Doeombor 18, 104 1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ITVB IB V ABOUT IP T BILL MATTER The Klnmiith district council of llio Lumber unci Sawmill Workors union (M'L) wu ro vealecl Thursduy to hnve punned a resolution nldlntf the union with a committed now working to obtain llonncvillo power (or tlio Klniimtli basin. Tho niovo wot Mild by M. T. Pavolku of tho union to bs en outurowth of n squabble which aroso between the union unci tho Cullfornln Orcuon Power com' pony over tho payment of link ing employes' bill In Weed, Calif., nt tho tlmo of the recent Long boll Lumber company hutdown. According to Pnvolka and Wil bur Yeomnn, another LSW rep resentative, tho union bollevcd thut Copco' effort to collect somo 40 hccouiiIs were pro nmturo ii nd not In lino with unuiil Copco policy. They laid tho union took tho view that tho power company win nuiklng un duly early ultimatums In threat ening to cut power facilities U tho bills wero not paid. Tho bills wero paid by tho LSW, they sard, but under pro- tost. II. P. Bosworlh, manager of tho Klumuth Copco office said that tho matter was handled through tho Yreka power com pany headquarters and the Med ford billing office but that In his understanding of the sltua tlon, regular power company policy was followed In the Weed cases. Ho said that In all tho 40 In stances payment of tho accounts were 30 days In arrears, at which tlmo routine company policy demands a power shut down unless Illness or other ir remediable reasons are the cause of non-payment. Me outlined the company pro eedure as follows: A meter reading Is made, for example, on November 1 cov erlns tho power servjee for tho past 30 days. A billing la made und rocalved by users five to sovon days aftor tho reading. If remittance Ii not made In IB days a decision Ii mads to moko a personal contact. Three days after tho decision the contact Is made. If the account Is still not sottlod notification of a power shutdown Is mode. linsworlh said that as fur as he knew the sumu policy wus followed without partisanship in tile Weed cuscs, The union assorted tiiat It be lle vrd Copco was discriminating ngnlnst tho Long-Bell strikers. Tho council appointed a com mit too composed of Kenneth Cordon, Klamath Falls; Ed Brim dciiMorg, Lakovlew; Georgo Horn, Algoma, and Yeoman to work with the llonncvillo group. Three American Tugs Unreported In Pacific Zone SKATTLE, Doc. 18 (P) Twenty-three Seattle and To coma mon aboard three Pugut sound tugs .are unreported In the Pacific war zone since be ginning of hostilities with Japan. Skippers of tho three boats nro Copt. Oscar Rolstad, Tnco nui; Copt. Ray Hall, Seattle, und Copt. Thomas Innes, Se attle. Listed as aboard ono of tho boats Is Drew Fobs, son of Capt. Henry Koss, secrctury of tho For Launch and Tug com pany, owner of the vessels. All were equipped with wire- leu and may have received warning of the Japanese attack In time to seek safe refuge, It was pointed out. The thirteenth naval district headquarters authorized publi cntlon of the report without mention of the areas In which tho tugs had been stationed. PURELY GLEANINGS DES MOINES, la. W Glean ed from the answer given by applicant taking an Iowa con servatlon officers' examination: Question Name threo kinds of aquatic plant common In low. Answer Poison Ivy, poison oak, nettles. Question Name three kinds of owls found In Iowa. Answer Barn owl, hoot owl, wlo owl. All member of the blood donor und the first aid team of the Fraternul Order of Eagle have been placed at tho scrvlct of this city and surrounding community, according to an an nouncement made at the orders last meeting. These two groups have been j In exlstenco slnco the early part of lUMU, und hnvo consistently come to the aid of persons in need or distress. The offer of service by tho two group was miido in the lino of active prep arations throughout the county for clvlllun defense. Members of tho blood donors, all of whom hnvo given a pint or more of blood, arc: J. C. Groves, R. M. Book, C. D. Groves. John Chase, Bert Fer ris. A. M. Pongon, L. E. Skllling ton, Curl Brooks, George Slad Ick, F. H. Hnmstrcct, Earl L. Green and Chris Huck. Members of the first aid team arc: Riley W. Houston, I. A. linker. C. D. Groves, K. A. Gor