t PAGE SIXTEEN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December 12, 1941 ANALYSTSEES MANILA STAND E NCWG1 , By DoWtTr MacRENZIE Wtd World War Ananlyet Official word from Manila that the "situation remains un changed materially" may be taken as encouraging, especially In view of the continuing. Jap anese assaults against strategic Luzon Island. I think we may assume that reinforcements air, land and water will reach the Philip pines before long, and it s good to know that our knight-cham pions are holding their own pend tag arrival of aid. General Douglas MacArthur's "We shall do our best" inspires confidence. And what a grand job those marines are doing on the little isle of Wake darn their tough hides! However, it should be empha sized that the Philippines are in a tough place. The Japs have troops ashore on both the north' ern and southern parts of Luzon and boast that they now are in position to start a pincers move ment against Manila. That rep resents a serious threat. . News from London that the Nipponese troops are infiltrat ing into northern Malaya, and that the British are retiring to prepared positions, gives further indication that the Japs are maneuvering into position for a possible drive against the great naval, base of Singapore. Even if they find a grand offensive this powerful position isn't feas ible, they figure on establishing airfields from which they can conduct bombing operations against the British fleet at Singa pore. One of the most vital ques tions in connection with the bat. tie of the Pacific is whether Rus sia is going to declare war on Japan. Certainly one would ex pect the bolshevists to join the allies in the fight, since the se curity of the soviet union is so heavily involved. Obviously the quicker Japan is knocked out the better it will be for Russia because of the conservation of American and British energy and resources. The entrance of the oscovites into the war against Japan at this critical juncture might have a devastating effect on the island empire. . As already pointed out in this column, the red air fleet at Vladivostok is a mighty sword suspended over the heads of the uneasy Japs. All-out bombing raids against Japanese cities might be catastrophic for the Nipponese. The soviet announcement that nazl peace overtures have been rejected, and that the Russians will stick by the allies, comes at an opportune moment. Only yes terday I was asked what mieht be the significance of the nazi withdrawals of warplanes from We Russian front, the German cessation of offensives, and Mos. cows silence in the face of this, The intimation in this query was, of course, that Hitler and Stalin might be getting ready to sign anotner peace pact. ' The answer would seem to be that the Russian and the nazi Interests clash at every point. That isn't a new thought on my part, for those readers who have followed this column will recall that from the start of the Euro pean war I repeatedly insisted that despite the Russo-German pact the two countries were headed for war. It now is clear that the Euro pean conflict will see the crush ing of either the Hitlerian regime or the communistic regime. The Russian soldiers today are con tinuing their counter-offensives across the wintry wastes in -the belief that Hitler is out to seize the wealth of their country and make the Slavs hewers of wood .and drawers of water for the glory of the reich. 