H 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALI. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN O CLASSIFIED INDEX tpartmenta For Kent 24 Automotive ...34 Business Opportunities 48 Educational , 12 financial -.....48 Tor Salt or Trade 3H 3nral Notices .. 4 Loit and Found LOST Black purie containing glasses, koyi and valuable papers. Keep money for re ward. Angelina Dollvo, Su perior Troy I.nimdry.- 1 2-10 LEAVING FOR DEnVer-Do-k camber 20. 1041 Bulck letlan. Take two for company. Mur- lon Apt. 30l. 12 10 LOST Black and white Au Irallnn Shepherd bob-lull unite dog. Name Prince. Dim Me Aullffe, Matin, Ore., or Tuln lake. Calif. 12-10 LOST Billfold. Jennie's Ealing placa or thereabout!, contain Inn driver's license, concrrt tlckat, inclal necurily enrd, ad dress. J10. noma change. He- ward. Phone 4043. 8102 So flth St. 1218 4 General Notice! CONTINUOUS enrollment for romnlolc course!. New tulllon rate. There'! no mihitltuti! i for quality. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 SILVER GLEAM Tho silver I polish that makes your silver wara gleam like new Ho movei tarnish without scriilch Ing, Uie on chrome, wind shield!. mlrror. wlndowi, etc. 23o at drug store!. 12 20 TRAPPERSI Top prlcci paid for furt. Hollli Noonchciter. 323 East Main 12 18 SPECIAL Children"! pcrmn nenta machine $2 80 ma ehlneleM $3.80 FREE nwinl cure with every $8 permanent. French brnldi, fancy huir dressci, 80c. Myrn Eggcr. Charm Bcouty Salon, South 6th. next Plisgly Wlggly. Bus to door. Phone 430:1. 12-10 Personal! FREE MARCELS every Monday, Tuesday and Wedncsdny. Northwestern Beauty Colli-iie. 1-2 MEN, WOMEN OVEP. 401 RUN DOWN, LISTLESS? 6tlmu lanU, tonics In Ostrex Tablets riut new activity In bodies acklng Iron, vitamin Bl, cat Clum, phosphorus Oct new anap, test 11.00 site now only 89o. Call, wrlU Whitman Druii and all other good drug itores 1218 I0 Service FAPERHANG1NG. PAINTING, kalsomlnlng. Dial 6848. Mel vln E. Froat. l-13mtf ELECTROLUX CLEANERS Sales Service. P.O. Box 814. . Phone 8018 Your dealer. Tarkel Tweet. 112 Klamath Falls Transler & Storage 101 Klamath Phone 8072 Moving Local Long Distance Storing Furniture Merchnn dire Crating Packing Shipping "WE HAUL ANYTHING" St! SAWS REPAIRED Tha right way. Bodenhamer's, 3S3 E. Main. 110 BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Reymen Associated Service, Fourth and Main l-3mtf CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned. Dorcmus Rug Clean ers, Phone 887S. 2012 Or chard. 1-3 REMODELING and REPAIRS Wm. B. Fbwell, Builder. Phone 8780. 1-1 RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS for dependable service Dial 4700. 12-20 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner part for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service Oil South Sixth. 12-31ml.t RF.ROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, safely and eco nomically. For an estimate phone 3730. Wm. B. Powell M FLOOR SANDING and reflnish Ing Clifford Golden. Phone J021 12-30mtf SPECIAL $2.08 oil permanent wva 11.80, Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 MOUSE CLEANING-Art Bene dict. 6848. 1-0 CURTAINS , h 0 m e laundered, Stretched. Reasonable. Phone 9047. 1-Smtf HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, buttons and buckles covered, alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. M. M. Allender, 731 Main, Room 210. Phono 7203. 12-1 Omit I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you, Chai. Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falli, Oro. 12-30 RAY HALL Your Eloctrolux dealer tales and service. B13 Roseway Drive, Phono 7107 1-8 t PICTURE FRAMING Art nnd Gift Shop, 610 Main. 12-24mtf Berrleet PAINTING, paporhanglng, kol somlnltig, 78c hour or contract. Phone OUflO. . 1-8 FLOOR SANDINO, FINISHING Wo generate our own pow er. C. DuFour. Phone 31100. 12 3lmtf PICTURE! FRAMINO. Goeller's. 230 Mln. 12-14mtf FLOOn SANDING Old floora reflnlahed Norman Fraley. Phone 4001. 