PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON December 18, 1941 City fclieJfL Radio Stolen Catherine Gay- lord reported to city police the .heft of a table model radio from ler car Tuesday night while It was parked at Eighth and Main itrects. Has Treatment Vernle Arant, employed on the L. O. Mills ranch at Spring lake, was able to return to his home Wednes day after receiving treatment at Klamath Valley hospital. IMjMiJ ir rinin J 1 J I Return Home Mr. and Mrs C. S. Robertson returned late Monday night from a month's trip which took them to New York City, Washington, D. C. Miami, Fla., and to Havana Cuba, where they spent an en joyable holiday. They were in Havana when war was declared, according to Mrs. Robertson, and the news was made known to those dining in the hotel, first in Spanish and then in English. In Miami the Robertsons visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Shollcn berger and family. Mrs. Shollcn- berger is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Doremus of this city and a former resident. Robert son, president of the First Fed eral Savings and Loan associa tion, attended conventions while he was gone. Christmas Party Members of the Masonic organizations, in cluding the Order of the Eastern Star, and friends, are invited to the annual children's party to be given at 7:30 o'clock Friday night in the Masonic temple. There will be a Christmas tree, a Santa Claus, treats and a pro gram. All children of members and friends are cordially invited. Mothersingers Members of Mothersingers, a group to be re organized in the city, were asked to meet in room 9, Fre mont school, at 7:30 p. m. Thurs day. Those interested were asked to attend and bring friends. To Tulelake Mrs. Charles J. Heitx Jr., of Tulelake, accompan ied by her infant son, returned home from Klamath Valley hos pital Wednesday. Police Court Three drunks and nne vnp amvarvH in nnltr- court Thursday morning. Eight traffic tickets were paid. In Bend Circuit Judge David R. Vandenberg is spending sev eral days in Bend on the Des chutes county bench. He left by car Wednesday afternoon. Returns Home Mrs. J. N. Se horn of 8201 Miller avenue, re turned to her home Wednesday after receiving treatment at Klamath Valley hospital. Man Brought Here To Answer Charge Deputy Sheriff L. L. Browncll arrived Wednesday night with J. D. Long, brought here from Oroville, Calif., to face a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Long waived extradi tion proceedings, and is being held in jail here in default of $500 cash or $1000 property bond. Preliminary hearing is set for 10 o'clock Friday morn' ing in justice court. OBITUARY DOROTHY ALICE JONES Dorothy Alice Jones, a resi dent for the past five weeks, passed away in this city on Wednesday, December 17. The deceased was a native of Kalis- pell. Montana, and was aged years 2 months and 1 day when called. She is survived by her husband, Warner D. Jones of Cottage Grove, Ore.; a daugtv ter, Sylvia Doreen of this city: three brothers. Jake Strong of this city, Ernest Strong of Ana conda, Mont., and Arvid Johnson of North Dakota; her father, Michael Brunner of Rollins, Mont.; a grandmother, Mrs. Mary Strong of Moscow, Ida.: sister, Frances Davenport of Se attle, Wash. The funeral service will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, 925 High street, on Fri day, December 19. at 2 p. m the Rev. L. K. Johnson of the Klamath Lutheran church ' of ficiating. Interment will take place at a later date. For Your Information MAIL CLOSING TIME (EMecUre September 28. 1941) Train 17 Southbouudi 6 a. m. Train 20 Northbound: IOiOO a. m. Train 19 Southboundi 8:4S p. in. Train 16 Northbound! 9:00 p. m. Rebekahs to Meet A meet ing of Prosperity Rebekah lodge was announced for Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the IOOF hall. Members were re minded to bring their Jars of canned food for the Christmas box to be sent to the IOOF home at Portland. Past Matrons Party The an nual Christmas luncheon and party will be enjoyed by mem bers of the Past Matrons club at the Masonic temple Friday after noon, December 19, at 1 o'clock. DORR1S About 3 o'clock Sunday morning, John Drgnan, one of the watchmen for the As sociated Box and Lumber com pany, heard voices near the fil ing room. He thought two men were prowling through the shad ows but only one was routed out and promptly escorted off the property by the doughty ex-service man of World war No. 1. Degnan watched the fellow trav el a wavering courso north on Butte street, stopping at several business houses along the wny to rattle doorknobs and demand en trance. About 3 o'clock the fellow en tered the John Olson yard and while tramping around their front porch talked In such a way that Olson also thought it must be two men. Hearing Olson's voice, the fellow beat a hasty retreat into the D. A. Ballard yard next door. Whllo tho man was trying to make an entrance through a win dow, tho barking of her chow dog on tho back porch aroused Mrs. Ballard from her sleep. Thinking her husband, who works at night at the Assocluted Box and Lumber compnny, hud been injured, Mrs. Uiillnrd run to tho front door. When she opened it the stranger tried to force his way Into the house. Mrs. Bnllurd, who was alone In the house, screamed for help. The man hurried to the stieot walk. But when he saw that apparently no one hud heard tho screams, or