4 rAemhr 18, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINETEEN r Midland Cmfute. CLUB HOLDS MEET BLY Tho Music unci Drunin- tlct club mot nl thu home o( Mr. nd Mn. Hubert round on Monday ovoolng, December IS. Vern Hannn, tiro president, pre aided and Dotty McCilnnl acted ai secretary as Ann Mi-ngel was unnblu to bu present. A play entitled "The Med i Headed Htrpchlld" Iioh b e e n I chosen and will be produced lor the public the last of Juuuury or tho first part of February. Part o( the play were rend and tho cast tentatively chosen. mere was anuii proarum composed of a duel by Alum ! Pound and vern minim unci a ' skit by Mr. and Mrs. Hubert j Pound alter which u Hinrii con. listing of tomato rolls nnd creamed cihcrcii win lemon punch was served. The reniiilncl r of the evening was spent In ' practicing ClirlaliniiH enrols. On Friday evening, December III, trier will bo another practice at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. E. Shea Anyone wishing to take part In singing Christmas carols Is Invited In be present. Thoso present Included Kmmii McClean, Jean Kllenberger, Vom Hull"". 1 E Detrlck. Danny Del Nero. Mr. Diamond, Opal Pntikc. Carl Raupnrh unci urn. Dorothy Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClnnls, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Shea unci the host and hostess, Mr. and Mr. H Pound. The next meeting will he at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McGlnnls on Monday evening. January 6. Fort Klamath Bertha Plttman left Monday for Pasadena, Cnllf., where she experts to spend the winter months visiting relatives and friends. She was accompuntcd south by Mr. and Mrs. George Litk and their daughter, Mrs. John Glpson, all of Pasadena, Calif., who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Turner In Klam ath Falls and had also spent J some time visiting and duck hunting at Tule lake. Miss Pltt man make her home here with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Lawton, Mrs. George Llsk being a sister of Mrs. Lawton and Miss Plttman. George Llsk Is a brother of Mrs. E. 8. Turner, formerly of Fort Klamath and now of Klamath Falls. Tho California visitors wero also guests at the Lawton home hers before leaving with Miss Plttman for Pasadena. Local women met on Friday afternoon In the clubhouse and owed for the Red Cross, H bo Ing In attendance during the afternoon, the meeting being sponsored by the Civic Improve ment club. Tho women will meet regularly to sew for the Rod Cross. In a former Item It was erron eously reported that Mrs. Guss Page and Mrs. Carl Wilson were eo-hostesses at a recent club meeting. Instead, Mrs. Page was assisted In serving refreshments to the club memhers following the meeting by Mrs. Fred Zuin brun. John Mabcn, who bos been confined to the Hillside hospital In Klamath Falls since December 8 when he collapsed with a heart attack, recently developed pneumonia, It Is reported. He Is reported to bo recovered some what it this tlmo. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wlmor left Saturday for Portland, whore thty will visit relatives for a week. They also plan to go north to Fort Lewis, Wash., whore they will visit Private Ival Knox, who is stationed there. Knox Is Mrs. Wlmar's son. Another son, Dol- .mar Knox, Is at Midway island and has cabled relatives hare again this week telling of his safety during tho Jnpancso attack. Hildebrand The Hildebrand grange held 'Its regular mooting on Friday venlng. After the business meet ing Mr. Jenkins, county club leader, showed four reels of moving pictures of the 4-H work Which was very much enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Smyth nd son, Kdwnrd, spent the past week In Medford. Ore, visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Pomcroy and Mrs. Smyth's brothers, Ed ward end Lou Lull. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. K. Hartzler nd children, John and Bessie, were transacting business In Klamath Falls on Tuesday. Mrs. Ursula Chandler, post master of Hlldobrnnd, accom panied by her sister, Mrs. Mnrlon Michael wero on a business trip in Klamath Falls on Wednesday. Mrs, T. P. Michael visited on Tuesday afternoon with her mother, Mrs, F. W. Broadsword 'of Bonanza. ;Mlss Bessla Hartzlor took care of ha. Hildebrand post office wlillo Mn. Chnndlnr win on a business trip In Kliiiniilli Fulls. TJiosu who vlsltud on Suncliiy ut llio Mlrhnol homo wore Mr. mid Mm. Jumca Good unci son. Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. D. llucf Irr mid children Floyd, lluy, (ilmia and Wundu of Klumutli Kulln unci Mrs. S. K. HarUlcr, Hesale HiiitzliT. Krnest Jtltter ncl John HurUler. Mrs. K. P. Pool was tukon to Hillside hospital on Saturday 'r medical attention, Mrs. K. P, Pool nnd son, Er- "In. visited ,01111 duy thu pust w,,,-k wl,h Mr- Pool'" '. Mr'- s- K- Hartzler and family. Langell Valley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dearborn ,.! Thursduy evening In Klam- ul, pM, wllh Mr nd Mr, uuva Turner. Mlllll Dorl, ,etivltl ,punt i0Bt weekend at Dunanu with Miss Helen Ciowen. Miss Ki.thcrlnu Rueck, a mis- ,U)miry lrum China, will speak nl Iho Full Gospel church Wed nesday evening. William Leuk of Portage, Wis., is visiting the Miller brothers. Mrs. John Dunn of Ashland visited several days last week with her daughter. Mrs. Novot ney and Mrs. Evutl. Lucille Keller nnd sons Ver non and Dirk of Portland arc visiting her mother and fumlly, Mrs. Fields unci her mothcr-ln-Inw. Mrs. Charlotte Keller. They will slay over Iho Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Acker of .ig .ug. Ore., visited last week mil with Mrs. Acker s aunt and family, the Willnrd Nobles. Mrs. liellc Kidwell of Madera, Calif., and her grandson and family, the John Frunka of Klamath Falls, wero Langell Valley visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Kllzabeth Shlndler re turned to her homo at Salem alter visiting her niece, Mrs. Charles Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Do Vaul are staying with the Gift chil dren while Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift aro In Arizona. Mrs. Irlo Miles and sons visited last week with Mrs. Bca De Vaul. Tho Miles family are now living In Bonanza. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Bly spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Brown. On Sunday they visited her sister, Mrs. Kdith Noble, In upper Langell Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Willurd Keller of Lukovlaw are parents of a son born Decombcr 6. The now arrival Is tho grandson of Alfred Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis. Mrs. W. D. 'Campbell would like all tho ladles of Langell Valley to attend the Red Cross sewing meetings held on Wed nesday afternoons. Bonanza schools wero let out December 17 for their Christmas vacation on account of scarlet fever. School will resumo again on December 29. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift arc at Needles, Calif., in hope that the change of climate will bene fit Lloyd who has been quite 111. Their address there is gen eral delivery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Part ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Lcs Leavltt and family enjoyed Sun day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dearborn and Mrs. Mary Dearborn. Roger Pcpple spent last week end at Bonanza With Ted and Dick Pepple. OIL TANKERS United States oil Industry owns 2050 ships and barges, with a combined capacity of 40, 001,342 barrels. The only advantage of gout Is that It keeps people from kicking. Hold Everything! . f " Cf IHI It MH IIIVHI. we. T. H. l. U.1 AT. tn, 17-18 "Why oluiuld I live In a NewA. Three Lake County Granges Install At Westside Meet WKSTSIDB Robert Snyder was Installing officer Saturday night when the IU42 officers of tho Thomns Creek, Eustslde, and Wcstslda granges wero installed by members of the Enstside grango at a ceremony at the Wcstslda hall. Snyder wus as sisted by Raymond Fisher, Mrs. Walter Lytic, and Miss Vesta Dlesenroth. Mrs. llnrvey Sand crs played for tho installation. and Jim Oglo of Thomas creek was the presiding officer. Masters of the three granges for 1042 are Roy Bishop, East side; Ebon Tatro, Thomas creek, and Evcrutl Becrnft, Westside. A potluck supper followed the installation of officers. The East sido grange orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Fitzgerald, unci