V SERIAL STORY LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD S&SXS&Vli. i THH ITOBTl rinnm writer mm oMMutalor Stopaea Curt mmi hla wlfo, Dlaaa. ara imriv lanroailaalr fond f earh o4acr. although their marrlao la ear of 9 eenvoalenra hy walrh lllaua la to rrmalu m otida for alx atontaa as a,in,OM. 1hua aarlnar for Stephen SaoOfOOO lnherltanea ho wool bars loot had ha not snarrted be fnro ho wu SA Hla atepmotaar. Kllau Curt, and Dlanaa farmer - faehor. arc hoplavi howoTor, that they Trill rome to rare for eaeh other. Compllcattona ara prrornt od hr Kvalra Thorpe, beautiful k.hllud wife of lawyer ltiraard ' Thorpa, airtatloua former employ ' or of Dlaua'a, and the womau Stephejt haa alwara lovedt Adela (tepheul aplleful. polled alater. who fa barla au affair with Yaorpo of whlrh ouir Diana kaawa. Diana wnndera If later there will be m plaeo In her life far Bill Jaekaon, her childhood - awoetheart. or Pkll Bruee, Sir phen'a beat frlendf woodera If aho : will be reluctant to lro np her tuurloua Ufa aa Mra. Curt. Ono renlna; n frantle maid telle Diana that Adeln la apendluir tho nlnht '.-with Thorpe at hla kuntlnv lodp-e. Dlaaa. rearretfnllr forra-olaK a . alet ovratRa alone with Stephen, " telle hla. aho muat mm on aa cr r.ad. . .,'. . TRAPPED BT TRICKERY ' CHAPTER XVU niANA closed too door behind ..; her. conscious of a savage dub to tear Adela Curt apart Anything might hava happened between her and Stephen this evening their whole future set tled. She climbed into the coupe and slung it angrily into motion. Essie had said it was 15 miles to Thorpe's lodge. By the time she persuaded Adela to return it would be very lata and Stephen would more than likely have gone to bed. The snow was falling thick and heavy over the roadway when Diana left the city streets behind: and plunged into the open coun try. It seemed a long time until she came in sight of the lodge. Its lights twinkling through the now. Her headlights picked out, the name on the gate. Doubts' assailed her. A moment later she was looking Into the amazed eyes of Richard' Thorpe, - "Well, this is a surprise!" He topped back as she came Into the warmly lighted room and closed the door behind her.' Tm sure I've no idea to what: Z owe the honor of this visit," Thorpe said, his eyes lighting at eight of her clear, fresh beauty. "But now that you're here you must let me take your wraps and: give you a drink to warm you!" Thank you," she said curtly. T shan't stay.. I've come. for Adela." . He raised his brows. "Adela? But surely you know she isn't here!" . . "I dont believe you! J have in formation " . - He laughed aloud, mockingly. "So you're being a Girl Scout and rescuing ' her from the cruel (dutches of a worthless scoundrel, SbT Well, my advice to you, my ear, is to let Adela go her own (merry way -to hell! She's emi tnently. capable of taking care of Sierself and also of getting you Unto lots of trouble!" . - ; Diana was stunned. If Richard (Thorpe was speaking the truth 1 ;. "You have her hidden some hrhere!" she accused. He laughed again. "You have the privilege of searching the place." - "Thank you. I will!" . He followed her from room to room, throwing open doors, chuckling softly, enjoying her chagrin. At last they were before the living room fire again. "Convinced?" Diana ran a weary band over her face. "Yes, but I don't un derstand I" How could Essie have been so mistaken? Ha shrugged. "Just some sort, Iof a misunderstanding. But you (mustn't go! Now that you've sound out I'm not nearly so bad as I've been painted 1" 'T HAVE no further business A here," Diana said coldly, but Ibis hand on her arm stayed her. -waitl Why can't we be friends. ID! ana? I know we got started oft on the wrong foot But I hap pen to know that before many months you may need friends." "If I need friends. I'll probably be able to find them! And you I won't be among them!" she re- Itorted. 