n December IT, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN W MODIFIES REQUIREMENTS I flc he tlx Doilies Make Dining a Delight FOR RECRUITS A TAlnviil Inn rtt r.1. lr.l ttandards fur enlistments in the U. 8. navy and Iho naval re rva was announced thli week by the navy department. In ivy department announct-mmii ten inai numerous mm who mint mnntha have annul.! In enlist mid have been rejected on Ihn basil of minor physical do le In will. because of the modi ration of physical standards, e ennntiraaed to r-annlv Inr nllstmenl In cither the regular nvy or tno navai reserve for H- uurawuu ui hid emergency. The navy department hat re quested thai any person know lull of young man who had bri-ii barred from enlistment in the navy or the naval reservo because of minor physical rea ma should bring this modifica tion In physical requirements to Ihtr attention of these young men. Applicant with vorlcojo vein, will ba acceptable undor the changed atandarda, Ihli vari cocele condition to ba correct ed, If tho condition la painful. 6t lin naval training stations which the new recruits lire sent. Hydrocele, another defect that formerly ruled out numer oii applicants, will ba correct nl. If decenary, after enlistee arrive at training stations A pllcnnta suffering from hernui will be accepted provldrd their 1. Q'a are 7S or better. lie crulta (ufferlng from hernia will Iw treated at tho truininii ala lionii and will bo enrolled for schooling during thalr period of convalescence. Other phy?lcal defects which formerly provented men from Imlng accepted an recruits, but which now are waived, are seasonal hay fever; corrertlbln nn-.nl deformities or natal le formltlea of such a degree an not to Interfere with duty; un dernourished and undcrdevelop. Ml applicants providing the condition l.i not due to organic lirae; and minor surgical ile. fi-cta which can ba corrected within a month. Ann! lennfa jtho possess 18 natural service Din teeth, with at least two molars In functional oeellminn and not more than four in cisors miming, will bo accept able. Dental treatment will be given at the training stations. Any applicant who haa been rejected because of anv of the defects noted above is urged t re-apply for enlistment In the navy or naval reserve Im mediately. All applicants accepted with drferta requiring correction will Im kmnllall..J A It - - w,jlv,icu. Mier correc- i.jii 01 mesa nerects recruits will bo returned to their train ing stations at the earliest practicable time. These modified physical standards will apply for ail ap plicants for enlistment In either the regular navy or the naval reserve with the exception of applicants for enlistment In classes for prospective commissioning. Brook. gM ;firf '" f PATTERN 7NJJL. Let your own handiwork bring beauty to your home. These dollies In filet crochet three sizes are so lovely and useful for many occasions. Just the thing for a hostess gift. too. Pattern 7181 contains Instruc tions and charts for making doil les; illustrations of them and stitches; materlala needed. To obtain this pattern send 10 cents In coin to The Herald and Nows, Household Arts Dept , Klamath Fnllr, Do not sand this picture, but keep It and the sum bcr for reference Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the en velope Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No to ollowed by your name end address custard cups. Stand them In a pan of hot water and bake In moderate oven until firm, about 30 minutes. Cool, and unmold In sauce dishes. MENU BREAKFAST: Stewed dried prunes and aprlcota, oatmeal, toast, coffee, milk. LUNCH: Tomato Juice, toasted cheese sandwiches, ginger pearl, tea, milk. DINNER: Egg and chicken soup, "old clothes," potato slices, cabbage with onion dressing, pumpkin pudding, coffe with moist brown sugar, milk. BLACKOUT TEST LA GRANDE. Dec. 17 Op) La Grande will hold Its first test blackout Friday from 7 30 to 8 p. m. WOMEN ORCANIZE THE DALLES. Dec. 17 (Pi Women from Wasco, Sherman, Wheeler and Gilliam counties met here today to organize for war work. SIXTEEN SHEET ITALIRKERS GO TO BOEING Sixteen members of the Klam ath Falli aviation sheet metal defense school will report to the Boeing Aircraft company In Seattle Friday morning, Horace Armcnt of the Oregon state em ployment service disclosed Wed nesday. The youths, all of whom have completed SO hours of training, left here Tuesday and Wednes day. A special swearing-in cere mony conducted by Circuit Court Judge David R. Vanden bcrg Tuesday morning enabled one youth, Frank Kula, a Pole, to obtain his final citizenship papers and become eligible for employment In the big Boeing defense plant. Klamath county youths who will report to Boeing are: Carl Brlngle, Burt Gray, Ger ald Schoten, Trevor Owens, Har old Porter, Robert Bender, E. klinkhammer, George Linder, Sam Garrison, Arro Luoma, Jim Perkins, Frank Kula, Early Lynch, Amos Burnett, John Har ger and Luther Tarwater. Arment said that to date 84 students In sheet metal classes have been hired by Boeing, 19 by Lockheed Aircraft company In Burbank, Calif., and one by the Columbia Aircraft company In Portland. Five graduates of the defense radio school have been hired by Boeing. 