Drmhar IB, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE JTVB To Cotvallts Membor of the axtotuton ilnft from Oregon StaU colleilo arc attending the annual conforeneo held In Cor vallla till week. Tho going north Includo C. A. Jlewlorson, county agricultural iiKcnt; Win nlfred allien, home demonstra tion aiient; Clifford C. Jenkins, 4-H club agent. Hob McCnin bridge, assistant county aMent, and A. K. Cirosa, of tho state O experiment Million here, will leave Tueidny to attend the ex tension conference. Clan to Meet Members of the Santa Clous Clan are asked to meet Wcdncsdtiy at 7:30 p. m. In the council chambers of the city hall. All representatives of Interested organ liatlons should attend this meeting, It was announced. Date of the an nual Sanla Cliius Clnn dinner In tho armory has been set for Sunday afternoon, December 21 Expected Home Mrs. J. A. Houston, 82-year-old pioneer rosldent of Klumalh Fulls, Is ex pected to return homo Monduy night '-'lowing a six woeks' visit In Loi Angoles with her sister-in-law, Mrs. William Rob ert of that city. Joins Up Mrs. Anne Dunlca of the sheriff ' office had a brief visit with her son, Charles Thomas Prlco Jr., between trains Sunday afternoon as young Price passed through Klamath Fulls en route from Portland to Sun Diego where he will serve with the United States navy. Charles has been working In Portland at both tho Imperial hotel and the shipyards. Mo signed up this pnst weekend for active duty. To Astoria Mr. and Mrs. A E. Gross will spend Christmas In Astoria visiting with rcla lives. They will first spend some time In Corvallls where Gross Is attending an extension staff conference. Reports Theft Joe Ervln Nnnnvy, 828 North Tenth street, reported to city police that prowlers entered his home re cently by cutting a screen on the rear door. They took his emerald ring. Nanney has been n tho hospital until recently. O Police Court Three vags, six drunks and five traffic tick eta mado up the police court re port Monday morning. Five drunks and one disorderly con duct arrest balled out over the weekend, officers said. Woman Bought City police were asked to locate Nina Sim mons and her young son, De Lane, who are thought to be In either Klamath Falls or Mer rill. The woman Is ankeri to con tact relative at her home In Mesa, Wash., Immediately, off! eers said. No Injuries Although wet streets caused a number of minor traffic accident over the week' end. city police reported no per sonal Injuries were suffered by motorists. There were no accl denta officers said following a check during Sunday night's blackout. Reports Theft George Bur- Oton, 919 High street, reported, to city police the theft of a black leather ripper Jacket from local pool hall early Saturday morning. Operation Mr. and Mrs, Merlin Agee are in Portland where Mrs. Agee underwent an operation- at St. Vincent's hos pital Saturday. She Is reported doing neccly. In South J. A. Souther, manager of Moe's, la spending several days on business In the south. (Qudknttlom Condition Sam The condl Hon of Dr. William A. Leonard pioneer Klamath dentist, re mains unchanged at the rcsl donee on Pine street, according to members of tho family. Dr. Leonard has been 111 for the past few week. With Farm Security Her Miss Mary Worrell, formerly with the Klamath county pub lic welfare commission, has re turned to Klamath Falls to take over a position with the farm security administration. In Lakevlew W. L. Fowler, auditor for the state Unemploy ment Compensation commission, will be in Lakevlew all this week. In North Mrs. Harold Van cey, (verll Southard), left Sun day for Corvallls wher she will spend Monday and Tuesday at tending - Triple A conference, Assigned Donald L. Rogers, selectee of this city, has been assigned to Blloxl, Miss. Junior J. Phlpps is now located at Camp Roberts, Calif. streot, ut 12:30 p. in. Thero will be a politick dinner and gift ex change with a program to follow. All members are urged to attend. Bummers Party A card party will be sponsored by tho Sum mers PTA to rulso funds for tho children's trout to bo given Wed nesday, December 17, at 7:80 p. m. in the Summers school gym. Lunch will be served. Van Meter Clrcl Th Van Motor