Decsrnrmr 18, 194f PAGE FIFTEEN CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartment For Kant 24 Automotive - ..34 Business Opportunities . 411 Educational 12 rinanclal 40 For Bala or Trada .. 3H General Notices 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, romnlo 14 Help Wanted. Mile 10 Houiei for Kent 20 Livestock and Poultry 44 Lost and Found 2 Mliccllaneoui For Rent 2B Miscellaneous For Sola -. 80 Miscellaneous Wanted 42 Real Estate For Hale 31) Real Estato Wantod 32 Room and Bonrd 20 Lost and Found LOST Red femnla Pomeranian, answer to name of MIUl, Wednesday a. m. In Altnmont district. REWARD. Phone 8448. 1221 STRAYED TO MY PLACE ut 3100 Madison, S smull calves Owner may have same by pay Ing adv. and feed bill. Ivnn Crumpafker. 1210 i General Notices CONTINUOUS enrollment for complete courses New tuition rates. There's no substitute for quality. Northwestern I Beauty College. 1-2 SILVER GLEAM The silver polish that makes your silver ware gleam Ilka new Re moves tarnish without scratch ing, Use on chrome, wind shield!, mirrors, windows, etc. XBo at drug stores. 12-20 TRAPPEHSI Top prices paid for furs. Hollls Noonchester, 323 East Main 12-18 Personals FREE MARCELS every Monday. Tuesday and Wedncsdny Northwestern Beauty ColU-ge. 1-2 10 Service HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allender, 731 Main, Room 218. Phone 7203. 1-lOmlf PICTURE FRAMING Goellcr's. i 330 Main. 2-14mtf FAPERHANGING, PAINTING, kalsomlnlng. Dial 0848. Mel vln E. Frost. l-13mtf ELECTRO' UX CLEANERS Sales Service. P. O. Box 814. Phone 3018 Your dcoler. Tarkel Tweet. 1-12 8AWS REPAIRED The right way. Bodennamcr s, joj t Main. 1-10 BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Reymers Associated Service, Fourth and Main l-3mlf CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned. Doremus Rug Clean ers Phone 8873. 2012 Or chard. 1-3 REMODELING and REPAIRS Wm. B. Powell, Builder. Phono 3780. 1-1 RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS for dependable service. Dial 4788. 12 20 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner part for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 611 South Sixth. 12-31mtf REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, safely and eco nomically. For an estimate phone 8730. Wm. B. Powell. 1-1 FLOOR SANDINO and reflniNh Ing Clifford Golden Phono 3022 12-30mtf SPECIAL $2.05 oil permanent wave $1.80. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict, 6848. 1-6 CURTAINS .home laundered, stretched. Reasonable. Phono 6647. 1-Smtt I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 12-30 RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer tales and service. 813 Roseway Drive. Phone 7187. 1-8 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Qlft Shop, 319 Main. 12-24mtf PAINTING, paperhanglng, kal somlnlng, 75c hour or contract. Phone 3066. 1-8 FLOOR SANDING, FINISHING We ganerat our own pow r. C. DuFour. Phono 3006. 12-31mtf JfLOOR SANDING Old floors retlnlthed. Norman Fraloy Phone 4001. J2-24mtf H. L. Brown Phono 4226 PAINTING. KALSOMINING 12-10m(f Edueatlonal MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE. 015 Klamath Ave Phone 3883. lOOmtf QUICK METHOD in ballroom dancing. Modern, old stylo. Square dancing. Form your own group. 1401 Esplanade. Educational WHEN YOU THINK OK SUC CESS think of Northwestern Beauty College, ono of Amer ica's exceptional training schools. 1-2 13 Health DOCTOR M. C. CA83EL. chlro prnotlc clinic Some location, 0:i3 Main. Dlnl 721ft l-7mtf 14 Help Wanted. ramale WANTED Woman for house, work In home on rattle ranch, Ifutiri wages. Phone 7:150. 1218 WANTED Woman for generol liouirwork. HMi-rrnce. Phone 3210. 1)05 Pacific Terrace. 4SU4tf COMPETENT woman bookkcep nr, full or part-time. Write Ncws-IIcrnld, Dox 4270, giv ing uge, experience, salury ex potted. 