PAGE TEN " THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON m STOCKS LEAD MARKET PRICE GAINS i: NEW, YORK, Dec. 15 VP) Steels, alrcrafts, rails and arma ment specialties carried the ball tor the recovery team in today's tock market and scored gains of fractions to as much as 2 points or so at the best, v Many leaders, however, sat on the losers' bench through out the greater part of the ses sion. Among these were motors, rubbers: and mail orders. Clos ing results, consequently, were about as mixed as the war bul letins with advances in the ma jority. f Dealings were fast and, slow t intervals and transfers for the Jull stretch were around 1,100,000 shares. 4vAmong upward share movers were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem Great Northern, Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Boeing, Unit ed Aircraft, Douglas Aircraft, Sparry, American Smelting, Phelps Dodge, Westinghouse, Dow ' Chemical, Union Carbide, Johns-Manville, Socony-Vacuum, and South Porto Rico Sugar. ', Closing quotations: AIR REDUCTION . 87 Alaska Juneau li Al Chem & Dye 141 Allis-Chalmers 26 i American Can , , , 68 Am Car & Fdy 291 Am Rad Sta Sari 4 Anv Roll Mills 10s Ani Smelt & Ref 371 Am Tell & Tel Am Tob ...... POTATOES LOS ANGELES POTATOES LOS ANGELES, Dec. 15 (AP- USDA) Potatoes: 10 cars Cali fornia, 20 Idaho, 1 Utah arrived 28 unbroken, 58 broken cars on track; 8 cars California, 1 Ore gon arrived by truck; no Ore gon quotations. Anv Water Works Am "'Zinc L. At S , Anaconda - . Armour 111 , ,',,, Atchinson ' Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Airp ' Borden , Borge-Warner Calif Packing Callahan Z L " Calumet Hee Canada Dry .... Canadian Pacific Cat Tractor Celanese .. Ches & Ohio . " , Chrysler Col Gas & El , Com'l Solvents .. Comm'nw'lth & Sou . Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Contl Can . 133i 48 - 21 41 - 251 3i - 231 41 13 - 36! . 591 - 191 . 201 181 - 181 -916 6 121 - 39 . 38 . 201 . 321 . 451 . 11 . 81 SAN FRANCISCO SPUDS SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 8 cars California. 11 Oregon arrived; 14 unbroken, 12 broken cars on track; 4 cars arrived by truck Oregon Klamath district russets No. 1, $2.00-2.40, mostly 52.25 combination grade $1.65-1.75. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. 15 (AP- UbDA) Potatoes, . arrivals 188 on track 298; total US shipments Saturday 769, Sunday 34; sup plies moderate, demand for Idaho russets lisht. market slightly weaker and unsettled, for other varieties all sections demand moderate, market steady; Idaho russet Burbanks US No. 1, S2.45-2.60;' Nebraska bliss triumphs US No. 1, $2.35- z.oo; uoioraao red McClures US No. 1, S2.30-2.40; Minnesota and North Dakota bliss triumphs US No. 1, $1.25-2.00: cobblers US No. 1, $1.50-1.60; Wisconsin Ka- tandins US No. 1, $1.45-1.60 Chippewas US No. 1, $1.60; rurals US No. 1, $1.35. New stock Florida bliss triumphs US mo. l, per bushel crate $2.35. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 15 (AP-USDA5 There was a good-demand for spot foreign wools In Boston today. Prices of Australian wools was 4 to 6 cents a pound higher, scoured basis, than he- lore tne outbreak of the war. uue cnieiiy to increased cost of war risk insurance. Sales of domestic wools consisted chief ly of small quantities urgently needed for immediate consump tion, trices were firm to slieht- ly higher. N Y Central. No Am Aviation North Amer Co . Northern Pacific Ohio Oil , Otis Steel Corn Products . Crown Zellerbach , Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N Eastman Kodak . El Bow & Lt ..... General Electric. ' General Foods General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central" . Insp Copper .. int harvester , Int Nick Can . it Pap & P pfd; . it Tel & Tel . Johns Manville Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed .. Loew's Long-Bell "A" ........ Montgomery Ward ash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit : Nat'l. Dairy Prod Mat'I Dist .... Nat'l. Lead 23 121 - 51 271 481 101 81 - 68 -144 ..1321 -1316 261 38 321 - 14i 121 21 12 - 51 101 461 231 56 II 56 - 341 221 231 .. 36i .. li 271 . 