THE EVKNTNC, HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN II Miscellaneous Tor Sal 38 Mlaeallanaous For Bala 38 Mlaeallanaous Por Sal 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive $4 Automotive Pirembpr 12, 1041 Auction Saturday, Dec. 13 And Every Snturdny nt 1 :H0 All kinds livestock unci what ever you have, Bring anything you wiint to sell. Wo turn It In to caatil Wg have on hand now to sell Saturday, 3 elavi-inmrto, dressers, a nlcu ouk brcukunt t, ruga, day lied, aomo unfin ished piece!, oil atnve like new, a good team of horses, some cattle, fnodcr pig, ahrrp, nml ara getting more every day. 1 allies aoutli on old Midland road. 20 Room and Board ROOM, BOARD Couple. 030 Lincoln. Phone 01107. 44ll0tf ROOMS Board if desired. I, a diet or gentlemen: 1018 Wash ington. 12 13 BOARD AND ROOM. Private ahower. Stenm heat. 723 Klnm ath. 1-7 ROOM AND BOARD for gentle man. 804 No. 10th. I'honc (1BH. 1 2-1 B it Rooma For Rant CLEAN iteam healed rooma. S10 So. Bth. Phono 705l. 1215 SLEEPING rooma $10 and up. Park apertmenta. 184 2 Es plnnnde 12-13 NICE ROOMS for gentlemen Phono 6244. 1-4 CLAREMONT, 22U No. 4tli All outside, newly decorated, modern rooma. All with new Innrrsprlng malfreaaea Free parking 1213mtf ROOMS 1034 Hlfih. t-Smtf 24 Apartmanta For Rant ROOMS Light housekeeping. Everything furnlahed. 1011 Broad. 12 17 FOR RENT Apartment, $20 month. Wood, water furnlah ed. 218 Martin. 12-13 VACANCY Dec. 18. Couple only. No pet. Ideal Apia 323 Commercial. 12-17 TWO-ROOM furnlahed apart ment. Adults. No pcta. $30. 802 Lincoln. 12-13 FURNISHED APARTMENT Abundant heat and hot water, No peta. Alameda Apia., IfiOO Eaplanade. 248K FURNISHED two-room apart ment. Cloaa in. Steam hent. 129. Phone 3003. 12 16 COMFORTABLE furnlahed apt, Reaaonabl. 142 So. Riverside 12-12 PARTLY FURNISHED 3-room apartment. 1110 Mon Clulr. 12-12 FURNISHED APARTMENT Cloaa in. $23. Drew'a Man Store. 12-1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnlahed. 218 Main, Fairfield Apartments. 1218 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnlahed. Con venient hotel aervlce. Day, week or month. l-0mtf FURNISHED APT, 303 So. 5th Phone 9047. 12-23 FURNISHED APARTMENT 710 Main. 4788tf FURNISHED three-room apart ment, garage. Call after 8 p. m. 2023 Dnrrow. 12-15 TWO-ROOM furnlahed apart ment 1805 Main. 3904tf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlahed apartment. 2300 Blchn, Phona 7268 or 4527. 413Htf LARGE comfortnblo houackocp Ing room. 248 Broad 4077tf VACANCY Esplanade Court Furnished. 12-31mtf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gna. 411) No. 10th 12-24mtl NICELY furnished 4 -room mod ern Apt. 2 bedrooms. Inquire 2110 Applegate. 4740tf TWO-ROOM apartment. Every-. thing furnished. Fairfield Apartments. 218 Main. 12-13 ATTRACTIVE front corner apt. All modern conveniences Adults only. Inquire 208 Main. 1841tf VACANCY Rex Arms. 12-12 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1304 Wordcn. 12-13 SMALL TWO ROOM apartment at 812 Onk. Inquire 808 Onk. 12-12 RIVERVIEW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very dcsirnblo. Phone 5817, 47401f ' MODERN furnlahed apartments . . and cottages. Winter rates now In . effect, AHamont Auto-t Camp. ' 12-18 TWO-ROOM Bachelor. $12. 247 Rogers. 12-15 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Everything furnished. $4 and $4.50. 410 So. BUY. 1215 S A On Winter NEW: Hot Water Heatcri $8.85 to $8.0!i Manifold Heaters ; $1.93 to $8.05 Skid Chalna - '. $2.35 arjd up Thermostats Radiator ....... $10.35 and up 7.KREX Antifreeze Batteries $4.45 Also Used and Rebuilt Tires at Exceptionally Low Prices. ROY CALL AUTO CO. 727 Commercial 2$ Houaaa For Rent FIVE-ROOM furnlahed house. Inquire 215 So. Eldorado. 12-12 ONE CABIN and one house, 8 mile north of Klamath Falls on Dulles California highway. Inquire Cliff's Service Station, Shady Pine. 12-13 FOR RENT Furnished 3-room duplex, lint and cold water, (Jurngo. , block to bus and stoic. 2028 Reclamation. 12-13 FURNISHED 2-room cabin. $4 wick. 2238 limnrdolo road. 12-13 DUPLEX FOR RENT 1143 1'lne. 12 13 BACHELORS' Willow. CABINS 425 1-3 FOR RENT Modern partly fur nlahed two-bedroom houae, $20 month. Lenox addition. Phone 111)65. 