12 24mtf II. L. Brown. Phone 4220 PAINTING. KALSOMINING 1210mtf CHILDREN CAKED FOR, dayi or evening!. Reasonable rate! 331 Conger 12-28 12 Educational WHEN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS think of Northwestern Beauty Collego, ono of Amer ica' exceptional training achoola. 1-2 MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE BIS Klamath Ava Phono 3B83 lOOmtf QUICK METHOD In ballroom dunclng. Modern, old ityle. Square dancing. Form your own group. 1401 Esplanade 1-4 19 Health DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chlro prnctlc clinic Same location 332 Muin. Dial 7218 l-7mtf 14 Help Wantta, Female WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK 307 Mnrtlii. Cull after 7 p. m 12-101 BEAUTY OPERATOR for ad joining city. Guarantee. Phone 8020. 12-10 WANTED High school girl to work for room, board and salary. Modern home, close in. Wrlto box 1, NcwsIIcrald. Itf WANTED Experienced unen cumbered housckoepcr. Small family, strictly modern home. $38. Inquire Link River Cot tages after 2 p. m. 4708tf WANTED Competent house keeper. Adult family, modern home. Must be neat and will ing. Write Box 3014, News Herald. 12-18 10 Help Wanted. Mala RELIABLE man with car for po sition of responsibility. One that can get by on 832.80 earnings a week. News-Herald, Box 48. 12 18 FOR JOBS In airplane factories. Apply Mr. Llstal, Room 201, Willlls Bldg. 1-1 18 Situations Wanted SITUATIONS WANTED Typ ist, stenogrnpher with General Motors and Chrysler book keeping experience. Box 1028, Tioneata, Calif. 1210 WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, selling clothes on consignment. 1021 Washington. Dial 8380. 12-20 HOUR WORK Phone 7884. 12-17 SHIPMAN'S BOARDING HOME for children, 3002 Blsbee, South Altamont. Phono 7388. 1-4 WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, selling clothes on consignment. 1021 Washington. Dial 53B0. 12-17 CARPENTER Handy man. Can and will do anything. Reason ablo hour rato. News-Herald Box 271. 12-18 BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Thone 8341 112mlf 20 Room and Board ROOM, BOARD, laundry. 340 No. 10th. ' 12-10 BOARD AND ROOM 820 Jef ferson. 12-19 BOARD AND ROOM -407 No 0th. Phone 0010. 4888tf BOARD-ROOM 220 Washing ton. 12-18 BOARD AND ROOM. Private shower. Steam heat. 723 Klnnv ath. 1-7 ROOM AND BOARD for gentle. man. S04 No. 10th. Phone 0814. 1218 BOARD. ROOM $38 month Alio sleeping rooms. 1018 Washington. 12-20 22 Rooms For Rent VACANCY Court View Hotel Third nnd Main. 1216 CLEAN steam heated rooms 310 So. 5th. Phone 7080. 12-16 NICE ROOMS for gentlemen Phono 0244. l- COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1029 Jef ferson or phone 6834. 1-14 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th. All outsme newiy decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new in ncrsprlng mattresses. F r e parking. l-13mtf 10 ROOMS 1034 Mali. l-8mtf 38 Mlieellanaoui For Sale WANTED Good Late Mode USED CARS for SPOTCASH First Class Prices No Delay for Your Money Douglas Motor Co. USED CAR LOT 1131 24 Apartments For Rent PARTLY furnlihed apartment; lights and water furnished. 1110 Monclalre. 12-16 VACANCY 2 rooms, bath. Cms run go and heater. Adults. No dogs. 328 Commercial. 85tf VACANCV Everything fur nished. (3 80 and up week 1304 Klamath. 12-1(1 ROOMS Light housekeeping. Everything furnished. 100 Broad. 12-17 FOR RENT Apartment. $20 month. Wood, water furnish ed. 218 Martin. 12-13 FURNISHED APARTMENT Abundant heat and hot water. No pets. Alameda Apts., Iflnu Esplanade. 24fllf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 1-Smtf FURNISHED AIT. .103 So. 5th Phone 0047. 12-23 FURNISHED APARTMENT 4758tf 710 Main. FURNISHED three-room apart ment, garage. Call after 0 p. m. 2023 Darrow. 12-16 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment 1800 Main. 3904tf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlshcd apartment. 2300 Blehn. Phone 72B6 or 4827. 