The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 15, 1941, Page 11, Image 11

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    Dsesmbsr 16, 1941
page Eurmr
Official by the U. S, Office of Civilian Defense
Above nil. keep cool. Don't lose your head.
Do not crowd the streets,' avoid chaos, prevent disorder and
You enn fool the enemy. It is easy. If plane come over,
Stay where you nre. Don't phone unnecessarily. The chance
you will be hit is small. It is part of the risk we must take to
win this war.
Until an alarm, go about your usual business and recreation m
the ordinary way.
Think twice before you do anything. Don't believe rumors
spreading false rumors is part of the enemy's technique. Don't
let him take you in.
Know your air-raid warning. In general, it is short blasts or
rising and falling pitch, on whistles or. home. The "all clear" it
a steady tone for 2 minutes. Wa tch this paper for description
of the local signal. (This is subject to change.)
Await official information before taking any action. When
the Air Raid Warden comes to your home, do what he tells you.
He is for your protection. He is your friend.
He will help you do your part to whip the enemy.
Wc can do it. We will do it, if we stay calm and cool and
trong and alert. "
If bombs start to fall near you, lie down. You "will feel the
blast least that way, escape fragments or splinters.
The safest place is under a good stout table the stronger the
legs the better.
A mattress under a table combines comfort with safety.
The enemy may use explosive bombs or incendiary bombs, or
both. If incendiaries are used, it's more important to deal with
them than to be safe from blast. So defeat the incendiary with a
tpray (never a splash or stream) of water, then go back to safety
under a table in a refuge room.
Most raids will likely be over in your immediate neigh
borhood in a short time. However, stay under cover till the
"all clear" is sounded.
Know your raid alarms. Know the "all clear". Official news
of these will come to you from your Air Raid Warden. Don't
believe rumors. Watch this paper for air raid alarm description.
Ask the warden when he comes.
Should your house be hit, keep cool. Answer tappings from
rescue crews if you are trapped. (You most likely won't be
either hit or trapped, but if you are, you can depend on rescue
squads to go after you). Again keep cool, and wait. Don't
yell after you hear them coming to you, unless they tell you to.
Keep cool! 1
Just keeping cool hurts the enemy more than anything else
you can do. . Keep calm. Stay at home. Put out Jighta.
Lie down,.
The safest place in an air raid is at home.',
If you are away from home, get under cover in the nearest
shelter. Avoid crowded places. Stay off the streets.
The enemy wants you to run out into the streets, create a
mob, start a panic. Don't do it!
If incendiary bombs fall, play a spray from a garden hose
(never a splash or stream) of water on the bomb. Switch to a
stream to put out any fire started by the bomb. Switch back to
a spray for the bomb. The bomb will burn for about 15 min
utes if left alone, only about 2 minutes under a fine water
spray. A jet splash, stream or bucket of water will make
it explode.
Under raid conditions, keep' a bathtub and buckets full of
water for the use of the fire department in case water mains
are broken.
If you have a soda-and-acid extinguisher (the kind you turn
upside down), use it with your finger over the nozzle to make a
spray. Don't use the chemical kind (small cylinders of liquid)
on bombs. It is all right for ordinary fires.
But above all, keep cool, stay home.
Choose one member of the family to be the home "air-raid
warden who will remember all the rules and what to do.
Mother makes the best.
Glass shatters easily, so stay away from windows.
Don't go to windows and look out, in an. air raid. It is a
dangerous thing, and helps the enemy. The Air Raid Warden
is out there watching for you. Again we say, get off the streets
if planes come over.
At night, there is danger of being caught in blast from explo
sives. Antiaircraft fire means falling shrapnel. You are safe from
it indoors, away from windows. It's more important to shell a
plane than it is to see it from a windfcw.
Stay in your refuge room, away from windows. That is the
safest place. Go there at the first alarm; stay there until the
"all clear".
Above all, keep calm. Stay home. Put out lights. . Lie
down. Stay away from windows. Do not say we are re
peating; we would rather repeat until we bore you than have
you forget.
You can 'do all those things without any special equipment
other than what you have now in your home.
You can help lick the Japs, with your bare hands, if you will
do just those few, simple things.
Be a good fellow and follow instructions and keep well. Do
not be a wise guy and get hurt.
Whether "or not ibiack-out is "ordered, don't show' more Hgh)
than is necessary, t, If planes come over, put out or coyer afl
lights at once don't wait for the .black-out order. The light
that can't be seen witf never guide a Jap. j Remember a eandk
light may be seen for miles from the air.
If you have portieres, over drapes, or rairtauTS,rajrangea
double thickness over your windows. . Blankets will do. jk If yoo
have heavy black paper, paste it on your windows. Don't
crowd or stampede stores to get, it, however. You probably
have everything you need at home. Be ingenious improvise,
ft Should you get an air-raid warning, remember to shut off
gas stoves, gas furnaces, and gas pilot lights on both. Bomb
explosions may blow them out , from blast effect jGas that
collects may be explosive later
f Prepare one room, the one with the least win dow'glass, in the
strongest part of your house, for a refuge room. 5 Put food and
drinking water in it. : Put a sturdy table in it. 1! Put mattressea
and chairs in it Take a magazine or two and a deck of card
into it Take things like eyeglasses and dentures with yon .
when you go into it Take toilet facilities, paper, a'screeny
If you have a portable radio, take that too.J Above all, keep
calm, i Stay at home. Put out lights.''
Strong, capable, calm people are needed to man the volunteer
services. If you want to help, there are lots of opportunities.
If you know fir$t aid, and have a certificate, there is an imme
diate job for you. If you are a veteran, or a former volunteer
or regular fireman, or policeman, there is work for you. If you
have no special skills but are strong and husky, there is a job for
you in rescue squads, road-repair units, or demolition and
clearance squads. If you have and can drive a car, you may be
needed for drivers' corps. Older Boy and Girl Scouts over 1$
can help as messengers. Both men and women are needed. .
Here's how to get started:
If there's a Civilian Defense Volunteer Office in your com
munity, call there and ask where to report If not, call your
local Defense Council or Committee, or the Chamber of Com
merce. Phone and ask where to report, rather than going la
person. .
There are people needed tor
Air Rtld Warden (men and women),
Auxiliary Firemen (men).
Auxiliary Police (men and women).
Fir Watchere (men and women).
Nurau' Aide (trained women).. .
Emergency Medical Force (men and
women with Red Crott Fktt Aid Cer
tificate). " , : '
Reecue Squada (men). .
Above all; keep cool. Stay home
Lie down. Stay away from windows.
Fotd Repair Unite (etrong, bulky man).
Demolition and Clearance Squad (ttroogj
huiky men).
Electrical Repair unite (trained Ua-
triclani). ,
Decontamination Squaffi (itronf men an
woman). i - -
Emergency Food end Routing vans
(women who can cook and aarv).
Put out light.
You can help!
U. S. OFFICE OF CIVILIAN DEFENSE, Fiofello.H. LaGuardia, Direstor. Washington, D. C.
4 V,