December 12, 1041 N THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON S PAGE THRE8 County Towns to Cooperate With Blackout Plans County communities nre allow ing every Imllcntlon of a cloilre to cooperate completely In pre cautionary btnekout measures, Knrl C. IlrynoldN, rnunty de fense coordinator, mild Thurs day. E. E. Kllputrlck of Merrill visited the coordinator'! offieo Wedneiday to got additional In formation, neynoldi suggested that all Interested communities end represrntntlves to his -office. Reynold! on Thursduy called Tulolake and offered the assist ance of his office In carrying out precautionary mcaurei In that eastern Siskiyou county community. Read the Classified page. FIVE LAKEVIEW Weed Lions' Club Holds Ladies' Night The Lions club held their ladies' night dinner at the Weed hotel Wednesday, The losing side In o recent attendance contest had to buy tha dinner for the winning team and also had to serve the dinner. Speaker of the evening was Dr. Clifford Johnson of Arbuckle, district governor of tha Lions club. There were several out of -town guests, namely,- Ralph Alman, Albert Tebbe and Lee Parker, all of Yrcka. high school played a selection. They were Edythe Acutt, - Tom Mnrdahl, Tom Kegg and Dili Fields. . 30 SUITS ON SALE " FOR $18.75 AND S23.7S Looking for Earsains? Turn DREW'S MANSTORI in M.m A quartette from the Weed to the Classified page non DOUBLE SITS T T- T- V'?':'.f. A J f Poor IJill Fellow! Tummy got a llt tla upit and ho couldn't quite un derstand why ha didn't hove tht urge to play! WE CARRY DR. ROBERT'S and HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY REMEDIES Another Ono of tha Services ot Your FIRST RATE DRUG STORE 1SW8! mBBBmmmmmmKmmmmmKBnnnnt ' Rcod tno Classified page. Five mills In the Lakevlew district are operating two shifts, three lire down and three are cn giigcd In logging for cold deck, according to Jack Almetcr of the State Employment Service. Mills operating two shifts are Goose Liiko Itox, Bur.znrd-Burk-hnrcl, Dnve DeArmond, Ander son und Oregon Moulding. Mills down are Peterson-Johnson, Lester DeArmond, Under wood Lumber company. Underwood Lumber company, Dave DeArmond and Lakevlew Lulling company are logging for cold deck. Logs now In deck are: Lester DeArmond, 2,000,000; Anderson, 1.000,000; Underwood Lumber company, 4-3,000,000; Lakevlew Logging, li-2,000,000. Alaskan Child Dies In Sled Accident ANCHORAGE, Alusko, Dec. 11 (Delayed) W) (Passed by Censor) Six-year-old Tommy Gustafson, son of Sgt. and Mrs. William C. Gustafson, died of Injuries received when his sled hit a utility pole. It wns the first coasting fa tality here. ' oflir ooifry yra nnvnnn n 1111" " I II EWDST TODAY Your Regular Army Is calling for volunteers t Men between 18 and 33 are needed for all of the Arms and Services. The Air Force wants thousands ff young men, immediately. Training schools are ready now for large number of Air Mechanics, Aerial Photographers and ther specialists. AVIATION CADETS Many thousands of aviation cadets, 20 to 26 years of age, Inclusive, are needed to become flying officers as bombardiers, navigators and pilots. You can Kelp in building the world's most powerful Air Force, and in the nec essary expansion of the Regular Army, ACTION IS NEEDED NOWI Your country has decided. The treacher ous attack on America has aroused the United States as nothing else could. Your Army Is ready. Call at trie nearest Army Recruiting Station for advice. You will be given full informa tion on how you can serve your country best how you can defend that free dom which is your birthright. "Let's gol U.S.A. Keep 'em Flying!" HJ.S.ME3V RECRUITING SERVICE 219 Pott Office Building, Klamath Falls, Ore. . . .it tat, r J-V Y I. ;' i A- if r i '" i : -4 it - ' - r-j -att f1- " ' " ' i i 1 1 11 il i 1 1, iaWW '00 Pc. 'Gold Seal' WM. ROGERS AAi.fkwri B S.lvernlatu in 100 ELSEWHERE SOLD FOR o r. m. y STARTING W d New luxury Packet' F Beautiful 4-Pe. tn , . ELSEWHERE SOLD FOR COMBINATION SOLD ELSEWHERE FOR 50 CJurg,f Ti, Wit 0 : r it it 'SI' , !( -1 I) if :i h 'Luxury Packet1 Consists of: Comi, 1 Pierced Server J Gravy Ladle I Colo) Meat Fnrlr 1 Brry Spoon fill UUZ Ufltk 1 of .rm, on cov.?! " e,0r ."wipe for Gracious Wm 2 u. 10 a polls. 12 ear of: Set 19 ."J8i. L. . 24 12 Co, ?r Herons 1 r. "'fl chest oe.L,. on.. i SKf, er While They Lost TI 72-Pece '4-Star' SILIERPI flTF err - - cfiesf 1 rune -ay$10 More El-wherel tT CONSISTS -OF- 8oup or OesM r"von"' Shop the Jonvenient Credit ' . Woyl Use SEARS i Purchase t Coupon . ' Books! Use Sears Easy Payment Plan for all purchases totaling $10 or moral ii'i.i:ii.i:ii.M.niirni:iirufiiH.Hini.ii rf Ht.t.w.i mi p ffn iif..iiw.i:tAiin:i'Wj:i-Ji.,ii.tij:ii:i'f'if ii:r-mji-M-i.ti:.ti.i i:Mi:iiif.TV-iJ.:TiTratjTjTl 133 So. 8th 3 Dial 5188