'Neither will Stephen Curt nor (Phil Bruce, nor my angelic wife if they should find out you visited me here tonight!" Her face was hot with shame. He was dra wing her roughly into his arms. His face was dark above hers. "You've always maddened mo delled me you beautiful, desir able Icicle! Do you think I'd' bother with Adela or Evalyn or any of them if I could have you? : Now you've come here of your own free will. What a delight to conquer you possess you " A shaft of cold air pierced the room and Richard Thorpe re ' peased her so abruptly that she almost fell. They turned to sea Stephen Curt standing in the doorway, his face a white mask, his eyes hard, his mouth grim. Diana's breath caught, her heart turning over within her, and righti then and there all hope vanished. No one not even Stephen Curt1 with his understanding could be .expected to forgive or forget the Iscene lust witnessed.. . It was Richard Thorpe who re covered and spoke first "Well, Steve, I wasn't expecting you to night!" Stephen's Up curled, "Evidently not" ... . "I suppose it's useless to say X wasn't expecting Diana, either!" "Quite!" Stephen turned to Diana sharply, "You'll come with ma at oncel" lodge? Who, but Adela? It had all been a plot to discredit her In Stephen's eyes! They drove silently through the night until they reached the por tico of the house in Green street Then Stephen said wearily, "I must remind you again, Diana, that you are still my wife and that I have a certain position to maintain. Also, you've made a bargain which you must live up to. And nothing must appear any different to the, outside world even after tonight I demand it! Do you understand?" "Yes, Stephen," she said softly, heart-brokenly, and climbed out of the car and went into the big, quiet house. Wearily aha climbed the stairs to her room, and in the upper hallway met a sleepy-eyed Adela. "Been somewhere, Diana?" Adela asked, smiling madden ingly. "You do choose the nicest nights to run around in!" Diana felt herself writhe with cold, helpless fury. Adela would not feel so complacently, trium phant if she knew how her j precious Richard had made love to Diana. "You wouldn't know where Pva been, I suppose?" Adela shrugged. "Should I?" "Your brother is satisfied that I am a liar and a cheat That's I what you wanted, wasn't it?" "I don't know what you're talk ing about!" "Don't you?" Flashes of fury darted along Diana's spine. "Then perhaps you'll understand this! I love Stephen Curt and I'm going to fight for him! What do you think of that?" A sneer crossed Adela's face. "Do you really think you'll win?" Diana drooped suddenly, her eyes filled with tears, all defiance was gone. "Perhaps not she ad mitted, "for you won't hesitate to lie and steal and perjure yourself to get what you want But," with a fierce intensity, "even you can't I keep me from loving him with all my heart!" (To Be Continued) OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoople It won't be long till all photos snapped on vacations will have been shown to everybody. Productive floor space of air plane factories rose from 28, 334,025 square feet on July 1 to 30,192,752 on Aug. 1, an in crease of 1,838,727 square feet. Weekb payrolls of airplane plants increased $664,784, rising j from $7,851,984 on July 1 to $8,518,768 on Aug. 1, 1941. I autisi w uait uwk mtiw i .j.. , .... . . .. ., II .flT- PULL OF TAklkA AM l tW.BOTAC.ERS I MB VOU FOUND 300 V MfVRTHft . MV DEAR NEW? EPiR I, I llVil I AHIPA kl'.'S.I IHaAABIkire A P COM rVTI'MP D IKJ' t ITDkaj ukanu J unlnn urn aaul? Aue OECflDT:! I y WITHpufB SWF?? OUR. STUFF AV Z o,UT ZZT M U 1.5 . I numbskull, outfit I BETTEC'N OUR. ) BIS RHlNO,l'LL GUST MPiTTER.'i VJUEN X JfAUTDloRftPHED US ALL li, V iSTTHjPPEr. up ciNl I tajois AW'f.lUFF, I TAKE WV USUM. 60 AMTPWlN&TD CONl-f PHOTOS P yJaOCA d I?