31 141 13 23 14 i Pac Amer Fish Pac Gas & El Pac Tel & Tel Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways Paramount Pic Penney (J Q . Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet . Proctor & Gamble . Pub Svc N J Pullman . Radio Rayonier Rayonier pfd :. Republic Steel Richfield Oil Safeway. Stores. Sears Roebuck . Shell Union .... Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison Southern Pacific Sperry Corp i Stand Brands Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone & Webster Studebaker : Sunshine Mining xexas Corp , Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation . United Drue .. United Fruit U S Rubbert U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth 8 - 121 - 10 41 81 51 . 91 . 181 .1001 - 21 -141 - 131 761 . 18 . 29 . 451 . 511 . 121 . 211 21 Si 25 17 91 42 '581 161 . 81 , 18 101 31 31 211 301 431 - 41 - 31 41 441 - 41 701 131 .. 611 101 . 35 ..932 - 41 . 71 . 171 - 85 . 51 . 181 . 41 . 251 . 771 . 251 UNSETTLES QUINS CHICAGO, Dec. 15(AP An other 6-cent break in soybean futures prices today unsettled the entire grain market and thwarted an attempted rally of cereal quotations. Wheat rose almost a cent, rye more than a cent and other grains fractionally early in the session, but later turned lower largely in sympathy with the collapse of bean prices. Some hedging sales were reported in the wheat pit. This was the second session in a row that beans have tum bled the maximum permitted in one day. Weakness was attribut ed principally to a sharp drop In quotations of soybean oil fol lowing imposition of ceilings on fats and oils late Friday. Wheat closed unchanged to 1c lower compared with Saturday, December $1,231, May $1.27 1.271; corn unchanged to 1c down, December 781, May 831 oats 1c off to ic . up; rye 1c lower to 1c higher: soybeans 6c lower; lard 3c lower to 7c higher. FIRE DESTROYS OOP HALL AT SILVER LAKE PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 15 (AP-USDA) Hogs, salable 2,- 000, total 3800; market active, around 35c higher than Friday; good-choice 175-215 lb. drive- ins and carloads mostly $11.75; 230-270 lb. $11.00-25; light lights $10.75-11.00; packing sows $8.25-75; good feeder pigs $10.00. Cattle, salable 2000, total 2, 380; calves, salable and total 125; market very uneven, best cattle active mostly 25-35c high er; some steers 50c up; lower grades slow; thin dairy cows only steady; bulls and vealers steady; numerous loads short fed steers $11.25-12.00; choice fed steers $12.75; . one lot $12.85; few fed heifers $10.50; medium grades down to $8.50; canner and cutter cows $4.50- ,75; fat dairy cows to $6.50; good beef cows $7.75.-8.50; good bulls - mostly $8.75-9.00; good choice vealers $12.00-13.00. Sheep,, salable 1700, total 2,- 000; market active, fat lambs 25-35c higher; lower grades and ewes steady; good-choice truck- in lambs $10.50; one car load $11.00 sorted 5 per cent; good shorn lambs $9.75; very . com mon lambs down to $8.00; fat ewes salable $5.00-25. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 15 (AP-Federal-State Mar ket News) Hogs: salable 300. Sharply 50 cents higher; about two cars 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts $12.10-25, latter top, late packer bid around $12.00. . Cattle: salable 300. Meager supply steers 25 cents higher; 4 cars medium to good 1050 1100 lb. steers $10.50-11.00, bet ter kinds quoted $11.25; heif ers scarce,- medium to good quoted $9.00-50; good range cows salable $8.25-60, slow, steady; medium sausage - bulls largely $8.00-9.00. . Calves: sal able 30. Steady; most good 225-235 lb., calves $11.00-12.00. Sheen: salable 100. Under. tone about steady; good . to choice wooled lambs quoted $11.00-50, around 100 head com mon and medium 67 lb. lamha $9.75 . straight;- medium to choice ewes quoted $4.5015.50. BLACKOUT LAW ASHLAND, Dec. 15, (AP) The city council yesterday passed blackout regulations pro- . .; j : .A . . . . viuniK a qxov une ana a six month Jail sentence for viola tion. The council said it planned to buy additional warning . sirens. SILVER LAKE Mystery sur rounds the origin of a firo that destroyed the IOOF lodge hall here about 1 a. m. Saturday and menaced the whole town, which lacks a water system. Lodge members who helplessly