Killed in Action II II . i i t i.i I 1 J $ I ' in yiii (Vina r,.j ,,. -v' .V .... " X ' l 1 Vi Here Is Army's Bose in Philippine Defense Program ' -wr a i i I, i r.. iari -w-. r ..f. ..i.... jbw ijwaJisMJ Rear Admiral Itaac CampbU Rear Admiral Itaac Campball BIVERSIDERS IN PAGEANT Uppar grade students ol Rirerside school will present the pageant in the annual carol serrlce at l0.!1' '"VJ!. ""d 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon In the First Methodist church. They have been directed by Doris Fredrick ol Riverside. The "l"V ", . " .., ' program is presented under the supervision ot Lillie Darby, head of music in the city schools. First row. left to right. Billy ' " , ' , !' Worley, Betty St. John. Marianne Sexton. Carmen Jones. Gloria Hearth. Barbara Black. Dorothy Alexander, Erma Baker. "'.J.i,.T.JL.! k..k..' Phyllis Turner, Peter Fosteri second row. Juno Bosworth. Leatt a Pitt. Dorothea Whiteline. Dale Price. Robert Willis. Dolores ,na ,n a",clt on r0B" n,roor' Helrich, Dee Nelson, Naomi Magee, Norma Baker, Patsy Crow. Rear, Gene Derby, James Pope and John Foster. Air view, ol Manila shows point where Patig river enters Manila bay. On the peninsula Is Fort Santiago, the headquarters for the military forces in the archipelago. Weekly School Feature 1,1 1 n iiii niai i -nun iliiitswiiitii'tiiiBihlt ririiiPBfriiiriiif n i'lvtlWrlllrrfl1M-V,' -1 Sandbag Telephone Building in San Francisco War Spreads to Singapore ; Presenting the news of the school in a novel style each Thursday, 6:50 p. m Pelicana staff members are shown in action. Left to tight: Charlotte Height, reporter; Dan Kafton, publicity) Feme Glubrecht. reporter: Richard Newman, editor; Martin Buti, promotion; Margaret Blair, associate; Naeda Brainerd. reporter; Reno Marchese, sports; Neil Morris, sports, and C. G. Wood house, faculty advisor. - - k .r fv Giant Mop Plays Vital Part i n Northwest Aerial Defense m ti i mSit&m fcgWsiNOAPORC :::: mius Workmen wero busy in Sen Francisco raising a barricade of 3000 sandbags around the long distance building of the telephone company as a protection against possible bomb damage. cl. ' I Grouped around this huge table map at fceattle, Wash, are volunteer workers expected to play a vital part In T ; ' AP Bureau Uses Lanterns During Blackout Honored on Retirement Japanese planes relded Singapore (1) while fighting between Ttrltlah haiini mA l.nrllnM M.tlH a... .4 Kota Bharu (2). Japanese were reported to have landed at Sabak, '.-Li in Malaya, and at Patanl. Singora and at Prachuapglrkand (31. all in Thailand. Japanese also crossed into Thailand from their Indo-Chlna base of Siemreap (4). Japanese bombers raided Hono- 't kong (5). J iJ J Li It , , . war s messenger nas ro woir ... ; ' ' Ala1 w ' - T P r.l1t 41 ...... - ... f i At.- e it . ti -rial defense, ot the PaciXic NorJP wm "Peru where cnem, pnes detected and t ,f"M .-d w Jrd "wlttTlb!. ,."duT 7 np Uve.'oV 'Z'lTZ ' nartmant mil an nhralla tl h h. HIT 1 1 - j Vtermany S yaars. having put in three TVlTh tk. OrVgon Short Lin.: FoUo'wVng hi r.t 3. 1.',!,8,', " 'h' ,U" siding at 1718 Wall street. In the above oleture Caldwell U shown In th. . k. ...J. .m,nt V Washington, had to wait in tms tasmon lor some uroe i i . -..,..1 . , ..mi ... ,i i ii N, h. -a-ai-w ., . before he was able to deliver hit message, f row as he received his gift. Women Keep Sky Vigil a.-..- - i -r -A .. . . , i t . .. t.; r J. New York Museum Tapes Walls 'Just in Case' r n - sw liWi Miktl tJaWSejl j 1 . . A Tf ' VI?li rwii r7An irrATi r i H fi ll T I I .1 &.:.; ' i i f i:; i V" I I 1 il li il 23n 'i.-.-iia Jr m . . ; W- aTfl V If - '- ' ' 7 1 1 P. '' 7i A 11 WMMMrfeafHHHl M. Harrv Vanda Bara and Mn. Art Kino Mahti. mitlntiilnad Tin nnnlUr. Ia lh Klf el vnsl niel mC nl sit f rial MllatsilirM axf MSflaiM ! Wakaa Vwt i j i u " '"'n'" r rancisco, puncnea our a ounetin announcing an air a watcn as air ram ooservers at Foint rormln, near Ban Pedro, as a precaution ' against possible air raid damage. Officials said the work was done at the request raid alarm in San Francisco was underway under the eerie rays of two kerosene lanterns. Calif. Women keep the lookout during the day on throo-hour of the district air raid warden as an example of building protection "and not because wa are Bernard) Barton, another operator in tha Associated Press bureau, holds one hi the lanterns. ; shifts and men at night on two-hour shifts. hysterical or, frightened." . i A,