h Sports I Br Hugh fullarton. Jt, 11,11 - ' a" I J Dncombcr 17, 1941 PAGE ELEVEN NEW VUHK, Ui'C. 17 (Wide World) .Seems to be open sea- win lor suggestions on now me ..porta pruginiii vnn be made to III the military progrum . . . .loiiilnu the rutili, huw about IpciKtponiiig the building u( thut 4skiwiiii mm i i n in e mm W'klnH tin' dough from the "golden bull gitinus (which will hi' played In I'vi-ry stale) Intu ilr(cn.'.u boiulfc',' '1 lu in might i ven bo a surplus (or Dm iirmy mill nuvy ri'lli f fund. Tho Nul- irtltli tiiemwlul wouldn't lose i. ul, rlthrr . . . Scoop Lutlmur ol tho Groeiivllln (S, 'O Niiw tDiiirii up with thu 1 1 It'ii thut iiillrui'H idiollld (IkIiiic (rcsh- nun I'llillbh' 'or vmaily tit It li'tu-M uiul llici senium Im'llgible Otdiilm muni ol llirin will be hciduitf lor the ui my anyway . Wouldn't thu I una go over ull with (oolbull cooclu-s wl o in m l with wnwr wiuuiU lor mxt yeiir? . . . Dixie confer-' ncn uln.'udy him iniidr h itui t .y voting to let the Irtish pluy. EXPLANATION? Corporal Kurl I'lnni, fonnrr jjiiln .SUitn Join mil i.iorU writer Qiw at Itiindolph r'lrld. Tex., writes Spurt Kd. llob Hooey Una explanation of Unit 71-7 Texas-Oregon icorc . . . Story n thill J lint before Duke I'ol the Hone buwl bid, Oregon .State wirud Tex tit Hint thu Lung litiriu could be. Invited if lliey would cancel the Oregon game . ,. . beuins the boys floured they rotildn t gullible ' the Hose howl prestige iiKuin.nl the chance llml Oregon would knock 'i'exaa nlf ... So thu Texun weul out to show them uil what orl of a gamblo It would have been. CALLING NAMES In Chnlhinooiiu, 'Venn., they'ro already culling Duke vi. Oregon Statu Ulo "Tobucco bowl" . , , How about a fresh iiuine for an rmturil uuiue plnyed In the south.' .. . . And next Sunday's pro playoff Is beinn Uihbed as tho '.Snow bowl,'' which seems nppropruilo In view of lite fact U was so cold In Chicago last ft'i-k thai the pnix-r reported Those red-hot Hems Irene the hull In the Init few seconds of the B'inir. ODDS AND SOME ENDS The Dodders have culled off noimUhtlnns with the Yanks over Dolph Cnntllll . . . Young eil owner at the Now Orleans AP Poll Names DiMag Outstanding Athlete Ttd Williams Second, Joe Louis Third in Annual Sports Survey Br Onto ROBERTSON NEW YOHK, Doc. 17 (P) For breaking all major league consecutive hitting records with a string of 90 straight games, J oo DIMugglo was voted the outstanding melo athlclo of 1041 by a margin of more than 2 to 1 over his nearest rival. The slugging New York Yankee outfielder, who batted .357, piled up a total of 1S7 points as 42 of the 82 sports experts par- tlclpntlng In The Associated Press annual poll placed him ar? CALLED TO THE COLORS! I am leaving soon to loin the army and MUST reduce stock so I can sell out. It you ever want a BUY on a fur Coat . . . ACT NOWI Sam Goldstein EVERY ,FUR COAT REDUCED - - - and drastically! You can't (ouch top quality, highly styled furs like these for any where near the prices I'm asking . . coma In at oncel STILL THE SAME LOW TERMS CUMMING'S FUR SHOP 115 South 7th Wilson Drubs Lemos, Keeps NBA Crown LOS ANGELES. Dec. 17 VP) Pittsburgh Jackie Wilson needed only one fist, his left, to decisive ly outpoint Itlchle Lemos last jught and keep the National Box ing association featherweight championship ho won from Hlchle hero Nov. 18. Tho 27-year-old Pittsburgh negro, veteran of 10 years In tin