bcr nlco Buck played for the danc ing. The third and fourth degrees of gnuigo work will be put on by Iho Westside grange ut the hall tho evening of Dec. 20. Snow Fall Heavy At Silver Lake SILVER LAKE Snow began fulling here shortly before day break this morning and by 0 o'clock hud piled up to a depth of six Inches. It is still sifting down with u soft steady rhythm The snow is clamp and clings to everything it touches, bending the willow brunches to the ground. It is the first big snow of tho season und will complicate the Job of local cattle owners who are rounding up their Mock ut Klamath marsh this week. On the other band, there should be plenty of snow for Santa's reindeer. December IB Is the date chosen for tho Christ mas tree at the school auditorium- There will be treats for all children of the community and the school will present a pro gram. Hager Mrs. Lizzie hamsey left for Oakland. Collf.. Soturduy morn ing to sDcnd the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Penlngton, who operated the cafe here, left last week to live in Olenc, Ore. R. H. Anderson drove to Oak- land, Calif., over the weekend. Ho expects to spend a few days there. PhnrUi Quri,.- rif Klntmilh Falls and his sons, Martin, Lurry and Douglas Kohler attended the ball game at the Henley school Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Pralher were callers at the Newman homo near Pine Grove Friday evening. George Murphy and the John Prather family were shoppers in Klamath Falls, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Anderson and Mrs. Anicc Anderson attend ed tho funeral of an old friend In Merrill Wednesday. R. H. Anderson and Mrs. An nicc Anderson attended the grunge convention at Midland last week. ' Vernicc Arrant is still in a Monism rails hospital receiving treatments for an infection of j ft the throat caused by a thistle. ( !8 "WORTHLESS" CANADA Victorious England at the end S of the French and Indian wars in ! ft 1760 wanted to claim the tinyiS island pf Guadeloupe in the West Indies with an area of 688 square miles instead of "worth less" Canada with its area of 3, 684,723 square miles. Guade loupe hod rich sugar plantations then while! Canndn was relative ly undeveloped. It's the last shots, not the first, that count. War Secretary Stimnon. lent when I own that?' Japs Using Nazi Planes in Malaya, London Reports LONDON, Dec. 16 fVP) The nlr ministry news service de clared today that the Japanese are using both Messerschmltt 100's ond 110's German fighter planes In the air battle of Malaya. ME 100 is a slnglc-cnglncd plane and the ME-110 Is the twin- engineer Both can bo used as bombers. The Japanese previously had been reported manufacturing fighter planes based on Messer sehmitt models but there had ' S jij I 5j " Wood . han die. Red with white trim. t. piece tee l frame. Rubber tlree. Wheel Barrow jj GAMES OF CHANCE AND SKILL I M WitrXGt Oaros everyone wiU want to play . I A , t ' , - i .jjl 1 S ft' . k.!C$j ... bingo, backgammon, tiddledy t TV I liB' l ' " Jl) t S Q ui Pli?iSr winks and many others. All at this j I , PwA " A- ' ,' - - SM J 3 j ;VglJy sporlal low price! tv. fSjfoHk T8 ' ' , ylgf ) L. : .' -. i a ami". ' ' --- ' Wsm r- 1 1 r- n.f i, -..,. ftf - tfii'.-ir'r - nift ' S LITTLE TOT'S SEWING SETS I 1 1 BATTLESHIP OR .... V s7iffkx rysp-'- steel j S ; x v Scooter l Slfi 2.98 mm Sturdy body. iiV V t I a n t and TLr easy to pull. . v.- - Has rubber ; -Vw2a1 ' tired eteel (CbJ wheel. W-ln. SaJfi i Dua to blackout restrictions and. in cooperation with othar Klamath merchants Saars will ba open ava nlngs on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes day only. Electric Phonograph Give your young mu sic lovers an electric portable phonograph that's all their own. This little machine comes in a beautiful, sturdy wooden carry ing case. It will piny up to a 12-Inch rec ord. Two snap locks. Only QU SOTJH lEIOHTSTREET been no Indication beforo thn t they' possessed planes made In Germany. (If these actually were planes made In Germany they might have been shipped to Japan via Russian Siberia before the German-Russian war. (The more feasible arrange ment, however, would have been to use German planes and en