The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 16, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    ppccmbor lfl, 1!Mf
Midland Zmpite
MERRILL If the tlmo do
mi'fit la ny Indication of tho
siicccaa of blackout Merrill
tund at the head of tho ladder
It la believed for apoed. Called
t O HO Sunduy nlilht by tho wull
o( Dm firs alren opcrutcd by
Den Kiiua, lira chief, every IIkM
In the molll bunlnena blicks wua
out In two nilnulea. One or two
Ion llifhta on the outaklrla of
town remained on but the town
uas In total darkneaa In aeven
mimitea. It la believed that the
one or two who did not Instant
)y comply wero uninformed.
Coorillnittlon of the lieada of
Die committee responsible for
he sui'irsa of the venture, first
fur Merrill ' highly cnnunrml
rl by otln-ra fumillur with tho
need for cooperutlon. The public
too came In for Its share of
rrlo alnca not light flaahed
until the all-clear algnal waa
given at U at) O V. Iteevca, chair
man of the air ruld precaution
division and Ed Davis, chief of
pollco wore largely rcaponslblo
fur the snioollinrss with which
the program waa brought to con
The town la preparing for par
ticipation In tho proposed county
blackout and another trial black
for Merrill alone la not antici
pated In tho near future.
Mm. Cheater lluyei, the former
'I lllle Johnaon and daughter of
Mr. and Mm Adolf Johnson who
l with her husband In Honolulu
pl'nned to return with him to
pond Chrlalmaa with her par
ents. Thin may be Impossible,
duo to the war. unless they are
alrrudy on their way.
Irvln Hiignian of Quartz Moun-
Qiln la spending the week at tho
dnlf Johnson home.
Jerry Hrlngle was aervlng on
a submarine stationed at I'anama
and exported to apend a few
weeks In tho Virgin Islnnda the
last word hla parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Brlngle heard from
him before hostilities began.
Hilly Drlngle la at Hamilton
Carl Hollingwiirth, son of Mr.
and Mra. Claude Holllngworth
la at Nicholas field In the Phil
ippines, and no word has been
heard from tilin this week.
Sherman Wolfolk. brother of
Mrs. Art Cooper has been em
ployed recently on Midway
Island, and has tent no direct
word aa to hla safety.
George Fryo la recovering
from an operation at the Hillside
hospital In Klamuth Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. l'at Doruiho are
parents of new baby girl born
In Ashland November 30. She
has been named Patricia Lou.
f Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dletz of
"Ring Cola have named their son,
who was born In Ashland sev
eral weeks ago, Robert Eugene.
Mr. and Mra. H. E. Gllmore
and Mr. and Mra. George A. Mc
Donald of Klamuth Falls spent
Tuesday evening at the Karl
Frlodrlch homo.
Mrs. Vern Boo and children of
Ashland apent Saturday at the
W. M. Jonea homo.
Mr. and Mra. Karl Frlcdrlch
and children visited Sunday with
Mrs. Frledrlch's father, J. D.
Hammond at Macdoel.
Mt. Laid
MT. .AKI The Henley
(range will hold its regular
meeting Wednosday night, De
cember 17, at the grange hall.
The new officer! will be in their
Walter Enman will be chair
man of tho panel discussion.
Mr. and Mra;. Vern Berry re
turned Thursday from their hon-
Deymoon at San Francisco.
I Linda DcLnp Is Improving
from an nttnrk of quinsy.
Chnrlos Drew Sr., submitted
to an operation last week at a
Portland ho Itol.
Lieut. Karl DchllnRer, sta
tioned at Fort Roberts, Calif,,
notified his parents last week he
would leave any moment for
aervicn. Mrs. Dehllngor and
daughters Sandra and Sharon
will visit here and with her par
ents near Eugene.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles DeLap
St. of Klamath Falls are making
their homo with their son,
Charles Delnp Jr.
