Dneomhnr IB, 1041 Roseburg Fish Feud May End Next Year RObKBURQ, Deo. J5 (AP A. controversy of long standing between Umpciun river sports llshrirrmn mid the HUito Fish cmnmlMilmi limy bo svltlad next ' r by a new method n( trap ping snlmnn for tho commercial mlmun hatchery it Rock Creek, Leo McCarln, superintendent, nniioiinceri. Kpnrlnmen for sover I yenrii hnvn innclo atrcnuoui rliectlon to tlic prrsnc of the rucks placed across the river vrW VIIUH tVn I ft. (Wirfa World) Look If Fordhum'i fnntlhall fttilltnrtttpa nirkerl nil nbout S73.0UO by not wnltlnv for n rail from the Roue Bowl . . . with two New Yenr' day games already off, pcrluips tho bin porta evrnla In Jnnuiiry will be bowlinif h)U-iicl of bowls. 'I ho pin busters are going strong on tholr campaign to pay off all prize In drfenno bondi and there's every Indication of the tuggeitt aensnn In years . . . The I'mey Red sold the lnt seal for the opening game of their 1012 eiuon lant wock . . . What ever became of the old lawn tennta siuoclnllon Idea that boyi ihotild nut be ranked after turning pro hrcaiuo tho lints were Jut to guide anintour tournament di rector In seeding players? Any way, lt' a nice ad for Lex Thompson's troupe In have Rlggs and Kovacs ranked one-two. MONDAY MATINEE The boxing writers have set back from January 14 to 21 tho dinner at which the Eddie Nell memorial award will be pre sented to Joe Louis. . . Some body else may have to worry about Minnesota's 17-game win ning streak next fall. Bernle Blerman, world war veteran, Is a major In the marine rerrrves and mny bo called for active duty any time. . . Buff Donelll sayi the nearest Duquesno got to bowl game was being con tacted by Orange and Sugar Howl officials. . . That shiner 1 rlUle Zlvlc has been sporting since his scrap with Young Kid McCoy Is only the third he has received In 160 flghU. . Tho pro grldders say Don Hutson make pass-catching look so easy because he doesn't wear any pads to Interfere wltb his move ments. The Bears must novo had couple of guys acting like pads yesterday. . . The new American 1 en pie movie, available after January 1. will be called 'The Ninth Inning." It's dedicated to I .on Gehrig, but with that name It seems Mickey Owen and Hugh Casey should bo men tioned. QUOTE, UNQUOTE Oscar Vltt, ex-manngcr of the Indians: "I was fired after the 1040 season because the players squawked about me. But all but two of them sent me Christmas cards Inst year." Tackles Co-Captain Lutheran Squad TACOMA, Dec. 18 (AP Coach Cliff Olson announced to day that two hefty tackles, 211 pound George Anderson, Junior from Hoqulam, and Hugo Swanson, 215, Kapowaln Junior, would co-captain Pacific Luther at! collcgo's 1042 football team. The two men were chosen by their team mates. Anderson was named on the all-WINKO first team thll fall; Swanson for the second squad. Mnrv Hnrshmnn, fullback and retiring captain, won the 1941 Inspirational trophy. i Sports Spjj Briefs feJI rullerton. Jr.: ?mif-'f S S .K Old Otcar Pppr twa . Whilst Used 86 proof ttntl$bt whlsiti, 49 grain ntutntl spirilt Prrni JorlDhlllliriu, Inc., VmitvllU or BUmm $115 A pi I 1 J J 25 A PINT QT. PAGE NINE near Its confluence with Rock creek, to halt the upstream pro gress of the salmon, claiming that the racks also prevented migration of steelhead to and from tho upper river. The racks have been removed from tho stream and will not bo replaced If the experiment to bo made next season Is successful, McCarln states. He soys that a study of the salmon habits show that In their migration up stream they pause for considerable time In a largo eddy off the mouth of Rock creek. It Is proposed, he said, to build holding pens nl the mouth of Rock creek and Into these force salmon by use of seines, thus eliminating racks entirely. The Rock Creek hatchery, McCarln reports, this year took seven and one half million Chin ook salmon eggs, the second largest take on record, being exceeded only In 19.10 when nine and one half million eggs were obtained. Approximately 800 salmon were released, he said, because of lack of holdlnE Dens Ho also announced that recent high water had brought a log Jam onto the dam at the Cala- poola sllverslde hatchery, dam aglnjr tho dam to such an extent