don, Wllllnm McClure, A. E. Borcson, Carl Brooks, F. H. Hnmstrcct, R. M. Book, Tarry Cnrmlchcl, Wlllium Beckham and F. S. Morton. For Information as to where any of thrso men can be reached, phone 4722. to BUY MORE-SAVE MORE AT PENNEY' S HEART PICTURES Electrical expert designed ap paratus that photographs a hu mnn heart In action, showing any chnnges In tho rate of pulsa tion and other fenturcs that may ndirntn disease. Read the Classified pago. WHEN IN DOUBT GIVE A MERCHANDISE ORDER FROM MOE'S. CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS. yVW?l-2 SAMSON 2iue CARD TABLES maki idiai GIFTS FOR MOTHIR, SISTER WIPE, AUNT, FRIEND, NEIGHBOR, . . SWEETHEART Penney's through tremendous buy ing power, enables you to a more HAPPY CHRISTMAS by being able to buy extra gifts with what you save. Buy your gifts at PENNEY'S - - - the more you buy . . . the more you will save! IF YOU PRIZE BOTH BEAUTY AND VALUE BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS FROCKS AT PENNEY'SI 1 Compare the beautiful patterns of the new Samtnn DeLuw Csnl Tables with ordinary table.. They're strong enough for every practical uw, and hrautiful enough for lha smarten home, and they maka rand gifts, tool At this price you can afford one for every room -for garnet, buffet luncheon! and dinner, sewing, studying, and a dosen other niee, No. 713 LOOK AT THESE SAMSON FEATURES 4Sllnproof,waha1)le,eolor-faitaurfac.Contlnuous top-smooth, rounded f dgr. 59 square Inches of extra playing nirfara. Pro tected corners, Reinforced steel "beaiily-hesd" binding. Sturdy, nvertlse, fluted lege, New double brace eliminates wobble. Smooth) rounded gliders on legs. HI THIM fODAr M - -i yu iu AN .j I -Q GO ottCE f IDEAL GIFT X g I Etf JMelT vlcH $ ll THEATRE SCRIP $j tNT iStl f save 20 a -t2tlCE, W 0 THEATRE SCRIP 'iSt in U laW BOOKS S 111 V Ml 11 Y The Fillean. pine Tree, J Sj J BSt MBt ll TV v" nd "atiiaoi. S7 K 111 , i-ox-lA jti TWrl 11 eoT i teb ; s MA r! J mi is n fi)98 1 ii SH,Rw -u 1 INCLUDING SPECIAL BONUS 2CDCC Spill-Proof Aih Trays rllCC With Each TabU New, improved method of fastening to tabU make these attractive trays more practical than ever. OPEN Saturday, Monday, Tuesday 'Til 8 p. m. For the Christmas spirit you'll nood Chrlstma frock! And you'll want to select from this group of really now atylosl Rayon croposl Alpacasl Vol Totsl Crop romainosl Metal trims I Rich winter colors. Size 12-44. JEAN NEDRA Fashion Dresses 3 98 So gay and youthful you'll want, several! Crepes, spun rayons and wool: Sixes 9-52. NEWEST STYLESI MIRRA-LINE DRESSES Girls' fPUK Dresses Wk I j !( 98 i I . ... .... .- S "SUNNY TUCKER" Let her select from our new group of Tat dyed print and (olid colored cotton the kind that tub so easy! Peasant tailored and ruffled models. 3-14. ' Dressy alpacas and crepes in mart new winter colors! SUes 9-52. 4 98 COLORFUL ' . Chenille ROBES .Utterly feminine robes to maka a lorely lady till - Iorellerl Soft., downy, cuddly che- -nille in the most popular colors. 12- 2 98 SECOND FLOOR BOYS' - MEN'S" ' LADIES' . - True Blue DRESS SATIN SHIRTS SOCKS GOWNS 79c 25V I49 Stripes, slubs. solid colors. A wide variety of styles. Lace trimmed styles Id the all his favorites! Fine patterns and colors. Ray- most popular colors.' Full quality! Carefully tailored! ons, cottons! length skirt. 13-17.- -' DOWNSTAIRS MAIN FLOOR .. MAIN FLOOR . BUDGET PRICED Townclad COATS M1S FIRST IN STYLE FIRST IN QUALITY . FIRST IN PRICE ' Splendid w o r k mans hip, tasteful patterns, and su preme styling. - Newest popular Blair and Warick stylesl TOPFLIGHT DRESS SHIRTS Sharp, clear, fast color stripes, all whites atffO stylish patterns! . 1 X7 Sanforised. 14- 17. MEN'S Leather Front SWEATERS ,98 2 Handsome two-tone sweaters with leather trim fronts and backs) Zipper styles, with handy pockets. Greens, tans, blues, maroonsl MAIN FLOOR LOVELY ' SILK HOSIERY A gift shell love you for silk stockings! 3-thread sheers, resilient , and. long wearing in fashion' ' fav orite shades! . 8 M -1 0 H , ; nylons. 1.49 ; MAIN FLOOR ThiS StOre Monday, Dec. 22 .'.to 8 P. M. r n Tuesday, Dec. 23 to 8 P. M. Will Be Opetl Wednesday, Dec. 24 .to 6 P. M. It iirai 0 x B mm CLOSED WEDNESDAY AT 6 P. M. THI WOMAN'S SIPCI.iwt