Docembar 18, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVENTEEN CHEGKMASTER PLAN TO BE USED BY BANK Starting next Monday, Decern hr 22, anyone In Ilia vicinity of Klnmuth Fall who wlahea tha conventonco of a chocking ac count limy open ona lit tha Klnm uth Fall" brunch of tha Flrnt Nu tlonul Dunk of Portland under tho CheckMiiater Plan with an Initial dopoalt of o little as one dollar, It li announced by Mit chell TllloUon, branch manager. No minimum balance will be required at any time, and, there will bo no monthly currying charge regardless of how amall tha depositor'! biilnnco. Check book) are frao, with no advunce paymentn of any kind. Only flvo cent In charged for each check drawn and each Item deponltcd, he said In telling of tho Chock Maatar department on an addi tion to tho bank'a exlating check ing account facilities. "Tho CheckMustcr plan," Mr. Tlllotaon pointed out, "la nation ally faniaua aa 'tha checking ac count plan for alt tha peoplo,' and li now balng uaed by hund red! of thouaanda of depoaltora In other sections of tho country. It li known aa tho original sya- tem that mada checking facili ties avalluble without requiring minimum balance. The bank'a only requirement la that the do poaltor'a balance be aufficlent to cover the checka he drawa. Checkbooks aro Issued free to depoaltora without any rcstrlc Hons aa to the number of checka that may be Issued, und ore ex actly the aame aa those uaed in tha commercial department of the bank. "Wo ore pleased," Mr. Tlllot son aald, "to bring this Check Muster plan to Klamath falls. Thil new service will bo In addi tion to our present checking ac count facilities which will con tinue aa in the past. One of CheckMaater'a chief purpoaea la to aerve those who hove not previously hod the convenience of a checking account. "CheckMustcr hoa been out standingly successful In hundreds of towna and cities of every type and alio In other part of the country. "An account In the Check Master plan makes it poaaible for the depositor to pay bllla coni venltntly by check at home or wherever ho flnda himself. It al lows him to (hop or travel with out the risk of carrying large aum of money. "We know that the plan will find an Immediate and continu ing reception In Oregon because It meets a vital need. The bank'a charge of five centa Is consider ably lesa than the cost of an aver age money order, which many peoplo without checking ac count! use aa a substitute for a check. Besides, writing a check eliminates the time and trouble of purchasing money order every tlmo payments are to bo mailed. . "This service Is so amazing and so revolutionary that occa sionally somoono gets tho Im pression that tho dollar Is In tho nature ot a too. Wo wish to emphasize thot there is no Initial fee for the opening of a Check Master account. Remember, too, that the chocking account can be opened quickly and easily by moll. A card or lotter to tho bank will bring application forma." The Firat National Bank of Portland, which Is 65th In tho Hat of the nation's largest banks, has resources of approximately $170,620,000. It was established In 1869, the first national bank on the Pacific coast. The bank la a member of tho Federal Reserve system and Federal Deposit In surance corporation with each account Insured to $fl000. Lady From Lisbon tvFr F OfiT KLAMATH DRAWS PLANS BLACKOUT FORT KLAMATH Plans wero made at a meeting In the C. I. clubhouso on Monday eve ning for local blackout practice, a largo crowd of local resident being in attendance, with Gusa Page acting as chairman. The following men were ap pointed ea air raid wardens in charge of the various sections of the community: Central Fort Klamath, Elmer Zumbrun and Harold Wlmer; southern Fort Klamath, Alfred B, Caste! and A. L. Heath; north Fort Klam ath, William Pago and Eldon Brattaln. Tho local church bell will be used temporarily as a signal for blackout practice until a warning siren can be obtained, it was decided, William