PAGE FOURTEEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Decomhpr 17, 104T STOCK MARKET UPSET BY WAR NERVOUSNESS Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone St Webster , Studebaker . NEW YORK, Dec. 17 (A3) Nervous selling upset the stock market's balance today and losses In the Industrial leaders ran from fractions, to 2 or more points, Bonds shaded lower, While the freer offerings were attributed in part to fears over the fate of Singapore and other British strongholds in the Far East under Japanese attack, the pressure at no time was compar able to that which weighed so . heavily upon list in the early days of last week. Transactions totaled about l.zoo.uuu snares. Steels, motors, rubbers and . aircrafts led the retreat, num erous issues recorded new lows for the year. Final prices were around the bottoms. . American Telephone dropped nearly 5 points to a 1941 low. Other stocks reaching low ground for a year or more included Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, U. S. Rub ber, Goodyear, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, and Amer ican Can. Among the losers were Douglas Aircraft, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Westlnghouse, and Du Font. ' American Sugar was an iso lated firm spot, responding to the announcement of a $2 year- end dividend. Shares of the rubber com panies were handicapped by word from Washington that OPM officials had ordered extended until the first week in January the ban on manufacture and sale of tires and tubes except to fill top defense orders. The original ruling, effective Dec. 11, was to have expired Dec Z3. .. Closing quotations: Air Reduction 36 Alaska Juneau 11 Al Chem St Dye . Allis-Chalmers American Can Am Car St Fdy Am Rad Sta San . Am Roll Mills . ' Am Smelt & Ref . Am Tel St Tel . Am Tob "B" Am Water Works . Am Zinc L & S Anaconda Armour HI Atchison . Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix A via Beth Steel .... Boeing Airp Borden Borge-Warner . Calif . Packing Callahan ZL. Calumet Hec . Canada Dry Canadian Pacific . Cat Tractor Celanese Ches & Ohio . Chrysler Col Gas St El . Com'l Solvent Comm'nw'lth Se Sou . Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can 140 261 66 29 31 10. 371 1291 46 21 31 2Si 31 24 31 131 371 581 181 191 19 181 I 5! 12 31 36 191 321 431 44 81 Sunshine Mining ... Texas Corp Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium .., Warner Pictures . Western Union Wcstinghouse . Woolworth 301 431 41 .. 31 .... 31 , 441 4 691 131 - 601 .. 81 ..- 341 .... 1 .. 41 .. 671 .. 161 80 . 801 181 5 251 761 .... 2S1 T CHICAGO, Dec. 17 VP) A drop of more than 2 cents bushel in wheat prices at one time today measured the mar ket's reaction to disclosure of government plans for eventual disposal of approximately 170,- 000,000 bushels of 1939-40 grain it ownj. Although prices at which fed eral stocks will be offered for sale are above present open mar ket quotations, indicating that little, if any, wheat can be dis posed of unless there is an ad vance. Traders said the plan has the effect of placing a sort of ceiling on the market. Furth ermore, the effect of this pro gram on producers' plans to hold 1841 wheat under government loans is uncertain, traders said. Late short covering, prompted partly by Secretary Wickard's opposition to suggestions that restrictions on 1942 wheat acre age be removed, rallied prices to some extent. Wheat closed 11-Hc lower than yesterday, December $1,231, May $1.26-1.261; corn 1c higher to Ic lower, December 781c, May 831-lc; oats 1c lower to lie higher: rye l-lc down: soybeans 11-llc higher. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 17 (AP-USDA Potatoes: 8 Califor nia, 4 Oregon arrived, 22 unbro ken, 15 broken cars on track; market firm; Klamath Russets No. 1, offerings very light, oc casional car $2.25; combination grades $1.65-1.75; No. 2s, $1.40-1.50. LOS ANGELES. Dec. 17 (AP- USDA) Potatoes: 11 California, 4 Idaho arrived. 28 unbroken. 35 broken cars on track; by truck uamornia, 2 Idaho. 1 Utah ar rived! market about steady: no ru amatn quotations. umm nm wm w map .IMm ' ' S r : JNUM. Ka-cluttk PHMWU' I tJp, .. W CANADA .' U ,. ( - 1 J fne- N- ' ;-'v ; . "-.v: :t'i-;: y ty- ATLANTIC fe-w.L S BATdWimaM S I MARIANA fi7l ' WI ltor WIU-- . . M.VX$fr LX CAROUN. WUBl'.hitIM CieoiflUdtatl-V """KSaT" i V samoaI . C 0 I V. V-1 ; fk coralssa a,,,, Apito.ii ' V t 'V i.... : : AUSTRALIA '- V X iliSiii, "l' ' n-i e'Y . U.n . J N-fcftf , ",J O "tS LEGEND I .V"1' Nnval Base nd SiAtiont v.m . J .T"- Japanese y r-t (n Dutch e -S" r UL UPJ"1 U.S.S.R. e . n M ,t, ...... YJVssl unirea jam ana rossejsioni CuspMlL i-lying uistancei oo I iUaf L I OC.I.HAMM0ND4CO.N.Y. I kMrvi?.7,,J . . IIAIIAMA IS 4a',f, I r OinkN-nnJi-o at"," United States and Possessions Japan arxfConfrolted Areas BRAZIL I'M S'',OUVIA r chile; i v ,A..?i ffBwnM-', .1' " f-' Si Corn Products' Crown Zellerbach . Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft pupont De N ... Eastman Kodak El Pow & Lt . General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich : Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel & Tel Johns Manville Kennecott ' Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew's . Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward . Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod : Nat'l Dist National Lead ... N Y Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Amer Fish ........ Pac Gas & El Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways Paramount Pic ... Penney (J C) ....... Penna R R ...... Phelps Dodge ............ ' Phillips Pet . Proctor St Gamble Pub Svc N J Pullman ....... Radio Republic Steel ........., Richfield Oil .. Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum . Sou Cal Edison ... Southern Pacific CHICAGO. Dec. 17 fAP- USDA) Potatoes arrivals 76: on track 265; total US shin- menu ouo; supplies moderate; demand for Idaho Russets fair, market steady with slightly firmed undertone, for Bliss Triumphs demand fair, market steady on best quality, for oth er varieties all sections demand light, market steady; Idaho Russet Burbank- US No. 1, $2.50-60. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 17 W)-(Fed.-State Market News) Hoes: salable 350. Around 25e lower; bulk good 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts $1.3. Cattle: salable 75. Steadv.fed light steers absent, quoted up hj ii.o, undertone stronger. most medium steers $10.50-75; good range cows salable $8.00 50, major share run dairy cows just arriving, bulk canners and cutters salable $5.50-7.00; few medium sausage bulla $8.00-50. Calves: salable none. Nominal: good to choice vealers quoted $12.00-13.00; slaughter calves $9.50-11.00. Sheep: salable 300. Mostly nominal; good to choice wooled iambs quoted $11.00-50. pack age medium lambs $10.50; me dium io cnoice ewes auoted 93.3U-0.3U. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON. Dec. 17 fAP-USDA) The Boston wool market was firm today. Moderate quantities of fine territory wools of aver age to good French combing lengths were sold at $1.12-1.13, scoured basis. Wools of good French combine length with a fair per cent of staple lengths brought $1.13-1.15. scoured ba sis. Grade three eighths blood combing territory wools brought 96-98 cents, scoured basis, and graded one fourth blood wools sold at 92-93 cents, scoured basis. It's hard for a woman to live to be 100 when she remains 30 so long. DIZZY CHICAGO, Dec. 17 (M Izzy Acker and his Marshall high school lightweights are running Chicago prep basketball teams dizzy. Izzy scored 44 points in one game Monday. He added 49 more last night and now has 202 for eight games this season. His team's record? Just 44 consecu tive victories in the Chicago prep division restricted to play ers under 5 feet, 7 inches. CASUALTIES SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 17 (JPl Two more pro football games have been added to the sports casualty list. The San Francisco Bay Packers' game with the Co lumbus Bulldogs, scheduled for How the Battleship Arizona Was Destroyed in Pearl Harbor Attack Carload Potato Shipments PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Dec. 17 (AP- U6UAJ Hogs: salable 500, to tal 1050; market active, 10-15c nigner than Tuesday's average; good-choice 170-215 lb. weights $11.85 to mostly $12.00; one long-haul lot $12.10; 230-270 lb. butchers $11.00-50. Light lights mosiiy $ii.uu-Z5; packing sows $8.50-9.25; choice 106 lb. feeder pigs $n. UU. Cattle: salable and total 100; calves salable 25, total 35; sieers active, strong, other classes slow, generally steady; iew meaium-good B40-1145 lb steers $10.50-11.50: few com- mon-medium light steers $9,00- ju.ou, wun dairy steers down to $7.00; common heifers $7.00 75; medium beef heifers $9.00 10.00; canner-cutter cows $4.50 5.50; fat dairy type cows $6.25 75; good heavy beef cows $8.00: young cows to $8.75; medium good bulls $8.00-9.25; good choice vealers S12.on.ia nn- me dium grades down to $9.00. TT.1, 4lmM. - , . Sperry Corn ani i. V". "1 T. ",m"cn Vuae 011 Standard Rr-nrt. ill k;"-u aim nine limes as S and Oil rlut J !"Uch moU,r fuel ' mad tJy Stand OU Calif 2U in the United State, as In 1917. Month Shipments by Truck (1940) Day of Month Season 1941-42 Season 1940-41 Dec. to Season Dec. to Season Dec. Daily Date to Date Daily Date to Date 1 21 21 2666 3 3 2979 2 9 30 2675 28 31 3007 3 23 53 2698 24 55 3031 31 84 2729 31 86 3062 8 2"! 105 2750 32 118 3094 8 24 129 2774 28 1461 3122 1 0 129 2774 41 187 3163 8 25 154 2799 4 193 3167 9 24 178 2823 40 233 3207 10 ' 33 211 2856 35 26& 3242 U 36 247 2892 23 291 32el 12 33 280 2925 36 325 3301 13 2 2 302 2947 2 8 353 3329 1 1 303 2948 34 387 3363 I5 7 350 2995 I 395 3371 16 27 377 3022 35 43) 3406 17 18 ' 19 : ' 20 21 ' 22 ' ' 23 ; 24 " 25 26 " : 27 28 29 30 31 II . ' , ft " V ' " ' - ' I" " ,-,. t , r t . . - vt V If 'A -as V U 4 - Wlr -T-sNfi tiy -a v a 41 IESI-,- Piftlim ftf tVin IT U A Irimna mitVt nolief. I 1 1. i , . ' " i - llrst direct bomb hit caused the boiler to blow up.. Then bomb dropping down a inokesUck exploded the wnnihti' lorwnrd mn munltlon mncazlne. Oil Supply of West Under Military Guard WS ?jr ' III One of the Far Wests oil wells, its pump protected with sandbflRR, is under Army guard. Fast Moving Anti-Aircraf t Guns on Duty Grand Total it Dec. 21, and one with the San Diego Bulldogs, set for the Sun day following, have been can celled. Officials said they were called off because of. army regulations. Tallest president of the United States was Abraham Lincoln, who stood 6 fuel, 4 inches. None of her business is what excites a woman most. This mobile antl-aircralt mochlno Rim-niilcRly moved and In tiring poslUon-is one of the many Pacific Const ilcfcnno units on the alert for j ui bih Ur uir. u. 8, Army pliolo. Gliiro blinclncss, caused by mo tor enr hendliglits, last lunger in women than in men, according io Tl... I t. . iiu ulmlii ircc wraps nni eountor-wrnpH onch of Us buds In n blanket of )fl scales to pro tect them from the cold. 9