gineers and capable Japanese workmen to build them under nazl direction in Japan.) The news service said an RAF pilot first encountered four ME MO'S but evaded them and his United States-built Brewster Buffalo fighter then outdistanc ed five Japanese naval aircraft. DOLL AND MATERIAL FOR FULL WARDROBE 2S)C . Every little seamstress will love to make dresses for this dainty doll. Scissors, neodle. thread an Included. SUBMARINE Sears Prict Only $1 Submarine navigates on surface of water, dives and rises. Battleship haa 1 rear turret guns that shoot harmless sparks as boat cruises. ' Steel Tricycle 3.59 Ad I uiubi. uddl. teat. B I a b I k. ttyl. handli b a r . R . d nd Ivory. 1.49 On. plK all au.l body, to x 10-Inch. Doubl. dlae ttnl whaala, rubbar tint. Steel I Wagon C' Later, It sold, he was attacked by three ME-UO's but escaped from them by diving into clouds and In a fourth encounter with an enemy formation eluded an other gropp of Ml-lOB's. Rome Acknowledges Raid on Brindisi ROME, Dec. 18 (Official Radio received by AP) The Italian high command ac u owlcdged to day that British air raiders had struck again at Brindisi in south eastern Italy and at Catania on the Island of Sicily the second attacks reported on those ports In as many days. l tie raiders damaged some Lionel Electric Train WHISTLES BY REMOTE CONTROL This 41-Inch freighter was built to be sold for much mora . . . but we have only a fen ... so we're offering them to you at this very low price. Die cast engine, electric couplers between tender and first car. 12-section O-gaugs oval track. ELECTRIC FREIGHT Animals Soft, cufldly stuff ed animals, about 9" high. Includes honey bear, pan da and s c o 1 1 y. Tea Set 29c This 11-plK. alu minum t a a set makes a delight ful gift for any little girl. Toy Iron 98c Looks and works like Mother's big Iron. 6'a Inches long. Underwrlt er's Approved. buildings but caused-no casual ties, the dally war bulletin said. Anti-aircraft defenses were said to have downed one British plane over Malta. British Bombers Attack Germany LONDON, Dec. 18 (VP) -British bombers attacked the German naval base of WUhelmshaven In force. Tuesday night and blasted at Bremen and other towns in northwest Germany, the air min istry announced today. Large fires were left burning among the WUhelmshaven docks, the announcement said. Attacks also were aimed at 4 S t I locomotive, three cart. Moves forward and reverse by remote control. 12 piece oval track. Be Smart, Santa! Shop Sears RUBBER DOLLS Hard rubber head. Sleeping eyes. Diaper, glasa bottle and rubber rjA nipple laCVv 24 INCH BABY DOLLS Composition head, arms, leg . . . soft cotton body. Sleeping eyes with in lashea.... Mn I 7 E. NURSERY Soft, cotton filled Painted eyes. wasnaoia faeries. BABY BUGGY 1 29 INCHES Covert cloth folding don buggy. Steel wheels with rubber tires. Tan colored buggy with Ivory wheels. Equipped with a 24 Inch handle. WOOD CRADLE IVORY ENAMEL 69c Firmly constructed with S dowel ends and 4 dowel sides. Bottom is made of wood slats. Cradle Is S0H wide and 11-94' wide. INDOOR LIGHT SET Seven-light set. Each lamp burns in-. dependontly ... whan one burns out tha rest remain lighted CHRISTMAS TREE STAND Pull hand ltvar, strong claws lock tra and kaap It straight. Stoal. 1 Mi With water wall I,w USE SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN ON -. PURCHASES Of $10.00 OR MOREI the ports of Ostond, Dunkerqua and Brest on the German-occupied coast of Bolgtum and France, and mines were laid In German waters, the air ministry declared. The operations were carried out with the loss of only one plane, it added. .' SHARK BITE A photograph of a tiger shark; taken under water at the marine studios In St. Augustine, Fla, proves that sharks can bite with out turning over. ; : Girls with free and kneesy short skirts have no trouble get ting up stares. 1(095 MECHANICAL TRAIN 119 Four unit frelohta equipped with windup clockwork motor. Steel engine ; haa brake. 102 Inch oval track. C. 14 INCH DOLLS Washable, almost unbreakable composition body. Colorful 69c D. "MISS SUNSHINE" Metal sleeping eyes, human hair wig. Pretty percale dress. oonneu -Ti -JO 17 Inches high.. DOLLS - SH. W 12 Inch dolls. Gay "''a 49c