Dneemb'er 17, 10"4T THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREfl U.S. NOW ON OFFENSIVE Pi EAST, BELIEF By D.WITT MecKENZIE Wide World War Anilyit Tliern In lii'lm siillsfuclluu In tho WiirnliiK 1 lili people) by Lieut. CumiuuiKlcr Tumlnutfo of Jnpuiifnc IrnpiTlnl lii'iicliiiiurters thnl probably 20 Yankro aub murines lilu ones wllh n Imitt rriilslnu ruilluii nro opcriillnii off Jiipmi, Concrete, liidk'utltin lliut To nilnuKo may be rliilil li futind In our Admiral Hurt's report thnl U. S. submersible hnve mi u d o two successful Bltiieks. Tho miliiro of Iho victories Isn't disclosed but wo enn wall for Hint, Just io lonK in wo know Santa Cluus la on hl way. Thin strike mo a a very en couriiKlnU lK, becuiiMi It mourn wo uru bculnnlnK to swlnif Into offensive ncllon In tho cruclul bntlla urou. ' II la pleasing to fool that these nndor-wutor bonla nro tho pilot fish which alU'iul tho advent of American nuvnl und ulr rein forcements. I don't mean that literally, becuuao thero ll no Indication whoro tho aubmorlnoa rimo from, but It hai boon moro thnn 10 dnya alnco tho attack on I'cnrl harbor, und a fair stretch of I'uclflc run bu crossed In Unit lime. Tho uolden ho ur which wo huvo uulncd throutfli tho urund dufenio mnclo by our forces ahould pay returna be fore loutf. It wouldn't bo surprising to aeo a big naval enuiilleiiieiil break out almoal any lime now. Our fleet la hunting tho Jupa, and If they purine the llnca which their strategy thua far hua Indlcntcd they uro bound to fight to keep ua from brlnvlnil aid to our buses, alnco Jupuncae aurrcaa dcenda on securing and holdluit control of these. The Japs huvo hud a art-buck In not brlnil "bin to aclzc the I'hlllppiuca during tho tlmo 11 requlrea for a relief expedition to croaa tho Pacific from Ha waii. From tho aUmdpoInt of tho ultimate outcomo of tho bottle of tho Pacific the fierce attack of tho Jupaneaa agulnat tho Brit ish on tho Malay peninsula la moro Important than tho assault against tho Philippines. Tho Japs, of course, ore trying to flKht tholr way down tho pcnln aula to tho great naval base of Singapore, the fall of which presumably would deliver Into their hondi tho great wealth of the Dutch Kasl Indlea which Singapore guards. Japan needs the resources of tho Indies bad ly. Fear that American naval and air aid may bo rushed to the aid of tho Rrltlsh undoubtedly is spurring tho Japanese to nuke a supremo effort In which, according to tho British, they are fighting like fanatics. Tho situation l.i aerloua for Britain, but It should be remembered Hint the Japanese have to fight their way 400 miles down the prnlnsuln before they come op posite the great Island which houses Singapore. TJiia world famous naval bnso isn't totter ing yet by any means. So far as concern tho defense of tho Philippines, tho latest word continues good. An Amer ican communique soya that Iho situation on tho ground remains unchanged, and - late army report announces tho destruc tion of at least 28 Jap planes on tha weat coast of Luzon. Thnt victory is of greot Impor tance because It Indicates that wo still retain control of the air over the strategic Island of Lu zon. Tho Japs need air supre mocy to effect a conquest of the Philippines. Little Things Save Lives t55 Ordinary Items on atom alielvea a few dnya nun, these articles aro recommended for civilian use In blackouts, ulr raids and In fire fighting. Left to right: lantern, rubber goggles, asbestos gloves, alirrup pump and collapsible pull. British Know All About Blackouts; They're Permanent (Editor's Note In the follow ing dispatch Ilnrry Flory de scribes the British blackout and other nlr raid precautions in tho light of what Is going on now in the United States. As Europeun news mnnager of tho United Press Flory spent the first 10 months of the war In London and thus experienced moro than 430 nights of com plete dawn-to-dusk blackouts and dozens of heavy air raids.) By HARRY FLORY (United Prese European Newa Manager) British blackouts are com plete, permanent. Evei since Thursday night, Aug. 31, 10:iB tho day before German troops marched Into Polund Britain has been com pletely blacked out nightly from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise. That means thnt during those periods no light visible to an enemy airplane pilot overhend may bo shown. Offenders aro prosecuted, fined, even Im prisoned. Slowor Tempo In Britain thero la no such thing as waiting for reports of enemy planes and then sudden ly turning off or blacking out all lights whllo tho streets aro full of people. That