that the hatchery will have to bo closed during the coming sea son. More than one million fin gerllng salmon escaped from the holding pens, he said. Uclant Plant to 'Blackout' Florida LOS ANGELES, Dec. IS (AP) uound lor Jacksonville and a game with the University of Florida next Saturday, the Uni versity of California at Los An geles football team departed yes terday with this assertion by Gene Alder, senior center: "We re going to pull a black out on those Florida football players they won't find our goal line." Thirty-two other players were In tho party. First Woman to Invade NYAC Tank NEW YORK. Dec. 19 (IF) When Miss Maria Lenk of Brazil, world's outstanding breast-stroke swimmer, competes In the Now York Athletic elub pool with her five mala teammates Satur day night It will be tho first time In the 73-year history of tho tank that a woman has splashed m its wateri. The tlx South American swim mlng stars arrived late today. Their tour Includes visits to 11 United States cltios. AIDS PARALYSIS FIQHT NEW YORK, Dec. 15 OP) Over 10,000' coaches and 1500 sports writers and editors are being mobilized by the national sports council for the fight against Infantile paralysis. In connection with the observance of the president's birthday an nlversary. Duties of the sports officials have not yet been designated. QHEZZI READY MIAMI, Fla., Dec. 25 (VP) Vis Ghezzi of Deal, N. J., aayi lie s ready and willing to forgot aDout defending his PGA cham pionship if the army calls him. "I'm ready to go anytime they call me." Ghezzi remarked. "The country's at war. When Undo Sam ssvs ha needs me I'll an cheerfully." Church Cage Schedule for Monitav, Daaamnar IS rmihyUrllo tt. Alionii luttimns rt. Junior rll: in n. Mldlmd. . . WMtDMitay, DMmbr ir fttptlit vt, nmoly; fr.hjtrln tl. luthtrHi) Al fron ri. Junior rtllrnm. Monday, Dcccmhrr 99 t.fS .1. Rtptlii 'rv Islanders Drop Duck Quint, 33-31 By PAUL SCHErFELS NEW YORK, Dec. 15 (UP) A long field goal from the side lines by Hank Bender with 40 seconds to go gave Long Island university a 33-31 victory over the University of Oregon Satur day night in the opening game ot an Intersections! college bas ketball doubleheader at Madison Squara garden. The game, which had been a one-sided affair almost through out the first period, developed Into a nlp-and-tuck contest that had a capacity crowd of about 17,000 on their feet for the last five minutes. It was the ninth successive vic tory for the Blackbird club which opened this season minus three of tho regulars that helped win the nati .al invitation title here last season. The loss was the third In a row for the Oro gonians on their current eastern tour. Truiling 1611 when the sec ond period opened, Lcng Island spurted to a 17-16 advantage less than two minutes after the period began. But the west coast club, which had played tho Blackbirds off "' feet with a fast-breaking attack and a dog ged defense throughoi-' the open ing period, failed, to give ground and cama from behind four times to tie the -core. Fishing Rules Will Be Set January 10 Regulations pertaining to the taking of game fish during 1042 will be promulgated at a meet ing of the Oregon State Game commission in Portland on Sat urday, January 10. Individuals and organizations Interested in the fishing regula tions are Invited to attend the meeting which will be open to the general public. The commission is required under state law to fix the fishing regulations at this meeting. Durrance Wins Alta Snow Cup SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 15 yp) Whipping down the tricky course in near-record time, Dick Durrance, national slalom cham pion, yesterday won the second annual Alta snow cup race, first ot tho west's major ski events . Durrance, .running the course in 1:97.2 minutes, came In Just four seconds ahead of Barney McClean of Denver, defending title-holder. The course was a little more than a mile long. Civilian Defense To Be Put Through Clinic of Experts SALEM. Dec. 15, (AP Civil lan defense will be put through a clinic of experts at a confer ence of Oregon s 36 county civil lan defense coordinators here all day Monday, Jerrold Owen, state coordinator, said today. All branches ot the civilian program ax to be