The Ladles Aid will meet Wed
nesday, Oeecmh'- 17, at the
home of Mrs. Wondoll Wain
right In Klamath Falls. A Christ
mas gift exchange will be held
Whan In Modiord
Star at
Thoroughly Modern
Joe and Anna Earley
Youth Held on
Concealed Weapon
Charge in Dorris
DORRIS. Calif., Dec. 18 VP)
Justice of the peace Lea Chase
nald Kenneth L. Urockman, 23,
was held In )all here Monday
on a concealed weupons charge
pending Investigation by the FBI.
Chaso raid Urockman was ar
rostod Saturday by state police,
who found three conccoled guns,
bloating fine, a photographic out
fit and pictures of strategic
northern California harbors In
hla automobile.
Drockman waa aentonced by
Chaso to fin fine and 10 days
In iill on tho concealed weapon!
MERRILL "Srrouge's Christ
mas Curol" an operetta, will be
presented by students of tho six
grades of the elementary school
on Thursday evening, December
18, when everyone in the Merrill
community will be a guest at the
big community Christmas tree
in tho high school gymnasium.
Treots will be on hond for old
and young and the old Christ
mas carols will be sung.
The operetta Is being couched
by Ituy Oelerlch. principal of the
grade school, Mrs. Ellu Loomls,
Mlia McVoy and Miss Thorne.
The Merrill Service club assist
ed by tho Presbyterian church
and other civic organizations la
to be responsible for the treat!.
School will bo out Friday eve
ning for the Christmas holiday,
classes will bo resumed on De
cember 20 and students will be
permitted a one-day holiday on
New Years.
Get Together Club
Of Merrill Holds
Christmas Dinner
DORRIS Seventeen members
01 the Get Together club and
seven guest! enjoyed a Christ
mas dinner at Hmlueman's court
last Friday afternoon. After the
dinner members and guests went
to the Harry Young home on
Fourth strocl for the business
session and Christmas tree and
brief program. Glfta were ex
changed and the new member!
welcomed Into the club.
Members present from Dor
ria were Mrs. Harry Young, Mn.
Elsie Ramsey, Mrs. Paul Good
win, Mrs. Ernest Simmons, Mn
Al Humphrey, Mrs. Stahn, Mn.
Bert Lang, Mrs. John Thackara,
Mrs. Lillle McDonald, and Mrs.
Marshall; Mra. Short and Mrs.
Ott from Tulelake; Mra. Rag
lund from Modoc Point; Mn.
Kandy and Mrs. Holmes from
Klamath Falls; Mrs. Goode from
Macdoel and Mrs. Parker from
Tennant. The next meeting will
be held January ninth at the
home of Mrs. Goode In Macdoel
"Kid" Party Held
By School Girls
LAKEVIEW The Lakevlew
high school girls' league apon-
sored a "Kid" parly at the high
school auditorium Friday eve
ning, December 12. Upper class
girls dressed as boys and "dated"
the under class girls, who dress
ed In pigtails and short dresses
The girls danced and played
games. Many mothers and teach
ers were present.
The water at the bottom of all
deep lakes In temperate regions
remains permanently at 4 de
grees Centigrade, or 39 1-5 de
grees Fahrenheit.
And Glva Gift! That Keep
On Giving!
Lane Cedar Chests
Aroma Teated and Moth-proof
Inauranee Policy
Sewing Kits
Mahogany or Walnut,
Phyfe Legi With Cast
Mahogany or Walnut, Duncan'
Phyfe Legi With Casters
Maple Card Table Sets
With 4 Chain to Match,
Leatherette Stati
Porcelain Lamps
Hand Sewn Shade
"In the White Building"
Next to Wlllard Hotel
221 Main
BIEBER The greater part of
Big valley, dependent on the
REA-sponsorod Surprise valley
electrification corporation for
light and power, was subjected
to a surprise blackout for two
hours Friday night when the
current was shut off without
Tho town of Lookout, the Zam
bonl lumber mill and dozens of
ranches around Lookout and Ble
ber were plunged Into darkness
The mill was itopped and A.
Zambnnl said Its workers were
endungered by the failure of
power for pumping water to Iti
A farm center meeting was In
progress In Punkln Center hall
when tho lights went out. Some
one hunted up a lantern and the
meeting proceeded.
