PAGE SEC THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December 17, 1041 MMattd New LEAGUE TO I; HELP N new M PROGRAM SPBAGVX -JUVXR The Wo men's Service league at Sprague River Toted to do away with tbeir local program for the time being to work tor the Red Crass and other aid programs. This decision was reached at the meeting held last. Thursday, Dec. 11, at the' home of Mrs. Joe Young. - : In view tit the manv riamnnrta made by he war for. work of a hpme defense. nature the group voted to put all money avail able in such projects." The regu lar social, meetings have been eliminated and one meeting will be held each month to coordinate activities. It was further voted that the-' practice of sending flowers J sick members would be discontinued and a card would be sent Instead. The flow er money would be donated to the Red Cross. 'The Service league with Mrs. Peter Streit at the head has worked on numerous community activities during the past year. It is felt that the aims of the club should be changed until the war is over. A fund raising drive was recently conducted by teams-from the club and at this meeting a financial report of the drive was made. (After the regular business of trie afternoon refreshments were served ' to - the following mem bers by. the co-hostesses, Mrs. Roy Fenning and Mrs. Joe Ypung: Mrs. Dougless, Mrs. Bess, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Peter Streit, Mrs. C. A. Fuller, Mrs. John Goddard, Mrs. Earl Atchinson, Mrs. Eben Riley, Mrs. Jack Wil liamsotv Mrs. Claude Masters, a ad Mrs. John Little. the Three Links club met to elect Mrs. Vivian Haskins. pres ident; urs. Hazel Lilly, vice president and Miss Beth Rob ley was re-elected secretary and treasurer. Sewing Club Holds Meeting, Elects New Officers MT. LAKJ The ML Lakl Thursday Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Wtnetta Brannon Thursday afternoon. December L Election of officers for the coming year was held. They are, president. Mrs. Florence DeLap, vice president, Mrs. Lois Hill, secretary-treasurer, .Mrs. Esther Dixon and Reporter! Mrs. Freida Enman. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Mamie Brandjesky, Mrs Gladys Cheyne, Mrs. Jeannette Jackson, Mrs. Lois Hill, Mrs. Le ona Quails, Mrs. Esther Dixon. Mrs. Dorothy Jackson, Mrs. Flor ence DeLap, Mrs. Marion Dennis and the hostess, Mrs. -Winetta Brannon. , . Children present were James and Vincent Cheyne, Eleanor Ann Jackson, Mary Lou and Margaret Ann Quails and Rob ert and Jeanie Hill. A special meeting will be held Friday, Dei. 19, at the home of Mrs. Gladys Cheyne, with a pot luck dinner and the annual Christmas gift exchange. Chiloquin Ladies' Aid Holds Meeting ARM y BOMBER FORGED I ON HART SLOPE LAKE VIEW An army bomb er was forced down near the "Bly Sky Hotel" on Hart mountain, according to word brought to Lakeview by a mem ber of the crew. The plane struck a storm and ice began to form on the wings and a forced landing was made neces sary. A perfect landing was made on Spanish lake after which a member of the crew hiked 15 miles to the Refuge headquart ers where assistance was promptly given by Supervisor J. F. Branson of the Hart mountain antelope refuge. The crew expects to continue their journey as soon as the ground freezes so that the plane can take off. A wet snow fell over the Hart mountain area last night Hold Everything! TIE VOTE MADE ON e am. nn rr m wwg e t n, m e i w e. fh-H I BIG CHRISTMAS "I hope you'll pardon it, sir it's a South American meat- eating plant!" One Jap Capiures Isle, Hawaiian Recaptures It I Merrill t MERRILL Merrill Rebekahx, instead of .drawing for Polly- annas for the coming year, will dzaw the name ot a man, woman or. child, , inmate of