watched the flames devour the huge, wooden building and all equipment freely voiced suspi cion that the blaio was incend iary. Loss is estimated at $5000 not covered by Insurance. Only the determined efforts of volunteer, firemen equipped with garden hose and buckets saved the nearby residence of J.' W. O'Keefe. A light snow on the ground aided the fire fighters in preventing the fire's spread. The blaze started near the ground at the rear of the build ing, which was almost con sumed before the front burst into flames. Possibility of a sinister connection between the nre and the theft of a quantity of gasoline from E. J. Egli's car earlier in the evening was mentioned. To many of those this fire brought vivid and dreadful recollection of th tragic Silver Laka firm et Christmas Eve 1894. when 43 persons lost their. live. That fire occurred when an oil lamp exploded in the upstairs hall where the entire population had gathered for a Christmn fr About half of them perished. numerous other fires nf th past, some of them of myster, ious origin, were r-osii Many of these have never been solved. The bulldln night was erected In inin ,..., ! of the labor being donated by : the members. Th ohh n I held a meeting in the hall a few hours before the fire to discuss plans for a vWt - . special district deputy grand master from Klamath Falls It was held impossible that the blaze started from the stove pipe as the stove was at the opposite end of the long build ing from the fire's origin Airplane Club Registers for Defense Work Offering their j that of their nlnf ' tional emergency, the Shasta Aero club registered Doth its member. plane with th nfi ... I Klamath county coordinator of I w .,,,! uerense. Earl C. Rev-1 nolds. In the chamber nf ! . f"aB7 afternoon. The registra ion was in answer to me radio annual wi , Coordinator wii-t -A""""?1 ta which he asked' Ef-i he "8tion durin- "ie na tional emergency. Officers nf th ci- .-- 7 ""si--ascaae J. cIub are Bus Thompson. President; Jack Elie, secretary members belnnp n ? ?ation: John LanTherT "'J. UrtT: G- Vroman' itodSrt 1 cense; Harold Dixon nriv.V- "cense, Cyril Graham, private n,7 Their plane is 1940 horseT"6 with Continents 65 horse power motor. December 15, ltit, Chic Santa J ;w , ,v .jft V iis k J. Here's what the well-dreued Santa will wear when descend ing the chimney come Christ mas Eve. Outflt should Include 18-Inch yak hair whiskers. shoulder length wig, red nose, powdered brows and roused cheeks, accordlnfl to Max Factor. Jr., Hollywood makeup expert In order even to discuss the world of tomorrow, we must recognize that our words will have no value . . . unlroi ir is a defeat of the forces of ag gression. Thomas Dewey, N. Y. district attorney. Extension Unit News 'Phenomenal' MODOC POINT Tho Modoc Point home ex tension unit held lis regular meeting December 10 in tho community hall. Mrs. A. Davidson and Mrs. William Holm, project li-adrrs, Kiivo demonstrations on tho mnking of soap jellies for on rugs and uphulMcry, tho ac tual fthanitioninu nf rtiu,t nnrl upholstery, and preparation of dust cloths for usn nn wiikcH and varnished siirfiiocs. len members from tlin Chlln. quid unit attended tho meeting. A pot hick luncheon was served with Mrs. Helm and Mrs. John Drlscoll as hostesses. Tho members voted in ntnrt a sift basket rolllntf si mmiu of making money for expenses. Tho Study club will meet Do comber 18 at tho homo of Mrs. Arthur Davidson. Tho topic Is "Husband and Wife n-lnt Inn. ship." Any person interested Is Invited. Tall Klrls finally are sninv In be given a break -In the movies, In leading roles. Full length pic tures ho doubt not shorts. Even though we SDend more than a billion a year on sports. some of us arrn'f good ones. Snndra Mitchell, t monUu old, will have the rest of her life to tell about her operation, Phila delphia doctors removed a rnnn slied appendix, called It "phe nomenal." Sandra's shown with moth or. If what we are does not cor respond with what we say and do. let us not think that we are fooling any man, much less Ood. Rov. '"alter Helsel, Broadway Tempde Methodist church. For your "liquid coollno iyt-1 Urn." WIELAND S Extra Paleli 13 oy Scouts to Help Defense