12-1 e guiaea oy tne brand that truly represents "custom quality." Make your selection H.E. POGUE KENTUCKY BOURBON ml J moot Only a member . of thatraregroup of fin old Ken- tucky whtalceya hit had audi lilt ing acctn to rcnouned elubt, hotela and restaurants. H. B. POOUB Fine Kentucky Bourbon, bottled . exclusivsly for and especially eelect ed by many auch diacrimlnatinf, buyere, will brat aatltfy your taitc. R very one can enjoy "custom qual. ity", by ehooslnt H. B. POOUB : t ' SINCI H76 aasWsansts1 v4MuAiMhM BBimUcM I distilled and hMtlMl h Improvement Club At Fort Meets FORT KLAMATH At the regular meeting of the members of the Civic Improvement club on Friday afternoon, it was de cided that the annual Christmas tree and program for the com munity will be held in the club, house on the evening of Decem ber 19. Committees were ap pointed by the president, Mrs. Frank Denton, to solicit funds for the Christmas candy, nuts and oranges, and to make all other necessary arrangements tor the affair. The program will be present ed by pupils of the local grade school, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Race, who are the local teachers. At the close of the meeting re freshments were served by the hostesses of the afternoon, Mrs. Guss Page and Mrs. Carl Wilson. Read the Classified page. Two Local Persons Are Committeemen PORTLAND, Dae. 13 (UP) Temporary headquarters of the republican state central com mittee will be opened in Grants Pass December 13, it was an nounced Thursday by Carl M o s e r, executive secretary. Permanent headquarters will be opened in Portland, February 1, he said. Moser announced the appoint ment of sub-committees made by State Chairman Nell Allen, Com mitteemen included: Frank Schmidtz, Klamath Falls, labor; Mrs. Elda Beat, Klamath Falls, industries. Me No Japanese, Me One Filipino RICHMOND, Va., Doc. 11 (UP) Acting on a "hot tip," Richmond police went to a theater today to arrest a Japanese. The man they picked up identified himself at headquarters as a Filipino. And that wasn't all. He was chauffeur for Gun. Perry Miles, chairman of the Staunton, Va., national defenso council, and had driven his boss here for a de fenso conference with the gov ernor. Radio to Announce Republic's News WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 (UP) The first dally radio program devoted exclusively to news from other American republics starts tomorrow at 0:10 p. m, EST, over station WJS, It was announced Thursday. Tito progrnm will bo spon sored by tlio Intvrnutioiial Talu phono und Telegraph company, and tlio nows content will be drawn from dispatches from United Press bureaus and cor respondents In tlio 20 Latin American countries. Tuberculosis 1 responsible each year for the death of about :00p chlldron under 19 years of.-v ago In the United States, ' ' FREE AT Carlisle's Jewelry Store $5 Grocery Order with o h cash purchase mounting to 127.50 or ovoi (tax Included.) All fair-trade Items excluded. 1008 Main St. I DpillsS Bl-r mm a&un Jm J I x s- v: f BABY K& tm k 7c M I f fS :ia, 1 HWsU I MfcfK'W i .1-1 " . m mmmw arm of- m i ,i - f t f v rW 1 r w it w l ' r -s r tun Bunm.- mm m mm. a .trrw a. mw m Mmr a. i& . a r I'W M I Mm W -B II LT U W mm W mm MM W9 I m iicmm. m.m. am or mm Lovely AitoHmtntl iwiimiae w.aaaaw W CAROS (-i All DIHannt IXJ 1 w('M f nveopej 21 ,N..ox 39e aood wiihet. Oihtrt 2 for 5c fa 25c c'J Buy Eorlv for B,,i S.Iflof till ON SALE FRIDAY, ' ' ciTiinniv i ii Akin , v 1 IlW It't Timm fo Think of MAZDA TREE LIGHT SET Biqhf Moirfo Bulbi and Add-on Plugl Cholci of anortad colon or pprovad. 7TH and MAIN 1 SHOP EARLYjgrBEST SELECTION) hiomt ancdveo to UNIT QUANTITICS .n ll blue bulbs. U. L. w 1 100 HINKXE POLS Cod Liver Oil Tablets POWDERS 50c SHAYB CKE4M (limit 1) CsJ SOc HONEY ond ALMOND CREAM fa a"d HOSEW4TE-otfnc. (Limit 2) mJ CASTILE Ific ofMr, I11VD0L W ' "',DR H M Career for Tiny Girlst Complete Finger-Printlng Set fN(Wpl MM TOY NURSE KIT FOR YOUR G-MAN f )f v Minlahiro cato with 90100, pilb, Waieh hit oyaa wolcomo thit totl I )L as m mmm.mm BBHBBB1HMI I EJ tharmomorer, rtothoKopo, ploy It hoUl ovoryrtiing from finqar. I " nllTfl Hinffl mill I ViPU 1 1? C I 1 Fii wr!.t watch, cap and arm ft JC print mk to handcuffs to JA I tlllU lilt 1 1 UlUU 1 fil&l ! . J rS V bond ujt ayorything! 0 Junior 6-Man badga! TIW I V JffCCJ- - - w tBSnlf I il P '' 1. - - mmmm , . .3mmm im HERE'S A TANK THIS BEAU THRILL YOUR rTX SSsf i H THAT SHOOTS! DOLL STANDS! YOUNG ARTIST b VS gOj Wind 'or up ond . Cuddly, colorful-23 Comploto paint t!a YANKY CLOVER SET . Wf0F "EVENING IN PARS" j "1P, '"t" J'"1 0n r " V!! HUDNUT DUO 5-PC. GIFT SET r7 ond shoot .parbl 1 crd plon. 1.79 ond 8 er.yons. S0 ExquUi.ely Kented toilet P.rfumo, cologno, lipstick, a I aF? ei . wattr and talcum tfrfl mito nA talrnm. 