PMfltnhflr 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN WAGE EARNERS IT MANY DEFENSE BONDS CHICAGO. Doc. 18 (!) The nation's 38 million wiihh enrnors mint buy ns ninny defense snv I nun bonds an they possibly can afford. Hrcrrtiiry of thn Trriis ury lli'iiry Murunithuti mid Wednesday. In prepared address before a national mcnUim of atnln de fense bond snlnn chairmen and ndinlnlstrntnr, MorKentlum mild that "token coiitilhiitlonii" from tlio wuuo cumers would not bo enouiih and added: "I mean a mil Investment, the very limit thut each person run afford without iictunlly tiiklnu food and other nere.-tsllirs from himself and family. " Intensification of tlio dufoiuo bond inlca la necessary, Morifcn than anld, If the liovernment la to aucceed in flnnncliitf tho ex panding cost of tho war "while avoiding the linmenao and dung eroua evlla of Inflation." "W are In reality fighting two warn one, tlio great atrug gle on all the continent and all the oconna, and tho other the war agulnat an insidious enemy here at home. That enemy la In flation. "Tho moat effcctlvo courao for ua, aa wo huvo known from tho very beginning, lias lieen to enllat current inenmo and to di vert excess apendlng, to per auado our people to et aside a part of their pay every pay day In defense bonds and stamps." Farmers aa well ua wngo eurn era oro expected to niuko regu lar purchases of bonds In the drlvo to moke "every pay day bond day." House-to-house ennvnsses and voluntary payroll deductions will form tho busts of a nation wide drlvo to get everyone into the habit of buying defense lov ing bonds. A sales goal of $1,000,000,000 a month was announced Tues day at a ennferenro of repre aentativca of tho 411 states and treasury officials. Through tho canvasses all citi zens will be asked to sign printed pledges to buy bonds. Under the payroll plan wage earners will authorlro their employers to moke regular deductions from their pay to purchase bonds. Tho bllllnn-a-month goal for sale of all types of bonds was set by Harold N. Graves, assisl ant to the aecretary of the treaa ury. He aet tho goal for sale of small bonda, with an Issue price of 18.7S and maturity value of 125, at $400,000,000 a month. Chrisimas Seals Finance Tireless Battle on TB This Is a atory of a battlefield, a battlefield not where Uvea are lost, but where Uvea are saved. It'a war , , , against one of the deadliest enemies of mankind, a virions foo which, today, In the United Slates alone killed 17(1 Americana. Yesterday, this Ta lentless enemy killed 170 per sons In this country; tomorrow 170 more will fall. One hundred seventy a diiy, mostly between tho ages of 13 and 45, In the midst of their most productive years. These are the victims of tuber culosis, ruthless disouso which has plagued the race of man slnco before civilization dawned and the trail of recorded history began. Twenty yeara ago, more than 360 persons In this country fell every day, victims of the killer which has waged war against the human race since the start of time. Thrco hundred sixty 20 years ago, 170 every day now. The number has been cut more than half os the vicious disease la slowly pushed backward, re treating under the heavy firo of all the great weapons tho army of aclence now commands. But the pitiless assassin la be ing puahed backward toward a' final defeat, and the armies who march forward against the White Plague under the banners of progress and human salvation ore led by a double-barred cross. This Is the symbol of the world-wide campaign against tuberculosis, sign of a modern crusade since the turn of t h e century, emblem of tho Klamath County Public Health