Steembar 18, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN.-, Women Have Work To Be Done Now! Residents of Klamath May Sign Up for Various War Occupations to Aid in Time of War this Is bring written during Friday nlifht't blackout and wlmt lot or busy Knlnxa on with half thr town's populntloti crying out "lllui'koul" tu the other half tlmt wouldn't believe tlint It wui business. Hundred of telephone colli flooded this office from over the city and suburbon arena, A few (nmlllca were prepared and ruMIrd their children Into roonn darkened , for the occasion. Klumath Falls fulls In the northern California district. Along with the hour Hie blackout order came hero, ' Sacramento and Han Francis co went black. This city co operali'd fnlrly well, but the blackout whistles should bring no moment of limitation on the part of tho citizen. The blackout la for protection, not for tun! Wonuin throtiiih Klumulh county have volunteered Ihrlr services In a senro of dif ferent ways. Some have vol unteered I ho una of their carl at any lime of the day or night. Othera have signed up for flmt aid, other for home minting, and (till others for various forma of clerical work. We can't all get Into fetching unlforma with Sam Drown belts and look like movie queens ushering the II A F about, but we can acw for the Red Cross, we can wrap bandages, In fact wa can do Just every thing they did In the last war and a lit tle bit more. Call any of a dotcn agencies that cun use your spare time to advantage If you wish to be in the swing. Mrs. Claud Davis Is chair mini of the registration com mittee, assisted by Mrs. Fred llellbronner, Mrs. Jack Gal lagher, and Mrs. Mae K. Short. These women are reg istering all Interested persons who may sign up at the Klamath county chamber of commerce dally between the hours of nine o'clock to four o'clock, Including the noon hour. More than one hun dred women have signed up thus far, but there is work to be done by the thousands of others. Tho percentage up to Friday wa not high. Before another week Is over there will probably be additional duties for Klamath women. In the mean time there Is a crying need for Red Cross work and you'll find plonty to do. There goes tho all-clear sig nal! Cars aro flashing by and Uie machines aro running again, some with blue cello phana covers over the head lights. There still Is work to be done. MRS. RAMAGE HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON Mrs. A. S. Ramage enter tained at her home on High street with a prettily ap pointed pra-hollday luncheon for members of the Tuesday Contract club and a few guests. Tables were centered with Oregon holly and red candles. -Guests of the club were Mrs. A. P. Heup, Mrs. Charles Kempter, Mrs. William Scott and Mrs. Joseph Clarka of Albernl, Vancouver Island. i ' 1 t 1 WW " " 'k SECOND CHRISTMAS ' This will bo the second visit of St. Nicholas for , ' . " 16ve!y llttlo Lucy Ellen, ,.elghteon-month-old ' daughter of Mrs. Vivian Bllckenstoff, 1011 Fargo , , street. Kcnnell Ellii. ' Pre-Holiday Party Event Hicks Home Scene Of Affair Wednesday Evening One of the prettiest of tha pre-hollday parties was that given Wodnesday evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hicks on Pacific Terrace when Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. William Van Bus kirk and Mrs. C. P. Van Doren invited friends In for cards. The holiday motif was used with mistletoe, holly and poln settles making an attractive background In the living room. Coffee was served Inter In the evening. High score In bridge went to Mrs. Dean Os born, second to Mrs. Charles Stanflcld, low to Mrs. Howard Listoe. Guests Included Mrs. Lloyd Goble, Mrs. Claud H. Davis, Mrs. Harvey Aycin. Mrs. Phil Fahnlandcr, Mrs. Howard Lis toe, Mrs. Charles Stanflcld, Mrs. George A, Myers, Mrs. Lloyd Porter, Mrs. Gus Ander son, Mrs. Dean Osborn, Mrs. John