clrclo of tho Immanuel Baptist church will meet at tne home of Mrs. Charles Fralcy, 2810 Front street In the Ship- plngton district, at noon Tues day. There will he a poiiuc-K luncheon. Members and friends are Invited. Red Cross Class Th Red Cross home nursing class of the Women of the Moose were to meet Monday night at tho home of Mrs. Mildred Wilkinson on Summers lano ut 7:30 Dr. Peter Kozondul was scheduled to lec ture. An exchange of Chrlstmos gifts was to-be held, Extension Unit Th Alt mont Homo Extension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. W. S. Metier, 2027 Blsbee street, Tues day from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Project leaders, Mrs. Kaipn Benolst and Mrs. Wes Horsey, will present tho subject, "House hold Aids." Card Party Th Eagles aux iliary will sponsor the fourth of a series of pinochle parties Tuesday at 2 p. rh. in the Eagles hall. The public Is In vited. 8tlngrtts Th Stinger ettc club will hold its regular potluck luncheon Wcdnesdoy, December 17, at 12:30 p. m. in the KC hall. There will be a Christmas gift exchange and election of officers. Royal Neighbors Th Royal Neighbors of America will meet In the IOOF hall Wednesday, December 17, at 7:30 p. m. There will be Initiation. Falrview Party Falrview school patrons arc Invited to at tend a Christmas program to be given by the grade school chil dren in the school auditorium Friday, December 19, at 1:15 p. m. The Christmas tree and visit from Santa Claus with treat for the pupils are spon sored each yoar by the Fair view PTA. The next regular meeting of the Falrview PTA will be held January 27. Contributors To Red Cross Contributions previously acknowledged 1997.20 A Friend 10.00 Mary Belle McBrld 1.00 Robert M. Rlggs .. 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Nilcs A. Slnmllklor - 5.00 A Friend - 10.00 Mr, Cyrus Lovell, Algoma 2 00 Mr. and Mrs. John Lento, Hlldcbrand 8.00 A Friend .- 10.00 Ross Putnam 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Huskln- son 6.00 Mrs. J. L. Allen 1.00 Eva Gratton 100 J. T. Martin and mother 10.00 Mr. and Mrs.' Chris Blanas .i 10.00 L. P. Bundcson - 2.00 Mrs. Devee Burcker 5.00 Cascade Abstract Ic Title Co - 10.00 I. D. Rumer 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 4.00 Crochet Your Own and Be in Style i Brook. DEFENSE DANCE SET AT Exclusive Jewelry Fun to Crochet . MM. MOUUMCKA Mil. MC PATTERN 7120 Serve America Save Money By EARL WHITLOCK That headlln Is not just an ye-catcher or attention-getter It is straight, strong truth. Today, tho government wisely d t Ires that the pur chase of non-ea-Q aentiats bo cut to a minimum, ao that the de fense effort may be furthered. This does NOT mean that. In emergency, one should sacrifice any of that beauty and distinction and dig nity which are inherent In a fitting Funeral Ceremonial. Such sacrifice is unnecessary. It merely means that to buy a service which fills your needs at as modest a price as possible, Is your patriotic duty. To pay too high a figure for what you receive Is an extravagance un wise and, at this time, un-American. Your excess dollars would find better use in tho purchase of Defense Bonds. At this Funeral Home, you will ALWAYS find a wide se lection of services, in the moderate-cost and low-cost brac ket. Your economy needs can always be met. And without any sacrifice of that distinction tjf which you dcslro. tn Hospital Toy Brown of Beatty 1 a patient at th Light foot hospital wher he submit ted to a major operation. Visitors Allowed Ruth Ester Baker of Bly, a patient at the Llghtfoot hospital, la able to re ceive visitors. Credit Union Holds Meeting The credit union board of the Klamath county school district held its monthly meeting Satur day morning. The annual meet ing of all members of the union will be held on Saturdoy, Jan uary- 17. A. C. Olson, president of the board, presided. The credit union provides sav ings and loan facilities for it members, which now number 184. In Hospital J, F. Hardenberg of Altamont la able to receive friend at the Llghtfoot hos pital wher he is a patient May Hav Visitors Raymond Faithful of Beatty I able to recelvo visitors at th Llghtfoot hospital. Next week Mr. Whltlock of th Earl Whltlock Funeral Home will comment on Christ mas, 1941. For Your Information Mrs. Allpo Z. Gocller ... Mrs. Mary Sampson .... Edward W. Stough Floyd Baliester . Tim J . Buchanan Mrs. Doris Coleman ...... Raymond Dairy - Mr. John Gysbers Mr. and Mrs. Fulton F. Hafner 2.00 Kimball's Glass Shop . 