I SERIAL STORY LADY BY REQUEST- . BY HELEN R. WOODWARD SnSSSJVk. " TH1) (TORTl Til ellBJBX: neBwr imvnUm alme at WnBa (Tart r ner eleler-ln-lnw,"Aleln. emaee vrken 1e jrletnBe. pltefnl, lrl frame a meeting- r1wl DliM find aer former employer. IHrta tlona BlrfiaM Thorpe. Diana kaoerlna' Thorpe and Adrla ara arias aa affair, Boea fa kla anat. lac lodsa belleilna- Adrla la there. Mlepnen flnda laem taa-alkrr. la kart and beerlHered nm teowh kla raarrlava fo Dlaaa la tempo rary and oar f ennTenlenee, eon tree led a arrare kla dXOOO.000 In katilanaa whlck ka would aot r- rHr vnlraa ka married before tka V ef 80. Otaern la tka atorr are Pall Brtjee, fttepaeBe beet frlrad arko la atronply nUrnetea to Diana I KvalXB Thorpe, keantlfnl kllnd arlfa of nirhard. whom Dlaaa he ller ee Stephen loreo. 'Been aome rr here, Dlaaa f triumphant Adrla aeka when ker plot o dlacredlt kla wife with Stepaea kaa worked. ! lore aim," flaakaa Diana, "aad lm stoln fa nsht for him I" Dfepkev wondera why Dlaaa makea ka attempt fa explain, aomakow feela tkat akc la Inao aent. For tknt reanoa ka deeidea. Teadrtasr for aa Important trip to south America, to leave tklafja at v kema la chare of Dlaaa. a a DARK CLOUDS GATHER CHAPTER XIX AUi day Diana worked faith-1 fully at Stephen's aide. Sorted ; manuscripts, assisted Miss Todd: with last-minute typing, helped1 Larkin sort Stephen's clothes. ! When Adela learned of Ste-1 phen's plans, she produced a well-1 developed case of hysteria. "Why ! do you have to go?" she stormed. "Of all the men in the world, they pick on you! You're too valuable a person to send into danger!" "Don't talk like a child!" Ste phen said impatiently. "There is no danger In air travel today!" "Ships crash every day!" Adda cried. "What's to become of me?" "Diana is to take charge of things until I come back!" Ste-. phen said it as calmly as possible, glancing sidewise to see how she took it Adela's sobs ceased abruptly. Her tear-streaked eyes were wide with horror and amazement Her mouth became a tight line of de fiance. "You mean that stenogra pher is" Stephen's eyes took on that look I of blue ice. "Now, look here,; Adela, I don't want any opposi- Hon to my plans. I m too busy! to deal with hysteria. Diana is! to be in charge until I return, and; I want your promise here and1 now that you'll co-operate with her in every way!" Adela was breathing rapidly,' furiously. "You'd put her above me! You've fallen in love with her!" Stephen's busy hands stayed. She's not your wife!" Adela raged. "She never ha been. Everybody know that!" "Nobody knows unless you've .told them!" Stephen said with; udden harshness. Then with ani appealing gesture, he placed his: pis-ids on her shoulders. "Come,: lAdela, let's not quarrel. I'm going way. Do me the favor of giving 1 Tie a cheerful goodby. I'm surei (Diana will meet you more than i half way if youll do your part! Now -.you'll have to run along.' I've a million things to do!" But after Adela had left the room. Stephen stood quietly by Abe hearth for some time, doing! nothing. "1 have fallen in love: with her," he said to himself. - T ATE that afternoon Stephen and Diana walked over to Pey ton Square so that Stephen might Ibid Evalyn goodby. They found' iFhil there and' the four enjoyed a. 1 quiet cup of tea. "It's wonderful that they place mo much confidence in you, Ste-, phen," Evalyn said glowingly.' pAnd I promise 111 do my best: o keep Diana from peing lonely." 