the Oddfellows home at Portland add will -at next Christmas time be responsible for a gift to the name drawn. . Birthdays also may be remembered if the drawee desires. With a total ot 85 inmates believed to be living at the home, the Merrill lodge membership will not care for allandK is expected that the Bonanza 'lodge -will be in vited assist. (Mrs. R. H. Anderson is chair man of the committee to in vestigate needs of the home and Mrs. Edilh Kandra and Mrs. Myrtle Beasley- will assist A report will be made at the next meeting. Letters were read at Monday nignrs meeting -from Mrs. Catherine Merritt, Central Point ana Mrs. Gertrude McCormirlr Washington, -both former mem bers Jbf the Merrill lodge also irom Mrs.. Etta -Lytle, matron of the IQOF home in Portland expressing appreciation for the narvest home box sent some time ago from here. ' A fourth letter was made public, written by Mrs. Myrtle McAlpine, pres ident of the. Rebekah assembly. The birthday program will be followed during:' 1942 and at the second meeting In January those with birthdays that month will be guests of those having birthdays in December. On the entertainment committee will be Mrs. Hazel Lilly, chairman, Mrs. Mary Pope, Mrs. Hallie Doden hoff and Miss Beth Robley. Neta Stevenson's social commit tee will entertain at the" first meeting next month, when new ly, elected officers will be In stiled. For the program hour Mrs. Maude Faus read The Unex pected Guest" and the carols of: Christmas were sung. It wa announced that the Silver Lake Oddfellows hall had burned recently. Following the lodge session CHILOQUIN Mrs. James Cramblett and Mrs. Hill were hostesses to the Ladies aid of the Methodist church Tuesday after noon. After a social afternoon the election of officers followed Mrs. Loy Barker was reelected president Mrs. James Cram blett was elected vice-president and Mrs. Fred Markwardt as secretary -treasurer. A report on the various sales now being conducted by the ladies was given. Mrs. E. E. Evans and Mrs. Loy Barker re ported that the organization will realize a profit of over $50 on their magazine sales, and that they are still taking subscrip tions. Henley Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McClay will return home the last of this week from Grants Pass. They have spent the past three weeks there in hope of improving Mr. McClay's health but his condi tion remains nnfhangpH Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown re cently sold their farm to Mr. Til ton, who has operated a dairy farm near the Lakeview junction ' for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have moved to Bis bee street in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Hilyard are visiting friends and relatives in I Karros They left home shortly after Thanksgiving and spent some time m Idaho, Montana and Nebraska. They plan to visit Mrs. Hi! yard's old home in Oklahoma before returning to their home here around the first of the year. ORANGE INDUSTRY Florida's orange industry was founded accidentally. Spanish explorers, munching on the gold en fruit they brought with them from Spain, spit out the seeds which grew Into the first US orange trees. A Gun Case SlMptaa Bag a Camp Ax for his Xmas The Gun Store Puck- ett and Houston 714 Main. MERRILL Popular vote gave a tie for first place in outdoor Christmas arrangements to Mrs. George Houck and Mrs. W. W. Baldwin at the exhibit sponsored last weekend by the Lost River Garden club. The exhibit held in the high school assembly room drew only a small attend ance but the entries were most outstanding and drew no dirth of commendation. Mrs. Houck s entry was an ar rangement of evergreens, mistle toe and pyracantha berries while