10.00 Mr. Attlllo Marchese 1.00 Helen Prince 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Prince 2.00 Charlie Read 3.00 C. A. Young 1.00 Ward' Funeral H. . ... 10.00 Squeeze Inn 5.00 Mr. Charles Hathaway and mother - 10.00 Mr. Clarence Boorman.. 1.00 Mr. Henry Zutner 5.00 Mr. R . D. Leslie 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. Rex Jerrett... 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Hagclsteln Mr. P. Knudsen, Hlldc brand Helen Knudsen, HUde- brand Mr. F. W. Abbey .... Mr. A. M. Collier .. Mr. and Mrs. H. M, Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Stiles 8.00 E. J. Gruberman, Chilo- quin 5.00 Dr. J. M. Hilton 10.00 Mrs. M. J. Berglund . 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bow man, Merrill 5.00 James O Kecfe, Merrill 100.00 Mrs. W. J. Grove, I Merrill - S.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pet- I rlk, Merrill 8.00 I John Calwell, Merrill ... 5.00 ! To obtain this pattern send 10 cent In coin to The Herald and News, Household Art Dept. Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the en velope. Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No to lollowed by your name and address Make some of this exciting new crocheted Jewelry that's so popular today! Here are a neck lace and a variety of lapel pins all quickly done In gimp or wooll Pattern 7120 contains di rections lor making necklace and lapel pins; illustrations of them arid stitches; materials re quired. Lost River Garden Club Tea, Merrill 4.68 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 50.00 . 10.00 Total $1,417.88 Klamath county passed the first f 1000 mark Monday, fourth day of its drive for $10,000 to contribute to the American Red Cross $50,000,000 war relief fund. Voluntary contributions are being received in this city at Red Cross headquarters, First National bank, U. S. National bank, First Federal Savings and Loan association, Radio Station KFJI, chamber of commerce and The Herald and News offices. Red Cross representatives throughout the county include: Mrs. George Elliott, Bly; Tom Osborn, Weyerhaeuser Camp 6; Mrs. C. W. Murray and Lloyd Beebe, Bonanza; Mrs. Sally Damon, Chemult; Esther Gud dat, Crescent; Mrs. William Zum- brum. Fort Klamath; Mrs. Myr tle Fleming, Henley; Mrs. F. W. Gilchrist and Mrs. Isom Ezell, Gilchrist; Mrs. Ross Putnam, Keno; Mrs. Agnes Vasak and A dance sponsored by the Mer rill high school Is scheduled for Saturday, December 20, in the Merrill community hall, the proceeds to go toward the na tional defense fund it was an nounced this week. Music Is being donated by Baldy Evans and his band and other services are also being given by public spirited citizens. the student announced. The public is cordially Invited to at tend. Dancing will be from 10 p. m. to 3 a. m. Mayor A. Kalina, Malin; Mrs. F. E. Trotman, Merrill; Dale Charlton, Mowich; Mrs. Dorothy Morritt, Sprague River; Mr. Lawrence C 1 o x s o n, Weyer haeuser Camp 4; B. G. Court- right, Klamath Agency; Mrs. U. Chandler, Hildebrand; George Horn, Algoma. Merrill Youth In Navy School Irvin Warner Jr., son of Mrs. Sarah Warner of Merrill, en listed in the navy in October and has now passed his test for aviation machinists school, he wrote his mother Saturday. , Young Warner has been at San Diego. He will now be trans ferred to Dearborn, Mich. SPRAGUE RIVER The many Indians in Sprague River area who are engaged in trapping muskrats and other fur bear ing animals, have been warned that all traps must be stamped with some identification marks or they will be subject to con fiscation by the reservation game wardens. At the meeting of the busi ness committee of the Klamath reservation held at the agency office recently it was suggested effective December 20, 1941 all traps must be marked or they will be picked up and confis cated by the game wardens of the area. Sylvan Crume is the warden for th Spragu ,Rlvr region. It