1 - . Diana felt Phil's eyes upon her,; questioning, 1 and her cheeks ! flushed warmly. Surely everyone j must guess how she felt about1 tatepnen! Stephen glanced up, Intercepted the look between Diana and FhO, did not under stand It it ill He frowned thoughtfully. A little later they walked over Its see old Ellen Curt, then home, (together. The hectic evening (passed, and it was dawn. A cold, apprehensive dawn. Diana and Adela, accompanying Stephen to the airport, shivered in fur coats, lit was difficult to believe that only la few days ago it had been warm and balmy. Now murky skies de ified the efforts of the sun to find , lan opening, and the wind whistled through leafless trees. ' The great plane throbbed in readiness, all was awry and (bustle. And almost before they knew what was happening, the ko-pilot said, "Better get aboard, Mr. Curt!" Stephen nodded and turned to (the two girls. He took Adela in bis arms, kissed her fondly sev eral tunes. Then to Diana he imply extended his hand. "Re-: imember your . promise!" ha said' quietly. ; ' Diana's eyes were on bis, hun grily seeking. Was he not even going to take her in his arms now, in this moment of goodby? She ached to feel their strength about her, to know the comforting as surance of his trust in her. But ha only gripped her fingers hard and released them. Ill stand by," she said thickly. "Thanks. Goodby!" He was gonel . Through eyes heavily misted. Diana -watched the great plane take off, rise gracefully and finally ibecome a disappearing speck in jthe gray curtain overhead. Nol eing sure Just how Stephen felt bout her. More uncertain now Jhan ever, in view of his casual Jeave-taking. He was willing to place an expanse of several thou sand miles between them, with out even taking her in his arm arewel!. Surely that proved that he was utterly indifferent to bar. She turned to Join the sobbing 1 Adela in the car, and found that Iher head was aching with a dull, Ithrobblng agony. She wanted 1 desperately to get home, wanted the sanctuary of her lovely room iwhere she could cry her heart out in solitude. a nPHE days that followed were a nightmare to Diana a night mare in which she sat chained to the radio. It had been like that ever since the news had first come through that Stephen's plane had disappeared. A newscaster in an all-too-casual voice had said, "Last word received from the Si korsky amphibian flying toward Guayaquil, Ecuador, came from Pilot Pete Smith who reported that he was circling down through heavy skies to find better visi bility. Some concern is felt for the well are of the IS passengers, among whom is Stephen Curt, well-known writer and political commentator." Adela hovered close by, her animosity toward Diana forgotten in her anxiety for Stephen. Her eyes were red from weeping, her handkerchief crumpled into a soggy ball. Elva Todd, anguish in her eyes, was a tower of quiet strength. Phil, too, scarcely left Diana's side and on that last night when uncertainty became reality. Evalyn and Richard Thorpe 1 joined the group. j Adela had sent for her Aunt j Christine, a small, plump, help- j less person with a crafty eye and I chubby, grasping hands. Diana had 1 disliked Aunt Christie from the j first feeling her allied with Adela 1 againrt her. With