PAGE SIXTEEN cimn UNTILao:CLOCK SAT., MON. ond TUES. NIGHT Chouse from wide assortments of quality ! gifts, all at Wardi down-to-earth prices. MOXTGOIMERY WARD n mm Me wfte knew vove cneeas Fine Fur Felts Stykd by Brandon The hat that has everything! ood looks, quality and value I any distinctive models. TOO 56 Woo 100 Welcome Men's Sweaters 320 Coat style, knit to fit, in all wool worsted with double el bows for extra long wear 1 Graotrorfetyf Great raue Men's 31 nfflers . 49 VVoofcoWifoyom Colorful or quiet? Whatever his preference, you'll surely find the refit muffler here ( HsTi bVsl yes pofcf SZSO Sport Shirts Kayca GuioroW J08 It doesn't cost mint at Wards to give s man a finer gift I Spun rayons are color feet! A Man Can Alwayt Uua lot el Shirts, Shorts 29: Wardt Low Prkol Give him a stack of fast color shorts with Gripper fasteners: combed cotton shirts I Cvery Men Needs a Pair t Lined Gloves fVexGraW 1 19 Tough flexible leathers, lined with warm cotton fleece. Fine for driving. Neat stitched backs. NINTH STREET, Corner Pin .1171 nna ABI Ring Gift Vebe f Shirts, Shorts CVWawsWropped fl-P Cotton broadcloth shorts with "Grippers." No-Tare fly won t rip I Mercerized shirts. AM Ring Gift VaM Soft Kid Romeos Brawn or black et They're a tradition with men who like their comfort I Easy on. easy-off, with elastic aides! kriaSlippari Alports shoe The Lounger" lloobftond-sewnr- Hia favorite indoors or out I In soft brown leather, top grade, with band-laced effect I Royon 4 Cotton I Dress Socks 13 orS5 You won't find better looking patterns for the moneyl Short and regular lengths I I (Wp flilvn .ITIWlrn llnrmnOnp li uua! ULur uuiirmr i.r 0111111114) iM 1 assB cubed 0203 qqsd od ciid seeqi Ay)Cl n M AM Ring Gilt Vain I Smart Skirls 110 99 ihrlnltpreoll The famous quality that fit! better because it's made betterl Color-fast broadcloth. Bel! Ringer Gift Vofvesf Give Ilini Socks! 25" (Vond New Patterns f Hell be plessed as punch with these rayon and cottons with Kjloa reinforced toes I Oar Famous K Wool"Healthgord" Men's Unionsnit 1 19 Keep Out tneCeUr Cotton and wool Healthgarda, warm and comfortable I Non sag shoulders, roomy seat I Soft cotton omelette ... Boys' Pajamas yaComofffooGft ' Let the mercury drop I Boys will keep warm in these cozy flannelettes. Smart atrinea. Svrm to gt a wtrnn wmhomml Men's Robes 108 Pay Last atWardll All the features men wuit In a robel Warmth, wear, cheerful patterns. Double-breasted.. - THE EVENING HERALD. A Beff Ring Gift Vol I Fancy Eighties So Ivxvrtewt I 49 Shtmmerliur ravon en with frothy lace, embroid eries and ribbons. Little s'rb ion to dross up in Pretty Slippers si rich rayon Ktlnl Shell give you a bear hug, they're ao prettyl Bright blue, with red rosettes, dancy heels I Zlppar Front INovtlty Knit I Boy iTssS fin-An sf AHA fcj Ml,al 25 20 AWoriVolvl Not only warm and sturdy, but good-looking, tool Trim sport back. Springy-knit cuffs. 0,4eyf A "Signal Corps" dulgn I Boys' Slippers 69 si navy ftfve hit Hell go for the new eignal corps design, the plaid collar, the leather tips I Warm, tool Flannolatf or Broadcloth I Men's Pajamas 50 Smart new porteml JS. You're giving himsfeevcomorf when you give pajamae like these I Full-cut Coat or middy I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Vet r Sweetfteart Jroyon Satin I Lovely Slips Worth I1.BB1 Dreamy confections of lace and embroideryl Tailored 4-gores, too, at thia low price I BnsM sod Gey ot,tfie Holiday f Girls Dresses Ssesf ssdl Even new pessant atylasl Tub fsst percales. Well nude I Special Purchasel 69c Valuesl Gloves, Mittens Women's Ssm 4ft o Afade in Chlntf All wool with colorful embroideryl Better buy for yourself, tool Vhotharil)'t16or60 Give Silk Hose 89' First qualltfl Choose from filmy 3-threads snd service weight I All silk or with rsyon or lit'.c. ABtllRlngtrGift Wuet Fine DZnndbngs JvreroPeoief Sooty blsckst Rich browns! Other high-style colors, tool Soft simulated leathers I Mi A Ml Ring Gift Vatu,! Lacy Gift Gown Come earn 9 Unbelievably lovely rayon sal ine with deep lace yokes em broidery ribbons and tucks. ki cVir-ro-Wrop Gilt Boxes Umbrellas I 00 Amazing Svyi of A "different," really useful Sift I Gsy rsyont and cottons I mart composition hsndlss. Her Favorite Glove fvery Timet Classic Sllpons 139 Rare Bargain! at II So simple snd smsrt thsy go with everything I Wonderfully soft imported cspeskin. Shsli cvrf up Mre a (rtten to our Fur Fluffs A rich gilt at Just J5 A pouff of white fur on win rayon slippers, ribbed like che nillel Real heel; full linlngl A practical Idoa lot Sit or Mom I Bean Burns 49' aV CoHophan Wards own rsyon psntlesl Run resistantl Longer-wearing I Extra Slies SOm TO YES" I bV . . . YOU CAN f TILL BUY ON WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN el the ihlnas yon want 1O0AY , . . enjoy (hem while you ere paying for iham a llnle each month. You will sad the federal Rsaulations of Inilillmeat During, beve not Incresied the monthly psymtntl you make on Montiomsry Ward's coaTsnltnt psymsni plan. Let u tell you about this simple way to buy ell your needs. famous Longwar Qmlltfl Sheet Sets Cnriitnsl-wrapped I 75 As ll"aS sheet end two 42x It" esses, tested for i't years' wesrl Prscticsl glitil Tie Perfect "ttte" Gilt I lioxed Hankies 1' J m e Sox Lsce snd hemstitching snd dainty embroidery maks them look to expensive I Cotton, Doufce Service I Doublo Woarl 5 Wool Pairs 2io hotly I UuMI Best sellers I 5 new wool, 65 cotton woven for warmth plus strength. 70x80 inches. Tney Need No konmgl Chenille Spreads 310 Dovbl Bod Slsol Lsbor-ssvlng gifts I Wonderful variety of patterns I Good quel ityl 89 shrlnkproof I December 18, 104! talking Beovtfei by Connen Thirsty Towels 29 We JJ"x44" e Such fashionable designs! Em csptlonally thick and toil I So absorbsnt snd strong, tool Come m Now lot Beit Cneeef Dress Lengths firaufite fteyeni JL ' A restly sxcltlng group of expsnsivs-looking prima and plains in i to 4-yd. lengths. 11 ' ' Salt I f xpenive I oolrfng I Gift Gloves 6!) ForDrou-Upl JL Does she prefer classic auede allpona or fancy Imported caps aicins? Beta at this price I For Uat "Sutra" Gilt I Lovely Hankies Very Specter of . Tuck a gsy pony-print or dslnty . white cofton In with your greet ing card I Big assortments! D TELEPHONE 3188