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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1941)
DfleniW 12, 1041 THR EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON' PAGE SEVSN O Local AFL Labor Council Pledges Support in Crisis The AFL Ontnil I,nlor Conn ill of Klnmnlli Kiills Thursday pledged iU wholclieiirtcd stip port In tlio nntlnnnl crUln to Mayor John llounton mid nil tlvlc defense oritiinliilloim. In mrssnua alitni'd hy Presi dent Art I.lnd, Herri'laryTrrns urer Huell Orri-ll, mid Trusters 0. C. Tatman, A. L. Ilurker and Ion Willi., the council mild Hint "the (Ituntlon Hint him come hout no n rcmilt (if the ambi tions of tlm JnpiiiK'Hn govern ment will drimind of every cltl- Olon the beat Hint lis can vivo, and we pledge such an effort In tha nama of nil our 23 nfflllnlcd local union." The rouncll In a meeting Thurs dny also adopted a resolution previously drawn and ndoplvd by the northwest council of the Lumber and Suwmlll Workers union which affirmed support of President Hooanvrlt, urged culm and reconimnndi'd tho nutting up of anti-sabotage squads amonii local unlom. The resolution followa: WHEKEAS, the evil forcea of aggression which huve 1 ready aubjuiinted a major portion of the civilized world on Sunday, December 7, Included tho United 6tatea among the victim) of un warranted attack, and WHEKEAS, tho Japanese navy on that date, without wurnlim or notification, attacked Hawaii, O Manila, Guam, and other United Slatoa poaaculoni, killing hun dred! of American citizen, both In and out of the armed forcea, and WHEREAS, thla brutal attack wu made at the very time when Japanese envoys were carrying on peace negotiations In Wash ington with President Roosevelt and his cabinet, and WHEREAS, the die is now, cast and America is once more being called In to defend Its honor, Us democracy, and its very life, and WHEREAS, the need of the hour is for national calmness. national unit, national patriot ism, and maximum production of vital materials of all kinds, now THEREFORE BE IT RE SOLVED, that tho Northwestern Council of Lumber and Sawmill Workers, chartered by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, and affiliated with tho American Federation of Labor, assembled In convention In Port land, Ore., December 8, 1041, go on record as wholeheartedly sup porting tho administration's for elgn policy, and President Roose velt, who hns done his utmost to keep the United States out of war, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, all lorn! unions and affiliated -fc "SPUNRAY" i lounging robes In beige, luggage, teal, navy and maroon. Sizes: Small, medium, largo and extra-largo. SILK end RAYON and SILK ROBES All Colors 5 ,oi2 SO Slippers fa SHEEPLINED zipper slippers. Blue or burgundy. Sizes ft SO 712 OPERA STYLE Fine kid slipper for men. Blue, black' or burgundy. Sizes $095 7-13 mm I Make Him Robes GIFT WRAPPING FREE DREW'S MANSTORE mcmbera be urged to remain cnlin nnd collected In the face of tho national emergency, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Hint all. nfflllnlcd locals bo urged to hnmedlati'ly set up mitl-sabo-Ingo S(iinds In nil operations un der lliclr JurlKdlctlon to prevent any serious subotnga In liny of thn northwest lumber operations, which will of necessity be called upon to piny a vltnl part In win nlng thn wnr which hns been forced upon America and Its citizens. Rotpeclfully submitted in be half of tho executive committee of the northwest council. By PETER E. TERZICK By EARL HARTLEY By R. N. INCJE By DOYLE PEAR80N. Churches Church nt Jesus Christ el Latter Day Saints The Church of Jesus Christ ot Latter Day Saints hold meetings In tha auditorium of the public library on the corner of Fifth street and Klamath avenue. Sunday school services con- veno at 10 a. m. and at 11 a. m, departments are separated for priesthood classos end a r '-lal women's class and tho children's choir. Sacrament meeting Is held each Sunday evening at 7:30 p m. The. Relief society hold meet ings each Tucsduy afternoon at 2 p. m. The second Tuesday of each month li dovoted to work and business meeting. The Mutual Improvement asso ciation meets each Tuesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to attend each and every meeting. Church of Cod 1207 Division street. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning wor ship, 11 o'clock. Bible study, 7 p. m. Evangelistic message, 8 p. m. Prayer meeting, Tuesday. 7:43 p. m. Women's missionary meeting each Friday, all day. Holy communion the first Sun day of each month at 2:30 p. m You are invited to attend these services. Bishop Roy D. Givens, pastor. First Methodist Church "In the Heart of the City," at North Tenth and High street. Rev. Victor Phillips, minister. Residence, 1009 High street, tele phone 3888. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Mrs. S. Meade Badger, director Comfortable At Home This ChristmasI If M'i for t man you'll find It at Ortw't Mint tor WOOL FLANNEL robes In bold stripes or plain colors. Sizes: Small, mod., large and extra-large. 7 95 11 80 to R.V.D. IBS WILSON SII0S. PINS PAJAMAS ? broadcloth, fltnncl n4 a tin. 22s 3S0 Silks at II and III To match or contrast with his new robe 0 of music; Mrs. E. S. Vealch, ac companist. Tho prcludo will be Melodic," by Paderowskl. Pro cessional, "Fairost Lord Jesus." The choir will sing the anthem, "Proycr," by Gulon. Tho offer tory will be, "Burceuso," by Gounod. Tho minister's sermon subject will be, "Good News for Bad Times." Tho church Sunday school will meet at 0:49 a. m. A new men's class has been organized with Dr. Peter Rozendnl as teacher. Men who are Interested In pres ent trenda are Invited to attend There Is alio a class for every age group In our school. Tho annuul Christmas carol singing and pageant given by tho children of the public schools of the city under the direction of Llllle Darby of the music de partment of the public schools Will be held In this church at 3:30 p. m. Tho Methodist Youth fellow ship will meet at 8:30 p. ni. The Wesley league Is for young peo ple of college age and over; the Asbury league is for young pco pie of high school age. The evening service will be at 7:30 o'clock when the minister will preach on the subject, "Mak ing the Best of It." The public la cordially invited to attend our services and activities. Church of the Nasarene Sunday school begins at 0:49 with Mrs. H. L. Russell as able superintendent There are Inter esting classes for all ages from the cradle roll to the adult. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The Rev. H. L. Russell, pastor. Young people's service from 6:20 to 7:30 p. m. Our aim Is for an Interesting service each Sun X)'Ks't CHRISTMAS 61 FT IDEA A GIFT THAT GIVES EVERY DAY - ALL YEAR I GOOD If, . ft u - ., ...-llM-r""- 1: ASK FOR YOUR GOOD VISION GIFT CERTIFICATE AT ANY STANDARD OPTICAL CO. STORE NOWI NO DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $1 a WEEK STARTING FEBRUARY 2, 1942 No Interest No Extras No Red Tape SoYneono you lov needs glasses and YOU ore the one to see that they get them this Christmas! The capable, registered optometrist at Standard Optical Company will explain fully how you can present a Christmos Good Vision Certificate on Christmas morning, entitling the bearer to complete eye examination, and latest, stylish, GUARANTEED EYE CLASSES, or com plete modernization of present -glasses. This yeargive a gift of quality, utility, beauty, GIVE CLASSES. . Stylish, GUARANTEED YE THE QtSliJ Jkjjjf?" . One of tha West's Largest S5!55 Manufacturing and Dispensing Opticians 5,iJ OREGON . . WASHINGTON . . UTAH . . IDAHO 715 MAIN STREET ... KLAMATH FALLS DR. WAYNE SAVAGE, REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST IN CHARGE day evening, and we would like to Invite all young people to come enjoy our service.. Evening services which begin at 7:30 are