was shown at th meeting that stamps or die for marking such equipment would cost only about 30 cent aplec and no excuse would be accepted fo non-compliance. - , -. Muskrat trapping ha proved to be a very profitable businessj on the meandering stretches of the Sprague River with It many marshes. The Indian treaty pro vides that only Indians ar per mitted to trap on th tribal lands. , , This new restriction ia very important to the locals becausa there are a large number of In dians engaged in the trapping business and the loss of trap la a severe blow. It Is hoped that this change will be noticed and followed. Klamath Next for - -20-30 Convention MARSHFIELD, Dec. 15 VP) Governors and congressmen of the three Pacific coast state wer urged yesterday by 20-30 club members of the northwest dis trict to stress offense instead of defense in national activity. - The yselected Klamath Falla for the next semi-annual conven roa HI CHRISTMAS A Pair ot PAJAMAS $2.25 DREW'S MANST0RE . R. (DICK MAGUIRE Realtor Ral Estat Sal ' Rentals Loans Property Management Automoklla, Flit, Casualty Inwrams . ion eina 011 wi . DEAFENED COME SEE HEAR TELEX crator of th world' first wearable vacuum tub hearing aid, invites you to s th NEW TELEX with th latest development of th instantly Adjustable .Ton Equalisar. , A TELEX for HER Chriitmas SEE Mr. H. C. MeGe HOTEL WILLARD Wednesday and Thursday December 17 and 18 A TELEX for HIS Christmas TELEX also offer a new battery pack. It 1 so small and light you will sever know you ar wearing It. Telex Hearing Aid Service ' SOI Corbett Bldg. Portland. Or. BE 1838 MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective 8ptmbr SI, 1S41) Train 17 Southbound! a. m. Train 20 Northbound) IOiOO a. m. Train 19 Southbonndt 8:45 p. m. Train 16 Northboundi 9i00 p. m. Riverside PTA Th Decem ber meeting of Riverside PTA will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. in tho school auditorium with a half hour of carol singing by students of the gi.des. A busi ness meeting will follow, accord ing to tho president, Mrs. G. W. Gilcrist. An exceptionally good attendance for the Christmas program Is anticipated. Delta C Time Members of Delta Gamma chapter of Del phian will meet with Mrs. K. G. C u m m 1 n g s, Washington street, at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday. The topic will be, "The Scientist and His Meth.ds," with Mrs. C. E. Morrison tthe leader. This will be tho last meeting of the year Townsend Th Townsend auxiliary will hold Its annual Christmas party Wednesday, De cember 17, at the home of Mrs Eva Meyers, BOO North Ninth Send KLAMATH GEM SPUDS For Christmas! A nice new 10-pound wooden box ot Indi vidually GIFT WRAPPED selected Klamath Netted Gem Potatoes, expressed ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. FOR 51.00 ' Boost the use ot Klamath' own products: Wooden Boxes and Gem Spuds. A non-profit community 'service by Klamath Treasure Gem Department of SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. 3226 8outh 6th mm mm TABLE DECORATIONS! Colorful paper cutouts for your table and other holiday uses Hurry while they list! Ask your Standard Service Man for your Santa Claus cutouts easily mads into attractive place cards, nut cups, center piece or other decorations for your Christmas table, tree, mantel or windows. Each cutout includes two Santas and two paper Christmas trees over 6V4 inches high in full color free from advertis ing matter. Illustrated here are four of the un usual table decorations you can make with them. No charge or obligation! Drive in for yours soon I PLACE CARDS NUT CUPS STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA -MANUFACTURERS (DLL OF LADIES' HIGH GRADE FUR TRIMMED Airs (o)90 INCLUDING MANY HIGHER PRICED MARK-DOWN COATS! Wraparounds! Fitted styles! All wool! Tweeds! De tachable fur collars! Beautiful satin lining with warm . Inter-lining! Latest styles! Winter colors! 12-44. CHRISTMAS FEATURE! LADIES' WARM Chenille Robes C3 Luxurious, closely tufted chenille. Full graceful skirts, wraparound styles. Bell sleeves, fitted waist lines a gift she'll enjoy every evening of the year! Beautiful, rich pastel colors. 12-20. SECOND FLOOR m - n y '' " ,,