a childlike air j of proprietorship, Aunt Christie 1 helped herself to the most com- ' foriabla chairs, Diana's favorite magazines, and ordered the choic est foods prepared for herself: "When you're an old lady, my Idear, you'll understand how nec 'essary comfort is!" she explained, sighing luxuriously. , Diaaa wondered It there were lothers of Stephen's family, realli jing how little she really knew of ithe man she had married. (To Re Continued) OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla ATHLETE'S FOOT Only 30 per cent of athlete's foot is caused by fungus infec tions, research reveals. Nervous exhaustion and inability to relax cause other cases. DEBUNKED You can't burn yourself with dry lee. The sensation is that of burning, but actually It is a quick-freezing process that takes place when dry ice touches your skin. Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains A Small Deposit Holds Anything Until Christmas POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. , Phone 3520 DAT WHV AH LAK TE KOmV THAT OH t ICR'S O.K..--Y A MULE DE BSST.' SHE SSB LGAVES V HE DIDN'T TAttT OAT DEER FUST ... MOO CAIN'T I YOU WITH RIDIN' MULS4 TILL I GET A MULE TER SO INTBR NO THINKING HE WAS MENTALLY I NO aOlCKSANJP BOGS ER J AT ALL TO DEVELOPED NOW ONTO THIN ICB...OEVS X I ' DO FOR PAV6 IP HE'D STARTED, I SURER-POOTED IN DE S ON END, EH, SAV, AT SIX , WHY, ROCKS... DEV JES' fSSC V ICK? WE'D STILL BE IX " '''' FAVm YOU 6POILPORT6 WOULD QUESTION THB MOTIVE OF CJOAN OF ARC 'CHARGING MB WITH THINKING OP PROFITS BECAUSE I AM RAFFLING OFF A DOX.EN TURKEV6TD BUT SIFTS FOR.TM6 , ORPHftNS.'SPOTT-TT: "IF VOU ARft SO LACKING IN, CHRISTMAS SPIRIT, RUN AND HIDE VOUR QUARTER.", IN -rtl A BAKING VOU CAN'T BLAME US FOR VIPPING WHEN NOU'RB ADNAVS 6ERVING SOME THING IN A. FALSE-BOTTOM glass'- aui TRUMPETING, AND X'LL BUY A COUPLE- nr. rucMrteif TMS ONLV THING 1 EMER. WON WA A PAIR OF SLMJB-MOLDBRSONA- PUNCHBOARD FOR. 11.80 APIECB--V BUT PUSH BACK THE TREMOLO STOP AND I'LU SUBSCRIBE -IT'S THB GAMBLEF4 ME uwevonlV PINCHED HIM ' TO SEE IP HE WAS KEALj RED RYDER THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson MONKey, OP BORNEO, HAS SUCH A LONG, D COOPING, NOXSE THAT HE HAS TO t-foco r ocr 0' 7TPYf HeSAV WHILE EATIN.' .1 j;' 'Y!M. -V t-r was!. AT ONE TIAA.B I Fl WEBB CALLED A ' f if 1 - CAT AAEN WERE CALLED By Frtd Harmon LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray & BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES GEE. SANDY X l LOOK HOW HE JIIST Mid I MtKt WlinH Fj I BOOK BUT HE'S f lj NOT RFADIN'JLrST Ii.r. THINKIN I' " B Mi 5s. mm mm 7: m "!irl I THERE HE GOES! V OH. DCArTi I THREW TH' BOOK INTO I OUST S SUPPB? I I TH" CORNER. GOT J WAS READY. I I HtS HAT AH' COAT A TOO-NO k AM" STICK. AN' M. TELLING MOW 1 out He went tfu; when hcll I (--TO WALK- Jig' I BE BACK- V 0 e BBBeBrWv k. W i ff J C-plM , tV --5 nL tchI tch! JUST A WEEK TILL CHRISTMM- DOEBtTT 6EEM MUCH LIKE CHRtSIN TIME US THIS HOUSE JUST GLOOMY OftYS IN UtCtMotK. ALL ALIKE- Christmas) GEE 1 rr is NEARLY CHRISTMAS, IS NT IT! HM-M- DADW WENT PWfft' IS6UCH A HURRY. I HAVE NT MUCH SPENDtN MONEY-1 AND I CANT GET OUT I WONDER IP vdutj do somethsm' FOR ME. NELUE? ANSWER: Orlando. Woodrow Wilson. Lloyd Georee. Clomsncesu. nd HEXT. Can k oerson murder himself? MAP PUZZLE HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted is the 13 Agent tending to restore normal tone. 14 Swift 15 Male parent 17 Musical note. 18 Age. IS Type measure. 