Dneember 18, 1041' THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREB ti v. t H if Jf Vr H it i V i I v: k ITALIAN TECHNICIAN DIES IN SUB Charming Scene Quick to Stitch Household ArU by Alice llrook LONDON, Dec. 1A (UP) On. Gnlrio I.iinil, one of Itnly'i oul Minullriu nillllnry technicians, awl ID of collcaiiuc have gono down to wntery rnve In 1)io Mediterranean nlioard a sub marine whlcli was mink while trylni) l cvnctiiito them from Hardin, l.ihyit, it wnn nnnonnccd Wpdni'itdiiy, Hrlllitli Imperials, d r I v I n u thrmiKh Libya against crumbling German nnd Italian defonses, hnd trapped thn Itnllnn garrison nt niirdln nnd the Ammlrnullo Cnrarelolo, ono of Italy's new rut submarines, wu sent to res cuo the Important officials there. I.nml, chief executive engi neer of Itnllnn army hendcpinr Irrn In Finnic, wns among those who bonrded the rescue crnft. TIip British destroyer Furnndulo mink It with shell fire. Thero wcro fill survivors of the nub murine, but I.iunl wnn not among llirm. Tho iiltpniplcd cviiciiutlon wnn liikcn to nit'ini tho plight of tho ilnrdla garrison was desperate. Since the British fleet control! the sen, ovacuntlnns by lilp would be only n hut resort for tile axis Forces. Burdlu huii been cut off by land since a New Zealand col umn advanced along the const rond townrd Tobruk. Gen. Kr- win Hummel, Germnn ciimminut er In Libya, apparently hoped to iniikn contncl with tho Dnrdln garrison and that at llalfaya when he made his famous armor ed raid along the border. llrcaimc of the lurk of sen com munications, Ftrltlsh officials sulci, there never has been any possibility of Fiardla becoming second Tobruk to menace the Im perlnl lines stretching on beyond. 7000 MEN IN WEST ENLIST FOR IVY SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18 UP) More than 7000 men In the 11 western states applied for naval enlistment In the first week of tho war, the western recruiting division of the United 'Stntes navy reported Wcdncs. day. dipt. E. B. Lapluim. recruit ing inspector, expressed his as tonishment at tho number of np plicntions and also at the high figure of 3B00 acceptable re cruits out of tho 7000 applicants an average of 431 had been set in the five preceding weeks for the riillro western division. Of tho appllcntiuns, 3000 emtio from Los Angeles district, 1300 from Ban Francisco. 1000 from Portland, 730 from Seattle, and mo remainder from the salt Lnko City and San Diego dis tricts. Cnptnln Lnpham praised the effects of the current newspaper advertising campaign. "Newspapers and radio ata- ' tlons of tho west have indeed been Invalunblo to tho recruit' ing service in this great emcrg ency," he declared. Businessmen Having Installment Credit Asked to Register WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, (AP) Tho federal reservs board today warned all businessmen giving installment credit to customers to register by January 1. Failure to filo a registration will ninko It Illegal for them to extend Installment credit after Unit dute. Tho filing may ba nindo at tho nearest Federal Reserve bank or branch. Officials said that most busi nessmen seemed to have forgot ten that at the time Installment credit regulntlona were placed In effect September 1, everyone was given an automatic torn porary license to conduct such business but that merchants, banks and finance companies were instructed to register for permanent licenses before the end of tho yenr. They added that licenses will be granted foe the asking, and are Intended only as a means of enforcement In those cases where violations of the regula tions mnko It necessary to ro voke a license. DEATH CAUSE The death of Sandow, famous strong man, was attributed to In' juries received whllo lifting sin' gle-hnndedly an automobilo from n ditch. fiend tho Classified page. FREE AT Carlisle's Jewelry Store $5 Grocery Order with each cash purchase amounting to $27.50 or over (tax Included.) All fair-trade Items excluded, v 100B Main St. fiat'"" caaffiaiTja: fern -mmrnm SEATTLE, Dec. 18 UP) "Be wnro of falling shell fragments when untl-aircruft guns begin firing' during air raids," Brig. Gen. Carlyle Wash of the 2nd Interceptor command warned civilians Wednesday. His statement said: "Tho 2nd interceptor com mand wishes to warn all civil ians of tho danger from fulling shell fragments when anti-aircraft guns begin firing during air rnlds. "There are ninny of these powerful guns now located In tho local defense system, which fire high explosive shells that break Into largo fragments. "Persons who remain outside of buildings or near windows while guns are firing nrc sub Ject to great