discussed by leader In each field following an address by Gov. Cbarle A Sprague and remarks by Joseph K. Carson, Jr., Inspector general for civilian defense on the coast; Ray W. Gill, Rosa Mcln- tyre and Owen. An illustrated lecture on mu nlclpal fire protection and the handling ot incendiary bombs will close the afternoon pro gram, OUTSTANDING CITIZEN MARSHFIELD. Dec. 15. (AP) The Marshfield Lions club' yes terday named State Rep. George nuggina ne outstanding citi zen of Coo Bay for 1941, . ;,' League 7947-42 illdlind . Draollr; IrMbTtului n. Junior Pllcui. wdnilj. ntnttr it Altonn n. lAitntKMj LDS T. D.mol4J II Id Hid . BpUl. MondM, Jiovurj S Frnbrtorltni n. t.UB; Altomt . Midland! Lultwut Ti. Bapllit, Wadnnaday, Jaaoary t Junior Pall oana a. B.molaj; Fraibytarlaa ra. Mid land! Alsoaa ia. Hapllit. Monday, January ii lutharua n. Oaraolayi Junior Mloani ya. LPS) Vraa bytartana va, Baptllt. 'Wadntaday, January 11 Alroma va, panolayi Lutkarana rt. IDS Junior Ml. aana ti. Midland. Monday, January II IrHbytarll Ta. banolayi Alsomt Ta, US hitkarana n. Midland. Wmnaaday, January II Junior Nlleam ti. Baptliti Praibytarlan ti. Altomat tDS va, Dcmolay, Monday, January St ID Tl. Midland) Baptlat va. Danolayj Praibytarlan va. lutti arani. Wrdnaaday, January SI Alfomn va. Junior Prlkanai LDS va. Baptliti Midland vi. Pamolay. Monday, Fabruary I Praabytarlan vi. Junior P.lloanii Altoros va. Lutharanai LD9 vi. lfnolay. , Wednaiday, February 4 Lutharana va, Baptliti Praibytarlan ra. LDSi Alfomn vi. Mlillind. Monday, Fabruary I lutkarani Tt. Baptliti Junior Pallaana. Va. Pamolayi Prriliytrrlan vl. Midland. Wrdnaaday, Frbruary 11 Alfous va, Raptlati Lutharana va. Pamolay Junior Palloana vi. LDS. Monday, Fabruary 16 Praibytarlaa va. Baptliti AIonta vs. Oanolaj) Lutharana vi. Ulfe. Wadnaiday, February 16 Junior Pall oani va. Mldtandi Pmhytarlana va. Pa. molayt Alsoma vi. LPS. Monday, February 18 Lutherans va. Midland Junior Pelleana VI. Baptlet. All tint samea beia it I p, s, Is' tha Falrharea nhool pmnailum. Commercial Schedule for Tuirlr, fUfffmiW II JtlotrM fi. Tick TOW-1 KTf ri. JJorrll. Tim)?. i-(nrr rust Pitioae, i. Own, Ttffc Ink vs. KO. Tuttdiy. Jinuerr e Tick Tok n. Dorrls: fin Nttlontl vt. Rlebjri, Tueiritv. Jenuerv IV Hieirs e. Dornsi rirsl MttlMiel vs. KO. TuMflsv. Jtnusrr so Firm fftttoati vs. ftrk Tokt KO . H1i7v Tittrisr, JS)Birr ir nievve vs. twi Weekend Sports By The Associated Press SEATTLE James M. Phelan dismissed a head football coach at the University of Washington after 12 years tenure. NEW YORK Bobby Riggs, recently turned pro, named No. 1 tennis amateur of the nation on basis of 1941 winnings. Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke rated tops among women. WICHITA, Kas. Board of regent at the University of Wichita votes not to renew con tract of Al Cebert, director ot. athletics and head football coach the past 1 1 years. ' HOT SPRINGS, Ark. Cot ton States Baseball league (class C) disbands until conclusion of present war. ' CHICAGO Chicago Bears defeat Green Bay Packers, 33 to 14, for western title of National Football league and right to meet New York GlanU, eastern champions, next Sunday. WASHINGTON Senators send Pitcher Ken Chase and Out fielder Johnny WelaJ to oBston Red Sox for Pitcher Jack Wil son and Outfielder Stan Spence. MIAMI Byron Nelson wins Miami open with 289 and be comes second player to repeat. Ben Hogan, hershey, Pa., second with 274. Service Teams , Kill Bowl Game NEW ORLEANS. Dec;-15 (AP) The Pcnsacola naval air station command to-' y cancelled the scheduled appearance ot 4U team in the Army-Navy Sugar Bowl service, championship of the. south game announced here for January 3, . The Pcnacola "Fliers," un defeated and; untied " in eight games, were to play the cham pion "of the third army repre senting 1? states. j' Meanwhile plans for other Sugar Bowl week of sports events; climaxed by the New Year's, football' game - between Fordham'and Missouri, were go ing forward on schedule. ' HIGH SCHOOL BASKSTSALL By TM Anmutad avwa Kllmath talli M. Albany . . Hood Brt-r st, Orrnon City ir . MeMlnnvllla SO, Rlllthoro IS Tfalla Walla tt. Baker M Mfltftn.Frewater 2. Pendleton Ii Print Pay IH. Junetton flty IT Bears Whip Packers, 