The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 17, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    Decernler 17, 1041
Kindergarten Enjoys Tree
the dramatics and music depart
The Klamath
Krater will bo
out Thursday.
iiaiiSiiaiM HflvM
4jti I'ii I
Thursday night the citizen of
Klumnth Kalis mid surrounding
ren nro Invited to u ClirlMmnn
contain In tha niidltorliiin of
Klumiitli Union liltih school pre
sented by tlx mimic mid drama
department! of the school and
by tha ichool district.
It win ulutcd by those In
chnrgn of tlin irngrum Hint It
wun a plenum o to offer thin iiinu
hlflcent fen I urc to tho public
who have supported Iho school
and Its activities.
A piny presented by tho dra
matics department culled "Why
the Chimes Hung" will be pre.
filled In a sotting not arm off
the profrMlonal singe.
Tho scene la a vlnlon of a
magnlflcont cathedral aa seen by
a little boy.
The mualc department will
aaalat In the production of tha
play and will preaent mualc by
the a cnppelln choir In a Chrlnt
nm II Chorologuo direclecl by
Chnrlea Suinflitld mid Ciuy flutes.
The narriilor for the mualc
will bo Hcv. L. K. Johnaon and
the linden will be accompanied
by Anita Gwyn.
The departments of tho high
school have gone to a Kreut ex
penao to bring thla to tho public
of Klamath and all are Invited
to tha school at 8 p. m. Thursday.
December 18. The ahow la open
to the public In appreciation of
the Rood will ahown by the
people of Klumuth fulls.
J. Fred Flock was elected
master of Klamath lodge No. 77.
AF&AM, at tha annual election
of officers held In ilia Masonic
temple this week. Inatallntion
will take place In the lodge hall,
u Jttondny, December 22.
Others elected Included Dr.
Georite II. Adler, acnlor war
den; W. C. McArthur, Junior
warden; E. M. Bubb, treasurer;
Arthur Dlckaon, 'secretary. Ap
pointive officers will bo an
nounced at tho Monday meeting.
Bubb was reelected to tho post
of treasurer for tho 22nd con
secutive year. It was announced.
Bonier was ready to turn over
his cash to a masked man who
entered his store brandishing a
gun until ho noticed the weapon
was a toy.
"Why you bum," shouted
Bonier, pulling a pistol from
beneath the counter, '.'I'll glvo
you some of the real thing."
Tho bandit fled, and the Irala
Bonier started In pursuit, only
to stop, laughing.
Ho remembered his own gun
wasn't loaded.
ItWfriras nifflTTi mm f " y ''-nnrn 1
Supervised play, various ac
tivities which aid self expres
sion, story hour and dramatiza
tion of old favorites, aro a low
of tho features of tho Roosevelt
kindergarten unci nursery school
sponsored by tho Parent-Teachers'
Tho now term of three
months will open January 2,
and nil Interested mothers,
whether tliey live In tho Moose
veil district or not, aro wclcomo
to enroll their child. Thero is
a small tuition chargo and those
interested my call either Mrs.
John II. Harris Jr., 4428, or
Mrs. Kulherlnc Johnson, In
structor at the school.
In thn above picture a group
of students who attend tho
morning class Is shown about
the largo play table whero they
accomplish their hand work. At
this time sewing cards were
distributed to aid in manipula
tion and muscle control.
Tho schedule includes free
play period for the first hour.
Including self-chosen activities
such as crayoning, painting,
tinker toy building, clay model
ing, sewing, care of plants, and
other features. Out-of-door play
follows If weather permits,
otherwise the children use the
gymnasium. Following recess
there is an organized play pe
riod which includes story tell
ing, picture study and other ac
tivities. The music hour fol
lows with dismissal at 11:10 a
Members of the morning kin
dcrgart n class include, Rich
ard Balslgcr, Lester Bullis,
Richard Clark, Martin Clark
Donald Drury, John Ely, Bon
nlo Ann Flala, Sara Hart, Ann
Henderson, Beverly LaSette,
Lillian Mahan, David Molatore,
Jon Olson, Donald Pewther,
Carl Relchman, Ruth Roenicke.