in Merrill MERRILL Boy Scouts of the Merrill Troop under leadership of Rev. Lawrence Mlichetmora will bolster the defense pro gram helping with mobilization and first aid. Plana for Im mediate action went Into effect this week when IB boys turned out to pledge assistance to their country. Efforts will be concentrated In the Immediate future on col lecting waste paper and any ono Iil tho Morrill community who lias old magazines, dis carded paper cartons, news papers or wrapping paper may have It called for If they will contact a member of the troop. riiper garnered here Is sent to Portland to be ground up and UKeu iiKiiin. Ronnie Trotman was elected patrol leader of the Pine Tree Petrol. CHILD KILLED MARSHFIELD. Dec. 15 (P) A logulna truck killed Liwnnn Olson, 10-year-old boy who was playing In the road near his home, at Bay City Friday. SO SUITS ON SALI FOR $18.75 AND $23.75 DRtW'S MANSTORI til Male In the Old Testament of the Bible, nine persons- with the name of Abijah are mentioned. S. F. Burrows Under Hr HIIIc Portland Produce p,in,r 'riD- MP) BUTTER II w . , J . , .,.-."' " -,-- j ' . ' "'( , -'- -u - IX'V.' of .9 o( T sir m, ."'! ,x(ium itd Trlr.l-,. , t. "'"", " "-i Oaf, S TTJiJSri ins . rJe UiUum brollm, unJtr 1 Ibi colored hen., lie Ughont mi tr ', hi , lie: orrr 8!4 lb,., 7j rooit, M. ' JIRKSHEIJ TOKI'VI u.M,.. ' hfn we, tona 25c lb. Burlnn iirlcei- wmi Be: bent esc lb. COUNTRY MKATH lUlltn. retallcri: Cornitry killed hoji, brut butcberi. I"lht"-. U't-Ue Hi. I aln,-. IS-ISiic; llstht thin, lZ-Hcj heavy, u-ltc; Iambi, 17c lb.: en: t-ga Ib.i canner cowi, 10c; Hood cutler cow, He; bulla u-tse lb. WOOL tail rlin n,.nn . .... -33fl lb.; eroRnbreila. 4-S7e lb. ONIONS y.klma, S1.U-I.M; Oregon, nominal, ll.sor per M )b, y,kraa I0'a Mr., Oregon 40c. POTATOKS Whit locala.- cental; Deaehulea (Icon, Iz.M cental; Yakima No. SaV' fclll""1"" K"m", "M ctL Jo. I. ID.00 20.00 t,n; oat retchj (13.80 ton! Valley prlcea: Willamette cloter, SUM ton. valley nolntj! flmoihv. a... 2I.0 Urn. a sheluu-s tot tamUy and apartment house use have been XT IrterSfT?" mmi&K. ; : . ; women, a child and a dog occupy wJZELBZ! IanclK0 W1- O -,'li uui. Three When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern To and Anne Earley Proprietors New Schedule Of Advertising Rates Effective January I, 1942 NEW RATES Opan raft, pr Inch 20 Inches per month, per Inch .., 40 Inches par month, per Inch ... 60 Inches per month, per Inch .., 120 Inches per month, per Inch .., 240 Inches per month, per Inch , . erM P,r monn Pr lne" 7e 500 Inches per month, per Inch ...55e 1000 Inches per month, per Inch ......53c 1500 Inches per month, per Inch sie 2000 Inches per month, oer Inch jo. Pickup rate, per Inch ...S?e .4?e 7 ..........................74c ,69c ..4 A 1 M.e..9 I MIMHMMMMMtlB9C Consecutive Insertions, per Inch Space must be used In the period of ono calendar month. B discount for payment by 10th of following, month. Church advertising, per Inch Ste Political and transient advtrtlilng, per Inch ...M....7c (Payable In advance) The new rates will be 4c a column inch higher than those at present. The Herad and News have been able to hold off a rate raise thus far, in spite of the recent rising costs of operation, but it is now neces sary to increase revenue to make ends meet. We believe that advertisers will appreciate Jhe fact that in the past ten years our paid circulation (the real value of your inch of advertising) has been near ly doubled. And an inch of advertising under the new rates still costs less in The Herald and News than it did ten years ago. We also believe that advertisers will appreciate the fact than in the past ten years our number of em ployes has been materially increased, and that the 'basic wage scale for printers has? gone up from 85c an hour to $1.20 an hour . . . adding our bit to the pros perity of the community.- Year by year The Herald and News have given more value for the advertiser's dollar. In these days ofcur tailed supplies of merchandise it is more necessary than ever before to concentrate your advertising where it is most productive. Use more Herald and News advertising in 1942. THE EVENING THE KLAMATH HERALD NEWS . . .. f '