The Surprise Valley corpora
tion generates its electricity In
a powerhouse at Alturas end has
transmission lines extending in
all directions from there.
Blcber and Nubieber were not
blacked out; they get their cur
rent from the Pacific Gas and
Electric company.
Dorris Women's
Club Holds Card
Party Wednesday
DORRIS Tho Dorris Feder
ated Woman! club held a very
enjoyablo benefit card party at
the Community hall Wednesday
evening with 12 tables qf whist
in session. At the close of the
evening sandwiches and coffee
were served by the committee In
charge. The door prize of a tur
key was won by Mrs. Frances
Anderson. Ed Andorson won the
high score prize for men and
Mrs. Jack Ahrcns tho high score
prize for the women. There
were tics fo- both the men'! low
and the ladles' low but Mr. C.
E. Motschenbacher drew the con
solation for the men and Mri.
George Otto the consolation for
the women.
Representatives of the Wonv
ans club appeared before the
city council and asked for a new
electric range for the commu
nity kitchen ond were authorized
to get one not coating over $115.
Waves Barter
Wrecked Steamer
ASTORIA. Dee. 16 P
Waves battered the wrecked
MaUon steamer Mauna Ala into
the sands of Clatsop spit today.
Cracked into two pieces, the
480-foot vessel, which ran
aground during a blackout Wed
nesday night, was settling no
ticeably. Observer! estimated
the bow had sunk 12 feet Into
the bottom.
The bow and stern had been
washed 75 feet apart. Hundreds
of beachcombers carried away
cargo and parts of wreckage.
Among the prizea were hun
dreds of Christmas trees.
Nubieber Mill
Closes Down
BIEBER The associated lum
ber and box company"! mill at
Nubieber closed down for the
winter Saturday night. It was
stated at the mill office that the
1041 cut of lumber totaled 20,
600,000 board feet and was larg
er than any previous year's out
put of the plant.
Dial $353
Hold Everything1
eon mt rr hu timet, mt T M t 0 I rT
"Good morning, gentlemen
notes it will be
16 (P The three Pacific coast
stales of California, Oregon, and
Washington contains 88.5 per
cent of the total Japanese popu
lation In the United States, ac
cording to 1840 census returns
released by the department of
The mass of this Japaneso pop
ulation ii concentrated In 16
counties within or near import
ant industrial and shipping cen
ters. Furthermore, these 16 coun
ties contain 93,200 Japanese or
73.4 percent of the nation's total.
The percentage of alien or foreign-born
Japanese In this lim
ited area also is high, reaching
72 percent of the total foreign
born Japanese In tho nation.
California nas 03,717 Japan
ese, of whom 33,569 are foreign
born, this population is concen
trated most heavily in Los Ang
eles county which has over one
third of tho state's total with
36,868 Japanese, of whom 13,891
are aliens.
Oregon'! Multnomah county
holds moro than half of the Jap
anese in that state with 2390, of
whom 968 are aliens.
In Washington, King county
has two-thirds of that state's
Japanese population with 9863,
of whom 3896 are foreign born.
Pierce county is the only other
Washington county with more
than 800 alien Japanese.
Army Corporal
Fires When Call
To Halt Ignored
OXNARD, Calif., Dec. 18 (P)
An unidentified corporal, pa
trolling a deserted stretch of
sand dunes near Port Hueneme,
heard a noise.
"Halt," he shouted Into the
darkness. "Who goes there?
No answer. He repeated the
command. Still no answer.
The corporal fired five
Came daylight and an army
officer looked up the bookkeep
er for the D. McGrath Estate
company, owner of one of the
state's finest herdi.
He had to instruct the clerk
In how to file a claim for one
white faced heifer, riddled with
five army bullets.
Read the Classified page.
wants smoother
, taste,..
$"3 30
Calvtrt "Ipulal" SISNBIO WHISKIVl IM Proof-Wt Oram Ntutrtl
Spirits, blnri Dbtlllu Corporation, hm York Oily
at the sound of the musical
exactly 5:45!"