413BU LARGE comfortable housekeep Ing room 248 Broad 4077tf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 12-31mlf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas 419 No. 10th 12-24mtf NICELY furnished 4-room mod ern Apt. 2 bedrooms. Inquire 21 IS Applegate. 474911 RIVERV1EW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable. Phone 6817. 4740tf MODERN furnished apartments and cottages. Winter rates now In effect. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-18 ! TWO-ROOM Bachelor. $12. 247 Rogers. 12-13 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Everything furnished. $4 and $4.50. 410 So. Sth. ' 12-15 2-ROOM APARTMENT Every thing furnished. Steam heat. 1411 Main. 12-CO S-ROOM furnished apartment In duplex. Breakfast nook, gar age. Close In. Phone 4253, or 914 Lincoln. 12-13 28 Houses For Rant MODERN unfurnished 3-rooni house. $20. 324 Grant. Phone 5697. 12-15 UNFURNISHED three-bedroom house, 2825 Reclamation. Phono 4428. 12-15 FOR RENT Small 5-room house, $23. Inquire 1227 Main. 8tf BACHELORS' Willow. CABINS 425 1-3 FOR RENT Modern partly fur nished two-bedroom house, $20 month. Lenox addition. Phone 6065. 12-18 THREE-ROOM furnished col lage, $18. Water. Garage. Bachelor cabin. 285 Broad. 12-20 FOR RENT Furnished house. One or two bedrooms. J. E. Patterson Paint Store, 1229 E. Main, 12-16 FOR RENT Furnished 2-room cabin, halt block south of Peli can school. 12-16 FURNISHED or unfurnished 5 room house'. Adults, 3703 Altamont Drive. Phone 8731. 12-17 FURNISHED four-room house; two bedrooms; garage, Phone 6978. 12-15 FURNISHED CABINS Re duced rates for winter. AHn mont Auto Camp. 12-18 ROOMY, comfortable furnished home. Roosonablo. 420 N. 7th. 12-15 38 Mlieellanaoui For Bala For First Class Cars Sec Jack Morris, mgr , at Main Next to Elk Hotel 12-31 28 Houses For Rent FOR RENT Small three-room house J block off Shasta Way on Hope; $18.00. Lawrence Cray. Midland. 12-15 FOR RENT Four-room nicely furnished house. Call eve nings or Sunday. 1900 Ivory. 12-14 FURNISHED four-room house, Lakcvicw street, $25. Call 927 Jefferson. 4488U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save I Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. l-7mtf FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Large living room, full basement, hot water well. 1845 Esplan ade. Phono 6925. 4711tf FOUR room duplex, oil circula tor, electric range and water heater, basement, garage end laundry. Phone 3050. 4675tf 28 Miscellaneous For ient FOR RENT Troiler house. $10. 1710 Fargo. 12-15 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 5115. l-9mtf GARAGE FOR RENT 433 N. 101h. 12-10 30 Real Eitate For Bale THREE-ROOM furnished- house. Garage, woodshed, chicken house, orchard. I acre. Rt. 3, Box 1032. Phone 3000. 12-16 FOR SALE 24 acres at Hat field. Good for alfalfa and potatoes. . Also three lots in Tulelakc. . Reasonable. F. E. MrMurphy, Tulelake. 12-10 NEW four-room modern home, Vi acre good soil, for quick sale. Phone 4429. 12-18 21 ACRES, Irrigated, with Im provement. 6525 Simmers Ave. Phone 4987. 12-15 FOR SALE Nice two-bedroom home, $3100. 2330 Applegate. 12-14 I WILL help you plan, finance nnd build vour now -home Lloyd W. Rusk. 1608 Austin. off Shasta way. 12-25 FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, I aero good land Lawn, trees. $300 cash will handle. Phone 3004 after 6. 12-15 You can-still buy a new home at pre-war prices. We have two homes, immediately avail able for occupancy, Payments are like rent and are fixed against Increase. Rent will rise. HOWARD REEDER El Dorado Bldg. Co. 1700 El Dorado Blvd. Ph. 8441 FIVE-ROOM modern house bn Summers lane. Inquire Hamel Apis., or phono 3091. , llOtf STRICTLY BUSINESS 1 BANK MITE . Ill '"II l'l l"Vl I!' VTEmW now "This man wants to Real Estate For Sal Lakeshore Estate Largo two-bedroom home, fireplace, atone foundation, basement garage and furnace, outstanding view, more than 200 feet shorollne, oversize frontage for two homes. Aver age 300 foot depth. Going at $3,900.00. $400 cash. $40 per month. Including Interest at 0 per cent. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1900 111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 12-13 SIX-ROOM house, modernized, new throughout, good loca tion; priced low. Fine for fam ily with several children. Ph. 5817. 12-16 34 Automotive FOR SALE OR TRADE 1937 Chevrolet fordor sedan. New paint Job. Phone 7688 eve nings. 3428 Shasta way. 12-16 "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yocs, factory trained service manager, 4934U KARL KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located at 2006 Ore gon Ave. Better body, fender work and painting for less Give us a trial. Past five years at Cascade Garage. 1-3 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your car at Rewcy's Glass Shop. corner Elm and Broad Phone 5710. 1 8mtf DEAD FIR and seasoned fir body wood, $8 cord. Phone 3787. 12-15 '31 MODEL A, good condition Cheap for cash. 610 Adams. 12-15 MODEL A FORD Good con dition. 411 No. 9th. 12-20 SPECIAL Late Model Trades '41 Buick Special Sedan, radio. heater, deluxe, like new. '41 Buick Special Sedanette, radio and heater, very smart. '40 L a S a 1 1 e Sedan, deluxe, Cadillac built, low mileage. '40 Buick Super Sedan, deluxe plus radio and heater. '39 Chrysler Imperial Sedan, a beauty with radio and heat "efand overdrive. '39 Buick Century Sedan, form er owner an asset, bargain. H. E. Hauger 10 Years the House of Bulck 1330 Main St. Phono 5151 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Christmas trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe, hand made toys, all kinds of greens, pine cones. Let us help you with your Christmas contest decorations. 1023 Main next to The Meat Center. 281 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.50 at mill. Phone 8383 Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. 12-1 7m tf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays Howard Graham. 3204U FERTILISER for farm yard. Lawn dirt. Phone 6817. 12-13 CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections. Block numbers indicated. In' dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For Sale at Carmichael's news stand. Chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever- body's Drug, Lee Hendrlck's Drug, Louie Polln's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News ' Herald, Vic's Signal Service. 3203 FIR SLAB WOOD Higliloy's Market, Summers lane, rhone 8075. 44B0tf by MeFeattars ooen a lavlnai accountl" 30 30 Miscellaneous For Sal DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 126 cubic foot load $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 6852 1219mtf FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter, used only six times. Will sell for $20 less than cost. Phone 8230, 323 N. 10th. 8tf RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. 4885tf USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Men's 12 and 10 size Elglns and Walthams $11.00 up. Rlckys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 1940 CHEVROLET J-Ton Truck, mileage 18,000; also B soprano saxophone. 4720 BUbee. 12-15 20 FT. HOUSE TRAILER with stove, bed and linoleum. $150. 5236 Harlan Drive. 12-15 COLORED FRYERS and roast- ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 8934. 1-11 HAMILTON AND ELGIN 21- Jewel railroad watches. Full stock 992 Hamiltons for the railroad man's Christmas. Use your credit. Rickys Jewelers. 12-26 NO CHRISTMAS COMPLETE without roast goose. Cheaper than turkey. Lewis Poultry Farm, Washburn and Garden Sts. Phone 4380. 12-18 METAL EDGE hickory skis with binders and poles. Excellent condition. $18. 632 N. 10th 4730 FOR SALE Live turkeys 22c lb. Live geese $2.50 each nice and fat. Mrs. Tom Calmes. Keno. 12-20 FOR SALE Pacific loading dies for 38 special and 45 auto matic pistol. Phone 3955. 12-17 FOR SALE Firestone rebuilt and Top-Tread tires in studded ground grip and gear grip treads. J. W. Kerns, 734 South 6th. 12-17 LARGE well-built two wheel trailer with 600-16 tires, 202 Lincoln. 