Robert Rozendal, Gregory
Schulzc, Lois Vanliook, Suzanne
Afternoon members, P a u
Adams, Kay Angstead, Milton
Bailey, Carol Cusick, John
Roger Ellis, Charles Harris,
John Harris, Carl Hcilbronner,
Christine Maginnis, Roberta
Matthews and Jcffery Wetmore,
Fruit Candies Prove Rich
Source of Vitamins
You can combine vitamin and
mineral rich fruits and the holi
day spirit into delicious candies
for the Christmas tree with
theso sure fire suggestions from
"Our Candy Recipes" by Van
Arsdulo and Emellos, both of
Teachers college, Columbia unl-J
verslty, Tho book would bo a
wclcomo gift, tool
Fruit Pasta
(Makes 00 pieces 2-3 Pound)
One-hnlf cup prunes, un
cooked; i cup figs, i cup rnlstns,
1 cup dates, t cup nut meats, i
teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon ground
Wash figs and prune and
steam for five minutes. Remove
seeds from raisins, dates and
prunes. Put fruit and nuts
through food chopper. Add salt
and cloves and mix well togeth
er. Fruit juices can bo added
if thp mixture seems dry.
Roll out In a sheet one-fourth
of an Inch thick. Cut into
squares or diamonds or Into fan
cy shapes with cutters. Sprinkle
with confectl ers' sugar. Shako
to remove) superfluous sugar.
Other spices, such ns ginger and
cinnamon, may bo used In com
bination with the cloves.
Spiced Raisins
Ona cup raisins, 1 1 cups sugar.
Soft Sherling
Sure of "million-dollar wel
come". .. lusciously soft, warm
slippers. WINE! BLUE1
of the most popular In our
holiday collection!
Baar Paws Operas Majors
1 cup water, 1 teaspoon cinna
mon, i teaspoon nutmeg, i tea
spoon ground cloves, s teaspoon
ginger, sugar for rolling raisins.
Seeded or unseeded raisins
may bo used. Pick them over
carefully, removing stems.
Put sugar, water and spices
into n saucepan and cook, stir
ring until sugar is dissolved.
Continuo cooking, without stir
ring, until a temperature of 233
dcg. F. Is reached. Add raisins
and cook slowly for about sevjn
minutes, stirring only enough to
separate the raisins and keep sy
rup from scorching.
Remove from fire. Set Into a
pan of hot water. Take a few
raisins at a timo from the sy
rup, drain, and drop Into granu-
BREAKFAST Grapefruit
Juice, enriched griddlo cakes,
syrup, coffee, milk.
LUNCHEON Duck soup
with noodles, watercress,
whole-wheat sandwiches,
spiced raisins, tea, milk.
DINNER Spaghetti with
round steak and tomato sauce,
raw vegetable salad rolls, hot
chocolate pudding, hard sauce,
coffee, milk.
lated sugar. Separate at once
and roll each raisin until well
covered with sugar. Tho attrac
tiveness of the fruit depends up
on having tho raisins well drain
ed and keeping each raisin sep
arated from the others.
Should the mixture of raisins
News Notes and
-1 vy-
and syrup become sugary before
all are dipped out, add about
one-fourth of a cup of water and
Dominico Delia Costa, a resi
dent for the past 17 years, passed
away in this city on Tuesday,
December 16. The deceased was
a native of Munfumo, Italy, and
was aged 54 years 8 months and
21 days when called. He is sur
vived by his wife, Mary, of this
city; a son, Louie of Fort Ste
vens, Oregon; three daughters,
Rcta March! and Carmen Ros
setto of Weed, Calif., Anna Dan
Iclson of this city; his mother,
Mary Delia Costa of Italy; also
three grandchildren, four broth
erf and five sisters. The re
mains rest In Ward's Klamath
Funeral Home, 925 High street,
whero friends may call. Mr.
Delia Costa was a member of
Klamath Falls chapter Sons of
Italy and Klamath Aerie No.
2090, F. O. Eagles. Notice of
the funeral arrangements will be
announced later.
overcoated man walked into the
Western Union telegraph office,
scribbled two messages, discard
ed them, and handed a third
one to Clerk Clarence Gloeck
ner. It read:
"AH your cash and be quiet."
Glocckner handed over an
undetermined amount of cash
and the robber fled.
The discarded messages read:
"Be calm. This is a stickup";
and "Holdup. AH your cash."
As we said In tho column
previously, this last week will
probably be broken up by as
semblies and so
As was said It
will and It has
also started.
Tuesday two
meetings were
held. The Girls'
league held an
hour meeting at
which a varied
program was
Glen Kennedy explained about
the Hi-Y drive and what would
be best to give. The girls dis
cussed the idea of purchasing
a $75 defense bond.
Mrs. Lucille O'Neill read her
annual Christmas story. This
year it was "Where Love Is, God
Is Always."