40 TOPCOATS ON SALE FOR $13 i DREW'S MANSTORE Woman to Taks Up Dead Son's Work PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17 Last year Mrs. Reba Feldman accompanied her son Jack, 18, to the army recruiting station here. She was back again yester day. ' "Jack was killed when the Japs bombed Pearl harbor," she told attaches without emotion. "I want to take up where he left off. Surely there Is some thing I can do for tha army," Mrs. Feldman waa given job In tha army quartermaster'! depot here. A good Hunting Knife la what most men want We have 'em The Gun Store Puckett and Houston 714 Main. A tax or assessment of money once was known as a "scof't hence, "to go scot free" means to escape without tax or penalty. FOR CHRISTMAS! Top Quality NYLONS ALL NYLON PLENTY OF THEM TOO! Beautiful Hi I II fa File & Main rUULUCK 3 Shoe. aiMMxWxWiamtiBamrzsgMrw! Snack Parties Go Latin With These Appetizers Agriculture in Sood Condition. Says AAA Man CORVAT.T.1S n- it t waw( aVi:V. II I J Art Cummings. assistant to the western regional AAA director, aald vesterdav aorlriiltnr ...n- In tha best condition In history to meet the United states war nemanda. He save credit tn th AAA program, particularly to the over-normal granary plan. Dr. C. W f!hennullh TTr.li,,-. iy of Idaho professor, told 290 Orecon AAA mmmltti.emen at their annual conference' that the entire farm program will an unless the U. s. wins this War. He tiroeri 1hnr eanltnl and farmers to work together. extension and experiment station I0nli mnt with AAA men today In tha first session oi me annual agricultural ana home economics workers' conference. CfSorn With 2 Teeth L ' y t . ?i :.4P "or ' 1 fl 1 1 nmw m , SI, A. ' ,1 (r 11. i oeveriy Ann sexton snows cam Vraman at Cleveland hospital th two Inivar teeth that Came Into this world right along with l her. Beverly was 11 days old . when this picture waa made, l.iilm American appetizers or liors ti'ollvrr ur? guy and col orful Ope n- fnci-d sandwiches aro mailt- with crusty French hrend lopped with paper thin Mice of chtrken, hnm, smiMige ir t in-vM. Krr a Mi.'tck party, the Lutln American hoalc serves tlioo uppctlzers with cafo con li cliu (cnlfee with hot milk.) She hnl(l a pot of M-nlrilng hot coffee In one hand and a jug of hot milk in the other and pours both rnffoe and milk Into cups at the name time For your bridge or lata sup per party, you might go Latln Amorican. too. Here's u sugges tion for the menu Avocado canape, hot crab canapes, orange halves M'-xican. celery stuffed with bleu cheese, "shrimp cooked double" open face sandwiches, coffee. Avocado Canapes Combine mashed avocado pulp with highly seasoned chili sauce and spread on small strips of toaxt or crisp crackers Hot Crab Canapts Flake crabmeat fine; season with salt, pepper, onion and lem on Juice. Spread on strips of toast, put a little creamed butter on top. sprinkle with grated cheese and brown In hot oven. Serve hot. Orange Halves Mexican Slice seedlesa oranges a half- ir.ch thick. Do not remove the fkln. Cut in halves; sprinkle sparingly with powdvrrd chili peppers. "Bhrlmp Cooked Double" (Serves 4 to 8) Two pounds shrimp, luice i lemon, t vup water, t leujpoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, fine dry crumbs. 2 cues, deep frying fat. Doll the shrimp as usual. Re move! nil the shell except the tails. Put the shrimp in a bowl, and pour over the lemon, water, salt and pepper mixed. Let stand an hour. Drain and place two by two on toothpicks. Dip In the crumbs, then In the egfts slightly beaten, and again In crumby. Fry in deep fat hot rnough to brown a bit of bread in 40 seconds. Serve surround ed with plain or fried parsley. Note; These may be prepared in advance and reheated In the oven for serving. MENU BREAKFAST Tomato and lemon Juice, oatmeal, cin namon 'oast, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON Pried lima beans with fait pork, French bread, rlicecl oranges and ba nanas, cookies, tea, milk. DINNER Pan-broiled round steak with lemon but ter, mashed potatoes, carrots, with parsley, mixed green sal ad, sponge cake with Guav-a lam, coffee, milk. Brazilians Boast Savory Dish of Yesterday's Roast "Old clothes" In Brazil means a savory dish made of yester day's