12-10 WANTED Middle-aged house keeper. :i:i2 No. 10th. 12-20 WANTED High school girl to work for room, board and salary. Modern home, close In. Write box 1, News-Herald. ltf WANTED Experienced unen cumbered housekeeper. Small family, strictly modarn homo. $33. Inquire Link River Cot tages after 2 p. m. 4708tf 18 Help Wanted, Mala WANTED Young mon over 21, nt least two years college. Ap ply Swift It Co., 834 Market. 1210 FOR JOBS In airplane factories. Apply Mr. Llstal, Room 201, Wllllts Bldg. 1-1 II Situations Wanted SEVEN YEARS experience Ih bookkeeping, typing, short hand and fire Insurance. Box 320, Nows-Herald. 12-21 EXPERIENCED beauty operator wants work during Christmas rush. News-Herald Box 307. 12-18 SITUATIONS WANTED Typ ist, stenographer with General Motors and Chrysler book keeping experience. Box 1023, Tlonesta. Calif. 12-10 WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, sailing clothes on consignment. 1021 Washington. Dial 3380. 1220 SHIPMAN S BOARDING HOME for children. 3802 Bisbce South Altnmont. Phone 7303 1-4 BABYLAND Caro of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. 112mtf 20 Room and Board ROOM, BOARD. laundry. 346 No. 10th. 1210 BOARD AND ROOM 629 Jef ferson. 12-10 HOARD AND ROOM 407 No 0th Phone 0010. 4888U BOARD-ROOM -ton. 220 Washing-12-18 BOARD AND ROOM. Private shower. Steam heat. 723 Klam oth. 1-7 ROOM AND BOARD for gentle man. 804 No. 10th. Phone 6814. 1218 BOARD, ROOM $33 month. Also sleeping rooms. 1018 Washington. 12-20 22 Rooms For Rent NICE CLEAN ROOM Close In 827 Walnut. Phono 3393. 12-20 FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N 3rd. 4600U MARS HOTEL 1411 Main Steam heated. Weekly rates $3 up. SOc to fl per night .1-15 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedroom. Large closet. Rent $13. Free use of piano, radio, phone. Phono 7235. 12-18 NICE ROOMS for gentlemen. Phona 3244. 1-4 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1026 Jef ferson or phone 6834. 1-14 CLAREMONT. 228 No. 4th. All outside newly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new In- nersprlng mattresses. Free parking. l-13mtf ROOMS 1034 High. 1-Bmtf 24 Apartments For Itent VACANCY Everything: fur nlshed. $3,30 and up week, 1404 Klamath. 12-22 . i HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 020 Lincoln. 4887tf APARTMENT $3.00 to $3.00, Everything furnished. No. 2 Main. 12-23 LARGE ONE-ROOM apartment, 813 Pine. 12-20 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. 133 N, 10th. 12-19 COMFORTABLE two-room apt,, ground floor. 248 Broad. 4S46U FURNISHED APARTMENT Reasonable, 1010 Washington, 12-24 ia 34 Automotive WANTED Good Late Mode USED CARS for SPOTCASH First Class Prices No Delay for Your Money Douglas Motor Co. USED CAR LOT 1131 24 Apartments For Rent 1 2-ROOM FURNISHED APT. Wood, lights and water fur nished. $22.30. 1300 Siskiyou mornings. Phone 5173 eve nings. 12-20 FURNISHED APARTMENT Gns heat. Close In. $32.30. Drew's Monstore. 12-10 LAKE HOTEL Two-room apart ment, $30 month. 12-23 FURNISHED APT. 801 Mar- kel. 12-30 FOR RENT Furnished 2-room apartment. Electric range. Two blocks off Main. $20 month. Call days, 512s High St. 12-18 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. l-0mtf FURNISHED APT. 303 So. 5th. Phone 9047. 12-23 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment 1803 Main. 3904tf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlshed apartment. 2300 Blehn. Phone 7266 or 4327. 4138tf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 12-31mtf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas 419 No 10th 12-24mtf NICELY furnished 4-room mod ern Apt. 2 bedrooms Inquire 2110 Applegate. 4749U RIVERVIEW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable. Phone 3817. 4740tf MODERN furnished apartments and cottages. Winter rates now In effect. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-18 2-ROOM APARTMENT Every thing furnished. Steam heat. 1411 Main. 12-20 28 Homes For Rent MODERN furnished house. 024 Jefferson. 12-20 WILL SHARE my home, close In, with employed women. Phone 7365 5 to 7 p. m. 12-20 MODERN CABIN 2247 Home dale. 12-30 3-ROOM unfurnished house. In quire 412 Upham. 