damoge. The only PATTERN 7160 Get busy right nowl Here's your chunce to moke a colorful embroidered pleturo to docoralc any room In your home! Pattern 7100 contains a transfer pattern of a picture IS by 191 Inches; Illustrations of stitches; materi als needed: color chart. To obtain mis pnttcrn send 10 cents In coin to The Herald and News. Household Arts Dept. Klamath Fulls Do not send this picture, but keep It and the num ber for reference. Bo sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the en velope. Requests for patterns should read, Send pattern No to lollowcd by your namo and address Cook Books Rate Place on Christmas Gift List Books Unit tell how to get nioru food vuluu for your money, how to suvo vitamins and gel butter flavor, how to put health in your family menus and pro duce bctter-tnstliig dishes at the namo lime these books make year-long Christmas gifts. Let's look nt some of tho more import ant new books on cooking, diet, nnd nutrition ready for the Christmas stocking. How to Carve Meat, Game And Poultry By M. O. Cullen .Whlttleseyi f 2) This Illustrated guide to get ting tho best out of your ments by skillful use of the carving knife is by tho carving expert of the National Livestock and Meat board. Will help cut down wasto and also make carving a pleasure. Serious and thorough. This : utlnsss of Carving DENIAL OF SEAT TO El WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 UP) Chairman Hatch (D-N.M.) an nounced today the senate elec tions committee voted 13 to 3 In favor of a resolution recom mending that Senotor Lnngcr (R N.D.) be denied n sent In the sen ate. Tho action climaxed a year's consideration of charges involv ing moral turpltudo which grew out of Longer's actions as an at torney Bnd former governor of North Dakota. Lunger has been serving in his post since last January 3, pending final outcome of the proceedings. The senate mem bership must finally decide whether ho shall be unseated. Hatch said tho committee's re port would bo mado to the son ato as soon as possible but de clared It was his understanding tho case would not bo tnken up by the sennto until after the holi day season. Senators Lucas (D-IIO, chair man of tho subcommittee which handled preliminary investiga tions, and Senator Austin (R-Vt.) wcro appointed by Hatch to pre pare tho report for tho commit tee and to take charge of the matter In the senate, Slide Threatens Astoria Houses ASTORIA, Dec. 18 0P) A slide In west Astoria yesterday broke a six-Inch water main and threatened several houses. Yesterday's high tide flooded used car lots near the water front and lapped at the top of the $3,000,000 worth of dikes built In Clatsop county In the last four years. At Bay Ocean, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Coats, undermined by waves and rain, slid i into tho ocean. MOST DEATHS With 123.4 accidental deaths per 100,000 of its population, Wyoming had tho highest acci dental death rato In tho United States during 1030. -i-Ji r IftEAl filET THEATRE SCRIP f SAVE 20 0 THEATRE SCRIP g BOOKS t Tha Pilloin, Pint Trt, t J aTN Vos and Rainbow -T 1 (fTV T",,,,' 1 By Bill Rhode (MscMlllini 12) A lively and radical guide to curving by a lively and popular epicure. Well illustrated and ueliglitlully written. Will turn an awkward husband into an ex pert carver. Boston Cooking School Cook Book (Little, urown: S2.50) Seventh edition of an old American favorite, revised up-to. date. Many new recipes, latest vitamin information, and othet modern information for tho ave rage American housewife. America's Nutrition Primer By Eleanora Sense (Barrowsi 11) One of the best guides to mod cm nutrition for tno low Income family. Many recipes and men us that even a Ichool child can understand. Almost a necessity tlieso days for any woman who wants to keep her family heal thy despite rising food prices. The Llndlahr Vitamin Cqok Book By Victor Llndlahr ($1.98) . A cleverly presented guide to getting tho right vitamins into your recipes. The kind of book we 11 sec more and more of. Practical and packed with rec ipes. We Need Vitamins By Walter B. Eddy and G. Q. Hawley (Remholdi $1.50) A guide to vitamins in the fnmily marketing and cooking by two scientifically trained men. Simple, with a chapter on cacn vitamin. MENU BREAKFAST Stewed dried apricots and prunes, crisp bacon, corn bread, cof fee, milk. LUNCHEON Tomato Juice, mushroom omelet, en riched French bread, fruit bowl, ten. milk. DINNER Casserole of pork chops and apples, baked potatoes, 8-minuto cabbage, ginger pears, sponge cake, cof fee, milk. American Correspondents View Russians in Action By HENRY