The girls sang carols led by
Charles Stanficld.
The officers of the league were
given their pins.
Dorothea Ellingson received
the president's pin, Joanne Ham'
ilton the vice president's, Christ
ina Demctrakos the secretary's.
Mrs. Alice Howard and the
other advisors of the club were
presented with gifts from the
A reading was given by little
Mary Jane Howard, visiting from
the grade schools.
While this was going on the
Boys' Alliance held an informal
meeting in the boys' gym where
Pelican Coach D. French illus
trated basketball. After the
fundamentals were past he put
his squad against the school's
Church league team, the Junior
The score was well in favor
of the Pelicans when the game
was stopped for the students to
return to their classes.
Wednesday was the day for
the Christmas program put on by
The defense stamp sale con
ducted by iho Quill and Scroll
Tuesday netted a little over $30.
This seems a small sum, but the
stamps have been sold since Fri
day and many had already
bought their share of our de
a a
It is almost the last of 'the
week. Friday ends the drive
of the Hi-Y for food for the less
fortunate. If you have not
brought food get around to it
before the final date. You will
aid greatly in keeping Christmas
the season of cheer.
Also Friday the Hl-Y will
have charge of the assembly
which will be followed by a
dance sponsored by the social
committee of the high school.
Hurry with the food.
Tokyo Describes
Capture of Guam
On December 12
TOKYO. Dec. 17 (Official
Radio Received by AP) The
naval section of Japanese Im
perial headquarter has Issued
the following communique con
cerning Guam:
"Japanese forces landed at the
port of Apra in western Guam
at dawn on Dec. 10 and, attack
ing a number of strategic points,
took prisoner. 30 naval officers
and men, including a command
er. They also seized a 3000-ton
"On Dec. 11 Japanese forces
occupied Agana, the capital of
Guam, and took prisoner 350
Americans, including Captain
George McMillin, governor and
commandant of the naval sta-
tion, the vice governor and
many officers.
"Continuing their attack both
from the air and on the ground.
the Japanese forces completed
the occupation of Guam Dec.
Excavators at Anzio. a sea
shore town on the Italian coast
south of Rome, unearthed, a lux
urious sea villa belonging to the
emperor Nero.
Read the Classified page.
' i.t-a tv
n't-'-"' " . ,' i
Their Longer "Wear Is More Important Than Ever
Fill her Oiritrmss stocking box with these wonderful, hog
lasting sheen. They Have Belle-Sharmeer'j special Strain-Else
section that cuts down on run, keeps her precious stock
ings in active service longer; And, being Belle-Shannrer, ,
they're individually sized to fit her perfectly . .-', not ;
only in length but in width. Exclusive with qs in Brtv foe 'v
small legs, MoJiit for middling, Ducbtu fof long. " ,';
Pure Silk Hose
$1.35, $1.50, $! .
...... $1.65 and $1.5
To make her Delightfullyt Happy Christmas Eve Give
her these lovely lingerie confections' by MUNSINGWEAR
Exclusive with Moe's!
Munsingwear .
A brushed rayon pajama In silky finish
and extra warmth. Smart shirred shoulder
yokes. Wynken Pink and Heaven Blue.
Bu fGiou SfeA 3Ba
A charming Vlclorian-fyp letter box
gay as the holiday season -with
ribbons and tassel contains "
refreshing Blue Grass Flower Mist
and Dusting Powder.' 3.25
"Angel wings"
Of brushed rayon non-run Jer
sey. V-neck surplice front and
wide sweeping skirt. Morning
Blush. Sizes 34 to 40.
. Munsingwear '
French Pantie
"At Ease" Gowns
Loose leg pantie with elasticized
waist. Tea Rose and White. All
sizes. Also tight pantie in Tea
Rose and White. : .
Sculptured lines In closed neck,
with bodice gathered ot shoul
ders and waistline. Heaven Blue
' and Tea Rose. Sizes 34 to 42.
wSfsTS f fir
Superb ' fitting slip
White. All sizes.
Munsingwear '. .
Half Slips.
In two ' lengths. Black , and
' Munsingwear
A soft, patterned brushed
rayon lounge jacket that will
delight her. It's Munslng
wear's cozy Idea for reading
and breakfast in bed. Comes
in "dreammaker" colors to
match or . contrast . with i her -gown.
$1.50 and $1.98
Brief Pantie
Snug fitting with r : elasticized
waist. AIT sizes. . ''