ring, calmly set about his work in the first round and either won or drew In all of the first nine. He had such a big lead by the time Lemos frantically began trying for u knockout In the tenth that he Just protected him self through the last three of the 12 heats. Referee Abe Roth gave Wilson seven lounds and Lemos three, with two even. Judge Charles Root, former Itghtheavywclght champion, said It was WiIsod 0-3. The other Judge, Ccorgo Dlake, called it 0-3-1, and a draw. Each boxer Just mad the 128 pound feather limit. fairgrounds race meeting will be Cleo Patricia Pelleterl (age one) , . . Her pop, Tony, will raco a 2-ycar-old by Savanak- Mlns Chancery in her name . . . No wonder the fans are confused about the effect of the war on sports when the army plans to ban all California events that will draw 10,000 at tho same time the navy is lln Ing up a huge boxing show at Los Angeles for the benefit of Pearl harbor victims. V" , . . 5 c ''"1 "fa: .1 ------ Tenpn Topics By John rttr OOMMIROIAL, LIAQUi Nm Oily Laundry Dkhmo jt m ivi aw Hrown Ttioinpt'in , A. frrknwra H. Mart.- , Hois Mamtlctp .10 m Ml 4?7 IVi 140 M4 AM 1J7 ItT 110 Ml tlH M M I7S 611 n tt IM 177 CurUr Mhtr -Mianltl Matnn Kitltittrn llknflkkp Kills) vn ne iw m Oarlar't FlrW FootM . Wi IW IM 411 . , ... , r. , '' I A I IM 44 m IWI 111 I'M w ill joi -jfa , , ' . lt 17 4W 164 114 1AC 41 (U4 IM 7M 1MB HnUjr J. ftrnlth . tha Handlraf) Win. Hmith nhkffrr i Hunt Cok rv.ll Iltindlrap Mrria . Jnhnaoa ! TflforrJ first o n their lint. Hq was glvn either sec onri or third place on 20 other ballots, Ted Williams, who In hitting 406 for the Boi- Inn t) A Gntr Ks. come the first ' k.j ' m, li Uamiar In man,, . t ski mi the .400 mark, ran sec Ted Williams ond to DIMag- glo. Polling five first-place votes, Williams received a total of 74 on the basis of three points for first, two for second and one for third. Joe Louis, heavyweight box ing champion, outscored Wil liams in the number of first places, receiving 10, but wound up third with 64 points for his unDrecedented Dcrformance of Mrjoro neenMf,,ll t..f nt I n tf hl lilll' seven times during the year. With Craig Wood, U. S. open golf king, finishing fourth with 27 votes, football was completely routed for the first time In three years. Tommy Harmon of Michi gan won No. 1 honors last year and Niles Kinnick of Iowa in 1839 but this year the gridiron sport could do no better than fifth with Don Hutson, the Green Bay Packers' great end. Golfer Bud Ward received five points. Five coaches, four of them gridiron mentors, received con sideration. They were Frank Leahy of Notre Dume, Earl Blalk of the Army, Burt Shotton, lead er of the Columbus Redbirds of the America Baseball associa tion, Paul Brown of Ohio State and Bernie Blerman of Minne sota's unbeaten Gophers. Klimstti MlMl. lM. ...IM 117 US HI " Ml ll III w iio n Ut IW III S4 1" IM lit 7 &9 A M 177 as Dora Hhdl.r lllll llrllrftll MnllU lUndlOM -in ut m .174 IM IU 4M -vn iu m iw .i-o im iu im .111 K4 l.',7 470 100 l too soo 1. Cllrt lilurT ll. till! . ft.nlliiMll HanOltip Ahwoftl ii-hinul . ruron . Sriicn'tH . ori!ftr H Un4lcap (4 Ul S41 T10 an4VSrtlsil Truok IM ill III 4M Vli 111 171 174 X IM 174 471 177 IU 174 410 , , , : ,. ITfl 141 141 K4 . U U U U HI H H7 1774 Viiuiir airbon l 174 VA lit 112 144 lii 441 ..144 111 Zl'4 464 " IM Hi MS I' 147 41 71 IS 71 114 4lk.r . JIuiimII l.alhlo - Hanilleip Its til tm Wit Bltolsw Motor 00. 