Brewer was chosen to announce presence of planes Planes Were Over S.; F. Area, Army States Officially raportB oi umaoruai lea o-i.rjjj.oioD uf .,,.mvrv&Mm t The planes were first located off shore and later "In the San Francisco Bay region. The Navy and other agencies reported their presence This information .was furtftePPPXttaJ2..the navy planes were over the area at that timet Flares were seen In the sky, apparently dropped by enemy aircraft. The "All Clear" signal was given when the planes disappeared. Lieutenant General J.L. DeWltt; Commanding General Western Defense Command and Fourth Apmy, reiterated his statement that no "test" blackouts had been or would be ordered in this area, and said emphatically, that every blackout in San Francisco has been genuine, based on official military Information indicating a definite danger of air attack by planes In the Immediate vicinity. am 1 V at CHAMS H. TITUS -er . , Public Relations Officer Ban Francisco a Friday bltcUout longest to date was not a practice, but was due to unidentified planes over the area, thia flret communique by the Army' a Western Defense command, states unequlvocably. In the north end of Fort Klam ath, and M. L. Ferguson for the south end- The men will tele phone in. news of the presence of planes to Fort Klamath. Practice blackout will be held some evening In the near future, when ringing of the church bell will be the signal used. As one among these millions I hasten to offer my services in World war I any way in which my experience and my strength, to the last ounce, will be of help in the fight. General John J. Persh ing, commander of the AEF in Zuckerman Remains In S. F. Hospital STOCKTON, Calif., Dec. 18 (P Efforts to bring Maurice Zuckerman from a San Fran cisco sanitarium to Stockton to face murder charges were sty mied Tuesday when Or. George K. Wever, Stockton heart spe cialist, reported that the wealthy produce merchant "should not be moved from Dante hospital at present." Zuckerman is charged with the Armistice day killing of Otto Dander, Stockton Ameri can Legion leader. He is under guard of two officers at the hospital. After hearing the report Su perior Judge Raymond M. Dunne said he would "take no action for the present." Traffic Jam Caused By Christmas Sign MUNDELEIN, 111., Dec. 18 VP) Police Chief Clayton Tiffany re ported Wednesday Ralph , Rus sell's 1941 Christmas sign is more effective than any stop signal he s ever seen. The chief was called out twice to handle traffic jammed when motorist! stopped to look at the 8 by 9 foot sign at Russell' filling station. : It had "Merry Xmai" In Neon at each of the top corners, In the center floodlights Illuminat ed a drawing ot . Santa Claua kicking Adolf . Hitler tn the pants. Draft of Women Remote, Claim - ' WASHINGTON, Dec.18 (P) Selective service officials said to day that drafting of women for non-combatant war service was a possible future development, but a remote one, as Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers (R-Mass.) urged that women be given a chance to volunteer for such posts, i Selective service officials said the possibility ot drafting wom en had been mentioned only as part of a broad study of the en tire productive and fighting cap. aclty of the United States. This, they said, was nebulous, and they expressed doubt that It would reach a more definite stage in the near future. It's estimated that the US has but one year's normal supply ot rubber on hand. There's one good way to. stretch It conserve! Mrs. Arnold Eimlund, tho former Emelln Marques Couto, 10-yeur-old Portuguese movie star, poses In typical shipboard fash ion as alio arrivca In New York on liner Excallber. Married In Lisbon to an oiler on Excallber'a alater alup Excnmblon. aha will live In Virginia. Courtesy Asked of Air Raid Wardens During Blackouts Reports that air raid wardens did a little "rough talking" to citizens on Sunday evening have been received by the authorities, and civilian