Houston, Mrs. Jacques J. Stclger, Mrs. Mohr Rey mors. Mrs. Gus Miller Jr., Mrs. Louis Serruys, Mrs. Dayton E. Van Vector, Mrs. Jack Orrell, Mrs. Rollo Gould. Mrs. LeRoy Krdmann, Mrs. F. W. Peak, Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Homer Kills. Mrs. Ben Pornlgotti, Mrs. Edward Kliever, Mrs. Ross Dodge, Mrs. Joseph Peak, Mrs. Howard Hanvllle, Mrs. Lafay etts Stephens, Mrs. Russell Lecver, Mrs. H. D. Hardesty, Mrs. Lawrence Slater, Miss Karen Nelson, Mrs. T. C. Griggs, Mrs. W. Hart Jones, Mrs. F. Cecil Adams and Mrs. Ted Reeves. SNYDERS HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sny der were honored by a group of friends with a housewarm ing at their new home, 1301 Eldorado street, Friday eve ning. The occasion was also tho tenth wedding anniversary of the Snydera. The guests presented their hosts with an attractive gift of glass. A buffet supper was later enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sabo, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blackmor, Mr. and Mrs. Al Pape, Mr. nnd Mrs. "Bud" Brodie, Mrs. Ruth Turner and Mrs. Clara Shaw. 5 Thimiiii i rli aiinaam -ai i f ti ' .i av a. : l ., - e .it. jr..-. vie t. , 't 7 t as, f . 1 , 1 I. ' , in' insiiiUM Minimi ii in mil Mini iiiii luanTfTi i d tinf nnii i nii 1 J illami i iiwi 1 1 ii iimhwiiiimi i i J f is Younger Set Given Party Ethelmae Skinner Is Honored Thursday on Ninth Birthday On the occasion of her ninth birthday, Ethelmae Skinner was complimented by her mother, Mrs. Arthur Skinner, at a party given Thursday af ternoon from half past four until seven o'clock at the Elk hotel to which were invited a largo group of the honor guest's school friends. Rod streamers and a lighted Christmas tree added a festive holiday noto to tho party. A largo cake, decorated In red, whlto nnd green, was cut by Ethelmae and served to t h a guests, Miss Jane Hansen was in chnrgo of games following the refreshment hour, and nsslst ing tho hostess during the afternoon was Mrs. L. D. Gass, Helping to celebrate the oc ston were Marguerite Adams, Marilyn Hemlngsen, Dolores Kidder, Minn Lou Schultz, Shirley Schultz, Shirley Mne Anderson, Connie Hunt, Knren Leo' Anderson, Boverly Jo Garrison, Boverly K o h n , Helen Schultz, Carol Stcbbins, Bill Gass, LnMnr Cunningham, Jimmy DcChninenu, Rodney Inmnn,- D e n n 1 s Grnmmor, Elonnor Emery, Dena Cofcr, Joyce Bnlch, George VInhos, Catherine Blnnus, Annie Zu pan,, Juno Vaagcn, Clarissa Mason, Grace Caldwell, Phyl lis Branhnn, Botty Bcnnct, Claudotto Glcnson, Lloyd Gass, Milton Schultz, Cleo Nnn Cadwell, George Nltsch elm, Elslo Nltschelm, Mary Jane Howard and Jack Kce ,. a i yj . iMUMim ai 'iMiyil'll 1 i r 'i w, in iiniirffiinim'if muTi i i n 7')(-tt-t-ttith ., "AND A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL" Grouped before the Christmas tree at the Klamath Falls Nile club party last Friday evening at the Elk hotel are members of the committee who were responsible for making the affair n marked success. From left to right in the upper picture arc Mrs. J. H. Poppy, Mrs. J. C. O'Neill, Mrs. Charles Gilbert, Mrs. Horry Wayne, Mrs. R. D. Ellcr nnd Mrs. Leo N. Hul.i, general chairman. In the lower group are the of ficers of the club, Mrs. J. Hardin Carter, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Gus Anderson, tho president, and Mrs. Wilbur Arnold, the vice president. Pictures by Wesley Gudcrlan of The News-Herald. BIRTHDAY OBSERVED THURSDAY Little Karen Drury's seventh birthday was observed with a gay Christmas tree on Thurs day afternoon when Mrs. Don Drury invited guests in at half past three. During the refresh ment hour the youngsters were seated at two tables with center arrangements of red Santa Claus boots, and each child received a gift from the tree. Invited to the affair were L,...tnUN0.7- idea D'"., ot foom Whin Ilk Hie ilk Black orinh KIS Irawn Ilk "Thui mutt t rttion why