141 124 1(0 441 , , , . , ''' M7 I7A 401 , , ITO IM III , 144 IW I'.l 4 ill li: in 4t 171 171 171 ill 007 ill in un II 149 147 1410 Limm LwrnMr Co. 17 HI 170 Ml "7 174 III l4 SOI III 117 111 lit III 177 IM 140 145 u w m to; lit 147 SS7 1474 riiiioo llimin t'opM Mndlan4 Hlmkn . Il4n0lcip S00ITIH LSAOUS Coea Oola lit IW 107 419 Ill ItO 119 S91 1 7S 111 III 471 " 141 lit 111 119 171 ItO ' Itl 111 S4I . Parkins Unli Drl117 - CUrk K.lll. N0leap . 907 110 144 1141 Bail SMa llaa. 119 III IM 449 144 171 lit 449 lit 171 447 "7 144 IM vn 40 117 111 441 S3 It It 144 Bowling for Beginners 117 191 H9 tU7 .117 147 110 III -.173 111 174 472 1J7 111 141 411 IA4 101 144 111 lll 141 117 IU ltJ IB Itt 904 197 741 Ml 1474 Lou Rlvar Oalry 149 ICS 110 447 149 IU 141 447 147 171 til MO III 147 147 4U 144 141 144 174 14 14 64 lit lit SIS (OS till Fkkrlt lirlury llan.llrap lH-llr frrcUtwR Krurfrr . I'raTiia Vhiilia KMstita of Columbia 111 111 111 IM lit 191 147 171 Itl ll IM 119 III 119 III 111 149 141 111 Ml M 10 70 110 7M 914 179 Kill aiaak 4 WMIa San. ill I IS 117 S4I 171 111 111 440 -111 I7t 104 407 McComaak a Tallord rfiunllt'itl 1-103 WW 111 IM Ml',fnark 171 110 103 SM ral'j "i 141 111 191 KHlora 119 174 Itl 141 lnaol.1 'o lit 141 447 Handicap 44 -4 IM U7 904 MS 1404 Klamath High i in lis 410 IM IM 49 171 l 114 144 491 lt 111 111 1! , 170 IM IM 494 SO SO M 240 Ab-r hOtiloMW P'rklai. D. . lt4honr, J. hrot4oa - HlDdlc4p 117 717 711 H7I Rorraans . Tavcoor i, nil, M.nJ.rlll. Knowlat HaiHllrap . ofswsy Staraa ISO 1U IM 410 14S 110 1J9 31 Itl 140 111 2 IM 144 137 419 IM 170 117 439 Itl 114 111 7. Ill SI7 11 Entland lUck flr Rrrmrr , l III 111 111 : Oud'Tlan Handicap -177 III l7 109 lt9 129 19 147 471 SI7 414 VM KLAMATH 0ITV LSAOUS Krall Cham Oo. IM 197 141 M4 "7 191 111 40 , 110 109 lit Ml " l' tul U9 191 .171 111 171 Handicap 11 11 51 111 149 1001 OAS tMl Cr4na . Ilrllrr . llntrard Mllra . Wllmn llxi Wrri Unti Hark.-! Pnllr Drill Itfua-n Handicap IM IM S9t ltl Itl ..III 144 120 470 IM 110 110 IU lit -in tn tit t-4 -179 143 1 71 494 -III 74 74 Ml 94 911 1014 ttU All Quiet on Rose Bowl Front; Army Okays North Carolina Site PASADENA. Calif.. Dec. 17 Wn All was oulet an the Pasa- ; dena Rosa bowl front tonight. Leaving behind a note advising ticket purchasers not to worry about their refund for the New Year's day game here between Oregon State and Duke, Athletic Director Percy Locey of Oregon State headed to Durham, N. C, new site of the contest. Locey said the Oregon State team would leave Corvallis, Ore., Friday, work out at the University of Chicago December 22, and possibly again at Wash-" " Ingtqn, D. C, before going Into Chapel Hill, N. C. home of the University of North Carolina, which Is a short distance from Durham. Locey said checks which had not been cleared here were al ready In the malls, addressed to ticket applicants. Applicants whose checks already had cleared will get their refunds not later than January 10 after ho returns from Durham. He said approximately 80. 000 ticket applications were In the Rose bowl office DURHAM, N. C. Dee. 17 (P) The army has given the green light to the playing of the Rose bowl game between Duka uni versity and Oregon State here on January 1. Frank Pelraon, secretary of the Durham chamber of com merce, said that he had received a telegram from the offico of the adjutant general of the army In Washington. The telegram said that 'The el fEREr COMES V.;. .,.xx....'Ay.y v.