Mrs. Baldwin exhibited a mam moth swag of huge sugir pire cones and needles. A tie resulted also for first place in the table arrangement division with Mrs. Dan Cash- mans table appointment featur ing white tapers, evergreens and red berries on a mirror drawing a great deal of comment. Equally lovely was the huge silver can dle, encircled by evergreens on a silver tray entered by Mrs. W. C. Bailey. The Red Cross table presided over by Mrs. Frank E. Trotman, chairman of the Merrill unit Red Cross, received donations total ing $4.86 which has been turned over to the county unit to be en tered for the war relief fund. Mrs. W. C. Bailey and Mrs Lewis Kandra poured tea and coffee during the afternoon from table centered with five red tapers which shone down upon an angel of peace and five small er ones, resting upon a mat of evergreens. Mrs. Scott McKer.- dree arranged the center motif. WAIMEA, Kauai Island. T. H.. Dec. 17 (UP) It now can be re vealed how a Japanese warplane pilot captured the tiny island of Aiihau, off the coast of Kauai about 210 miles northwest of Honolulu, and how Benny Kana hele, pure-blooded descendant of ancient Hawaiian warriors, re captured it after being wounded three times by bullets from the pilot's pistol. Niihau. 16 miles long and three wide, is inhabited by 180 Hawaiians and two Japanese. The island is without radio or telephone and hence was not aware that war had broken out on Sunday, Dec. 7, when a Jap anese plane was forced down there. The pilot only occupant of the plane, was armed with a machine-gun and sidearms. "We did lot know the war was going on," Kanahele said in telling what had happened, "and we received the pilot as a guest. ' The Hawaiians disarmed the pilot but he made friends with the two Jap-nese on the small island, Harada and Shintani. Harat" recovered the arms from the Hawaiians, and the pilot or-1 dered Shintani to retrieve his papers, which were held by a Hawaiian named Hauila. Sets Op Gun However, the Hawaiian said today, "The pilot became suspi cious of me. I jumped him as he was handing his shotgun to Harada. The pilot shot me with his pistol in the ribs, hip and groin. And then I got mad. I threw him against a stone wall, kayo ing him, and then went for Har ada. "Harada tried to shoot him self with the shotgun and suc ceeded on the second attempt" Runs for Htlp Kanahele's wife meanwhile finished off the pilot by braining him with a rock. "My wife ran to the village for help." Kanahele said. "I walked." When soldiers arrived from Kauai with Hauila they captured Shintani and Harada's wife and took them to Kauai, where Kan ahele now is in the Waimea hos pital. OLIVES AND PEACE Early barbarians considered olive oil so valuable that defeat ed tribes sent an olive tree to the opposition to signal a truce. In later times. Just an olive branch was sent PARTY SHAPES ATTULELAKE TULELAKE War or no war. Santa Claus isn't going to be held up In the cold north If the 20-30 club here has any thing to say about it. Children of the entire Tulclakc community will gather as in past years at the March theatre on Christ mas morning at 10 o'clock where Santa will arrive soon after with a whole sack full of nuts, candy and oranges. Bill Bond, chairman of the party ar rangements states that a screen program that is sure to please the small folks is planned and the show is free for all chil dren of grammar school sge and under. To avoid congestion, big folks who want to get In on the fun will pay the regular admission. The chamber of commerce and the Tulclakc Rotary club have donated generously toward the affair. i Children are urged to be there on time since there will be no second show. We hav tho .22 Rlfl thi Air Guns that your boy wants for Xmas Th Gun Store Puckatt and Houston 714 Main. Chiloquin Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Evans vis ited Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Roper In Tula lake. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hrook man were dinner gurt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schopf Tuesday evening. John Svnboda of the local Shell Oil company plant spent the weekend In Scappraise, Ore Mr. and Mrs. Don li. Evans of Altamonl re dinner gtirsU Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mnrry Elliott. Stewart Blake. on of Mrs Jean Hlakc Is home for thr holi days. Rlake is a student at thr Sacramento Junior college. The adult classes In Commerc ial education, after their meet ing on Monday night, will be In recess for tho holidays until January 5th. Mrs. Walter Pohll. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Evans and H. Bobbins attended the Chiloquin basket ball game at Henley Friday eve nlng. Word has been received here that Joe W. Crooks, of San Francisco, and a former rcslrtml of this city, has been transferred to tho J. C. Penney store In Mo desto, Calif., whora he will act as assistant manager. Crooks, who Is the son of Mrs. Eva S. Crooks. Is a grnilunte of Chllo nuln high school. Friends of Rose Veronica Wil liams her have learned of her marriage In Portland to John Madison. The bride, a former resident nf Chiloquin and Klnm alh Knlls, Is the clnuiilitrr of Mr. mid Mrs. C'linrlr. It. Williams nl Fort Klamath. The habitat of the chinchilla, valued for lis fine fur', Is hlKh In the Andes mountains of South America. Why not a Hunting Coat for his Xmas The Gun Store's line 714 Main. roa HIS CHHISTMAt A JAMTItM SKI SWEATER $8.95 DREW'S MAMST0RE lMatMWMMMMMSSMMMMMaMSHMIT FOR CHRISTMAS! H Top Quality NYLONS ALL NYLON J23 Main PLENTY OF TIIE.M TOO! FOULGER'S Baautlful Shoas terra rat wnas set war war res res (as nrsoras ( v rm tea s eat tm m iw vr! OPEN Monday ond Tuesday Genuine. " I a h n e n Yr Hauila became suspicious and Skates What could be better for a Xmas Gift The Cun Store Puckttt and Houston 714 Main. NO INFORMATION LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17 VP) Just what part of this city going to be bombed?" a worried woman inquired of the mayor's office. "I want to move right away u i live anywhere near it" ine mayor was very sorry, but he has no inside informa tion. 1942 Hunting and Fishing Ll censes now ready at The Cun Store The Ideal Xmas Gift rome From Russia A .nkm. iJJl I cast ON -ft . : l i 1 1 Vi" ' '. LAu.L Back ta;U S. to report to tha President is Laurence Stein htrdt, American ambassador to the embajfled Soviet Union. me EMPIRE BUILDER Stepping aboard the Empire Builder is Kite entering your private dub. Thera you will find the same convenience and swift, courteous attention. In the Observation-Lounge Car then are big easy chairs and sofas for happy get-togethers or quiet sessions with good hooka or one of the current magazines and newspapers lying at band. Servie ia provided from the complete buffet pantry by a capable steward. In Bedroom, Drawing Room, Compart ment or partitioned berth section of the standard Pullman sleeping cars, you'll find every convenience and service. In the Dining Car the final touch to a pleasant journey is achieved through the excellence of those famous Great Northern meals. For details asks H. I. Wayne, General Agent G. N. Station Ph0n. 4101 EMPIRE BUILDER THROUOH TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE slipped from the island Friday in a whaleboat, which he rowed IS miles in 10 hours through fierce winds to Waimea, on Kauai is land, to seek aid. Meanwhile, the pilot, aided by Harada and Shintani, set up the