12-19 FOR RENT Three-room fur nished house. Phono 3803. 4573 BACHELORS' CABINS Willow. 425 1-3 THREE-ROOM furnished cot tage, $16. Water. Garage. Bachelor cabin. 253 Broad. 12-20 FURNISHED CABINS Re duced rates for winter. Alta mont Auto Camp. - 12-18 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save t Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. l-7mlf FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Largo living room, full basement, hot water well. 1643 Esplan ade. Phone 6023. 4711tf FOUR room duplex, oil circula tor, electric range and water heater, basement, garage and laundry. Phono 3030. 4675tf 28 Miscellaneous For itent FOR RENT 60 acres potato land Ideal for raising seed po tatoes. R. P. Oliver, 111 So. 8th. 12-19 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 6118. l-0mtf 30 Real Estate For Sal FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Main St. 133tf LARGE four-room house. Glass ed sleeping porch, stoves and furniture. Lovely yard. Gar age. Near Falrvlew sohool ' $730 cash and balance of $730 at $20 month. News-Herald Box 3984. ' 12-18 NEW four-room modem home, Vi acre good soil, for quick sale. Phone 4429. 12-18 Automotive For First Class Cars See Jack Morris, mgr., at Main Next to Elk Hotel 12-31 30 Real Estate For Sale I WILL help you plan, finance and build your new home. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 12-25 FOR SALE Duplex. 651 Ala meda. Owner leaving town. Bargain for quick sale. 12-19 FIVE-ROOM modern house on Summers lane. Inquire Hamel Apts,. or phone 3091. llBtf 34 Automotive MODEL A ROADSTER with ra dio, 17-Inch wheels; also Model A pickup, new battery, good tires. Large copper boiler for cooking hog feed. Shell Sta tion, 6th and Commercial. 12-20 TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes, factory trained service manager. 4934tf KARL KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located tt 2006 Ore gon Ave. Better body, fender work and painting for less Give us a trial. Past five years at Cascade Garage. 1-3 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your car at Rewey'i Glass Shop, corner Elm and Broad. Phone 5716. 1 6mtt MODEL A FORD Good con dition. 411 No. Oth. 12-20 36 Miscellaneous For Sal FOR SALEr New 1941 Zenith radio, phonograph floor model Also equity in Gibson auto matic electric range and Gib son refrigerator. 1417 Wall St 4603tl DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.50 at mill. Phone 8383. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. M7mtf RED FRYERS 20c lb. live weight. Crystals, Merrill- Lakoview junction. 12-23 6i CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR Like new. Bargain at $50. 2301 So. Oth. 12-19 FOR SALE CHEAP Two steel starter batteries, 3 decks high, like new. 3049 Delaware Ave., Altamont. 12-18 FOR SALE Christmas trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe, hand made toys, all kinds of greens, pine cones. Let us help you with your Christmas contest decorations. 1023 Main next to The Meat Center. 281 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays Howard Graham. 3204U CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections. Block numbers Indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce. Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug'. Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand. Robinson's Food store. Shaw Stationery, The News -Herald, Vic's Signal Service 3203 34 STRICTLY BUSINESS TH I RTE'.ENTH 34 Automotive TIME TO BUY! 4t Quick thinking businessmen ore buying now before further curtailment and restrictions are enforced beyond our con trol Better Buy Now. '40 LaSalle Sedan, Fleetwood body, low mileage, must be seen to appreciate it $1123 '41 Buick Special Sedan, deluxe throughout plus radio and heater, beautiful 2-tonc finish $1173 '40 Buick Super Sedan, very smart with puncture proof tubes, radio and heater .. $1063 '39 Buick Century Sedan, excellent motor, deluxe equipment, good tires, paint like new $765 '39 Chrysler Imperial Sedan, Chrysler prize winner with radio, heater and generally like new ... $705 '38 Pontic 6-Cyllndcr, 5-Pass. Sport Coupe, excellent motor, new smart finish $593 '37 Dodge Coupe, very clean, good tires $450 '37 Buick Special 4-Door Touring, above average ........