LAKEVIEW Christmas
Around the World was the
theme of the program at the
regular monthly meeting of the
American Association of Univer
sity Women who met here Sat
urday noon at the Hot Springs
hotel. President Miriam Gilbert
A musical program composed
of a Christmas cantata featuring
the various Christmas carols
around the world was presented
by Mrs. Ralph Coie.
Those taking part were Mrs.
Louise McConnallogue who sang
the Dutch Carol; Miss Betty June
Rogers, the Chinese; Miss Evelyn
Rogers, the French; Miss Marilee
Wilson, the Norwegian; Mrs.
Forrest Jones, Spanish; Mrs.
Moore, English and Mrs. Ralph
Coie the German. Following the
musical program Miss Pearl Hall
gave a very interesting talk on
her recent trip into Mexico
where she spent several months
attending the Mexican university
of Mexico City. The group will
hold their next regular meeting
on January 17.
All men may be created equal
sociologically, but not biological
ly. Some races succumb to dis
eases to which others are im
HomeKeeper PLAN
You owe tt to yotmelf to know about
the Homekaepar P th man
who nedt a lain amount of Intor
anca protection, but who wants to
buy only halt that much. 111 bo aUd
to explain It to you clearly, briefly.
Oregon MutualLife
118 N. 7th St.
Klamath Boy Scouts
Collect Large
Amount of Paper
Over 10,000 pounds of waste
paper for national defense use
mm mm mm mm t mm mm
II ' .
Men! Here's your gift for HER ABSOLUTELY FREE! A beauti
ful dresser set is yours with the purchase of ANY suit or top
coat between now and Christmas. Prices start at $19.50 on
either suits or topcoats.
t, tn ehooftw -T
More than eiflht dJ.m ,- -
SSI. Lr..thVr "tipard sol. and heel.
Whit. Elk Leather
Wooliea. Turn down Top.
Fleece $2.70
All wool, and In all stylos.
Zippers, button front, pull
orara, and new all-wool
sweater CO OC
For the young man. Self
bait, sipper, pltata. All
material! $4.95
HAW Y?: -: -: Xv
I ICE VOI ID tDCniT Remember your credit is good herel Don't
USE IVUIVVICUII hesitate to buy gifts or work and dress
clothing needs just beoauie you haven't the ready caih. You don't pay ONE
CENT EXTRA for credit at your Oregon Woolen Store.
Oregon Woolen Store
has been collected by Klamath
Fall! Boy Scouts In their cur
rent drive, Area Executive
Gilchrist announc.d Monday.
Tho campaign will continue
indefinitely, Gilchrist said. He
asked that anyone having waste
Gifts for e man from a man'i store! Gifts
he'll wear . . .
. . . and gifts' you'll
IT"1 "PP" $2.98
Elastic Side Borneo!. 0.98
Black or brown
. -lW
AU-Wool Dreumg w" - - $y 95
N?w KoyoV..:.
a I
r ... il taiallt
Other,, wun
Matching pajamas and xobe set T i
:i n.ttera!
Bros, r r
r .. If.
' Elastic 03W
Sport Shirt.
Long sleeres
Mufflers. Wool!.
silk!, rayon pile...
Leather Coats
Comfort and easel All
wool, rayon and otheri. In
all colon and alias and
every man on your list
0wr. $6.95
Poplin Jackets
Water repellent. For aporti
and aki wear $3.95
paper to glva away to call the
Boy Scout office at 601S. Scout!
will pick up the paper on Sat
urday. A carload will be (hipped to
Portland next week, the Scout
leader disclosed.
gifts he'll enjoy getting
enjoy giving!
Woo! Flanne! Robe
. I
aii eoiara i
. - Cont ,,,
4 pair to I
You can't mlai
herel Over 3000
tiea to select from.
Now pattern!, new
fabrics. Every man A
want! neck ties. Tj
55c each Select
2 for
Key-chain, collar clip,
tie chain. Set from 80c
Military Slipper!
(in pack) $1.50
Linen illtlal handkerchief!.
Box of three 11.00
Fancy lawn handkerchlefa.
Box of three SOe