PAGE FOURTEEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December IB, 1041 ' By the process of division, a single bacterium can give rise to 16,700,000 other bacteria in 24 hours. The British and Russians were more irate about Iran than Iraq. Anyway, it'i a tongue twister. Highest railroad point east of the Rockies is the railroad sta tion at Balsam, N. C, at an al titude of 3348 feet Home are made In copes of volcanic rock that have been carved into fantastic spires by erosion, in Zanguesur, Armenia- Most of the iron ore found In the Lake Superior region Is a reddish variety known as heml tlte. How to prevont and control tuberoulosls are parts of the campaign financed by the an nual snlo of Christmas seals. ; The political pot Is the onVV one Unit bolls on hot air. The gns motor soon will be taking up its winter quarters. E All CENSUS OilS Hi NTS The Japanese "menace" of former years in the Hawaiian group, when taken to mean the population of Japanese to other nationals, wan decreasing before the outbreak of war, according to figures taken from the last census and released by the de partment of commerce through the Klamath county cnamoer 01 commerce. The total population of the islands in 1940 was 423,330 and of these 157,905 were Japanese, 87.3 per cent of the whole num ber. This was the largest propor tion of any nationality or race, but they were being overtaken by the Caucasians, who in the same year numbered 103,791 and were 24.5 per cent of the entire population of the islands. Grouping Hawaiian, part-Ha-waiians and Caucasians as one body, it is found that they in creased much more rapidly than the Japanese, forming together 39.7 per cent of the entire popu ' lation, while the Japanese pro portion has declined from 42.5 per cent in 1920 to 37.3 per cent in 1940. The Filipinos were 8 per cent of the total in 1920, rose to 17 per cent in 1930 and declined to 12 per cent by the time of the last census. Chinese of whom there are 28,774 living in the islands now, increased sharply . by 3672 persons during the dec- ade between 1920 and 1930 but gained only 595 during the next 10 years. Caucasians are not separated into nationalities in the group ing given by the department of commerce, hence there is no way of telling the number of members of other axis nations who are living in the Hawaiian group now. Listed simply as "others" are 834 persons, form ing only two-tenths per cent of the total. There were 6851 Kor eans, 8296 Puerto Ricans and 64,310 Hawaiians and pare Ha waiians living in the group in which the latter were once the dominant race. SALES OF HOLLY TO , HELP AID SOCIETY The local committee of the Boy's and Girl's Aid society of Oregon, Mrs. E. A. Geary, Mrs. Robert A. Thompson and Henry E. Perkins, will receive, early in the 'eek, a large quantity of holly fr -n Mrs. Arthur M. Geary of Portlnd. This committee has arranged for the holly to be placed on sale from Thursday until Christmas eve at the office of Mrs. Ida M. Odell, 116 North Eighth street and at Carter's Fine Foods, Sev enth and Pine streets, from Sat urday, Dec. 20, until Christmas eve. The holly is donated and all work in connection with the sales is being donated. Girl ' Scouts will handle the sales at Carter's. All proceeds from sales will be turned over to the Boy's and Girl's Aid society of Oregon. .This is the organza tion recog nized by the state of Oregon, but supported by contributions which helps destitute boys and girls find homes. A large number of Klamath county boys and girls found homes through this society this year. "Help some other boy and girl by purchasing holly from one of the above places," members of the committee stated. Eagles Planning Kiddies' Party Friday Night Plans are being made for the annual kiddies' Christmas party to be held at the Eagles hall Fri day night, December 19. This yuletide affair is for those chil dren whose parents are members of the Eagles or the Eagles aux iliary. - Every child that attends will be given a big bag of "goodies" by Santa Claus himself. Parents who have talented youngsters and who wish to see them perform are requested to call J. Balthazar, 3823; M. L. Shepherd, 7133, or George Sey ter, 7269. Copco Crews Clean Up Small Projects California Oregon Power com pany crews this week were cleaning up a number of small water and electrical projects in the Klamath basin. Among them was the reloca tion of a section of transmission line 9 on Shasta way and single customer power extensions in Malin, Dairy and other basin ' points. The power firm plans to finish all small projects on the current docket by the first of the new year. (f ' a pleasure I Install it yourself I 1 S VL VViT ' F ' XJS&iX Popi two quarts of pop cornl I L1. fcV &PXT fc5&WGaS& I : rrr-" Solid bottom permits adding .ms,.. M i xsrP i if bu'"rl s,'rr'n, h,nd" on 2-SIice Toaster ffntiM$m SMJM . , O S If! Ml -?"S I. ifl Service for to-clean, chrome-plated finiahl - I I L qX? s. V It ll 'I t M" ' tB Blackout m I I III Mr JTSiSSa Necessity lrr- Mk 3 L wIm yXowt pSj ' fj.J mkSkZ ""'' T'sk SS" Batteries ggay, 1 yMaarr'TT'1,3-t -33MaCI'-' Appllnnco Cord statu vP xog ua.jaaj Standard OuaUty O Ea. , . ,.,.,B,,.,. . ,1T , ., ,,,.,,,; . ' 8h can ui It on appllanc.s , . :': ' "SslSllWUie?J f 'T. 7 "'1, " m""-'r',l .' 11 ..i . I up to I000.wattsl Hava one lt ' ' ' 'j h"h,l,,hn',d'UI 549 vMrld AKdl ,'UJ , Sr Zti .22.CIilerlUfI iru J " gjf AwVfAKviM Pebbled rubberlitd-fabrle eov. VtJN . ' ?5tt fG&S f ., OH1,., toa.,., fries and With V- " ' ' WVM ber5v-"'yp 'bladdar?''' "U' Wo i lOlt, " 159 eeon" M 0' ZM-"" tJraJU r,eHndfa'i. htul Li "oiler Skntcs nfrnii,nmninfm,,iM,tMW Pay La at Wardi I Coffee Maker Vocvva Type Shell make perfect coffee every timet Use on any stove, . .heat proof Pyrex glass I 8-cnp size! Compare With Any $7.00 Carpet Sweeper 58 Ball-Btaringl Sweeps thick or thin rugs, bare flooral Combkeepabrnshdeanl Top removes for easy emptyingl YES . . YOU CAN STILL BUY ON WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN Get the thingj von want TODAY , . en)o them while job are paying for them a little each month. You will rind the Federal Regulations of Installment Buying bare not Increaied the monthly payments you make on Montgomery Ward's conrenient payment plan. Let m tell you abont this simple way to buy all your oeedt. i.iii..p.i.i,.i ii hi j, ,i j man i WarJi'VuDlatlcn" Basketball AGltttarSportl 108 Made of heavy Texhlde . : , pebbled, rubberised fabric! Leather-laced . . . valve bladder I For fait, smooth' skatlngl t rows of ball bearings la each wneeii Adjustable alia I Tho"J... J.O : J ForBoyi Up To 8 lloxlii Gloven A Rift for the nctiv hnvl 8heep(ktn leather... nra daiimi it hair and cotton padding! 2fc -ay 1)3 H 32. tBT) 12331 NINTH STREET, Corner Pine O Telephone 3188