associa tion. You seo it everywhere at this season of the year, the famil iar symbol of the war to save lives which appears on your Christmas seals. Now as common to the holiday season as holly or mistletoe, these seals are the only source of Income for the Klamath Tuberculosis associa tion. If ever a dollar Is stretched a long way, it Is the dollar with which you buy your Christmas seals. For that dollar has brought to life a battle-cry which in the early days of the campaign was prevent tuberculosis, later be came cure tuberculosis. Now, as tho big push gathers force and new objectives are won, the rallying call to arms li tubercu losis can be eradicated. Hansgirg Arrested By Federal Bureau SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 18 (JP) Dr. Fritz J. Hansgirg, 90-year-old Inventor of a new magnesium process, was arrested by FBI agents Wednesday at the Perm ante Magnesium plant where he was acting in a supervisor ca pacity. FBI agents gave no reason for the arrest of Hansgirg, who wto in an authoritative position dur-r Ing three recent explosion and; a number of minor accident! the plant. The government ha advanced $20,000,000. 'or. C5n- structlon of the plant to produce J 12,000 tons a year of the vital defense metal.. ; -. Hansgirg was booked as "en route to United States lmmlgra-j lion autnorities." I i t Vibrations from . a dynamite) explosion have been detected much as 2000 miles away. California Storm Wai Army Secret SAN FHANCIRCO, Dee. 18 (IP) Now it can bo told. North ern California was battered by tho winter's worst storm the first of the week, but until Wed nesday It was a military secret. Since naval officers and weather bureau observers, who guord the weather from Jap anese spies, agree that 24 hour- old weather wouldn't do the enemy any good, It's safe to re port that a nine-Inch rainfall In three days filled the Sacramento river and Its tributaries to their banks. Highway crews worked thru out sections of tho northern part f the state to clear blocked roads. l! iljilz MEM'S MILITARY "KNOCKABOUT' MORLCY COMB ' V VA PlrCll . s-PC BRUSH SET ZIPPER BAG AND BRUSH BET I lUfc'J&rX7fMA o 8 1 ' A Two ebony-back QQe le-in. "No-WI H 3f FroWional brush $1 : : mElS GIFTS! j U.rf.rwrlf.r REAL JOY FOR TvVIN DECKS OF MERr RING 8-PC. RUSTIC REGULATION SHE '13 ! Approved! U. S. A. -n READERS IN BED "PO-DO" CARDS ALARM CLOCK NUT BOWL SET ELECTRIC IRON Mgg 3 j ' ' II For a Brilliant ChrMma Trte! A Direct fees. 1 2 "Aee-Hlge" 7e Hoadaoese! 2 Attreeflvef "I39 Jf waof "I49 WkW ! li LIGHT UP WITH MAZDA M L'mP Teriftel 7 Accarotof 1 Practical! Meat MeeeV ISiSlllOl ILflli ' " If Smart brome or Ivory Fine qualify cards with Attractive all-metal cats Wood bow) has a natural An efficient streamline Baajc pAjfSl ! ' Uy Set of I Moido fulbs KQC ( finish Spotlight Lamp, colorful new assigns. Two In your choic of colors, bark finish. Mallet-type modal with quick-heoting Tfco Glff of Good Coffecf W&G ' ' i Wife Hosdy Add-Oa Flag J With a magnifying lens, decks in a smart chast. Smart, eesy-to-reed diaL cracker It matal picks, unit and eoegrip handle. COFFEE MAKER lii : eras blue, litre lulfci et (c oad I for 2Se eil-alass. slx-eup vacuum gTB J M '7 4 f mm- iv i i , type coffee maker . . gift that :, i I Trey Styt Four-SUf S- ? .-taw SS. wins a real welcome into any fLAl ' Y W'$F Vfii(tYA A BWAD TOASTER (USi . S-it- " TO ' 1 lJ y f WP m ' ' ffl ' ' .. 7-LIGHT SET 15-LIGHT SET "vVv ' J-:t?emS& " I I Assorted colors. Bulbs Bfight color essortmsntl Syitf fSTB. m- EPTat II all burn Indapandsntlyl All indapandantly wlradl V? . J rM9 Wl li ; ' K CHRISTMAS GLITTERING Tfc. SWMop Siud,. TOASTER FOR "'u;i" ,"7 :Arwfl Wl e u uur T Olft for o Sfuotitff c a ursuiruce KITCHEN CLOCK CORN POPPER TO SAVE WORK . W7I II u , . j" i i L l I i I I . T . i. ,.r V i 7 . . nafiercrsw . . 