PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON December 12, 1A41 Crossing Crash Kills Driver HILLSDORO, Dec 12 VP An Oregon electric locomotive crossing near here late yesterday killing Robert E. Gumm, S3, Hillsboro, route 1, Coroner F. J. Sewell announced. The engineer, Clyde Blevens of Portland, said the driver tried struck an automobile at a grade unsuccessfully to stop his car. PORTLAND, Dec. It (P) Shipbuilders and metal trade un ions of Portland pledged them selves to ' build as quickly as possible the ships our navy needs," at conference yester day. NEW FREEDOM FOR MOTHERS Who Serve this Nourishing A DY- TO EAT Cheerioats Actually Provides AD These NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF OATMEAL Vitamin B, Vitamin G Calciam.. Phosphorus.. Iron I miSg samsB msm wm&b (Can and Tapioca Added) 0 Iff f A XXTEAT a blessing for mothers of growing children I A V convenient, ready-to-serve breakfast food that actu ally provides the kind of nourishment yon always felt your youngsters needed at breakfast time. Delidous CHEERIOATS is 75 ground oatmeal . . . fur nishing full oatmeal amounts of important vitamins and minerals of oatmeal itself. Corn and tapioca, 10 of each, make for extra crispness . . . produce that irresistible "blended" flavor! In fact, this -"'i"E new cereal is so good we actually guarantee: YOUR MONEY BACK If any member of your family doesnl like CHEERIOATS I General Hills, Inc, Minneapolis, Minnesota CBXESIOATS k a r tmfa aark ot Ota. MUX. be Cur. t Ml. Gca. Itm&taa. Broadway's Gifts to Hollywood Agret You can 't make a bad cup of M-J-B" Here an Zorina and Victor Moore, filming Paramount1! "LOUISIANA PURCHASE" viCToit Well, little Toast of Broadway, how do you like Californiat ZOilNAt Wonderful! The oil wells, the orange trees, the coffee xoonderfull E I -V i Here art Zorina and Victor Moore, filming i !"r-v i i Paramount1! "LOUISIANA PURCHASE" I " I jf ' &z?A- t - IV;,;' r & A 1 yIjM - 7 , ;Yr. , . if yf """Je" "yS ' " n'' A " "'-"afe ' W. Yeoman, representative of the AFL Lumber and Sawmill Workers union, denied Friday that the union had accepted Long Bell Lumber company wage proposals but wanted a un ion shop in the Weed dispute. Here is Yeoman's statement: "The news item in your paper last night, being a statement of the Long Bell Lumber company, Weed, California, by J. M. White, manager, he stated that the union tentatively accepted the company wage proposals, but wanted a union shop. This is not true. The wage proposal that was suggested by the Long Bell company was 10 cents an hour less in the veneer plant than is paid here for the same work, 71 cents an hour less in the box factory and ft cents less than paid In the mills here for the saw mill. "The union has asked for a number of appointments to eon tinua negotiations, but the com pany always had something else to do. Negotiations don't nun anything anyway; we ih'koMuUhI for over two months and never got anything. Ncnoliatlon la a big word and can take up a lot of time. "The unlo.. at Weed has of fered to turn all disputed mat ters over to an impartial arbi tration board, and go back to work, if thu Long Bell Lumber company would agreo to be bound by the decision of the ar bitration board. This they have refused to do. Mr. Whito said they would bo licked before they started, which is true, for no group of fair-minded men would ask the workers to go back to work for the wages and condi tions that prevailed ut the time the men went on strike in Weed "If the Long Bell Lumber Fruit Cocktail Fits Into Menus for Holiday Meals By MARY HALE MARTIN Somehow the first course for holiday feasts, in fact for any dinner, is apt to be a puzzle. But it - shouldn't be not with fruit cocktail on hand! Canned in sunny California this combin ation of peaches, pears, tiny white grapes, pineapple, and Maraschino style cherries has flavor ot merit, and is always ready, smart and