Dneombrr 17, 11)41 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FTV1 j Csbls Rscslvt-d Mm. Atfnes Bryan, girl tic I pu 1 lit Mill school, received ii cnlili) luln Tuesday nlKht from her son, Lawrence M. Bryan, 23, member of I he 42i)d Udiiibnrdlnu squadron lo cated t 1 1 lok inn field. Honolulu. This In Iha flrnt word Mia. Ury mi has hud from lier noil since hostilities started mid the cable mine in n ureal relief, she staled. Christmas Program All pur ents of children iitti'ndliiK Ire nuiiil school mo tinted to ulti'iid Hit Christmas proKrinn In llin Krcimuit auditorium, Friday nt 1 p. m. I''olliiwlnu 1 1 io proKriitn. thn rcuulnr IT A mectlnK will be hfild. From Idaho Mr. lind Mrs. Owen Mounco of l.cwlslon, Ida., are hero vIsltliiK lit the homo of Mr. mid Mrs. Chris Ltlzcnher Iter, 30IM Anderson avenue. The Mmtiice fntntly hiis been on on extended motor trip Kolnil to New York City and home over the soutlirrn route. Wknd Kn Mr. and Mn. Don Marin of Lebanon, Ore., spent the weekend here visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. l.lttlo and Mr. mid Mrs. J. C. Mnrln. The Minlns have ro conlly moved to Lebanon. Turkey Bhoot The American Legion turkey shoot will take place Sunday lit tho Dorrl.i bull purk. Trap shootlnK mid rifle shooting will last all day. On Furlough Corporal Don L. 'nud" West, son of L. A. West of this city, Is here for a 13-day visit from Kort Knox, Ky., Assigned Private William C. Homer of this city has been transferred to training center at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Returns Mrs. C. H. Palran Jr., of I'lne street, returned Tues day morning from Portland where she has received medical treatment. To Bend Circuit Judge David R. Vandenberg left Wed nesday for Dend, where he will hear several cases. For Your Information MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective September 28. 1941) Train 17 Southbound 6 a. m. Train 20 Northboundi 10:00 a. m. Train 19 Southboundi 5:45 p. m. Train 16 Northboundi 9:00 p. m. Circle The Congregational Community circle will meet Fri day afternoon, December 10, at the home of Mrs. Eugcno V. liaynes, 2100 Curden avenue. Dessert will bo served at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Ilnynes will be as sisted by Mrs. L. K. Henry and Mrs. A. W. Ilmiimel. New offi cers will be installed and the Christmas pnrly with a gift ex change is planned. Members ore sked to turn In their anniver sary plates. Lucky Thursday The Lucky Thursday Plnochlo club will meet Thursday nt the home of Mrs. Fnnnlo Goddnrd, 2205 Dnr row avenue. Politick luncheon will bo served at 1 o'clock. The regular Christmas party will be held with n gift exchange fol lowed by pinochle. Missionary Society The Women's Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church will hold the regular monthly And Your Savings Are Insured Iff) to 18,009 By An Afftnoy of (fit U. I, Qovtrnmenl I SAVIWH t LOAN I5S'II. ,i hi u mm 't,".f '" meeting In the church parlors, Thursduy at 2:15 p. m. The com mittee In chargo Includes Mrs. Dethuiie, Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Hopkins. A Christmas program in charge of Mrs. A. II. Denlson has been prepared and Includes a vocal solo by Mrs. Mnrvln Ncr setli accompanied by Mrs. George W. Mclntyre; play, "Christmas Budgeting," by Mrs. Lillian McDonald, and members of the cast Include Mrs. King, Mrs. F.mery, Mrs. Mlack, Mrs. W. C. Hum, Mrs. Dickson and Mrs. Snodgrass. A tluo-plano number will be given by Mrs. J C. O'Neill and Mrs. Samuol Mushen. All women of the con gregation and friends are Invited to this special Christmas pro gram, it was announced. Masonic Party The annual Christmas party for children of Masons, members of the Eastern Star, and their friends will be given Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock In the Masonic loinplc, Thero will be tree and treats, movies. program, and 8anto Claus who will hand out stock Ings from his sack. Friendship Club Members of tho Friendship club will meet Friday evening nt 7:30 o'clock nt the home of Mrs. . Drydcn, 810 North Eleventh .ireet Mrs. J. H. Dunham Is co-hostess. There will be a Christmas gift exchange, and auction bridge will follow. Card Party The regular