evangelistic, with a good rousing song service and special musical numbers are foatured. Midweek prayer services are on Wednesday evening at 7:30 each week. Pastor, Rev. H. L. Russell, 620 Martin street, phone 4870. Church of the Nazarene Is lo cated on the corner of Martin and Garden streets in Mills addi tion. East Side Baptist Mission 923 East Main street above the East Side pharmacy. Bible school each Sunday at 9:48 a. m. with classes for all age groups. The mission Is sponsor cd by the First Baptist church under the supervision of Mrs. Earl Brltt and the people of the community are Invited to at tend. PORTLAND, Dec. 12 (ZD Two Portlnndcrs who refused to extinguish their lights last night were arrested by a special offi cer on blackout violation charges. Bail for each was fixed at $50. Tho city commission re cently passed an ordinance mak Ing blackout violators subject to maximums of $500 fine and six months Imprisonment. FOR RENT TRUCKS and BICYCLES You Dtive Move Yourself Save H Long and Short Trips. STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main Good , Visio Gf S itiiSrtr" limfl.i . ... iw . , - GLA FINEST GIFT OF Soldier Slips Into Seattle Bay SEATTLE, Dec. 12 P) Scrgt. Fred A. Carey, army sig nal corps, slipped on frosty planking and fell Into Elliott bay early today shortly after detraining at tiie Great North ern dock. Pvt. Ray E. Wisdom made a 40-foot leap despite his full pack, and held Carey's head above the chilly water for half an hour until firemen pulled them out. Carey's leg was broken. He and his rescuer were taken to the Fort Lawton hospital. Chest, Coughing Colds Oct relief from distress with the IMPROVED Vlcks treatment that make Vlcks VapoRub give EVEN BOTE RESULTS THAU EVER BCFOREI ACTS 2 WAYS AT ONCE to bring relief ...PENETRATES to upper breathing passages with soothing medicinal vapors . . . STMUUTES chat and back surfaces Ilka a warming poultice . . . And WORKS FOR HOURS to esse coughs, relieve muscular soreness or tightness, and bring real comfort. To get this Improved treatment . . . Just massage VapoRub tor 3 minutes ON back as well as throat and chest, then spread thick layer on chest and cover with warmed cloth. Try Itl vrcrcs vaporub -the Improved Way. Weyy - sc Slanw . ; .' ' r , ... it .1 ivt.""""' ii tfaSSa-"" ALU a r COAT PRINTZESS COATS A thrilling opportunity to purchase truly fine peak-of-style coats at re markable reductions. Dressy and sport styles in ail the popular and alamor fabrics of the season. Also 50 other untrimmed styles in this Pre-Xmos Sale All $19.95 Values NOW $ 14 95 One, two ohd three strand genuine Le BEAU Pearls with jeweled clasps, boxed for holiday gifts. "Hula Lei" novelty carved settings. A Half the pleasure is in wrapping your own gifts. Cellophane rolls in gold and silver de signs. Also colorful holiday papers and ribbon. Emb. Mr. and Mrs., His and and pastels. Reg. $1.19 Mr. and Mrs. and His and Her Towel Sets 'Two towels to package. Assorted colors. Heisey Console Sets Large bowl and two double cande labras. Frosted etched floral designs. A $7.50 seller. Bargain Table Close-Outs Dish Cloth Dolls Pot Holder Sets Hot Plate Sets Assorted Vases. 59c and 69c Values. Choice SMOKE STANDS Stained mahogany bases, with chrome tilts. Swivel tops. Pre-Xmas . including Polos, Navy, tsiacK, riaias ana Kasteis. All $24.50 Values NOW $U995 Sale of Pearls $ cultured Daintily Hawaiian Perfumes perfumes in glass containers with timely remembrance! Reg. $1.00 Xmas Wrappings SatDownstairs Sfore-Mon. Pillow Cases Hers and pair! lovely floral designs. White Reg. $1.19 value. Cellophane $98 Set s-noo u For Baby Cries and sleeps. Daintily rayon taffeta with bonnet $1.25 value. Boudoir Pillows Lovely assortment of square shapes. Fgillo covered. Kapok filled. Ni Safe ' L Values To $39.50 NOW 1 00 to Vi Price wooden value. $000 Pal wrapped. Dolls $00 dressed in to match. $ 1 00 oblong and and tapestry Special at T9 S0e 8 S: I 733 MAIN