamath Gun club has
scheduled a turkey shoot Sun
day at the organization's Wocus
traDS. it was annnunrorl FHHav
The shoot will be held despite
any efforts of Old Man Winter.
Klamath gunners were urged to
attend in force. . The worse the
weather, the more fun it will be,
according to Francis Olds, club
member. '
Every man needs and likes a
good Pocket Knife Case Ka
Bar Diamond Edge Guar
anteed Knives at The Gun Store
714 Main.
Louts, Baer Sign for Navy Fund Fight
Dalles Pilot
Files for j
Husky Chore
(!) The University of Washing
ton football coaching Job had a
new applicant todny. Charles D.
McGulnnoM said he had added
his name to the list of those who
would succeed James Phelan.
McGulimess. high scnooi coecn
hero this year, graduated from
Wn.lilnutim where he was crew
stroke three years. Ho coached
high school football teams in mm
east for three years and In 1839
and 1040 coached the Long Is
land, N. Y pro eleven.
Ills high school team here was
undefeated this season and
claimed Ilia mythical sUleJItle
Heavyweight Champion Joe Louts (left), nigntd at New York for a
Buddy Baer (right), to be held in Madison Square Qsrdtn. January a.
navy relief fund.
IB-round title light
Proceeds will go to the
AP All-Stars
Listed for v
All eligible members of Tho As
sociated Press all-America first
team will be on the field for the
East-West all-star charity game
here Jan. 3, but the East will
have four to the West's three.
The-game, transplanted by the
Shriners to tho Sugar bowl after
it was blacked out in San Fran
cisco by the war, will feature
two star-studded lineups.
The eastern quota Includes
Bill Dudley of Virginia, the na
tion's highest scorer. Also listed
are Endicott Peabody. Harvard
guard who received the Knute
Rockne trophy for ability and
sportsmanship; and Bruce Smith,
Minnesota back who won the
Heisman trophy as player of the
Ralph Fife of Pittsburgh will
be Peabody's all-America run
ning mate at guard.
The West team has Frankie
Albert, Stanford quarterback;
Bud Reinhard, California tackle.
and Malcolm Kutner, Texas end
Of the remaining four all-
Americas, : Donald Jenkins will
be playing center for Missouri
against Fordham in the Sugar
bowl here Jan. 1, and the other
three are juniors. Only seniors
play in the East-West game.
Willamette Loses
To Utah Ags, 38-31
LOGAN, Utah, Dec. 19 W)
Grant Cullimore, Utah State
agricultural school basketball re
serve guard, was credited last
night with stopping the early
scoring spurt of Willamette uni
versity and piling up enough
points to clinch the game 38-31,
for his team.
The Oregonians took an early
lead and held until Cullimore
was sent in. Captain Jim Rob
ertson of Willamette tied with
Cullimore for high scoring, hon
ors with 10 points each.
CORVALLIS, Ore., Dec. 19 (IP)
Not any too pleased at being on
the short end of 3-1 odds, Ore
gon State's Rose bowl football
team entrains tonight for Dur
ham. N. C, and its New Year s
day gume with Duke.
A light conditioning drill was
on the slate for today following
yesterday's heavy scrimmage In
tho mud. Tho Beavers have
snapped through practices with
enthusiasm and seem determined
to get into top shape.
The next practico will be at
Chicago on Monday.
Zup Not Interested
In Coaching Job
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 19 OP)
Robert Zuppke, resigned Univcr
sity of Illinois football coach,
said today "I haven't applied for
a coaching position anywhere
and I don't think I will."
Zuppke was contacted by tele
phone In Champaign, 111., by the
Columbus dispatch after the
Ohio State Journal, quoting an
"unimpeachable source." said
Zuppke applied for a vacancy at
Miami University, Oxford, O.
Coach Frank Wilton resigned the
Miami past yesterday after three
bad seasons due to poor material.
DURHAM, N. C, Dec. 19 P)
The Rose Bowl game, shiftod
from Pasadena. Calif., to Dur
ham because of the war. Is a
Officials said enough ticket
orders had been received to fill
the 55,000-seat Duke stadium.
The game is between undefeated
and untied Duke and Oregon
State on New Year's day.
Trap grounds on High
way north of city.
Dec. 21
Beginning at
11 A. M.
Tulclake Turkey
Shoot Scheduled
For Sunday Noon
A turkey shoot has been sched
uled by the Tulclake-Butto Val
ley Sportsmen's association, It
was announced Friday.
The shoot will be staged Sun
flay, beginning at noon, at the
Tulclake traps at Stronghold
Live turkeys will bo tho prizes.
Read the Classified page.
and it
was just
what he '
wanted I
Buy h 1 s gifts
where he shops
for hlmitlfl
We lre Fortunate
To Have A
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Recapping Rubber
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urge that you get what I
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Balsiger Motor Co:
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' In Kentucky, birthplace of in bourbona,
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