appetizing. Added attractiveness can be attained by garnishing the fruit cocktail with a sprig of parsley or some kind of greens. For a different note use orange or grapefruit shells as containers. This fruit cocktail seems so very gay too, when topped with a spoonful of sherbet. I like to use lime or raspberry at this season of the year. And need I say that, well-chilled, it's the perfect breakfast fruit. Fruit cocktail is also a con venient, economical dessert. Chill and serve a-top Ice cream. Or, thickened, it has many uses. To thicken, drain the syrup from a No. 2 i can of fruit cocktail. Dis solve 2 tablespoons cornstarch in a small amount of syrup. Heat the balance to boiling. Add the cornstarch and cook until thick' ened and clear. Combine with the fruit cocktail. Use this as a pudding sauce or as a filling for shortcake. A most delightful dessert is made by placing the thickened fruit cocktail In tart shells and topping with a jaunty swirl of whipped cream. Heres a recipe for another quick, tempting pie that is ln- triguingly different: CREAMY FRUIT COCKTAIL PIE i cup sugar 7 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 3 egg yolks 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon butter 1 No. 2 J can fruit cocktail 1 baked pastry shell Blend sugar, flour and salt. Heat milk to a scalding. Add to dry ingredients. Cook in double boiler until smooth and thick. Cover and cook 10 min utes longer. Beat egg yolks and add cooked mixture gradually Return to double boiler and cook 2 minutes. Remove from heat; add" vanilla and butter. Drain fruit cocktail and arrange In the Doitom oi tne baked pastry shell. Pour cream filling over the fruits. Top with meringue mad ty neating 3 egg whites foamy, add 6 tablespoons sugar and beating stiff. Sweetened whip ped cream may be used instead of meringue. Amount One 9-Inch. pie. Another good idea is to serve fruit cocktail, thickened and hot, as a sauce with baked ham. Added to fruit flavored gela tin, it gives splendid flavor to many salads. I like to place In dividual molds on pineapple VlCTORiCojfeef They don't grow coffee inCalifsrnia,my international charmer. Zorinai No, but they have this delicious M.J.B. Coffee that is wonderful when it's strong, wonderful when it's weaker, wonderful all the time. viCTOtt But, my delectable danseuse, you can get M.J.B. everywhere in the West not just in California. rotiNAi Then the West is wonderful! Mountains, cowboys. Grand Canyon, cojjee wonaerjuil. Here's why It never f alls I Hake your coffee with the same care as yon have in the past. These two exclusive M. J, B. features a uniform i-oast and double blending will give you the fln-eetcupofcoffeeyouevertastedt GUARANTEE; Buy a pound of M.J. B. Try It for a week. If you don't agree It's better than any other coffee return the lid to M.J. B.Co., San Fran cisco, and we will refund double your purchase price. troop DRIP mind. ..for drip or gloii coffee makers. RlOULAR MIND.. .for percolator or coffee pot. DANCE MALIK Broadway HALL Saturday. Dec. 13th Musle By KELLER and His RHYTHM MAKERS "Rhythm That Gets 'Em" Dancing 10 to 3 Admission Gents II . LADIES FREEI slices the result is pretty as a picture. JELLIED FRUIT SALAD 1 No. 21 can fruit cocktail 1 package strawberry gelatin 1 No. 2i can sliced pineapple Mayonnaise Salad greens. Drain syrup from fruit cock tail. Dilute with water to make 2 cups liquid. Dissolve gelatin according to directions on pack age. When cool, add fruit cock tail. Pour into individual molds and allow to set. Unmold on drained pineapple slices. Garnish with greens. Serve dressing sep arately. Amount Serves 8. Do try a can of fruit cocktail soon. Use it in anyone of the many ways suggested. You'll find company will agree to arbitrate, and be bound by the decision of an arbitration board, to be ap pointed by the president ot the United States, Ilia department of labor or 'iy the national defense