SHAPIRO , WITH THE RED ARMY,, ON THE MOSCOW FRONT, Dec. 18 (UP) Tho red army offensive northwest of Moscow Is gaining momentum across a great frozen battlefield cluttered with an un recognizable mass of wrecked machines of war. American correspondents on a visit to the front lines were given an opportunity to observe phases of the devastating rout of Ger man armies In the Klin and Volokolamsk sectors and saw the Russian advance gathering mo mentum in a scries of synchron ized operations which arc re conquering the Moscow district. safe procedure Is to Immediate ly get Indoors or under protec tive cover. Keep away from windows and from open doors until the all clear sounds. Sometimes we glimpsed bodies of men and horses partly hidden by the snow. We also saw seemingly endless lines of soviet reserves and sup plies moving toward the front. Our party, which Included British as well as American newspapermen, arrived at the village of Nikolaskoyc, SI miles northwest of the capital, only 10 hours after the Germans had re treated from that sector. Bitter Fighting We could hear the booming of Russian artillery in forward positions, about four miles away. as the red army pressed the enemy westward. The bitterness of the fighting had been apparent throughout much of our Journey forward. We saw about 30 miles along the highway where the villages and ttje earth were utterly soorched. Ditches and roads were piled with wreckage of tanks, guns, tractors and motor transports. Occasionally, we saw black patches that glittered In the sTiow and betrayed the presence of corpses of men and horses. Our transports were slowed down by columns of reserves rushing forward to press the of fensive in this battle of exterm ination. Ammunition vehicles moved toward the front with many detours because of wreck ed bridges. All along the highway,- red army engineers were energetical ly working to repair telegraph wires and bridges. Sometimes, phantom patrols could ba seen gliding through the pine woods In search of stray enemy units. 40 TOPCOATS ON SALE FOR $15 at DREW'S MANSTORE HE BUYS STAMPS - ' LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18 (P) Given 30 cents as a birthday present, Merllyn Nichols, I, asked: "Mother, can I use It to help lick those fellows killing our soldiers?" . Of course she could. Mrs. Rob ert Nichols took her to buy de fense stamps. The halibut does not - repro duce until about 10 years old, and has about the same life span as that of a human being. $25 REWARD Will be paid by the manufac turer for any Corn or Callona GREAT CHRISTOPHER Corn Salve cannot remove. It never (alls. 35c and 80e at Everbody's Cut-Rate Drags. Phone 3828. 08 Main St. GOOD TASTE , and Thrifty..toof ScofchTvpa Youll uli tla fini High land flavour of this choice blend...a Uvorits with til who want full , valui lor Ihi pric..Tnj it! M rw( Siim Swiii liQuir Curn'itm, 5n fnnctwa . .III At BE WISE, SANTA, SHOP SEARS... 3fc DEI UXE-8-SHEET CAPACITY of 9 5 7 Only $6.00 per month Qif n" Work Ects Makes Her ER tr m 1 t y& nee ds . ,rca" . noor to Quantity- celling. enjoy Sote'. sftrFree nknns 1 - Hom Trial And a Double comport ment laundry tray. Reg. $9.95 value. BOTH FOR CHECK THESE FEATURES Automatic Dial Pressure Indicator Instant Action Push Bar Pressure Release Automatic Safety Roll Stop Safety Sealed Silent Mech anism, Never Needs Oiling 6-Vane Bakelite Agitator 25-Gallon Tub! Built to do your laundry better, quicker, easier and cheaper than It was ever done before. No point of quality in construction has been overlooked. Try Kenmore and you'll agree it'a the beat buy! The Practical Gift for her Christmas Kenmore FULL ROTARY SEWING MACHINE With Beautiful Cabinet Sears Price Only ' (Also Sold on Euy Payment Plan) Full Size Sewing Head, Sews Forward and Back ward Full Rotary Move ment Numbered Ten sion Regulator Hinged Rocker Presser Foot for , Straight Uniform Feeding nt Material Universal TZfiSL 1S2S I Air Cooled Motor with this clever contempo- I j Bronze Bearings! rary design iena wem selves to any decora tive scheme. Serves as an extra occasional ta ble In the home. The narrow fluted bands across the front and door give simple but distinctive decoration. Top. front and aides overlaid with genuine American walnut veneer. Quartered gumwood legs, walnut fin- W lshed. One piece lid, hand lilt neaa, r- unee control for sewing speed. Quantity limited 1 Liberal Trade-in Allowance for Your Old Machine Phone Us for e Free Home Trial 1 Due fo blackout regulations. Sears will be open Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings only! 133 So. 8th l8main(i)lsliiyj(!il8Ml Dial 5111