defense officials said Wednesday that they are instructing tha wardens to fol low a policy of courtesy In giv ing warnings. It Is believed the harsh talk was confined to a few excep tional CUSPS. One atory, related at an "after session" of tho city council, waa that an old couple, who had been silting in front of a radio and had not heard tho blackout whistles, were told that air planes were overhead and they had better get their lights out. They were badly frightened by this Ingenious and inaccurate warning, " Holly on Sale For Aid Society Holly for the benefit of the Boys and Girls Aid society of Oregon is now on sale at Mrs. Ida M. Odell's office, 118 North Eighth street, and will be on sale from Saturday until Christmas eve at Carter's Fine Foods. Car tor has offered to' charge this holly for any of his regular cus tomers. The holly Is donated by Mrs. Arthur M. Geary of Portland and tho solo at Carter's Fino Foods will bo under tho auspices of the Girl Scouts with all tho proceeds to go to tho Boys and Girls Aid society. Tho Klamath committee of the Boys and Girls Aid society con sisting of Mrs. Robert A. Thomp son, Mr. Henry E. Perkins and Mrs. E. A. Geary wish to to ex press their sincere appreciation to Mrs. Odell, Carter, ond the Girl Scouts for their generous cooperation and urgo the public to buy Holly and help a Klamath boy or girl. Never beforo has there been a greater challcngo to life, liberty, and civilization. President Roosevelt, war mcssago on Ger many ond Itoly. Love and the Army Both Win Out i.i " rt it ' ' tNEA Telonholni In a Miami Beach, Flo., night dub, Sergeant demo Buckley ond his bride prepare thair wedding supper otter their eocond marriage. They divorced lNov7 ot last year ao he could resume his career In the Army, remarried. -THE GIFT STORE FOR MEN- NEMAN'S MEM'S STOKE THE STORE OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT f I 8 7777 II J; I B0XFREE I ,f Sensible 4iis Tf Shirts iJSjt 9 Sweaters ' M $P ..Robes jjjk r Pajamas i Jop"l (ff ' j Garters . C Suspenders P I shoes frL i?n!J GIFT BOX FREE ' LASTING GIFTS- THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE FOR " : HUSBAND ....BROTHER ....FATHER ..UNCLE ....BOY AT CAMP ,.B0Y FRIEND BOSS ....EMPLOYEE GIFT BOX -FREE- GIFTS THAT LAST ALL WOOL 0 OC PULL-OVER SWEATER JJjt,Vii SHIRTCRAFT fc t JC DRESS SHIRTS lleOsV HEAVY RAYON CtO AO ZIPPER SWEATER ?. e 7 DRESS GLOVES .......... $1.45 RAYON CREPE ) C A DRESS SHIRTS ..... 1jsC.J V -GIFTS- THAT WILL BE REMEMBERED LONG AFTER THE HOLIDAY SEA SON HAS PASSED GIFTS PURCHASED FOR A MAN FROM A STORE THAT CATERS TO MEN AND KNOWS JUST WHAT THEY WANT THE YEAR ROUND. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL WITH A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF QUALITY GIFTS AT POPULAR PRICES. SHOP EARLY MAKE THIS A CHRISTMAS OF USEFUL GIFTS GIVE HIM v A GADGET $100 Chip Rack Tie Rack Pullman Slippers Cigarette Bar Comb and - Brush Set -Brush, and,. :j Holder Perpetual ' Calendar . Ash Trays Toilet Set Handy Kit GIFT. BOX rare GIFTS THAT LAST 15 WOOL 0 AC GABARDINE SHIRTS 9we7s? NOVELTY TWO-TONE (1 AO SWEATERS .... ....... S I eTr O ALL LEATHER fA QC AVIATOR STYLE JACKET. .. P70? ALL WOOL PLAID til ZIPPER BLAZER .... S.Vi ALL LEATHER tO C ROMEO-SLIPPERS ................. MM& Chenay Silk Ties Wright's Dress Texas Glass All Kay Dress Boxed Fancy Glass' Silk Felt Glass Brlafs Sox1 Bn?" Belts L"h" Chains s,Pn- S"Pen- Socks Wallet Ties Hats S"p"- Belts Romeos ders ders . i ' 39 29 225 50 50 35e 50 $19S 100 Above Sketchcf Actual GIVE HIM "ARROW SHIRTS" Whites Fancies $200 - BUY MEN'S GIFTS AT A MAN'S STORE - PAJAMAS . i SPORTSWEAR- FAST COLOR BROADCLOTH NOVELTY, SATIN TRIM BROADCLOTH $1.29 $1.95 GEN. BEACON 4 nfi OMBRE BATH R0BEPOe7 sf ZELAN RAiN (tO OQ PROOFED JACKETS ."O ALL WOOL LEISURE COAT.. GABARDINE SPORT SHIRT.. $7.95 $2.45 ALL WOOL BLUE . ; MELTON J A C K ETS $395 M wm lEN'S STORE 'VV'- WHY NOT. Fur FELT $95 HAT Cm INDIVIDUALLY BOXED "WHITTENDEN" BATH ROBES $195