commission, or any other bourd thut can be set up that is fair to both sides, our men and wom en will go biiek to work Monday morning. "V. YEOMAN, representative. "Lumber and Sawmill Work ers union, AFL." Accordion Contest Winner to Ploy At Concert Here Phebo Swem, 17, will be guest artist at tho'Galla-HIni ac cordion concert here Tuesday. December 16, it was announced here Friday. Miss Swem was selected grand prize winner Thursday night at Mcdford where 32 accordionists competed bvforo three Judges. Mr. and Mrs. Em lie Humid of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Prls ciila Mclsingcr, accordion teach er ot Salem. Miss Swem played "Poet and Peasant" overture. Other winners were: division A, Dorothy Hanson; division B, Betty Lee Turner; division C, Beverly Christiansen; division D. Jum-l Walton; division E, Rob ert Leo Fisher. Contestants came from Mcdford, Ashlund and Grants Pass. Entertalnmont following the contest was provided by the Jun ior and senior accordion bands, and Mrs. Meisingcr's accordion sextet from Salem. Filipino Says Business Good PORTLAND. Dee. 12 P) "I put a sign -1 am Filipino' in my store and doubled my business," Portland Grocer Snl ador Santos said today. He said he rlisnlAVfri thn ion n 10 oe inc answer oi wnat to ; because Filipinos often are mis serve. I t:iken for Jaoattcse. Holdup Man Picks Wrong Victim SEATTLE. Dec. 12 (41 Patrolman Joseph Bergln, de tailed to guurd the home of Japanese Consul Yukl Snto, was sitting in his own automobile outsldo the Sato home during tills murnlng's blackout when, he said, a man approached, opened the car door, menaced him with a toy pistol and said: 'This is a holdup ... oh. you're a policeman!" "That's right." sold Bergln and selteil him. At police headquarters the prisoner Identified himself sa George Nelson, 20, New York City, laborer. Capt. Arthur L. Chaffee said thu man admitted ho prowled the homes of Drit, Bryan Nowsom and Kennuth B. Edgers Inst week. At the Kdgers homo, the phtwlnr fell down stairs and tumbled over a toy wagon. At the Nowsom home, the prowler fell into light well when he leaped out of a window. Wieland's Ale for your turn myl What a flavorl What an appetttel These Are Out Everydoy Chicken Prices! Tr FREE Delivery Phone 4282 Trulove's Chicken Center 919 JAST MAIN SATURDAY SPECIALSI HAMS Skinned Half or Whole .. HENS Colored lb 23 ic lb. 26fc Lard, 3 lbs. 49c Bacon, lb. 25c TURKEYS 8 to I Lb. Averse. .. .... Lb. 33c FRYERS lb 281c P W nT4rmi IU 7th and C and H Sugar 10-lb. bag 25-lb. bag . 100-lb. bag .. 65c . ..$1.63 ..$6.19 DAINTY DIMPLE ROYAL CLUB PEAS OXYDOL GRANULATED ROYAL CLUB PUMPKIN CRANBERRY SAUCE BAKER'S CHOCOLATE BAKER'S COCOANUT TANG LUNCH MEAT CARTER'S Pine Streets Carter's ar. .nd.avorlns to coop.r at. to th. .xt.nt with local and national nutrition programs. Cart.r's off.r you th. foods for th. pric. food w. all n..d in this tim. of national .m.rg ncy. FREE DELIVERY DIAL 3138 Pries for Saturday and Monday All V.g.tbl. Criscoc.b".69c 2 No. o T Can. 2C - ts 22c 2 No. m)) Cans JC OCEAN He. 1 SPRAY Cans Z 7 C PREMIUM BAXINO .... FRESH SHREDDED b". 29c rOR ALL USES 8-os. Box 12-01. Cans I2c 29c FRESH DRESSED Colored HENS and FRYERS Fresh Dressed Rabbits Beef Pot Roast lb. 25c Beef Rib Boil lb. 15c Fresh Ground Beef 2-lbs. 35c Sliced Bacon Bacon By the Pl.ce With Hind On lb. 37c lb. 29c GLO-COAT M -Gallon Can $1.59 PARD DOG FOOD 3 for 25c FULL LINE FRESH CANDIED FRUITS FOR YOUR FRUIT CAKE Radiant Fruit Mix Bleached Raisins .. I -lb. Box 35c 15-oz. Box 15c COMBINATION OFFER SWANSDOWN FAMILY FLOUR and "ANDBY 49 0 TALL V B"ED H Both $4,00 2 cans BEANS Ba3 for JL HONEY Ashland Clov.r Blossom S-oi. ..Jar 10 ROYAL CLUB SWEET POTATOES No. 2 O) Can ZOC Hi 1 x good WAW ZLJ e-i Dial 3138 Fruits and Vegetables Cauliflower, 2 heads 25c Large White Swt. Potatoes, 4 lbs. 23c Ho. 1 Fancy Grapefruit . . 3 for 29c Large Texas Pink Bananas 3 lbs. 23c Fancy Ripe Delivery