December 18, 1041 llTLEiTS NEXT BLOW MAY BE AID FOR JAPS By DeWITT MeoKENZIE Wld. World War Analyst it j, The Japs continue to trail In Jjjolr rnce to beat time before tJied reinforcements can arrive to take hand In the battle of he Pacific, nothing of a doclilve inture having yot occurred In my of the ncvcrnl strategic zones vhcro the Nipponese are nttiick iill and that la good nowa at hli atogo. Howover, a Uttlo Item from he distant Russian front today cmlndit ik forcibly that Hitler indnubtedly 1 a preparing t o itrlko agnln In ionic other (II rctlon, and that his fresh blow vlll be calculated to divert ai nnny allied resources from the rar East ai possible. An As mvlatcd P r e a a correapondent oflcr a thrce-doy tour of the JIoicow front report that there nvo boon no algna of the netl irforce. Thut la onilnoua. Any Hltlcrlun offrnnlvo which A'lll put an added strain on allied 6r and nnvul forces will be urn-duff for the Japa. 'I'hla la aprcinlly true of the aerlnl arm, became the Oriental battle at the moment la turning on con trol of the uir. So important la thla qucatlon of air control Hint a ncwupupcr editor haa naked thla column to Comment on It, on the buala that "It dooa seem that tho first phaao Of the war will bo dutermlned 111 the air." Hour Admiral Hurry E. Yarncll, former commander of the Ailntic fleet, govs even further and declnrca the United Slatra will win the war of the pacific through air control. Certainly air power Is a vital factor In the buttles now raging fbout the Fhlllpplni'i, Singapore, ilongkong and leaser air base. Ur reinforcements or lack of hem especially fighter plonea p fend off attacking bombora lay spoil tho differenco between Victory and defeat. Probably the question moat dften In the public mind relates Qour chances of bombing Jap cse cities. Remember Pearl Harbor! Interest undoubtedly lna been stimulated by the knowledge that the dropping of incendlnrloa on tho fllmslly built towns of the Island empire would he likely to produce holo caust. That la one reason why Rut ling attitude toward Japan at THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN. A &y&l&r Wft 1000 milts or Teaye, but WfT77777Th jGr'!M&W7T&7-i- MILIS bStrftlih Em Dutch l""!" Sffclepei 'OKHSNSfSSH U. S. Strategic Zona la Far East From (lie Azores in the Allnnlie to ZombonnRa in the Philippines, both American role in the conflict is being and probably will continue to be wnys around the world, extends the U. S. front in World War II. Major played in the vast theater of oceans and hemispheres mapped above. this Juncture of the crisis la high ly Important. The bolshuvlsta have a large air force at Vladi vostok only about 600 miles away from Nippon. I should say that right now our chief striking power must come from aircraft curriers. Wo have no bases near enough to the Jap anese mainland to enable us to do much pructicul bombing, em ploying Die long distance bomb ers commonly In use by America and Britain. These ships can fly aoma 3000 miles without heavy load, but obviously their service able bombing radius Is consider ably less than half that distance because allowance must be mnde for adverse winds, maneuvering and the return trip home. Now If Vou will glance at your far eastern maps you will see that our available bases are out side tho battle radius of such machines, so far aa concerns Japan proper. We could get at Formosa from Manila and that would be exceedingly valuable, for Formosa is a strong base or we could reach the Japs in Hainan or French Indo-China. Tokyo or the other great cities of Nippon arc too far away. Of course, you will remind me that the newspaper! long have been discussing bombers which are said to do much mora than 3000 miles. Also It's true that emergencies like the present fre quently produce quick Improve ments. However, for the pur poses of this article we will stick to the bombers now in gen eral uso. If we have anything elso In mind for the Japs they will hear of It soon enough and they may have cause for the concern they have been showing about possible air raids. PRIVATE FLYING TO BE RESUMED Private flying will be re sumed from the municipal air port Immediately, following rein statement of private licenses sus pended when war broke out. ac cording to Max Gutlcy, manager of the Klamath Air service. Guiley asked that the public be fully Informed that private filers will be In the air In order to prevent any confusion or be lief they are enemy aviators. The local filers, ha aald, have been reinstated without difficul ty following the routine suspension. All of the local planes used by private fliers, Guiley stated, are marked with NC and a number on the lower side of the planes. The private fliers will be In the air during the daytime. Only In a most unusual and unexpect ed case, he said, will any private fliers here be up at night. New Year's Dance Slated at Reames Members of Reames Golf and Country club will have their an nual New Year's eve dance in the clubhouse on December 31, It was announced this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Shoop will serve as chairmen. Members of their committee will be announced this weekend. A college band from the Uni versity of Oregon at Eugene has been engaged for the evening, it was stated. There are only 12 letters In the Hawaiian alphabet. 