$545 '37 Packard Touring Sedan, the popular 120 ; $493 '36 Buick Special Touring Sedan, radio and heater $425 '36 Olds Touring Sedan, like new, radio and heater.. ..$435 '38 Chevrolet Coupe, very clean, good motor $345 '36 Chevrolet Town Sedan, radio and heater $345 '34 Hudson Brougham, small series, very smart $225 '35 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, reconditioned $273 32 Oldsmobile 6-Cyllnder Coupe, new tires $ 75 '31 Dodge Sport Coupe, good motor , $ 85 Trucks and Pickups '33 Ford lM-Ton Dual Cab and Chassis, 6 good tlrea... $395 '36 Dodge H-Ton Pickup, very solid $295 '35 Ford W-Ton Panel, new motor, good rubber $265 '39 Chevrolet Panel, a clean job, good motor ...$525 '37 Chevrolet H4-Ton Cab and Chassis, a steal ..; $423 '37 Mack Junior -Ton Pickup, heavy duty axle $373 Several Heavy Duty Logging Untts Priced Right H. E. Hauger G. M C. and BUICK 1330 Main Street Phone 3151 Open Evenings 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Kenmore washer. Used 3 weeks. Big discount. Cash or terms. 3331 So. 6th. 4335U GRAIN, MILK-FED" TURKEYS Also fat hens. Joe Keller, Hager. Phone 5949. 12-22 FOR SALE Christmas puppies. Two to five months. $15, $25, or trade for used high-grade shotguns, rifles, revolvers of equal resale value. Beldiu Springer Breeding Kennels, Westside, Tulelake, Calif. 4973 FOR SALE Boy's bike, $17.30. Esplanade Courts, No. 11. 12-18 RECONDITIONED wood range California Oregon Power Co 4885U DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 126 cubic foot load $4.23 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 5852. 12-19mtf FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter, used only six times. WUI sell for $20 less than cost. Phone 8230. 325 N. 10th. 5tf USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Men's 12 and 18 size Elglns and Walthams $11.00 up. Rickys Credit Jew elers. ' 1-11 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver, Phone 8934. 1-11 HAMILTON AND ELGIN 21 jewel railroad watches. Full stock 902 Hamilton! for the railroad man's Christmas. Use your credit. Rickys Jewelers 12-26 NO CHRISTMAS COMPLETE without roast goose. Cheaper than turkey. Lewis Poultry Farm, Washburn and Garden Sts. Phone 4580. 12-18 METAL EDGE hickory skis with binders and poles. Excellent condition. $18. 632 N. 10th. 4730 FOR SALE Live turkeys 22c lb. Live geese $2.50 each nice and fat. Mrs. Tom Calmes, Keno. 12-20 FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co.. 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. l-9mtf by McFaatters NATIONAL BANK 34 Automotive 36 Miscellaneous For Sale BLACK-OUT PANELS made to order. Phone 7633. 12-20 FIR SLAB WOOD Highleys Market, Summers lane. Phone 8075. 4486tf DAVENPORT AND CHAIR, stu. dio divan and needlepoint stool. Carlson Mattress and Upholstering, 1719 Main. 12-19 GOOD fir body wood. Phone 7832 1-7 ' GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resll vering. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Phone 7378. l-6mtl USED electric range, good condi tion. Write Mrs.- Ada E. Dick son, Gen. DeL, Klamath Falls. Ore. .. -.- 4932 STOVES REPAIKED-All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 12-31mtf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED To buy skis, poles and lady's ski boots. Phone 5843 evenings. 12-20 EASY CHRISTMAS MONEY! We pay cash for good used tires. Black & White Super Service, Main and Spring. -12-20 WANTED Small size baby crib 1122 North Eighth. 12-20 WANTED Good used office desk. Phone 6760. - 12-20 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. " 1-llmtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Dairy cattle. Joe Horsley, Bonanza. 