20 Drunkard's ailment (abbr.). .21 Partook. 23 Drone be. 25 Lair. 27 Enemy. 28 Lease. 30 Musical ii"truments. 31bugma. 32 Songs of praise. 34 Breeze from the sea. 36 Clear. 37 French article. 38 Looked askance. Answer ts Previous Pnzsle JLEOjjH;EiN.DERSOINL fLPnEfifc.BPiEfc $ eminUe tEIR WAl p"e nWlotbeIa't e rl Re r i.dIeOsleID 3te 0(J 1 teNsHsWo o HHDDH fEEiffnESs Ng EjA RiNnP V RTE jLiAirasnRPDE 1 not: IailIpIi n snsEigv ANfn lUeUt e Alfr aQQ nDgj 41 Little (Fr.). 43 Minced oath. 44 Fairy. 45 Negative. ' 46 Foot -tabbr.). 48 Reverend (abbr.), 49 Bait. 50 Wing. 513.1416. 53 About. 54 Toiletry cases. 56 Warehouse. 59 Northerly. VERTICAL 1 Quality of be. Ing separable. 38 sell (pi.) 12 In the manner of alternatives 16 Solar disk. (Egypt.). 20 Sour. 22 Beg. 24 Uncle. 26 Compass point. 27 Agitate. 29 Follows the second. 31 Precipitous. 33 City in Holland. 35 High mountain. mm H I Tme? cm I! COURSE. 1 1 ANNC- II WHAT M Jl A IT You wntfTr II ' By Martin f ffBBaBBU xnBBBAaaBBBB OWXCCtLY TO TWS fi 1 1 1 V0&P-tK EVfcWS- I EOOT I rl I tOC-rOefc I TWNfj -i V4 1 I BBBB Q I - ,,J g6"WW.. y L I RV6W5 -wa 'r-fJ Sflft- I ' V ll fl!j VA' WbeJV. WASH TUBBS I THOUGHT WE WSCe SOIM' 1 I THiiik vou'se TO THE MOVIES! 1 NEVEB yPEBFeCTLV HOSRIOI . SPEWT SUCH A TIMe IN MV UFE U 2 Near. 40 Keep back. 3 Small child. 42 Angered. 4 Girl's name. 46 Chimney 5 One hundred passage, and one 47 On.. (Rom.). 50 Attorney 6 Sour tastes. (abbr.). 7 Decrees. 52 God of war. 8 Note In music. 54 Prefix. 9 Unclosed. 55 Street (abbr.). 10 Edge. 56 Musical not.. 11 North Dakota 57 Toward, (abbr.). 58 Cloth measure ,39 43 39 IT 34 40 50 W 35 v-a.i 55 I 156 41 57 144 4 J4 TWS IC THE FIRST UIOHT VOLTUft TAKBV4 MB OUT W WEEKS.' ANP V00 WPMT EVEN Tgy TO Hwp A OOOO TIME i ALL FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS T7 ore I Jl BOOVtt AT By Crane bbb.T HI, M rv SOUR T X FlM6Hlt IT TOMUJrrTf V WMAT A rVXMk WHY V01"' J LKWT ON. JUiT 1 fWT (SOT THi ENTIRE 0N4 A SCO M164S.0 rf EAV' V- tT JOPPSD BV TO ABnT VW ON MAD, TWO WOUNOEDj AVLWAiH! W9 lfJkl f' J TO AMD THB RUT T - 5UM HAD A VKIVnLfcWfc,-Wr F(W6HTVW i CAPTUBSD J TIME1 I ll T '-L- Blosser Comb ovrl upgb. pdbtvi m . ANO DO SOMET BAR.BBNOII03 I HAVST eoMB GOSSIP STBAICMr PROM THt PARTY UNB A LBTTen. FOOM . IIKIMV WVNN? WMATS SAVf U- FR9CKUS A BOV IN. LEeSBUftO HAS Beew posino AS TUB WRITsTt OP 'MOW LONO MAS TMS Be?M GOINO OH 7 " HMMM PAMO IB CATCHIN. UP TO MB I I A STAND IN FUN POSIN AS A BK- lurr. ALlrOORAPHINS PROOBAMS AT A DANCE. Bur I BKPossn MIM AMO HI SLUNK HOMBJ' ALLEY OOP XT' ! ms coolo aer away, WITH THAT, Hff COULO SI9N -TOUR NAM a TO A CHSCK WAS POK S CUNT, I rr vMouLOova-RDOAW I WTV Wf account BXACTLY By V. T. Hamtiii yJerijJL)ST LOOKIT 1 OUR FIRST GBEAT yVEHAW'l HAD OA ITS A WONDER. fUSHttSTH MATERIEL VICTORY OVER. WIND UP CAUOMT S YOU SURVIVED... i 8ATTLEV- WE CAP- J KINO JOHN... ANO IN WOPPOS TENT) WE SWEPT OVER LfK(?f?H tlired Tall due to vour I 1 betcha a their camp like iPftSgP -SKILL AND BRILL- HUNMF-feD OUYS V ATIDAL, biIt Af . "VPID HE PIE NAVv, f TESLL US OFNAS BRAVELY r id. rTjaiFT i At. j WITH WOPPp I UVKJ I 1 NAW, HE AIWT DEAD 6klEAMTsTV,f BLIMSiV, l-V.I I JUST KiNOCKED 'IM; DETAIL flfflJARN WB I 1 m ri avi 1 u u i uiki 1 a c7v VArs f iin( - 1 aunn n i