Ooetort rMommcml Iht Ointlltvtr tout." Stewart & Smith 127 Main St. JF jtJ ,1 "X J Mi 4 V- 'V i ' Z Shirley Johnston, Bonnie and Shirley Marandcr, Sara and Ann Hart, Shirley Rogers, Ann Newman, Elmlna Raymond, Mary Hooker, Mary Kay and Jackie Harris, Sally Kerr, Helen Bertram, Nancy and Larry Derrah, Marilyn Mor gan, Ann Henderson, Alice Geary, Patsy Ruth Miller, Jean Owens, Patty Teale, Frances Stearns, Donnio Drury nnd the honor guest, Karen Drury. Christmas Suggestions a From 1 WOOD'S DRUG STORE Cora Nome Cosmetics Gift Package. Dorothy Gray Cosmetics Gift Packages Seaforth Toiletries (for men) Savior's Fresh Candies Palmer's Gift Sets Leather Goods ' Evening In Paris Sett Stationery Electric Raiors Heating Pads Toilet Sets for men and women. All packages will be gift-wrapped without charge if bought here. Come in and see our assortment before . purchasing. Prices lowest.. WOOD'S DRUG STORE MEDICAL-DENTAL BLDG. . V )f ' Center for Best Shopping -J 4 A WOMEN TO SEW FOR RED CROSS HERE Klamath women who have devoted their time to knitting' for Bundles for Britain will; now work diligently for the American Red Cross, it was learned here this week.. Offi cials of the local Bundles for Britain chapter have. advised the Portland chapter that now "as long as we are in the war we feel that by working for the Red Cross that it will help all concerned." ' ' :; Last week the local . unit' mailed six knit pieces and more are to come. A check for $25 has been Tgiven- to t he Christian Science war relief, committee to help with the used clothing work for Bun dles for Britain. A check for $127.31 was sent to Portland which the Klamath women' "hope can do some immediate good." During the year's serv ice here, the Klamath unit has sent $112731 in cash, 178 knit garments, and shipped-around 2500 pounds of used clothing. Bundles for Britain cook" books have been turned lover to women of the Christian' Science committee here and may be purchased from them. CHAIRMEN OF BENEFIT ANNOUNCED One of the first events of Importance on the 1942 so cial calendar is the annual Doernbecher benefit bridge party and tea sponsored by the Klamath Falls Woman's. Library club. Mrs. Robert A. Thompson will serve as chairman of cards, Mrs. Ralph Waldo Stearns in charge of tea serv ice. The affair will be held in the Willard hotel. Commit tee chairmen and members will be announced later. Professor Blanks . Presented Monday "Christmas on fhe Old Plantation" Heard by Klamath Falls Library Club ' No more suitable program could have been planned for Monday afternoon of this week than that presented before the , Klamath Falls Woman's Library club by Professor Anthony . 7. Blanks of the University of California when he read a paper, '" "Christmas on the Old Plantation." T So ourners Enjoy Party Holiday Affair Given , Wednesday; New Of ficers Installed The Sojourners Christmas party on Wednesday after noon, December the tenth, was the usual gay affair with Santa Claus presiding at a beautifully decorated Christ mas tree. Each member and guest was presented at the ' door with a sprig of mistle toe tied with red ribbon. The afternoon of fun was climaxed by the dancing of an old-fashioned Virginia reel. Guests included Mrs. Wal ter Bethune, Mrs. F. O. Rey nolds, Mrs. M. G. Sherman, . Mrs.. Mark Sanders, Mrs. George M. Smith, Mrs. Anna ' Lundy, Mrs. P. G. Fury, Mrs. Raymond Michener, Mrs. Jack ' Pointer, Mrs. Merle Swansen, Mrs. - Estle Affleck, Mrs. James B. Cronon. New members attending in ', eluded Mrs. . R. 0. : Fisher, Mrs. R. F, McLaren, Mrs. W. ' R. Cabaniss. . Mrs. Carl W. ' Huson, . Mrs. Guy Harmon and Mrs. Jack Watkins. This annual party marks .the close of the Sojourners -.year and the term of the present officers. The new of- ficers were installed and re ceived the tokens of their of- ; f ices. These are, Mrs. Math ,;ew Rauw, president; Mrs. '. Ramon Kent, vice