33-14, Face Giants Champions Collide With Easterners Sunday for National Pro Grid Title Br DAVE HOIT CHICAGO, Dec. 15 (rP) The schedule makers of the Na tional Football league disappointed followers of the New York Giants in not pitting their favorite team against the champion Chicago Bears, but everything Is all right now. The league's representatives in the nation's two largest cities finished the season's play by winning their respective division titles, automatically placing them as finalists for the champion ship encounter. The title gams will be played next Sunday in Chlcago'a Wrlgley field. The Giants knew they were one of the finalists a couple of weeks ago but the Bears only yesterday captured the western section honors by humbling the Green Bay Packers, 33 to 14, In a playoff. The Giants were among the 43,323 fan at yesterday's third Bear-Packer clash. They learn ed what some of the league's other cluba discovered by the trial and error method this year that the Bears often are vul nerable, sometimes for 10 min utes, sometimes for one or even RUPTURED? After hamHlni trtiMft many year Little Doctor Truss M ttiff ttMl on the tmrltet, tntj It the inim to all rupture sufftu rt Ntat, slmplf, efficient, no steel (a nut, oo tin tie, no pressure oa the back or hlp, no let strapa, weight 6 ounevs. Ko matter .how rood your truss Is If Interest In the newest and best sea thfa one. Free demonstration. AH work done subject to your doetor'a ap proval. Unlimited free aervloa at any one of too western agents - Currin's for Drugs Ninth and Mala rtwm a "TM Frlandlv Drug (ton" Cage League 1941-42 Tntti in ?s. DtvrrU. tumisv, vn,tttry r. FH.ruirr f First Hitlne vs. Uoffiij Jlfk Tk , KC. TiiMty, rrrury in tvh Tot vs. IWrif: First -Nktisinal vs. Ulclni. Tuttdsy, F"hnisr 17 Klek;s vs. Dcrrts; Fltal Nations! vs. KC. TiiMrltv, Fsbruarv 14 -- First Kstlonit vs. Tkfc Tflk( K(J vs. KMrys. All first tm bflft el 7 p. tn. In the Klamath Union hlfli school rvrnnl.M. SOCE Repeats Win Over EOCE, 62-48 By The Associated Press Southern Oregon College of Education was off to a perfect start in Oregon Intercollegiate conference basketball play dur ing the weekend, winning a pair of games from previously un beaten Oregon College of Edu cation. The southern Oregon quintet nosed out the cross-state rivals, 57 to 65, Friday, then raced away with Saturday's game, 62 to 48, with Center Bob Mulder collecting 30 points the last night. In the week-end's only other game Albany college eked out a 48-48 win over Mt. Angel. The Albany team invades Ash land tonight in the first ot two games against southern Oregon. Weights Listed For Santa Anita Handicap Entries LOS ANGELES, Dec. 15 (AP) Mloland and Challedon at 130 pounds . . . Whirlaway at 129 . . Market Wise at 127. Those are the weight assign ments of the top four tor the eighth running of the $100,000 Santa Anita handicap March 7. Announced today as the turf world waited, the weights dis closed that Warren Wright's Whirlaway, W. L. Brann's Chal ledon and C. S. Howard's Mio land go into the big race one pound each over scale for their respective ages. The scale for Whlrly as a coming four-year-old is 128. For Challedon .approaching six, and Mioland, five, the scale is 129. Mrs. Al Sabath, sensational soon-to-be-three-year-o 1 d, Alsab, drew the heaviest weight for age. He's in for 110 four pounds above scale. Santa Anita still hopea he'U also be In the race itself instead of campaign ing in Florida. Waltonians Plan Officer Election .- Annual election -of officer of the Klamath-Modoc chapter of the Izaak Walton league is slated for Wednesday night at the regu lar monthly meeting of the unit, club leaders announced Monday. The meeting will be an im portant one, officer said. For mulation of a specific Walton program for the coming year will be made. It will be a dinner meeting in tho blue room ot the Willard hotel beginning at 7 o'clock. two periods, ,and once this sea son for the whole 60 minutes (the Packers beat them, 16-14, on Nov. 2), Yesterday the Bean war open to attack for a full 19 minutes, during which time the Packers slipped over a surprise touchdown and then held on tight for a 7-6 lead at the end of the first period. HERS r COMES Midwest r - ti . i , J Y r- i 1 - k According to the picture snrvlee caption on the abovo cut. "A sunny autumn day, a law decoys, a natural blind, a trusty RIFLE put them all together and you have a hunter' paradise. Human In tha Klamath area, desolta the multitude ot birds, prefer a shotgun and a low over cast day. Anyway, the picture was taken on Hock river, near union ended hare Sunday wltb ideal overcast conditions and the country In use. Many limit Bowling for Beginners -i Qoe Fakaio- Complete Follow Through Is Essential To Good Directon as Ball Does Work By JOE FALCAHO Greatest Match Game Bowler Release the ball at the foul line not over it and not too far behind it. Put the ball in motion Jo Falcaro Follows Through alley but lay. It down evenly smoothly. Don't lower it jerkily. Use a straight push away from the body, followed by a natural easy backswing. Don't zig-zag up to the foul line. Approach, in an even line. The last -tep of your approach- ends with a slight slide. Your bowling ' hand and left foot should reach foul line at the same time. - - In releasing the ball, you must concentrate on a complete follow through. It gives you good direc tion, sets you on the road to better scores. Let the ball do the work: for you. Don't heave It down the Save 20 On Memorials. By Calling at ' Klamath Falls Marbl and Granite' Works 116 So. 11th Str and Making Your Own Selection m Hunters Call This bags war reported. This, will assure you an even flow of speed. Maintain a regular delivery. Don't throw a fast ball one time and slow down the next. Renumber the follow through In bowling is as important as it is in golf or baseball. Holding back or jerking has the same effect on your bowling score that a halt swing has on your golf game. Ther is a certain easy rhythm to the approach, delivery and fol low through. They are not sep arate steps but component parts that blend into one complete mo tion. " NO SOAP BOX AKRON, O., Dec. 15 (AP No soap box derby will be held in 1842 because of the ar, it was announced today. The derby, in which youths guide gravity-propelled cars, has been an. annual feature ' here, drawing entries from all parts of the United States and Canada. Thev'rccHucnncj tho qoods UfieloSant r M.. tnKfc. or. WjWt If , a sa thn Amy now, r S v- " "VJs ' amd Dodga la con. i2J?Kt-,w as 1 Hmlnf t build P-s jj ,,"1 fJ -. They'll haul your loads, too, dependably and economically rmrn)To)fES .B(nW-maV BBBF ST 6 Great Truck Engines 18 Wheelbase Lengths 112 Standard Chassis And Body Models Ton get such fine perormanee, complete dt-pend-abiiify, surprising economy and nnusually long lift from Dodge Job-Ka(ed trucks because they FIT THE JOB1 Your Dodge, for Instance, will be powered with the right one of $ix engines. It will have the Hght dutch, transmission and every other unit to haul yovr load efficiently, and at lowest cost See us today! And w1t sm that lhy "Koop on You can connt on extra thousands .S" ,.p , . of miles ot dependable operation When you. depend on our reliable and reasonably-priced service faclll ties, using genuine factory mcts and incineAnoNS luuiot to CHANOI WITHOUT NOTlCS .'"..LOMBARD Shangri-La 7: Molina, 111. The duck and goos practically every SHOTGUN la Turnout Small for. Adult Gym Nights; More Men Needed The turnout for the adult men's gym classes at the high school has been disappointing, so far and the classes may have to be abandoned unless enough men join, Buck Hammer, high, school coach said Monday. . Hammer urged that more men, particularly those in the middle age and older groups, report at the KUHS boys' gym Monday or Thursday night at 7:30. He said , activities would be arranged to meet the qualifications and capa ui.i.ica uuns nui w . .. Older men formerly registered, in the classes, the coach said, but dropped out when the classes began to concentrate on basketball. Other less strenuous activities are now available. Hammer announced. - An oil well 6000 feet deep can be sunk In 12 days. FOR RENT TRUCKS and BICYCLES You D .'lva Mot YouxmU Sav H -Long and " . . Short Trips."., STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phono 8304 . 1201 East Mala 0 --t I r . Rolllngl" wun in ivwm Buy on Easy A Budget Term s :. :( parts. I MOTORS PhoM S13I