50 SUITS ON SALE FOR $18.75 AND $23.75 DREW'S MANSTORE 7M Main I rry 1 f: JfflfflM Here Is Truly... The Most sensational and interesting sal ever held In Klam ath Falls . . . Just imagine ... a complete Una of Gift Jewelry . . . over 2000 places to choose from, and no two places alike. If you enjor Jewelry, you'll "thrill" at this . . . for they are on sale at 12PRICE1ESS! Ntklaft Brooches : Lottos - Pint - dipt Caitfot - Brilliantt - Ptndants Anything and Ivtrythlng in Costumt Jtwery REG. 1.00 PIECES ALL 1.95 PIECES . ALL 2.95 PIECES . ALL 3.95 PIECES . 50c 97c 1.47 L97 SPECIAL GROUP . ALL 4.95 PIECES . ALL 5.95 AND UP SPECIAL GROUP . . 66c 2.47 2.97 . 19c AU OniM PIECES ABB REDUCED PROPORTION AT1LT (SEE OUR WINDOWS THEY WILL GIVE YOU IDEAtf) BEAUTIFUL SHOES G ARCELON'S Suggests I. E. S. Quality Lamps Use lest electricity Give better light Protect eyesight GIVE A LAMP THIS CHRISTMAS FLOOR LAMPS I and t Wir $14.95 T0 $21.95 Comol.t. with thatfn ud IMM, Oemblnatlo r-luorwnt and I. a s. $26.50 Sqnrats SHADES For til types of lamps Parohmtnt ot Dili. 39c to $5.00 Pin-lt-Up Woll LAMPS or trwy team In Mm heim. $2.50 T8 $4.75 DESK LAMPS TM lnl 0.1ft fw mm low AI $14.50 FluorMunt IM Lama " $6.95 Any Lamp at Gareelon't may be purchased on the budget plan. RATION NG 0 TIRES STARTS JANUARY 7 WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 Tho government prepared mach inery today for its first wartime step Into over-the-counter ration- Ins;, aimed at conserving crude rubber by barring sales of auto mobile tires for non-essential use. Civilian rationing boards In every community developed from state and local defense councils will decide which in dividuals are entitled to ration cards. The system is to become effective Jan. 4. Acknowledging the possibility of more rationing In the future. Civilian Supply Director Leon Henderson said the rationing boarda could become the frame, work for controlling the dlstri. button of other civilian article. , Henderson said warfare In the Pacific, cutting off rubber Im ports, necessitated an 80 per cent reduction in crude rubber pro. cesslng and curtailment of civil ian consumption from 47,000 tons monthly to 10,000 tons. Every new passenger ear made will get four tires, but will have no spare or one made of reclaimed rubber, Henderson told a press conference yester day. Manufacture of new pas senger tires will be eliminated almost entirely for the present. Planes of the present, such as the new airliners with four 1100 horsepower engines, can carry 32 passengers and crew, as well as a ton of mall at a speed of 230 miles an hour. According to a recent survey, approximately 30 per cent of air travelers in the United States are women. Since their pectoral flying fins are not developed until they are grown, flying fish cannot "fly", until then. - .. mm IDEAL Gi ive a She'll Love! . ;. o' from " ':.'!',. THE TOWN SHOP Robes Luxurious quilted flor of robes of rich rayon satin. Full swirling skirt. Wide range . of colors. '" Zip, wrap styles. 32-40. " - Fluffy Chenille robes with border pattern., Pastels. 32-44. -t.: 98 XW! Lingerie Gowns 91.98 to $7.95 Ideal Cift! Rich rayon satin in florals or pastels. Lacy luxury, tailored, dressy styles. 32-44. Lacy Slips $1.19 to $3.98 Luxury lacy trim ... tailored styles, too. 32-44. Bed Jackets To wear with all ,nities. Quilted . florals or pastels. your $1.98 to $3.98 SKI TOGS 1 Ski Suits $12.95 to $19.93 Ski Pants .. S3.95 to S14.9S Ski Jackets $3.95 to $11.95 Ski Mitts ... $1.95 Ski Sox . $1.35 Scarfs . 59c to $2.95 Ski Boota ..$3.95 to $12.95 Accessories Sweaters 5 New adaptations of' ha. : tive American designs in "Norwegian" stitch, feo-: hiring the Caribou, ThurK' derbird, St. Moritz and Antlers. 895 1Bd W Hosiery . Jewelry Bags Gloves Blouses Handkerchiefs Scarfs ...... Sweaters Skirts ..; Jackets ...... ...94e to $2.93 $1.00 to $19.00 (plus tax) " ......$1.00 to $2.93 $1.00 to $10.93 :..$1.29 to $4.93 .........13c to $1.95 ..-...$1.00 to $1.93 .....$ 1.98 to $8.93 $1.88 to $4.93 ....$2.29 to $14.93 and JANTZEN ' Sweaters are featured ex clusively at . The Town Shop G ARCELO N' S 525 Mam The 407 Main Phone 4361 TdDWM SMdDIP' Main and Fifth