machine-gun from his plane in the village. "Everybody took to the woods," Kanahele said in telling of how this move was received by the Islanders. The pilot threatened to shoot everybody, he said, unless his papers were returned. Kanahele and his wife, feign ing friendship, accompanied the pilot and Harade through the woods in quest of Hauila. ORDER of VASA CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL and SMORGASBORD Saturday, Dec. 20th Dinner 6 to 8 P. M. Entertainment Follows IOOF HALL VjeaaC m tJ- ' -- inn iai.sV iin f i t ifiaiaaii iiiiiiff ii i). V I ... ii I I . I mwm .iai..i.ia.-fr Enin9s Still Plenty of Toys! 10 lo 91a All 100 Amtltmn MaWa , . all ,(,. IOWI trf Maw Wklla Sla a. J fill laraa. ANIMAL DOLLS. Cuddly Teddy Ocort ond otnars IAY DOLLS. (Wit.Mly drssved ond reolitnc . 47c ta $2.98 IOOKS. The best loved children'. clowci MILITARY TOYS. Sold ers. Planet. Arlillcry ... 29toS-19 MINTS. CRAYONS, CHALK SITS. Large aitorlment ot colors . I0tol9t PULL TOYS. Trucks ond funny moving dolls 2)c h SI 10 SKILL OAMCS. Cord games, morble shooters, tc. 10c ta $1.91 TRAINS. Mechonlcol ond electric "th trock SI.00to$!J 7J w taaw anty a few ! aw araaff eMrtmM . All nMl ta (latk aa kana. TOIS HOLIDAY SEASON . . . people yeaMefl 0!r SSSi rtty "Treat yourself to BRAND "vSb VV FOR (iK7(r'HAT10A CHEAT KBTTIXEY WHISKEY I -raSS, 1 -li -Nw- Hermitage welcome'. mi . yoj . by ;te. u rVj " ""waoasaaBaaaasssaassaaBswa! fttwaa r WAcaaa. CI Give a SPRING FORK BIKE Terms smm jw Or rid) on this Ml slxtd bik will prov that th sprtng fork ond bo I loon giy olmott "Auro comfort." It's Qood-looklrvg and ipedy designed for mtn or women . . . Diamond chain. New Departure brake, ond other equipment hown. A2CS- ' s ii sasmi a GinS FOR KIDS AND GROWNUPS, TOO Western Royal 'Jewel ' A WtUomm Radio Glftl 1. TOT'S WAGON .$2.29 Give yeort of enfcyyment ot itloM e pnM with this Ittti beauty that glvM era ht per Tormonce. 5 , tubes IrvclixJing rtxtifitr. 1 PCA Lkmd. . . Urr- writer. Approved. W62I6 Meey Other Reefe. Mcee Uw Hinsty "Wtem eled (n red ond fiver. BOYS' FOOTBALL Popular ifref tHtie-locd ptainTja, riwiTy lougrv. FIILDIR'S MITT . . . 9le Dwobie ooiden ton hnrtehirf with rav.hJ loeino. Yeu.h'a ite. Well pckddtMl. CI 191 SotKior with inch Heel bod, enom- 98. rjah. CI212 Whlla Angal Ornamant , 49 Fflf or Koirta riarorrttlnn. aaouttfully drttMd in rfiyon toff, to. trlmmad with matolllc illver. e l In. htQh to wing tips. CT501 onwr Daasfatlans . , 5. 50 "RIVIILII" RAZOR 1 BLADES, SI. 50 Vol,,. Jlod" ol Swadlih Ural. OOU0I.I yoi monay bock guoronlt I C 1 25 J ALL THE FAMILY WILL ENJOY AUTO ACCESSORIES I Sf eerlfi $2MQt Ina Waaal Hanoi rMK Knob, chromad boas. I4e (427S 2. VANITY MIRROR .... 77a Tharmomtlar, liconta pockaf. BJ745 otkars... tu aa a. wiARanlFT SALL . . . . 24t Toupa or onyx color. tllu 4. RHAUSTIXTINSION. It.OJ Aircroll S.lw," rod lawal. kj2M Ofkan ... 10a 5. TWIN HORNS $!. Soorlon' blanotd hurm, raloy. B4571 Olh.n . AUTO HIATIR $9.9 J witn Tlttlngi, L7I w-ivw mid Hfiin i ii h.i i Truirt 1. AUTOMATIC LIGHTER . $1.00 Topi ouf whan hot. C66S3 Dahna, ahawn .-. . SI. at 2. AUTO COMPASS .... $2.J AlrDlona.Typa. Shows whara you ora Soma. Built-4n compantotors. 6)1 U 9J Proof KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY National Ditlilltrs Frodactt Corporation, New York, N. Y. I 5 LHl HIGH QUALITY GOGGLES, 91 Maniicui ground hmt. C4039 OHwis ... lis 5. KEY CASE S9a 4. GRADE-O.METER I9 'y1'"", ongla of climb or . . , . . . . . ... BS57 V , '.. . . 5 talliklrt with ilpoar. B208I othsrs , , , aa op . ELECTRIC HOT PLATE , $1.00 ril i . ""'!' undsrwrllart An ' LUHJ, 1038 Main fcl lite aaTrBsswawas!Heewef(ifc Muna.Pa.afa. Jji stack on 31s9 hand. Phone 5514 I l AS t 11-1141