12-20 YOUNG GRAIN FED GEESE $2.25 live weight. H. H..Fol som, Route 1, Box 895. 12-20 FOR SALE: Five hogs ready to butcher. Box 116, Sprague River, 12-19 FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore., Box 145. - 11-28 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361. Midland road 12-31mtf 48 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS I WAYS TO OFT A COXSUMKRS CASH LOAN PHON'R . tVRlTR - COMB IN You nrpd no eo-ilgnara or endortrrt to get . cMliumtrt loan whether you rt married or ttnglt. . THREE LOAN PLANS NO. l-INCOMB LOA.VS On your not only, "So atilgn m)nti. No co-algneri. . NO. I FUR N (TURK LOANS . Your character li mora Import unt tliitn th furnltur Itielf. NO. l-AUTO WANS fflO to tV0O -sh loam and refln ncttiR. CONSUMERS CREDIT MUJ 720 Pine St. eMt . Phone 1711 ... itsij-tf WILL SELL $342 NOTE on Klamath Falls property bear ing 6 for $300 cash. Cabin 3, Frazler Courts. . ' 12-18 Hokkaido, in the Japanese group, is the 20th largest island of the world. 34 Automotive USED CARS Buy Now and Save! Our Clean Fresh Stock Is Still Complete Reliably Reconditioned ', Fairly Priced and : ' ' Ready to Go! :v Including New 1942 License '41 Studebalcer President Sedan ; " i '41 Buick Sport Coup '35 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan... .. .$285, '38 Chrysler Royal Sedan $595; '36 Ford Deluxe Sedan $365 , '37 Ford Deluxe Sedan .$465- '39 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan '36 La Fayette Sedan : '38 Nash Sedan '37 Olds 2-Door Touring Sedan. 36 Packard Touring '36 Plymouth Touring 36 Plymouth 2-Door '36 Studebaker 6 Touring Se,dan....$420 '37 Studebaker 6 Touring Sedan.....$495j'; Several More at Lower Prices ' .. ' Odell Motor Co. STUDEBAKER 600 South Sixth Street at Willow We Nov Have a New Shipment of' PRESifil Come and. Get it ; , ' WhlleliLdsis!! : : Douglas Motor Go Dealer Packard Hudson Willys 744 Klamath Avenue . . . 46 Financial L O A N S OX YOtm AUTOMOBILE Cash At Once! . Tour Car Ktd Xot B rally ?14 For . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance COBPORATlOil US Sooth 6th BU Klamath rU PSooa SMS H ttl M-SluM See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment . . COMPANY lit X. Tth Lie. M 171 Fhont SKS It-llmtr 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Lunch room doing S50 to $60 dav business (cash daily). Low overhead, steady business, best class trade. Equipment first-class condi tion. (This place makes money). Owner must quit work. Call at 135 N. 4th St 12-24 FOR SALE Restaurant equip ment. Will sell all or part. K Cafe, 808 Klamath avenue. Phone S760. 12-18 In the United States, there is approximately one motor vehicle for every four persons. Ger many has only one to 41 persons. In Italy, the ratio is one to 88 persons, in Russia, one to 213, and In Japan, one to 388 per sons. ' Highway users during 1940 paid the 48 states and the Dis trict of Columbia an all-time high of $1,309,314,000 in special state taxes and fees. , Canadian manufacturers add ground glass to paint for white traffic lines for durability and reflecting properties. . Nearly . 6,000,000 automobile tires are sold In the United States anma.lly at a value of mora than $450,000,000. Enrollment of Tolumbia uni versity. New York Cliy, Includes about' 36,800 --resident student-1 and 10,000 non-residents. I Automotive .$875 $265$ Sedan -$420 Sedan . $345? $320 - Sedan . Phone 4149 for '"i:VV::,.! . '' 12-1 Mails Hubby's j Present Early Mrs. C. E. McDonald of Shreve port. La., had to do her Christ mas mailing early, for her hus band, a Royal Canadian , Air Force, sergeant, is now a: pris oner of war in Germany. Here she puts a bow on a bundle for McDonald, who was shot down over France. -..: u Says She' 1 1 Wed Howard Hughes 7"A tJf fcwi You - have the word' of faith Dorn, 17-yenr-old actress from New Orleans, that she's engaged to millionaire producer Howard Hughes, but that they won't be soarruid for a while, N 34 V . "V a. V i sLajsilL-Ji iJ r . v , I 'J $