PAGBTEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December 18, 1941' Manheii and tyincisuUcU STOCK MARKET REGAINS LOSS AFTER TUMBLE NEW YORK, Dec. 18 V-Se-lective recovery tendencies seeped Into the stock market to day, after an early washout had wept many leaders to new lows since 1938, but the general trend remained downward. : Losses at the worst, running to more than 4 points, were re duced In numerous instances af ter midway and, at the close, smattering of coppers, rails and favored industrials displayed modest improvement. - Heavy tax selling and lack of much stimulation in war or bus iness news, brokers said, kept bidders in the background throughout the greater part of the proceedings. Dealings were swift at inter vals and transfers for the full stretch were around 1,300,000 shares, largest in a week. Mildly optimistic for long suffering commission houses was the sale of a stock exchange membership for $25,000, up $6000 from a previous transac tion which was at a new 43-year low. The year'i high for a seat was $35,000 in January. - Soft spots in the share divi sion included American Tele phone, General Motors, Sears Roebuck, J. L Case and Johns Manvllle. In the rear ranks most of the time were Goodyear, United Air craft, Westinghouse, American Can, DuPont, US Gypsum, Texas Co., and Western Union. Resistant were Anaconda, American Smelting, Phelps Dodge, N. Y. Central, Pennsyl vania, Southern Railway, Mont gomery Ward, Caterpillar Trac tor, oBeing and Goodrich. . Bonds and commodities were narrowly irregular. - Closing quotations: Air Reduction 38 Alaska Juneau II Al Chem It Dye 138 Allls-Chalmers American Can Am Car It Fdy Am Rad Sta San . Am Roll Mills Am Smelt It Ref . Am Tel It Tel Am Tob "B" . Am Water Works . Am Zinc L4S. Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix A via -Beth Steel Boeing Alrp Borden Borge-Warner Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hec Canada Dry Canadian Pacific . Cat Tractor Celanese Ches It Ohio , Chrysler .. Col Gas & El . Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth & Sou Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N ..... Eastman Kodak El Pow & Lt General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire . Gt Nor Ry pfd . Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper . Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap It P pfd Int Tel & Tel Johns Manville Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew's '. Long-Bell "A" .......... Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv ............. Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dist National Lead ... N Y Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil .., Otis Steel Pac Amer Fish Pas Gas It El Pac Tel It Tel Packard Motor .. Pan Amer Airways .. 27 65 291 . 31 . 10i 38s 1251 . 46i . 21 . 31 . 261 . 3i . 24 i . 31 . 131 . 361 . 59 . 181 . 201 . 191 . 171 I . 51 . Ill . 31 . 361 19 321 431 1 8 ..532 221 12 51 241 50 101 81 651 1391 1311 1 261 381 291 131 111 201 111 51 101 451 231 541 11 53 341 211 221 35 21 25 31 14 131 231 121 71 12 91 41 81 41 10 171 961 II 14 When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anne EarlT i Proprietors Carload Potato Shipments Day of H Month Season 1941-42 Season HM 0-41 Dec. to Season Dec. to Season Dec. Daily Date to Date Dally Dato to Dato 1 21 21 2666 3 3 2979 2 9 30 2675 28 31 3007 3 23 53 2698 24 55 3031 4 31 84 2729 31 86 3062 5 21 105 2750 32 U8 3094 6 24 129 2774 28 146 3122 7 0 129 2774 41 187 3163 8 25 154 2799 4 193 3167 S 24 178 2823 40 233 3207 10 3S 211 2856 35 268 3242 U 36 247 2892 23 291 3265 12 33 280 2925 36 325 3301 13 22 302 2947 28 353 3329 14 I 303 2946 34 387 3363 15 47 350 2995 i 395 3371 16 27 377 3022 35 430 3406 17 " ' 18 19 '20 21 ZZZZ ZZZ 22 24 25 - " ZZ ZZZ ZZZ 28 29 30, ' " 31 H i I FEDERAL INFLUENCE SLOWS WHEAT PIT CHICAGO, Dec. 18 (V) Grain trading fell off to an unusually small volume todny and prices drifted fractionally lower as the market reached a virtual stnlo mato brought about largely by indirect governmental control of prices. Traders adopted a watchful waiting policy pending develop ment of price control legislation. Meanwhile, they said, the wheat and corn markets In particular were dominated by the fact that the government, through the loan program, has placed what amount to virtually a floor and ceiling on prices, at least for the time being. This indirect con trol Is the result of the storage of new crops at government loan rates and the offering for sale of old supplies of wheat and corn at prices only a few cents above current market lovels. Wheat prices dipped as much as ic at one stage but closed ic off to '1c up compared with yesterday, December $1,231, May $1,261-1.26; corn unchanged to 8c lower, December 781c, May 833-lc; oats unchanged to lc up; rye i-5c lower; soybeans lc off to Sc higher. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 5 Cali fornia, 2 Oregon arrived, 17 un broken, 15 broken cars on track; practically no early demand, market steady; no Klamath quotations. Month Shipments by Truck (1940) Grand Total Paramount Pie Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodge . Phillips Pet Proctor & Gamble . Pub Svc N J . Pullman Radio Rayonier v. Rayonier pfd Republic Steel Richfield Oil Safeway Stores - Sears Roebuck SheU Union Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison Southern Pacific . Sperry Corp Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind . Stand Oil N J . Stone lc Webster . Studebaker Sunshine Mining Texas Corp Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth 131 76 181 29 451 511 121 211 21 91 241 17 91 411 511 161 81 161 101 30 41 211 301 421 41 31 . 4 . 431 . 4 . 681 . 131 . 601 . 10 . 331 .932 . 41 . 641 . 161 . 80 501 181 5 24 751 251 SO. S. F. LIVESTOCK SO. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18 (AP-USDA) HOGS: salable 800; around 15c lower; most good 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts $12.10, latter top, one load $12.05; good sows $9.50, steady. CATTLE, salable 150; steers nominally steady, good quoted $11.25 down, medium $10.50 heifers absent; largely range cow run, strong to 15c higher; two cars good young 970-1040 lb. Ne- bada cows $8.75, recent extreme top, medium and common cows $7.50-8.00, canners and cutters $5.50-7.00; few medium sausage bulls $8.50. Calves, salable none nominal; good to choice vealers quoted $12.00-13.00. SHEEP, salable 1000; active, around 50c higher; wooled lambs absent, quoted $12.00; four decks good 79 lb. shorn lambs $10.90 straight; two decks 65 lb. Ne vada whitefaced feeders $11.00, Stop! 'Looking for a Good Time? Com to sorted 15 per cent at $10.00, mostly medium to good, to pack er; medium to choice ewes quot ed -$4.50-5.50. George Washington received no salary for his services during the American Revolution. Of the world's 3,000,000 lep ers, 12,000 are in the Philippine Islands. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 9 California, 7 Idaho arrived, 17 unbroken. 44 broken cars on track; by truck, 10 California, 1 Idaho, 1 Nevada arrived; no Klamath quotations. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. 18 (AP-USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 92; on track 255; total US shipments 494 supplies moderate, demand fair; market steady; Idaho Russet Bur- banks US No. 1, $2,421-60; Ne braska Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.55-60; Colorado Red McClurcs1 US No. 1, $2.30; Minncspta and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $1.45-2.071; Cobblers US No. 1, $1,421-50; Wisconsin Katahdins US No. 1, $1.45-60; Round Whites US No. 1, $1.35 1.40; new stock supplies, light demand, market steady; Florida Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.40 2.50 per bushel crate. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 18 (AP-USDA) HOGS: salable 700, total 1800; market active, mostly steady; good-choice 170-215 lb. drlvo-lns largoly $12,00; one very outstanding lot $12.25; medium grades $11.75 down; 230-300 lb. $11.00-60; light-lights $11.00-50; packing sows $8.50-9.00; light sows up to $9.50; choice feeder pigs $10.75-11.25. CATTLE: salable and total 150; calves, salable 25, total 40; steers rather active; other classes slow; medium-good fed steers mostly weighing 950-1200 lbs., $10.50-12.10; few common steers $8.00-9.00; light dairy typo steers down to $7.00; common heifers $7.00-8.00; Conner and cutter cows $4.25-5.50; fat dairy type cows $6.25-50; medium beef cows $7.25; cutter to common bulls $6.25-7.00; good beef bulls quot able upward to $9.00; good veal ers $12.00-50; choice quotable to $13.00. SHEEP: salable and total 50; market nominally steady; good choice trucked-in lambs salable around $10.50; Wednesday's ex treme top $10.75; few plain feed er lambs unsold; fat ewes salable $5.00-25. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 18 (AP-USDA) The Boston wool market was tairiy active and prices were generally strong today. Sales of domestic wools consisted most ly of those needed for immediate consumption. Good 12-month Texas wools brought $1.10-1.15, scoured basis. Original bag ter ritory wool running bulk fine of good French combing length with some staple lengths brought mostly $1.10-1.13, scoured basis. Data secured in 21 states indi cate that every third person Is an automobile driver. Arizona, with 32.1 per cent, has the largest ratio of women drivers of any of the 48 states. John Mead and his five sons operate by themselves the Great Western Railway of Wales. Looking for Bargains? Turn to the Classified page. r IDEALGIFT fc THEATRE SCRIP I SAVE 20 THEATRE SCRIP ! 8 BOOKS I TIM Minn, Mm Trtt, J Vol art" Rilnbow f ! TTwalrM .Jy ' niiii That's one of the many reasons for Blitz-Weinhard's overwhelming popularity! It's always refreshing.., completely satisfying. Keno Dance EVERY SAT. NIGHT Music By OREGON HILLBILLIES Air Conditioned for Your-Comfort. nnnilRnrinnnfinnnnn WmL i a a a j i i i 11 i a a a a a r t luiTAk. v GUARANTIED SATISFYING uuiiUi BEER Borrowing Good Neighbors' Supper Treats Good Policy Our neighbors below tho Rio Grande have a wholesomo re spect for good food. So havo we and lt might therefore become part of our good neighbor policy to enliven our menus occasional ly with some of tho appetizing and colorful dishes from our Latin-American friends. Coffee is one of Latin America's chief products and their favorite bev erage. It belongs In any good neighbor party menu. Cooking fruits with poultry is very Latin-American. It does wonders to the Sunday fowl. Try It when cooking duck. Ask a friend or two to Join the family for Sunday's good neighbor din ner and' follow this authentic Latln-Amerlcnn menu. Oood Neighbor Sunday Dinner Menu Black bean soup, potted duck Brazilian stylo, rice Latln-Amcr lean, shredded spinnch, avocado and grapefruit salad, sponge cake with Guavn Jam, fresh fruit, cheese, coffee. Black Bean Soup For each cup of boiling beef stock add two tablespoons pur eed black bean pulp. Potted Duck In Brazilian Style (Serves 4 to 0) One 3-pound duck, 4 lablo spoons diced bacon, 2 tablo spoons butter or sho toning. I onion, sliced, 1 clove garlic, crushed, i teaspoon pepper, H teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon pow dcred bay leaf, 1 tublespoon minced parsley, 2 table.ipnons minced celery, 21 cups bulling water, i cup green olives, srald ed and sliced, rlco Latin-American. Clean the duck and scrub with mild sonp. Rlnso thoroughly and dry. Fry tho bacon slightly In a smoll heavy kettle. Add tho butter and in this fry tho duck all over. When half browned, add the onion and contlnuo until both are browned. Add the gar lic, seasonings and wntnr. Cover closely and simmer on top of the stove or In tho oven till tender, about two hours. Strain off the gravy; measure and thicken, us ing to each cup one toblespoon flour mixed with one tablespoon water. Add the olives and serve with rlcr Latin-American. MENU X BREAKFAST Orange Juice, cracked whnot cereal, .,M krWh. mm cuuiiuy Biiviii..n muffins, Jam, coffee, milk. DINNER (Latin-American): niack bean soup, polled duck rirailllim sl.vle, rlco Latin American, shredded spinach, avocado, and grapefruit salad, sponge enkn with Ouava Jam, fresh fruit, cheese, coffee, milk. 1 SUPPER -Cold ham, cream ed potatoes, relishes, celery, stewed fruit, layer cake, toe, milk. During 19311, the Netherlands East Indies yielded 8,800,00(1 tons of oil. 2.H per cent of thfc total world output, -wt ORDER of VASA CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL SMORGASBORD Saturday, Dec. 20th Dinner fl to 8 P. M. Entertainment Follows IOOF HALL I U: f MONTGOMERY WARD'S I v ;. H RAM. f Mil 3 1IVV1T1 kJUIl JUkJ I , L $ tv,'.-;. r nil i I ." t fun 1 , "T. . . Ifc rved Style fTK95 . 1 MfeSili llch Velvet M Beautifully styled, quality built and cov ered in rich rayon and cotton figured velvetl Full carved arm and base panels! The resilient coil spring cushions and back are deeply upholstered for comfort I XT a Month, Utuol Down fomtnl ond Carrying Chars Wlng-ltack Sty Ill-Pile Velvet Big, Loungy styling you'd expect at $20 morel Consider these features high, rest ful backs, deep roll-front cushions, neat wood triml , P0a Month, Vnat Down Poymtnl and Carrying Chore ! Lounge Style ' T Mohftlr Covering Q 1 vrl Y.Nto Luxurious London lounge style in a Ward quality hard to match even at 20 higher! Big box cushions, wide soft arms ... a style famous for comfort you'll like I $11 a Month, Usual Down Payment, Carrying Chargo NINTH STREET, Corner Pin TELEPHONE 318J