responded, he came back on to the porch and de manded to bo let in. Uy thut time tho frightened woman had loosed her chow dug and when the mnn heard it coming he re treated again to the sidewalk where he loitered for five or 10 minutes in the shadows. Ho was arrested later in the day for dis turbing tho peace. Incidentally, the red chow now will have the run of the whole house all night while Bal lard Is at work and the family revolver and a straight shooting ammonlii gun have been round ed tip fur use by Mil, Uiillnrd. Formosa Quake Toll Set at 319 TOKYO, Dec. in (Official ra dlo recolvod by AP) Tho minis try of overseas affairs announced today that 310 persons woro killed and 437 were Injured by the disastrous enrthctiake In southern Formosa yesterday. Tho ministry reported 17(18 homes woro destroyed. Knllway, telephone and tele graph communications were in Id to have been completely restored. Exports of automobiles, parts and accessories rose sharply in August, 10-11. to a total value of $23,300,100, for a gain approach ing 70 per cent compared with j the corresponding month in 1040. Snow Blamed in Chemult Mishap Heavy snow that obscured vision was responsible for the minor collision Wednesday eve ning of Francis L. Wester of Redmond with K. C, MrGecr of Chmnull. The accident oc curred on highway 97 near Che mult, when Wostor collided with a snow plow driven by McGeer. Wester sustained slight Injuries. Read tho Classified page Victor Emmanuel III became king of Italy In 1000. SPECIALS! OIL PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 & $3.50 Op-ft Ivtflinn br Appointment Mary's Beauty Shop PMON1 till til MAIN Upatllre 0.r Sills PufnMur Her. I French Rayon Crepe IHIoiiiisecwats In her heart the lores beauty and beautiful things. Give her this Bmooth, slim-Ilned house eoat with full-cut, Dow ing skirt. 6g98 ' ) ' Jptf 2-Button Walit Closing Gay Jewel - Toned Prints Women's Sizes 14 to 20 Can die wick Housecoats 3 98 Quilted Donsecoats Q98 First on her list! Tint candlewick in French blue, dusty rose, raspberry or aqua. Surplice front, 4 three-quarter sleeves and skirt pocket Floral de sign border. 14-20. . iBierij -i i-' mm art, m w-h ir t trv , 133 So. 8th Multi-color floral print on quilted white cotton back ground. She'll love the way It wraps around and ties to figure flattering smoothness. 12 to 20. I TW ett A mmW 11 II I II Dial 5188 Wwml 077 Charmode Slips SLEEK AND SOPHISTICATED... MADE TO RIGID F R A N C I N E SPECIFICATIONS Gtvable gifts for a girl who appreciates fins things! Basque, midriff and V-top lips In tea row or white rayon satin. Made with lace appliques, adjustable shoulder straps and double-needle hem. 8laes from 82 to 40. Pastel Gift Slips DAINTY AND DIFFERENT IN PASTEL PINK, OR TEA ROSE Striking styles with matching lace and ISrfl ribbon trimmed V v top, flattering point ed midriff treatment, shaped Insertion wide-flounced, lace bottom. Adjustable straps. Pastel pink, or tearose. Lace dyed to match. 32 to 40. TEAROSE BASQUE STYLES IN MULTIFILAMENT Rayon SATIN Pretty-pretty rayon a tins with dainty lace at the trim-fitting V-top and out lining the fitted bas que waist Narrow matching lace edges the bottom. Wide adjustable shoulder straps. Sixes from 82 to 44. H A J.JJ I : fj 1 l j t ' i I I' r, S Itaron Clowns HER GIFTS FOR SWEET DREAMS AND BRIGHT AWAKENINGSI 69 For Her Btautlful Chrhtmat Three suavely slmpls styles In gay floral printed rayon crepes. One has simulated hand crocheted rib bon beading outlining the "V" nerk and perky cap leeves. Another Is severely tailored with softly shirred bust and high-pointed midriff. The third has qua re neckline, lattice-work straps and bow trim. Sixes from 84 to 40. Ladie's Cotton Jamarette SMARTLY TAILORED LACE TRIMMED SATIN GOWNS 18 Tearose er blue multifila ment rayon satin with wide lace ruffles at modified square neckline. S6-lnch. Blies from 84 to 40. a. Striped and plain sanforized broad cloth, prints, checks and crepes. Ad justable waistband and wringer proof gripper fastener. Smart rayon fringe trim. Size 34-40. Bedjackets CONSIDER HER COMFORT AND PAMPER HER PRIDE DRESSES V II m g Luxuriously soft, i e-F Quilted rnvftn .mm In dainty Dresden prlnta on tearose. u . "lue or white grounds. Made with eomfortabls, three-quarter length sleeves and flattering collar. Btees small, medium and large.1 Wool Midgies Now Novelty- Knit Zephyrs America's greatest dress value! Cunning frocks to make your young hopeful a Christmas angcll Finest broadcloths, poplins and nrlnts. Evervthlnff frnm rimnr i old-fashioned styles to sophisticat ed big-sister models. Santa s long ing to tuck several of these dresses in the stocking of evcrv Miss. , l-to-8'4. HONEYLANES for Older Olrla ... Five Shades I 1 J98 rrrrr Fine all wool tcphyrs. (yarn wmtent on label) In all-over fancy stitch designs. Crew neck or turned down collar with short sleeves an4 havak,, JSJ. plastic buttons. Red, fige, green, dusty pink. Sizes 84 to 40. Bootees Hind croehd pink, Mm or whlti m Intent"! ill only. CRIB QUILT V ' JL 2.9. print. ttrlMfd whit Mtton tilling. 40il4 Ineh, etilophini wrip pod. Slippers 1.00 nd er royal ,ull. ( - -, a. i in. Lamb waot eijff. SIH I (S , Buy anvthlna In. tollng (10 or more on Bears Easy Pay Plan. w . 1 1 r Due to blackout regulation., and in cooperation with other Klamath merchant., Sear will be open only Saturday nd Wednesday evenlngil Monday, Tuesday a i mi