card parly of the Veterans of Foreign Wors auxiliary will be held Thursday at tho KC hall. Luncheon will be served at 1:30 n. m. and nrlr.es will be award ed the players. Tho public .Is Invited. Meeting Thursday Regular mooting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary will be hold in tho library club room Thursday at 8 p. m. Santa Claus Clan A meet Ing of the Sanra Claus clan was called for 7:30 p. m. Wednesday In the council chambers at the city hall. Degree of Honor The De gree of Honor will hold pot- luck dinner Monday, December 22, at 6 p. m. to be followed by Christmas party. Wlnema Club Wlnma club. Pythian Sisters, will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Canoy Frl duy, December 19, at 8 p. m There will be a potluck dinner. CITIZENSHIP HERE Approximately 20 people will havo filed petitions for final naturalization papers here by the end of the hearing ow In progress at the county court house, according to Victor S. II nmen, naturalization official. Tho next hearing I tentatively set for March 5. Naturalization has been sus pended on all persons belong ing to an enemy alien race, -c-cording to Instructions received last week from Washington. This does not mean, however, that all proceedings must be stopped. Papers may be com pleted by these persons, up to tho swearing In by tho Judge, Hcmmen ?!d. Machinery Is now being set In motion, he announced for taking care of tho naturalization of enemy aliens whose record is obviously clear. FLAVOR Countsl With beer. remember "Wlelands Has the Flavor. From 9 A. M. Until Nino, tho Morning of tho Next Day 24 Hours Your Savings Are Earning 3 ' OurrMit DlvtSand 24 hours a day 365 days . in the year your savings are working! NO IDLE DOLLARS THESE DAYS! J. : KLAMATH (ILLS Directs Army Air Fighters Busy MuJ.-Uen. .Icnry H. Ar nold directs activities of wide spread Army Air Corps from Washington. Jack Doherty was awarded $1028.25 and costs in circuit court Tuesday against the Ar cade hotel of this city. Doher ty claimed to hnve cut his arm when a porcelain hot water faucet In his hotel room broke off. In circuit court Thursday morning at 10, Circuit Judge Hamilton of Bend will hear the opening of the case of the City of Khimalli Falls vs. Kelly Brothers. Henry Perkins will act as attorney for the city, with J. II. Carnahan acting for Kelly Brothers. Donald Buck, charged with unlawful sale of liquor, was ar rested Tuesday, and entered a plea of Innocent in justice court Wednesday. Buck was released on $150 cash bond. Buck makes the seventh de fendant in a scries of arrests on a charge of unlawful liquor salo at five night spots in the Klamath Falls suburbs. SOCCER SKILL SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 17 (P) Young English pilots training in southern California for RAF service will lest their soccer skill Christmas day in an exhibition game with the Rovers, Son Fran cisco champs. The Englishmen, bended by George Goxnell, Arth ur Whitehead and Johnny Simp son, have been members of the Los Angeles Soccer league. II v "n - J 7TH ARREST MADE ;:!? ON LIQUOR COUNT BB H Rplea of Innocent in Justice court 1 1 l&SZJtGtlf 1 jj I Wednesday. Buck was released I I a SfeP Christmas S. f 7f Portrait Will I Ro Renriu in Amnio I 18 tVl r Mk mm st V M at "T m Time for Gift Giving! l Bruno ortists aro working day ond night to 55 y flv assure you your loveliest photograph will Jfli 8 J ft be ready in ample time for gift giving. jVI 9 c'on' delay . . . come in now! t& i?C You can still get your picture in time ini 8 Xmai. jffi " I ft,. .1 . 'w-Mtas' llSUklr . . I 18 J 71 JUIAIKI DUAk.ie nil I fv I '""in rnvns iaU Contributors To Red Cross Contributions previously ac knowledged, $1025. 88. J. O. SUilllngs S 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith 10.00 F. C. Grant 5.00 Martin Pruritics Co 3.00 Cummings Fur Shop 2 00 G. Klinkhammer 5.00 W. O. Weaver 1.00 10.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 3 00 5.00 1.00 F. Miigiilre Ditk Mugulro . . Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Kill Ii. Schemal Carl Frcl Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert Mrs. C. G. Rcymcrs Mrs. Etna Gentry 1.00 5.00 E. L. Stephens Paul O. Landry 10.00 W. B. Bowne Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McCoy Margaret Vroman A friend Mr. and Mrs. Merle Wahl Mrs. Susanne Carter Edgar II. Lawrence 10.00 Maude A. Hosiey Crate and Rosa Mc- Elfresh Willard T. Mann Mrs. J. R. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wilcox E. T. Perkins Christine Coats Modo O'Dny Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Milllgan W. M. Benncr Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rukcstraw Mrs. K. G. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frankford. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Olscn . Altamont Auto Camp Geary Brothers Mrs. Anna Upp Mrs. Gust Peterson K Cafe Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lau . Klamath Basin Seed Co... D. N. Clemens 10.00 Bcttv Dcwald A friend S K. Hartzler and family Enola Hawkins Leo Hendricks : Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. King Mr. and Mrs. Albert Longmiro Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mik- klcscn Mrs. Norman Moty ... Mrs. Mahr Rcymcrs . Mr. and Mrs. II. F. 1.00 5.00 I if 5.00 a i oo a 5.00 lit i .50 I TOG!?1 1 1 Q)a(l i J X 1.00 G. W. Sample 3.00 Mr. and Mrs. M. Spelri .. 2.00 Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stamploy 2.00 Anna Zlemienczuk .... .. 2.00 Mrs. A. E. Bailie 3.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Blchn 10.00 I. E. Campbell 8.00 E. O. and Belle Gllllngs . 1.50 Mrs. Viola Leever 2.00 Harris Lunch 10.00 Dr. Geo. H. Merryman . Ed E. Michael Ernest B. Mllanl Dennis D. and Hugh O'Connor Mrs. L. C. Offleld J. J. Thompson M. H. Wampler H. A. Talbot .. W. W. Southwell . 10.00 1.00 2.00 10 00 2.00 2.50 2.00 4.00 5.00 Sackett SKStlfMWe KSIM 1 III s 2.00 S II 5.00 5 " 5,oo ; g "v 2.00 j! f ' L " 25.00 3 " , VVjiA k , CTv 10.00 2 1 ' 'J J. ' t 5-oo ! a Jififff nVwS J 25.00. J WA 'X 3.oo:S vjfc.- Zr 10.00: M-' rt0f . Jj F. R. Hauger 8.00 R. Paul Roberta ............ 2.60 J. P. Wells 6.00 Total .. $1984.88 HOGAN AWARDED CORAL GABLES, Fla., Dec. 17 W) Ben Hogan of Hershey, Pa., officially was awarded the Harry Vardon trophy today by the Professional Golfers associa tion. Although two tournaments re main to be played this year, Ho gan clinched the trophy by his second place finish In the $10,000 Miami open. It gave him a total of 524 points. Hogan collected $1275 In the Miami meet to bring his year's golf earnings to $17, 333. Look Look For Look Look Look For Look For Look For Wil son Paj amas . The pajama with the famous no- . . : ' . .'.. belt waist-band comfort feature. . .- $2.25 to $5.00 ' : V Look For Kuppenheimer Suits Men who know wear them. - $50.00 to $65.00 - - : Those ond Doiant of Other Famous Brands Will Bo Found at Dick Rooder't STORE Cor. 5th RED CROSS FORMS E! In cooperation with the civil ian defense council, Klamath county chapter of the American Red Cror; Is organizing emer gency rescue squads. Dwight Gilchrist, Red Cross first aid instructor, has called a meeting of all ten Interested in this type of volunteer service at Fremont school, Friday at 7:30 p. m. Squads will be organized and arrangeme- i made for first aid For Nationally Known Labels on the Gifts You Buy! Men really prefer brands they know and select for themselves . For Arrow shi ' The Arrow label signifies it's America's most popular shirt. 1000 to choose from. $2.00 - $2.50 - $4.00 Pendleton . A man's warmest friend! $9.95 to $14.95 For Stetson Hats You can always tell a Stetson! $5.00 - $7.50 - $10.00 For Fl L orsneim Give a Florsheim gift certificate. Let him make his own selection, $10.00 to $12.50 Interwoven Socks The linen heel and toe give more wear. 1 40c to $1.00 Pendleton Gabardine and heavy wools. $5.00 to $8.50 All gifts will be beautifully FOR MEN and Main Mimmmmmmmmmmimmmii training for those who do not now hold first aid certificate., All certificate holder and first aid Inst- etors are asked to aV to. d thl meeting. v' . " - M - It li possible to train monkeyal to recognize simple three-letter words. . , , , ' Julius Caesar, poor old geeserl Had no Wleland'a la his heeaerl FOR HINT TRUCKS and BICYCLES You Diive More Yourself Save M Long and Short Trip. STIUS- BEACON SERVICI Phono 1304 1201 East Mate 1 rts . Robes shoes sh. rts: wrapped