204tf GOOD fir body wood. 7832. Phone 1-7 Give FULLER BRUSHES for Christmas! Phone Clem Joyer, 7800; R. V. Morgan, 3348 12-16 FIX THAT RADIO Our busf ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. l-9mtf GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resll verlng. Kimball's Glass Shop. 827 Walnut. Phone 7378. 1-Omtf USED electric range, good condi tion. Write Mrs. Ada E. Dick son, Gen. Del., Klamath Falls. Ore. 4932 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5071. 12-31mtf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead 6r worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 1-llmtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE One DuroC and one spotted Poland China boar. C. F. Teers, Jennette Ranch, Merrill, Ore. 12-17 FOR SALE Jersey cow ready to freshen. Rt. 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 12-16 FOR SALE Two Holstein cows and six shoats. J. H. Phipps, Midland. 12-13 WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds Trulove's Market. Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 12-16mtf FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore., Box 145. 11-28 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361 Midland road 12-31mtf FOR SALE Weancr and feeder pigs. Lawrence Gray, Mid land. 12-16 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS I tTAtS TO OST A CONSUMERS CASH LOAN rilONB . WRI1K . COMB IN Von ftffd no wi-nlntifrji Of Midowrt Irt sl ! ennkufnm loan wlirthT jrou art married or aingie. THREE LOAN PLANS NO. I-INCOMR LOANS On your not only. No wng ftaalgO' menu No co-algners. NO. t-FUfiHlTmtlt T.OANS Voiif rhuractrf Is inert tmporUnt wnn wit lurniiuri iiteir. NO. AllTO LOANS . M to MM eath roam nnd rtfln CONSUMERS CREDIT - - M-ISS 720 Pine St. Phone 7711 Itllmtf Read the Classified page. 48 Financial LOANS OX VOL a AUT0M0BI1.I . Cash At Once! tent Car X1 X fit Tnttf Paid tor . See Us Today Commercial Finance COR PO RATIO II! Smith It St. Klanatk MM M-ta IMImU See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY in x. rih Ue.m ri nmiav. IJJImW 48 Business Opportunities SMALL business lor sale; re quires no selling. Box 3995 News-Herald. 12-10 FOR SALE Restaurant equip ment. Will sell all or part K Cafe, 800 Klamath avenue. Phone 5760. 12-18 PURT PLEETHI FORT RILEY, Kas., UP) A frantic customer who shouted don't wash my teeth" over the telephone had the laundry in an uproar for awhile. They found 'em Paul Cul limor's store bought choppers. He'd left them in the pocket of a jacket In the week's wash. LEGAL NOTICES CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CARL ALFRED PRAGER, Deceased. TO: Ralph C. Prager, Edward C. Prager, Margaret Byerley, Elizabeth Wittmann, Sam P. Weisenstein, and Ed w rd Weisemteln, Also ell other unknown heirs of Carl Alfred Prager, deceased, If any such there be: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, hereby are cited and required to appear in the above-entitled Court Within ten days from the date of service of this Citation if served within Klamath County, Oregon, and within twenty days if served In any other County of the State of Oregon, if personally served; Or if served by publication. With in twenty-eight days from the date of the .first publication of such Citation, which in Decem ber 13, 1941, to show Cause, if any exisu, why an Order of Sale should hot be made tut prayed for in the Petition to Sell Real Estate herein for the following described real property in Lake County, Oregon, belonging to said Estate, to-wit: Southwest Quarter of Section 14; and Southeast Quarter of Section 22; Township 26 South, Range 15 E., W. M. WITNESS Th Honorable David R. Vandenberg, Judge of above-entitled Court, December 13, 1941. DAVID R. VANDENBERG, (Seal) Circuit Judge. ATTEST: MAE K. SHORT, County Clerk. BY: GENEVA GARLAND, Deputy. D. 13-22-29; J. 6-12. No. 191. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed Executor of the Es tate of Margaret J. Ambrose, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klam ath County. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same, prop erly verified, to the said Execu tor at the office of his attorney, Henry E. Perkins, in the Stew art-Drew Building. 731 Main Street In the City 6f Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of this notice, DATED Dec. 3, 1941. KEITH K. AMBROSE, Executor of the Estate of Margaret J. Ambrose, Deceased D. 8-10-22-29; J. S. No. 187 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account and report as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of W. F. Gibbard, also known as Wm F Gibbard, deceased, and the judge of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath county has fixed ten o'clock In the fore noon of December 17. 1941, and the courtroom of said court in the courthouse at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as tho time and place when and where any person may present any objection! or excep tions to anything therein con talned, and at said time and place the court will finally settle laid account. L. ORTH SlSEMORE, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of W, F. Gibbard, also known as wm, i , Gibbard, deceased. N 17-24; P 1-8-15. No. 174 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OJ" THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF EVALINE LUCAS, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thai the undersigned has filed hie Final Account of the administra tion of said Estate, and that said Court has set Tuesday, Decem ber 30, 1941, at 10 o'clock a. m, as the time and the Circuit Court room in the Court House at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the place, for hearing objections to said Final Account, and the settlement thereof. .; Dated November 21, 1941. MARVIN K. LUCAS, Executor of the Lest Will and Testament of Eveline Lucas, deceased. . -N. 24; D. 1-8-15-22. No. 181. SUMMONS Equity No. 6278- v ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. ' ' ' MARGARET J. BROMLEY, Plaintiff, vs. WAYNE E. BROM LEY, Defendant. TO: WAYNE E. BROMLEY: IN THE NAME OF 'THE STATE . OF OREGON: Yo'U ere hereby required to appear and answer the complaint, filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 17th day of December, 1941, that being the last day of the time allowed under the Order for Publication of Summons;-and if you fail so to appear and answer, the Plain tiff will apply to this Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint on file herein, to-wlt: For a decree of this Court forever dissolving the bonds of-matrimony now existing between the Plaintiff and Defendant on the grounds of desertion; This summons is served by nublication thereof in the EVEN- . ING HERALD, a daily, newspaper oi general circulation, priniea and publ ished in K 1 a m a t h County. Oregon, by ordeif xif the Honorable David R. Vandenberg, Judge of the above . entitled Court, made and entered .on the 13th day of November, '1941, which said order requires that this summons be published once a week for four consecutive and successive weeks and. that the first publication be on the' 17th day of November, 1941, and that the last publication be on the 15th day of December, 1941, and the day for defendant's last date of appearance for answer herein fixed by said order as Jhq 17th day of December, l84L,Ir',J D. E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney for Plaintiff, 221 Odd Fellows Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. :. N 17-24- D 1-8-15. No. 178- Blind Dog Saved Chicago men rescu a' bjW black-haired terrier that . ell into the Chicago river from art open. bridge, Wet Smack ' iWKMiVl"' Ml L I in it tkmSm fall ti v Couple ot kissing Gouraml Dili get In a little submarine smooch ing at San Francisco aquarium. , - , I- ' : V- ' ,i Vd , rrC.-3-t-i'"S -iluP - V' F i s.f 'IV, SA A fa. rM fVn $ " k f ' '-'VV"Lii ' tv uryJ : 'M(:- ' a '