- yCHJT THERE POWTlTf J i PERCENT VEE-" OR il CEITHIATB Or) S0M6 K HlMSELP v--HlS j Jl Jy&rL t Y LvN Ke RUBBISH THROPV 11 KEEPlWS )A CLED f J:iJ?S2z'J 'Bicycles . ts " 6 I- 1 . I . Z xwM.u.a.uwuwo... - - i ' ITHE CMRlSTMAo TOUCH i 'f-'r I I l-.'H'1'llllllru.liL J, WagnS REDRYDER ' By Fred Harmon Lionel i rains i r: f II r'- Tl J&.AVKK' J FZ$ A Small Deposit Holds w,, VJ1LL (V., eANOO.' f 1 5ECRE.T i I Vf "N. L o T-J ibuR-( V V 1V V 'VJ poole's bike (ifrAr- j W-'j lU'V Miri Jj 222 S. 7th. Phone 5520 Ulfi ' JVL lLiJ HSCUR.0US WORLD yg- PLj , M PjB, frv aSspSFI ! UTTLE 0RPHAN ANNIE , By Harold Gro TM)?iVr ME(Lflv L: r i -i ,tfr inf ' r C " C CH? w- HELLoTV (OH, MY RIBS GOOOf Ntxfn?) THEN tLL GO DCtT GO? ' iiLtaAaR -'Li NORWAy, m r"." ' '-v v 7 J 1 1 iiiu,.ii7r3T mormik. 1 annie-- sorry-- don't hurt' hardly I tip-top t on itito th city- hm-m-i mean. rrjCjV-V--:C 1A 1 ARE IN TH6 SAMS t tgJL.ft'- fejeSPi 4 DOCTOR- I GUESS I WAS J AT ALL ANY MORE. AGAIN . BUT IT WAS WHY NOT STrtV SpSlrap'' s'ffliaiVi&jf&LW SeoeBAPHICAL fSJ i r-!--J'"w',u"J tH"Tr4 I ' i THINKING OF FAEN WHEN I J IH NO f. AWFUL NICE O' TILL WARBUCK6 Pry. WiSKiSScA 1-ATIT1-IOE. SA ij' s . - . ffl ir U I ;- T 1 SOMETHING ELSE" i BREATHE REAL S I TIME- B' WUTOIETME GFT6 BACK. president BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin REACHES HIS POSITION ClA . 7 M ANSWER: A bird, commonly known as a nichthawk. J7j' Ms&Ftl. $S$'W I r'tSST r' ;' EZJPv? e . COACH TO COMMISSIONER j, WASH TUBBS By CrolS I i HORIZONTAL .Answer to Prerlons Puzzle cash. f'i" " aV-VSr-'-'ilU1 'No'j'PoV VTDOWMt "LLl XL!4- , 'lPL- 'V IZBibllcalW OEUOEI M mm 15 implement I . . , U I . I WSrV , ; XW-V , kN.Cl . . 1 17 Steep, rugged IshDLpTEl loSi5 a mortar. I ' 1 H V f i fef ; fP X 1 V ' ' rock. iniOLjDHNDPRIEPr 16 Adherent. ',L',( J ARE 60IU6 Of f! 1 f -J3 t, L fl i'iiS. r4 " VS S ISTransposi a WiAiYnRIPl IOlL EA pi 18 Full ot charm.' Sfx I EVERyBODV' T NT-! . " 1 ' 1 M W ' ' C! N fSVv N . (abbr.). rrarfTAi nbiUs do t XI 21 Arabian 31 I ftin'TiAvipJ , - S fl II J -'-4 ISSiE?.i N. s I totipalmata constellation. S3 Cereal grass. 29 Head I II . II 1 s Ll If H r --uajy f C sea birds. 38Peeler. 4NovaScoUa covering. I l J MXN. . 1 VV . V f J Al J 24 Suffix. ' 38 0rdeaL (abbr.). JO Organ of- ifl J.'t- , , ,1.1 U V L-WW. iw ...ici. ,c. r. m. ,, "rZ: . "neEy- f'r.c S5rdaia FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Bv Blosscr 1 26 Printer's (symbol) vPRTtrAf 31 Perch. J BY PIQSSCr 1 measure (pi). 42 Powerful .1 32 Unwell. f ' "" V""" " Si YZ J7'tSMA CZ. '. 7 V - A 11 ("UN (27 Footlike part explosive JR' Sooner than. 37 0enusof' ( Well, I raised my 1 Its a very simpls- v So I Just Bur m 1 eivs soo . ( ." t f"" T ! l28Calcium (abbh.) &V 2 One who olants (nl . Quota Freck now trick in This house f. ask mv Lira U- v back two bucks. ( Its callto A, a ' Emboli - alTWofnr S landt 10 El.SiJ?.' ARB Nt2U COMlN&f 1 ALReAOV HAV8 f 3-18 ' BROTHFtt 16 (YEAM. YOU'LL EABN CT ( TUB GRASSHOPPER j Mm "j., ' oaiSTi. ijiU?? - 39 Pertaining to we w u lend me l.fta., AMO 1 18 om vour, Oicay VanoTmb-amtv J ;; .ViVrwl; :29Mediter- 44 Artificial 3 Military-. atoms. Stti 1 c--, WHICH I KNOW know INVESTMENT its . jX t;lfVlji3"i! . ranean Island. language. . police (abbr.). 41 Wander. li M fTft, V r-! T I HB HA9 7 How "E J A . I 1 K'&1 &k 'ft 31Algerlan 45To attire. ' 4 Bamboolike 43Surfeit. i jj5 J In I VG TAW' f- 1 , ?MM DrAL' . I IH" (CTxCi, ' '3; j native 46Gold grass. 45 Unadorned. W$$C ' TVX 1 (J:?r J ffi'if MT ' W-V V I cavalryman. (symbol). w-f, B French article. 48front of an I;) j2) I I , uVlta. 1 1 y Wl A What V. 'Til; K. l33Feathered 47 Rescue. 6 Social insects, army. i f, I A-S J? S ' - .VtTv'.aT- i7J I eoat Jr- : ' A UMAn' La"dmeMure 7?w" ?! Ecrf.rm' : wm?ss rw Ik ftjrf ?ai I wjsu yj yXfi 3S Northern 62 Mutilate. 8 Turn into sun god.' . ' K-fj fTJ Plf jJvZTT M " I "I 15 16 I" Il7 16 " '' V ' I' 1 y 1 V 1 TrTm 'Vt wflt w .iiei. ic. t. m. .m.'u. .. mt. Jr. ' I d i5Z"23"ZnZrZ Z""23"!' ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamfin II J " I I THE HOLLOW... tSOVJB HIS ( DID IT DISGUISED J GIVE THEM TUB V 'f4vUZJfirYt, V N iIANA nat stunned. Who had told him she'd be at Richard's