roast. Brazilian housewives make delicious chicken soup from leftovers too. and serve It with an egg yolk dropped into each bubbling bowlful. Left over cabbage with onion dress ing Is another specialty. So Is pudding made from leftover pumpkin, and accompanied with ; little cups of black coffee sweet ened with moist brown sugar In the Latin-American way. "OLD CLOTHES" (Serves 4 to 8) Four cups shredded cooked meat, 2 tablespoons fat, 3 shred ded onions, 2 tablespoons mincad parsley, 1 cup drained canned to mato, t tablespoon vinegar, salt and peppor to taste. Cook the meat slightly In the fat, but do not brown. Add the remaining Ingredients together with a cup of water, and simmer until the sauce has largely evap orated. Serve with boiled pota toes cut In slices a half Inch thick and sprinkled with minced parsley. CABBAGE WITH ONION DRESSINO Slice Savoy cabbage and cook tnder in salted water, or use left over cabbage. Servo hot or cold with a aauce made by combining three tablespoons oil, lk table spoons vinegar, salt, pepper and mild onion sliced paper thin. PUMPKIN PUDDINO ' (Serves i to 81 One-half cup granulated sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup cooked pumpkin pulp, i cup light brown sugar. 2 tablespoons melted butter, 1 tablespoon flour, few grains salt, 1 cup milk, i teaspoon nutmeg, i teaspoon cinnamon. Caramelize (molt) the granu later sugar, and pour Into four custard cups. Beat the eggs. Add the remaining ingredients In the order given and transfer to the f - --M!a It pita! in whw. dtporting guMta m prtm thl with. For our tvtry mov It directed to moling tntm fl juit thot wtiy! Whtn you comt to Portlond nl tfmt stop at fhtj Hottl MulfnomoHt wmm oooo Tm and qmd Livifft. AUK IHKPAWABH...fTTHH in) m 'l''' Qive a Man a Qift That's "TOPS" Fashion Tower FUR FELT HAT Price "V - If you want your gift to gt) to his head, glv him a Fashion Tower Fur Felt Hat! Jaunty soap brim or off-tii e-face types with round, diamond or plnch-tlp crown. Welted, stitched or bound edge and match lng, contrasting or novelty bands. a Lined or Unlineid Belt, Buckle and Tie Clip Men's Belt and Buckle Ensemble $3? 49 Burnished bridle-type belt with gold color lever buckle and tie clip. Choose from brown or black. Cordovan finish bridle type leather belt . . 1H Inch width . . Silver plated metal buckle. Decorated. Black or brown. S DRESS GL0VES I 71 il JljlfM fit M&tff fcaeotti eapeaktns la attpn, buttonad or jr" if 111 II Ml til I iF-:: atracMrrist types. Outaeam sewn with noss- V r)V vf 'Ml tf&f f "' J elty-Mtehed backs . . . some with fleece 'VJ sbQi" AlWAsr j0-.r-r.' lining. Choose from eork, black or brown. Jfc rB sJr1' 4Sr&mr Lined ftovea Nylon stitched for long wear. SMART GIFTS He'll Appreciate The Year 'Round! n HEAVY MELTON CLOTH AVIATOR JACKET For Winter Wor BOYS' WINTER "VEE-LINES" Er Panel ribbed Vee-Llrrt shlrti US and shorts of winter weight cream cotton witn aii-arouna ,35 lastex waistband. Fly front, rib bed anklets: round ntck, ahort leAvea Rm nil medium, lim. IW 7 " Fraternity Prep Coat Sweaters Knitted or woven fronts, knit ted sleeves and back. Full but toned front style with two pockets and leather buttons. Wide range of assorted patterns ana colors. Sizes from 8 to 18. FLANNELETTE BOYS' PAJAMAS 19 Notch-collar cost styles In san forized flannelettes that cant shrink more than 1. Assorted plaid patterns with el as tie trouser waist and grlpper fas teners. Slsea from 8 to IS. UPS Double breasted aviator style Jacket with full length slide fastener closure to shoulders. "Arldex treated to repel! water. Blzea 8 to 16- BOYS' 14 INCH MOCCASIN HI CUT Blueher type hi cut with oil tan ned soles, choco late brown leath er upp era and moccasin toe. Sizes from 10 tt to 12. 198 Boys' Longle-s Boot Sock Lined Glovts Knit Dress 2.98 49c 1.00 Cap Socks 49c 19c Drip model with Qfty wool locks 4 plMti and ft with 8. Inch topi pocket. Tap ra- and1 r a d trim. Inf oread. 10-80. Flatknlt foot. Beya' lined win ttr eapeskln slip arts. Brown or black, ft to ft. M e a v y ihakar knit with pompom and striped tuff, ft colore. 1 alto. Combed cottons In ell-over blazer stripes ar pit tarns, ft to 11. Blazer Socks 2 for 25c 1 1 r striped cottons with lis supported top. SIim t", to 10Vi. MUDGUARD TOE 14 INCH HI-CUT mm. aM BOYS' SWEATERS uttontd novtlty wnlin with knitted iloovos and btoK. Bluo, ntsroon or 1 1 Q brown. I to ie.... t w Wool ftbrla eontsnt on label. Chocolate brown, ell tanned leath er uppers with mudguard moc casin toe. Tire cord heeL 1 to 6. USE SEARS EASY PAYMENTS FOR GIFT BUYING THIS YEARI Boys' Sandy Nevin, Jr. Just like Dad's! A sturdy well-built ox ford In black or brown. Sizes 2H -8 ,98 gram, raprea i a a ai : 11 ) g& i 133 So. 8th Dial 5188