would lead to confusion and accident. Tho theory of the British blnck out Is that no light should ever show at any time. Thus, tho streets aro never full of peo ple after dark. The pcoplo havo formed the hnbit of get ting off the streets before sun down. Yet life, work and some pleas ure proceed as usual, but at a slower tempo. Every palace, every hotel, every office building and fact ory. If ever used after dark, Is equipped with special blnck out curtains, drapes, dark shades, or wooden framed In sets to prevent even a crack of light showing outside the building. Responsibility for blacking out rests with Individual ten ants. They must provide their own blackout materials, see that they ore In place every night 'ul dusk, never removed until dawn. Muny a sleepy cit izen of London has been prose cuted for following his peocc- tlmc hubit of opening bis bed room curtains and raising his bedroom window with his bed side light still burning. To con form to blackout regulations he must first extinguish his bed room light, then grope his way to the window. Vehicle Restrictions Automobiles and buses must bo equipped to show barely suf flclcnt light for driving pur poses. One headlight may be used, screened by an officially designed hood so that only a dull beam of light reflects downward and not more than a few feet ahead of the vehicle. Parking lights and tail lights must bo painted out except apertures not exceeding the size of a nickel. Ordinary street lights have not shown anywhere in Britain since Aug. 30, 1938. London and many other British cities now have emergency Btrect lights of very low candlo pow cr, screened so thot their re flection Is not cost upward. On moonless nights when there is no fog they Indicate the direc tion in which a street runs. All curbs are painted white. So nro street obstructions of all kinds. Jutting sandbags, the oases of lamp poles. But even now burked shins and black eyes nro common. All main thoroughfares have prominent white lines down the middle, normolly enabling driv ers to keep to their sido of the street. Ordinary flashlights are per mitted, but they must be screened by at least two thick 50 SUITS ON SALE FOR $18.75 AND $23.75 i DREW'S MANSTORE IU MsM Child Wounded In Cavite Attack MANILA. Dec. 17 (P) Tho youngest person Injured In Japa nese air raids on Luzon Island an unidentified 6-month-old girl was given an even chance . to survive by doctori at Manila hospital today. Tha child, suffering from shrapnel wounds, was found on n Covltu street after tho first Inpaneso rnld on tho navy yard there. Authorities believe her parents were killed In the attack. Every man nttda and Ilkos a good Pocket Knife Case Ka Bar Diamond Edge - Guar anteed Knives at The Gun Store 714 Main, HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) HERNIA-FISSURE-FISTULA No od to eullai any long?. mi 31 yoare wo bava ano flOMfulIf ttaatod Retah ' JfornfaandCoejidlaordora 1 . without hoipltaliurgloil op ration. SondtodayforFREI 1 ' Booklat aontalnlntjvaluabla . Information and explaining 4 tJ our matnodt tUbaaf Crtdfl rrma AvalUblm as. a eja. aaaj a Af) a a a e mar- -- run lavr i VP': ,iiii:ssi:s!. ,ihii:ssi:s:. EACH DAY BRINGS US MORE UKOILSIIDAY HDttee 1 SIZES 9 to 17 SIZES 10 to 20 SIZES 38 to 46 ACTUAL $10.95 VALUES Take time out from your Christmas shopping to buy yourself at least two of these beautiful dresses They will also make the ideal Christ mas Gift . . Every stylo from smooth Shirt frocks to "Jeweled" Date Dresses Peplums, Dirndls, Jacket Dresses ... In color bright wools, royon cre'pes . . . Two-tone pastels, black . . . Also plenty of smart youthful styled large sizes - cn&MG? nosaca of tlaauo paper and never pointed upward. When enemy planei ara over head even the lighting1 of a cigarette on tho street Is for bidden. Railroad traffic moves more slowly. Locomotlvo headlights aro dim, reflect downward. Sig nal lights, of reduced power, are screened so they arc In visible from above. Black Skylights Railroad stations, mostly low. glass-roofed buildings which are merely train sheds compared with American stations, show only very dim blue lights. GIiikx roofs and skylights arc puinted black. In tho early days of the war nil lights Inside railroad roaches were extinguished. Shades on British trains do not fit tight ly. Kvcntually couch lights were screened to throw the light downward and prevent it showing through the crarks left by flapping shades. Working hours in offices. closing hours for stores, ara ad Justed during winter months to enable tho maximum number