-.?..-.-. :::.::.l war department has no objec tion to playing of Rose bowl game at Duke university." The army okay apparently cleared away the final obstacle to moving of the New Year classic from Pasadena, Calif., to Durham. CORVALLIS, Dec. 17 W) Oregon State college will make Its eastern division Rosa bowl hcadquartori at Chapel Hill, N. C, Football Coach Lon Stiner announced Tuesday. He said the Beavers would leave Portland Friday night for the game with Duke university, working out at Chicago Monday and at Washington, D. C, Tues day. The 32-player squad has been offered the facilities of the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Stiner said, and will remain there until shortly before the New Year's game. Seattle Prep Pilot After Husky Job SEATTLE, Dec. 18 (IP) A new popular Seattle high school coach tossed his hat Into the ring today as the first openly avoweol candidate for the University of Washington football coaching post. Loon Brlgham, whose Garfield high school elevens have won eight city prep titles In the past 12 years, said ha was applying for the grid position left open by the termination of Coach Jim my Fhelnn's contract summarily last Saturday. NEW YORK, Dec. 17 (P) Tacklea Alex Santllll and Len DeConcinl of the Sugar-bowling Fordham football team, have ap plied for admission in the naval air corps. They boost to 12 the members of the Rams seeking to oln that branch of the service. aoxiNo Bf Tha Aaaoalalad Praaa to ASUtl.KS J,rkla WII40H, IM. PUI.hurih, retainer! XBA faUiir-llhl Sit I. outpolnUns Klehard Lenoa, 124. Loa Anirlri. (Itl. WHIT I'LAINS. N. Y. Jark Kcnnr. 141 Lltlniitoii. X. J., atoppail Auiia Anaarann. 119114. Harrtion. K. V., (S). BROOKLYN. .V. V. I 10 K17 Kaplan, 111. Int Angelaa. and Vlanta Boataou. 117 . Brooklyn, drew. (). NEW YORK Taml Maurirllo, 1S1V Krw York. atopp4 Jamta D. Turnar. til. Dallai. Trtaa. II). JERSEY CITY. IT. J. Tip" Urkln, IU. llarMild. K. J., outpotntad Tommy SplrtH. 111. t'nkintown. Pa.. (I). PERTH AMROY. N. J. Orna Plntar. IM. AlrAdoo. Pa., outpolntad Pat Maacar nara. 111, Rrooklin. N. Y., ). There are now 6000 chinchil las in the United States. Handicap 171 170 in 1M .111 14 K MS I03 109 111 ItO -IM 111 150 177 -127 Ul lit 400 -12 119 119 117 Hand Position, Not Arm, Puts Hook on Ball Fifth of 12 Articles By JOE FALCARO Graatest Match Came Bowler Just as a baseball pitcher has an assortment of deliveries, so does a bowler have "stuff" on the ball. A pitcher naturally holds the ball differently for his various deliveries. A bowler does the same thing. Most widely used delivery is the hook ball. It Is more popu lar than cither the straight ball, curve or backup. A hook ball is thrown out of the side of the hand, as Illustrat ed. A counter-clockwise twist puts spin on the ball. The thumb is released first and the fingers apply the spin. The straight ball is thrown with an open hand. No twist Is put on the ball. Beginners usu ally find this delivery easiest. Bowlers who use a slow ball prefer the curve. It is effective on highly polished alleys but difficult to master. A lot of spin is imparted to the ball. The backup ball results when the hand is twisted in a clock wise motion instead of counter clockwise. Few good bowlers use this delivery. Its strike per centage is low, and it is difficult to control. It Is important