president; ,: Mrs. Sanford Selby, secretary and Mrs. A. J. Myers, treas- urer. At a brief business meeting - preceding the festivities it . was decided to give defense stamps for all future prizes. The secretary was instructed to write the chamber of com ; merce that . the Sojourners . stand ready and willing, at all - times, to aid the defense pro gram in any way possible. The next regular meeting 1, will be held on Wednesday afternoon, January the four . teenth, and details will be an- nounced later. There will be no meeting on December the - twenty-fourth. TRIP SOUTH' PLANNED FOR : WEDNESDAY v . . Mrs. Rose Poole and her daughter, Mrs. Prentice E. Yeomans, will leave by motor Wednesday for the south where they will Join Major Yeomans at Camp Polk, Loui siana, near Shreveport. Mrs. .Yeomans will remain Start Her Set of s frrn rt n n r din irajiuuiDU Hie vu jinci Si - iiau.vmi 011. s J a.' . . Hi Made in CORONADO I And she'll have great fun adding to :; Coronodo, the popular" swirled ' pattern, from the dozens of lovely "extras" ond serving pieces. ;ln . four soft .pastel .shades and matt finish turauoise. I coral, yellow, Ivory. Service 3 for four ; , . GARCELON'S 40T Main ' The program was light, de-. .' lightful, and held not on trace of the disturbing events of the week which were on : the minds of those who en- tered the auditorium. Professor Blanks, a south erner, described in a charm- , ing manner a traditional ' Christmas on a southern plan- tatlon, taking his listeners from the moment of arrival J on through the festivities of the holiday. This was Pro- fessor Blanks' third appear- ance here and he was thor- " oughly enjoyed by those who had the opportunity to hear r him. . j-. Another delightful phase of ' the afternoon was the pres- . entation of the robed a capcl- la choir from Klamath Union high school under the diree-1 tion of Mr. Guy Bates. The -boys and girls, In splendid ". voice, sang four numbers, "Ballad of the Trees and the Master," words by Sidney 1 Lanier; "Silent Night," Franz Grubcr; "Cherubim's Song," ' Tschaikowsky, and "Our Glor- ' ious America," a patriotic number. It was one of the highlights of the program : year nnd arranged by Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, music chair- man, through Mr. Charles i Stanfield, music director of r Klamath Union high school. , The League of Women Vot- i ers invited members of the -club to a program and play to be presented Monday aft ernoon at two o'clock in the , library auditorium. "Our Her-. , itage," the play, was written , by Mrs. Leo Sagehorn and . commemorates the 150th an- niversary of the signing of 4 the Bill of Rights. The char- , actcrs will appear In Colonial ,' costume, among them being -Dolly Madison, Alexander , Hamilton, George Washing- ton, James Madison and Ben- v Jamin Franklin. Women were given Christ- . mas bags to fill for United "' States soldiers in hospitals in 1 San Francisco, these to be re- turned to the American Red , Cross. Mrs. C. W. Horn!- " brook served as chairman of . this committee. - Lovely Christmas arrange- ' ments were placed about the . large auditorium, these done 1 by Mrs. A. G. Proctor. Host- esses for the day were Mrsi ' Helene Melaas and Mrs. Fred Fletcher. . ; The program for January ' the twelfth will be the na tional defense film, "In De fense of the Nation," with Mrs. George Moorhead of Sa lem presenting the picture. Mrs. Zumwalt has arranged several numbers for two pi anos by Mrs. Samuel A. Mushen and Mrs. Joseph C. O'Neill. in Louisiana. Mrs. Poole plans , . to return by train Christmas ; night for Klamath Falls. iwwiwwanawww)t 8 rrn m rs ry n I California R RED APPLE The beautiful embossed by hand design of the Red Apple pattern will , be a pvely table companion for an ner nice tnings. 2 e Charm the perfect hostess B i with a starter set for four ot Phone 43$1 $950 j- v ...... . : ' jj ?