1 asggesneai ata ramesi - Jnsl' w ,, aTiirs.r -r ' . I Tour choice at a dime! For a bright, gay trae! I 1 Indirect light. Turn-knob switch. . . . Heavy crystal ohii. kn is i a'-ti ' II ,.--- - 1.1.1 4 39 air . . . t o.J. . . ....... . .. . iu.i .i...-. ..j i. "Trl oiotorl Roger 3 v II io mcnai tiu mpnifi . . . ... ' . nousawivas. Arrracrnro ensp ana rasry popcorn max srraim oira itt vncroi awitcn stooa x m t II wiches-and anils, too! . . ..... . S . . . ...u. j t.i.. .r. m 10 laS' -V Two-tonaa metal case., ui itty. easy to oporarai pace quicuy eno myi ny, oainyi . f 35M3 m . 3, GIFT TOILETRIES Km 7 4 t ' K'j i- iSfik . miemzLm.B m - - :J'1Pl?M m 3-'? .FM. CASUS S"' r,KK CLOYS. SET . ' S. s i !'r k 3- , frromo and foco Powder SometMne O50 i-.i, $ Foyered 9 IS Porfumof Eon do Cofognof U BpfflVii LA fe-Ja CHARMING COTY f-;- 1 J'Td 7 7-. EVENING IN PARIS 7 tEr '' ; VVi- VVk' HM" riCT DCAIITV niir 4 famous fragrancot eoa- A tastful and rafroshing Cologne and Dusting Pow. MICT CET AO l jr EV Wi DBAUII UUU taln a quaint mln. fragrance to remind har of dar scanHd with exqulsito I""" K ' W IT'S A HUGE DOUBLE-LA VER BOX VJ ' V V SH Blass your lady with the vary gift she laturo madiaval castla. those romantic mom.nH. Pik Oovar fragrance. ourjol. pacb a gift set that packs a B asaajie kila.ll A Vlins- -if ' lV, gMT most wantsl Choose har fa- 425 1 grand hofidaypunchl Wait and see $1 BKACM 5 MINIATURE 7 X 1 ' V,",,M",,""Em,r,Ud, r the glad recaption this gift gatsl 1 CHOCOLATES V iTSsaSSrn I I Gifts oi xxScent-iment" ) j r- jiri U C. mo l 'H V II ?CSV i a . I I W 9 "OUND BOX ( xi urn m$qwa i jl mm ....... ... . - - ' x '--x: .ii - sail iiii -auM iti-v;-. ti i ismujb ii ni isi in nrs i ii vtut uu oTi( vrs&rsj. .n.mrw it - v fe 3 LENTHERIC MAX FACTOR'S N SjL J III . lA Z iVAMKY CLOVER Elrly Am.rlc.n A $?k T fj MESSENGERS VANITY DUO ( JjjJS) 7 TWO-P.ECE SET gVfOTdbOX JtSW X A ' 1 'J.V'tfV 13. Co'""' 1 Hellirweedf I M pAW$ PIRFUMIS PERFUMES (I ToBrt woftrl I OldSpictl. . Z (VVff Hf J fWrlS Gayly bosad flaeons of Up-to-the-minute gold i Bourjols parfume A treasured giftl Candlastick glftl Hudnut's quaint frig. Toilet Water with atom- ' ta,TWllBfj(4 f ! - Jz'',' 'J ii?l Tweed, Miracle and Con- and black double Vanity (1 in a lovely "1 25 1 to )50 p,el"'"Cne N ,,nc en, 'lui,i, Iser, Talc and...Soap in I kKZiZs' ' ' u S fettl Lentherle Cologne and Tru-Color Lipstick. lA "Star" bo. I eodeurslQU A Tale and Toilet Water. . gy miniature Band Box. f f yfc V-mffiJ I; ' - j-ajjfc e'S2- -jjr,,- -s .I Two Dellcloss loyeraf . Fr.rf'esd HaMIHeetl ' ' ' 2 - (t fti .'12. iW1 ':'c:'oc'::' iBSa i..:.? 'I'LIiZ' . ?!?h kupfer bunte fancy -U ) 4 STII (ItSvJ rn, nsn munivuns s n jsl MnvnHi win i aKrvspe vuiea inma wr ,(ILal"TI CHQCOLATIrS STUFT CANDY I I : a 71 UuB N" ntm1- Polih I MOI I Si" iparklino ounces of Tropl- XjEjOUl Trial sites polish, remover. :j'ljffc;lJ Take the romance of roses II nvMiH vn v I m 3 7 J cuticle remover end Cftc all cal Spice Cologne ... $1 &ffs foundation and more AOe ti- jUll add a dash of spice $ 1 51 FOUHO 115 4 FOUNO AOC "' II ' y., 3 imP,,m,h 11,1 j 4aj three drams of perfume! 1 ' g3 needs -In handy S Ig end there you have HI V jV Y ml A I I ietyl ' A A Chri tiaeTtr' tl; J rj?;--. ... '.. BUS Y Batween soenrs on a movie lot In Hollywood, Veronica Lake, the tiny blonde who may popularise that shouldtir-lenfth hair bob f aln, keeps busy with a personal assignment of ornchrt handiwork, flaye aha finds It helps relax her nerves. V