4IOC ms. -ViTfSSsjiS VgS&ml YlrJt' . .Tl powder by Hudnut! COLGATE 3-PC SET In exquisite boxl FVY'?IN 5vV 'lp Tj 'yMt' t0nl ShllVin8: . - - . . . 1 1 M' I . 1 m 1 m mm ix wv-v.vb a 1- mt m W1 MECHANICAL FOR A LITTLE CUDDLY DOGS YVSS JTW . Wl RANGE RIDER SEAMSTRESS FOR TINY TOTS SlPM Th'o cowboy twirls his Scissors, noodles ond Soft scottiei, Terriers, sSfifcJ&f Thrcc-plece Set by 8jS Usso 01 1 ho ridos ,gU thread. poHems lor pudgy dogs ... mov, . Njf ?&J LEON LARA1NE LSI, JTLorJtflrl. !..".'..ll.49- PINAUdK'SSFX SWU Face powder, lipstick. WAT WO 4v PAT ACW IUF .Itau am . Hk a' Y targe JtW3 35e VICSCS . J7c GOO I0DEKT tisM t . dentil cream, lalc,a0e tw li'i I WHITE i yAMu: wi-t.. l room mri gj al j sj ihompoo, lotion. 1" IMl aLP VASELINE CAMAY O IflC 60e REM Iqc Pl tffiSlg&li A f fdM&l I 1SC J t0Ar ir. colds., w m9i . wtgyj ML J&k iinpnifn Pf4 M, DR.SCHOLL'S 01 C 1,25 S, M, A. (MC FAJ !sJ4 TXm Wm&niH 1! P I CP MV a i5tiwoio....0l Mir root, Ifrfe TTj j, Willi i I PslrS II I Mfe Sweet- n AQUA VELVA OQe UNQUENTINE - Ale M ?fS I Iff T iK"! I LtW I heart 1 lOTIOM. Me SKI..W 10c ba-rar (arastv 5 3 11 &UT ' I'll'!'' II SS5 1 SOAP I 258 CUTICURA 17c DOBELL'S OQC VP dfeT) 11 '& I, Huill . fHst Q TOOTH B L'ni Laraine i Hudnut smart Toilet water in A treasured (lift! S.rU I '''a " icCIGARS TOBACCO BAR ffl Slm, Smorf Swojgorl roo' Tno Oob.oo 0o L f B. Uoyd PAPER Sc Chrl.fmo. Z "'' '" Hv. Sop.rb fVJ INGERSOLL WATCH PEN AND PENCIL EXTON HAIRBRUSH ty-fZ SHELL PECANS a SEALS Hsrmlsr Van seh Ma pit ton Tobaccos 4 Handsome wrist wetch with Visible )nlr pen ond three- Professional stylo ... with ry iaunri I ft Tire a ,LP,II" "'Tt. re Ml. far $ TW. smart, .wide, blacl. ,g0 way pencil! It's Sp.rHin, handle ol 1M pfU? u P? . . -I & TAGS I Box of SO ?20 " '"' ' liSI '",h" ,fr'P' tho perfect giftl 1" crystal LUCITEI iMJ Monoy-bicV guirintee! 1 tg,,.....& Perfect Gift for D.dl 1Jf fflJ I I IW 11 ..l,,,VKfZr:"WTWIojaKBBBBBBl1 ICOMPOUND JIWIOR I iMf'-i I H- far alll.t.'i f.et IllJratrl 1942't Humber One Radiol 5-TUBE "AETNA" Handsomely modem table radio clear-toned, emetlngly Built-in aerial, walnut 9S cabinet M. X MASTERCRAFT ELECTRIC IRON Swell gift for Motherl No-tear heel rest end cool handle. 1,59 GIVE A DARBY ALARM CLOCK Square podestel style with 2-tono diet. It's dependeblel 1,23 RUSTIC WOOD DESK LAMP GIVE MOM THE NUT BOWL SET FOR STUDENTS JUICE KING Natural bark finished excellent giftl Smart Gets all the juice , . ,' wood bowl, mallet and mushroom atyle. gives quIcUy, easily. Fully si metel picis.' I.j9 Indirect light ' .jy , guaranteed! 3.95 Troy Sy Maittrcraftl BREAD TOASTER Gift for your favorite hoitessl IrlgMly chromed 2-slico toaster to Insure fine toest every 449 time . . and qulctlyl ill TWIN DECK PLAYING CARDS Superb Olionla cards, two decks In a boi . . . E m Sfi lovely gihl 1.23 ?TA Wll ASPERQUM OOC 30 POLIDENT OC BENZEDRINE AQe 26e BISODOL IQo 0a IHHalU .tJ Biaunvi OWPII I J 36e FREE20NE 47e SYRUP OF FIDS OQc Kit CODNI oaf lOt CatlfONM.. WW BAUME BENQUE CQo $1 LAVORIS 700 7I IIJ ruil V? MOUTH WalH,... f V 25o MAVIS IQo SODAMINT 1c T41CUM rOWCU. I J T4illT, l I I JERCENS LOTIOM 50c PABLUM BABY P0OO 39c CAMPHOR IfllTI, l.aaaie. 17 I HI LISTERINE Antliiptlc , . . Helps Colds, Sore Throot Rguor s-q. 75e,Sii...DTB aoo KIiEENEX TISSUES IWafgro-tttj MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE "5 itoounuinL JUNIOR far efH.t.'i (tot Otaisen X HALIBUT UVER OIL SO Capsules ' aamaa' AROMATIC CASCARA trim a soc mystic" HAKD CHEAM Easy way to soften and whiten rough, red hands. aaENTAIr CREAM WW ALKA SELTZER AQt '4 1 5c COUGH I I DROPS I Iiialta Brai.l atal ltl B Wllk taiaae 4e " -llH !.. m mt M M 11 J0-O. JUSTRITEI CLEANER I. pooui oisTiuur co. , MTm Keatacay - 4VA stoaala 1 39. JB.B