of persons to reach their homes before dusk. During tho period of heavy raids last year many offices split their staffs, half the employes working long hours two auccessive days, sleeping on the premises, then taking two days' rest whllo the other half carried on. Thousands of air raid ward ens and police patrol the big British cities enforcing the blackout restrictions, rapping loudly on tho doors of houses which show even chinks of Itght. There is always the danger of fifth columnists de liberately showing lights to guido raiding bombers. Tho population of New Jersey increased to 4,148,562 in 1040, as compared with 4,041,334 In 1030. Ski and Sport Jackets The Gun Store 714 Main. SCARLET FEVEfl - CASE AT BONANZA Dr. Peter H. Rozendal, county health officer, ordered the Bo nanza school closed Tuesday when one case of scarlet fever was reported in the district. Parents of school children there have been advised to con sult their family doctor or the health authorities in case of sore throat, Dr. Rozendal said. The scarlet fever cases report ed in Merrill are now under control, he announced. One-seventh of the earth's to tal land area is taken up by Russia. Skis Ski Binders Ski Wax Strand and Northland Skia The Gun Store Puckett and Houaton 714 Main. . Two Grounded U. S. Aviators Safe in Hike to Boguio MANILA, Dec. 17 OP) Ad vices received from Boguio to day said that two U. S. army pilots had arrived there after traveling overland from Isolat ed areas where they made forced landings a week ago while battling Japanese air raiders. The two were Identified as Lieutenants Shepherd and Houseman. FREE AT Carlisle's Jewelry Store $5 Grocery Order with each cash purchaae amounting to $27.50 or over (tax included.) All fair-trade Items excluded. 1008 Main St. Fine line of Men's Loathe Jackets end Costs Just. who, he would like for Xmea Ts dun Store 714 Main. Read the Classified page. at?1 Service! 0 tt ta For Sweet Sleep and Bright Awakening 4 Star Quality WOOL MIXED BLANKET rLQ JOYFUL ALL YE SLKFPFRS RTStt fYW . YlTf It?.' FROSTY MORNINGS THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH! GIVE A "SLUMBERSOUND!" Gifts for the home ... for the homemaker ... for you! New Four-Star "Slumber sound" specially blended for warmth, without weight Made from 33-13 wool, 3(1-23 rayon, 25 cotton and 5 new "TECA" rayon Interwoven to give fluffier, woolier feel,, Extra long 72x90 inch reversible or bordered two-tone. y Reversible All Wool LANKETS m IV 1 1 n-" Also Sold on Caay Payment Plan (Usual Carnrins Chares) Mothproof for 5 Years Great big 4 pound beauty in two-tone, re versible all wool. Wov en with two, filling threads Instead of one to give greater warmth and longer wear. Extra long 72x90 Inch allows plenty of tucK-in. Blue with peach, rose with blue, cedar with peach. I CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Beautifully Sculptured of Blended Floral Design 9S A sure fire hit with one who loves her homel Whether you choose eloso tufted white chenilles with bouquet pattern of beau tifully blended flowers and punch-work embroidery. . . ' or thick-set baby chenille ; in solid color sculptured effects. Dusty roae. blue; peach, green, white. Sis SOxlOS-in. or 72 x 105-in. ' Others $2.98 to $9.98 Bedspreads $3.98 High-lustre rayon and cotton bed spreads in both full and twin slses. A wide selection of colors. CLASSICALLY SIMPLE OR RICH FLORAL PATTERNS $6.98 Pull blown roMt against oloat-tuftad nowy whlti ohenllle . or allovr floral, panel top dtalRn In tolfd duaty rote, blue, ptaoh, turquolt or whlta fi010l and 71x105 Inch It. HAND-MADE IN POPCORN TUFTING WITH FRINGE $9.98 It looks Ilkt in htlrloom . . ami you'll trtatun III baautr It It wira. In all whlu with hand-mids popcorn tuftina. Ineh, trlpla-tiad fringe on threa aldaa. 901109 and 7als9-lnch alia lor twin or lull aliod TEXTURED ENSEMBLE GIFT WASHCLOTHS Two ton, leitured tarry In aat of alt. Two oaoh of m Inch towala, 1HH Inoh towtla and nut waahclotha. 4 paattla. $4)98 (2 $3 29 Mattrlil Content en Labalt FINGER-TIP TERRIES CKt box of four ll''aitl-lrwh larriea lit oholoa of I paatala. I AA Mad by Cannon Mllli liUU Transparent hand bo K packed with ona doiett ititMnoh paatal wathj loth. Qreon, gold, peaoh, blua, lavender OlOfe WASHCLOTH I IT - Four 1lilt OQ Inch with eotortd border v9V WASHCLOTH T tlx Ififl CQa bteh patttla in bandbo t v3V SEBS, ROEBUCK AMD CO. ", phyalelM ana) Burgun W. I. Cor. K, Burn ltd and Grand Aro. TaUphona lAat 3018 Portland, Orarjoft t essssaasssssasaaaaBeseseaseieeeaaaasa A! . ., 617 Maim 133 So. 8th Djol 5183