to remember the hand and not the entire arm determines the type of ball you throw. Don't try to direct a hook by throwing across the alley. Follow straight through. If your hand is in the proper position the ball will do the work. NEXT: Advantage of tha hook. 741 IU Rain floods the burrows of earthworms and drives them to the surface, hence so many are tin seen after a rain. Fremont Graders Capture Annual City Foul-Tossing Competition Fremont school won the an nual free throw tournament con ducted by the city elementary schools. For the first time in four years that the tournament has been run off no records were bettered though several good marks were established by indi vidual shooters. Fremont made a total of 526 out of 1000 attempts compared to the record of 952 set by Roose velt last year. Thia is the third time Fremont has finished on top and the trophy now becomes theirs for keeps. In this tournament each school solects 15 boys, by conducting a school tournament, who make up the foul shooting team. Each of these 15 boys shoot 50 basket ball free throws, the 10 highest then shoot an additional 50 at tempts, making a total of 1000 shots to be scored in the inter school contest. Roosevelt, last year's winner, finished second with 488; Mills school was third with 430. In the individual scoring Jim Palmer of Fremont was high with 74 ringers out of 100 shots. Moore of Roosevelt was runner up with 67 followed by White, Fremont, 66; Rex Salyer, Mills, 58; Linman and Reed of Fre- When la Medlord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Madera Joe and Anne Earlty Proprietors ,rresem ur rouaiy i v. a superbgift . , . Immakiog L W. Harper" cost is no obecf I.W.HARR The Gold Medal Whiskey S'O.'taii ICE TEAM WITHDRAWS PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 17 ) The . Portland waterfront team withdrew yesterday from the Northwest Ice Hockey league. Promoter Bobby Bowa said he feared war conditions would re sult In an Inferior brand of hockey, citing that the Boeing team of Seattle would be unable to travel because of a seven-day work week and that several other teams were about to lose) players to military service. 3 4ai Joe Falcaro , . proper releasew ran i ----rTT-rri showing that he's NOT be hind the times in choosing pleasant eating spot. Drop in this evening with the famllyl mont, and Perrln, Roosevelt, 57 and Buster Heath, Riverside, 53. This year the city average fell considerably below the high mark of last year. The 1940 tournament produced a total of 2663 or an average of 44.4 per cent compared to this year's total of 2479, an average of 41.5 per cent of all shots attempted. Car makers say that if tires are underinflated six Dounds. 13 per cent of the engine power is ' lost. HEY- WHAT 5 THE BEST WHISKEY VALUE ? OLD OSCAR PEPPER fill . w$ eiseT .-.i. v--.. Old Oscar Popper SMne-aoiiitwii Whlikay o Blanat 66prxxf-i Oraigbt wtisiia, 49 grain neutral siir-ii 4 Frank JartDittilltria, Inc., Lwuvtlle & Balltmm. i1.15pt $2 25 QT. f-J - STATION t ' . iL JP v v ISM You trust its quality Buy people know what tht pautt that refrethtt with ice-cold Coca-Cola really meant. It's a little minute long enough to enjoy a moment's rest and refreshment, a a the buoyant re freshment of ice-cold Coca-Cola. BOTTIID UNDEI AUTHORITY Of THI COCA-COIA COMPANY IV COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS 6B Spring Street . .. Phone' 531