THE EVENING HERALD.. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON December 17, 1041 Lost River Dairy for a wage and hour contract was announced Wednesday by Earl Edsall, Teamsters' business agent. ' Edsall said the contract puts all three of the big Klamath Falls beverage concerns on an even basis in regard to union scales. He asserted the new agreement provides for an in crease in wages and a standard lzatlon of hours for inside work ers and truck drivers. Edsall also revealed that nego tiations with both the Klamath Packing company and the Pauley Packing company were recently completed, raising the pay of both firms' truck drivers from $39 to $40 per week. There's 1000 sensible, useful Gifts that men like at The Gun Store 714 Main. Teamsters' Union Moves Headquarters The office of the Teamsters' union (AFL) Wednesday, had been ninvod Intu new and larger quarters In the Labor temple. The union had previously shared an office with tho Divid ing Trades council on the main floor of the temple. The now of fice, niuniii'd by Mushiest A tiling Earl Edsall and a secretary, Is on the same floor toward the rear of tho building. nai union v.onrracr i Completion of negotiations be- , jtween " the Teamsters' union Road the Classified page. ew" w JAGE SIXTEEN AFL) and the Lost River Dairy ). - i Arm i J f M . fe',tnijnViitS.ti,hte'f i ilffir.ii r '"aw. nr t 1.1 CT er- . SIu.ILVds '-eVl re BARGAIX GIFTS FOR THE HOME (ti tftt A Magazine Bosket, Only Square top lamp tablo or modern end tablo 3.89 Glass top coffee tablo or metal smoker 4.89 Colorful hassock 1.98 Here's a big assortment o welcome new touches of beauty, comfort and convenience at amazingly low Ward prices I Save 20 to 25 on each ! For your own home, for a relative or a friend, any of these items will be appreciated! The tables are sturdy hardwood, decorated with marquetry inlays and finished walnut ! The smoker and hassock are avail able in popular colors ! Big, useful magazine basket I GET s70 RADIO PEKFOlliIANCE 6u on Worc Monthly Pay meni Plan , . . Make this power(ut 9-tube radio your choice for Christmas! And get newest 1942 feature you'd expect in a console set I Automatic tuning ! Spread band dial! Dual Tone Controls! Dynamic speaker I Built-in loop aerial! Rectifier and tuning eye tubes included! Buy now . . . today I 1042 7-Tube Radio Direct foreign reception and other H'Jfci'ii features youd expect at SIS morel J d Rectifier included! See and heir it I SB - - w .. For (follht ovfmg Folding Doll Cart Artificial UothtH Like real baby carriage! Even a foot extension, sun viiorl Two tone, white piping! Rubber tireil Buffalo Bill Mesf Cowboy Outfit Compefe, Only Every young cow puncher wants thit outfit: jeam, shirt, hat, pistol, bol ster, etc. See itl LargtSIf I1" M. iwarat,oniy Jtl' e i L 85 YES Fun for all! Includes 7 marblei and Initructiona for playing 21, Baga telle, Baaeball 2 other games I You Con Still Buy Words Convenient Monthly Payment Plan Ot the thin n yoa wot TODAY . . . enjoj thfim while you irt piylai for thfm a little uch tnrrnth. Vmi wilt find the Federal Rrgulitloae of In itallment Duylof hire not Inereeicd the monthly nermfnte ou tnike on Montiomery WeM'e eon ven lent pty mnt pln. lt m tell rou about thle iimpin wr to oiif an your nJi. ri-.Tae ".oout ."'.ard.- '"'"linn I7u -T' Ti i r an mar jnm& ts n i I V HI I ti Li LVL NINTH STREET, Corner Pine DOB mm 2J ... .1 hi '"" MMtll .nil in 1 I ii i i i rv i - i "5 l I M mw mm rnxmlA mm ai unit. .... 9 ' ' oven u,, wrj' Spe.,,.. It Mii&J rba? '' V ilt. , p or f 1 fiii, i i 1 3Tii ' r'M'" II ei-jB h.n vecic . rt 0n ---unai '"O " Inu 'ne; Co&OnI i afe.fil. . " " ....'" on'.,.' Mod ...... "ren,o" ." cor-7.7 I rZZZ lJ? ' '", don 'e com af fe fc. e. p J 23" n . 'n eu. Ced.M;, -n. lniif Bl SB fev' I mi r OKI TELEPHONE 3188