12-12 FURNISHED CABINS Re duced rates for winter. Alta mont Auto Camp. 12-18 FOR RENT Two-room partly furnlahed house, cloae In, $20 per mo. Geo. It. Llndlcy, 1227 Main St. 12-12 ROOMY, comfortable furnlahed home. Reasonable. 428 N, 7th. 12-15 FOR RENT Four-room nicely furnished houae. Call eve nings or Sunday. 1800 Ivory, f '" 12-14 FOR RENT Two-room houae, Summers lane. Inquire 1015 Mitchell. Phono 5885. 12-13 FIVE-ROOM furnlahed house near underpass. Inquire 215 South Eldorado. 12-12 FOR RENT Small 5-room home, $25. Inquire 1227 Main. 8lf PRACTICALLY new two bed room, partly furnished houae. Phone 3(111 or Apt, 301, White Pino Apts. 12-13 3-ROOM cottage, furnished. Water and garage, $18. 235 Broad. 12-13 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house In Mills addition. Phone 5010. 12-11 FURNISHED four-room house, Lakevlcw street, $25. Call 927 Jefferson. 4488tf MODERN two-bedroom house In Altamont. Phone 5475. 12-13 FOUR-ROOM modern furnished cottage 4806 Soutli Sixth St. 12-11 FOR RENT Modern three-room unfurnished house. Inquire Apt. 4, 1421 Esplanade after 5 p. m. 12-11 FOR RENT 5-room house, close In. Phone 4533. 12-11 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save t Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. l-7mtf FIVE-ROOM HOUSE . Large living room, full basement, hot water well. 1645 Esplan ade. Phone 6025. ' 4711tf FOUR room duplex, oil circula tor, electric range and water heater, basement, garage and laundry. Phone 3050. 4078tf 29 Miscellaneous For tlant FOR RENT Trailer . house. 1700 Fargo. 12-15 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cado Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what hBve you? Call at all hours. Phone "115, 1-fimtf 30 Raal Estate For Sal FOR SALE 1 acre, 3-room house, garage and bath. $1300. $200 will handle. News-Her ald Box 276. , 12-12 NEW four-room modern home, ',4 acre good soil, for quick tale.- Phona 4420. 12-18 2i ACRES, Irrigated, with Im provements. 6525 ' Simmers Ave, Phono 4087. 12-15 FOR SALE Nice two-bedroom home, $3100. 330 Applegate. 12-14 V E Necessities! Phone 6763 30 Raal Estate For Bale Attractive Value Unusually well built new seven-room home In St. Francis Park, oiled road, near South Sixth atrect. Lawn, garage and shed only $4,500. Some terms CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1001) 111 N. 0th St. Phone 4504 1212 HOT SPRINGS HOME A very good 3-bedroom home near school. An excellent value at $0500. TYrms $2400 cash, bal ance $:i8 per month. R.C. Dale 120 S. 0th St. Dial 61)72 12-12 THREE ROOM furnished houae, garage. Woodshed, chicken houae. orchard, I acre. Rt 3. Box 1032. 12-12 I WILL help you plan, finance and build your new home. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1808 Austtn, off Shasta way. 12-23 FOR SALE 3-room house, gar age, $350. Stewart-Lenox ad dition. Phone 0918. 1213 FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, S acre good land. Lawn, trees. $300 cash will handle. Phone 3004 after 6. 12-15 FOR SALE OR TRADE $750 equity four-room house, gar age. Will Uike good trailer, houae, dear acreage or car. News-Herald Box 272. 12-12 TRADE $800 equity in four room house, garage, t acre, for 1 acre clear. News-Herald Box 275. 12-12 MODERN HOME and poultry farm for sale. 650 healthy lay ing hens, room for more. Aver age income $200 per month. Buy now for spring brooding. Big demand for fryers. Ill ness forces sale. Small down payment, balance like rent. Write Box 765, Bly, OrcRon. 12-12 34 Automotive FOR SALE by owner now In the service, 1039 Chevrolet sedan. No trades. Terms. Call 6665 . Car can be seen at 851 Pacific Terrace. 12-12 "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yocs, factory trained service manager. 4934U KARL KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located at 2006 Ore gon Ave. Better body, fender work and painting for less Give us a trial. Past five years at Cascade Garage. 1-3 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass In your car at Rewey's Glass Shop, corner Elm and Broad. Phone 5718. ' 1 6mtf DEAD FIR and seasoned fir body wood, $8 cord. Phono 3787. 12-15 '31 MODEL A, good condition. . Cheap for cash. 618 Adams. 12-15 FOR SALE 1040 Chevrolet Business Coupe, good condi tion, $875.00. Owner con scripted. Inquire Beatty Store, Boatty. 12-13 FOR SALE 1036 Plymouth Sedan or trade for equity In light car. Phono 0032 ria vs. . 12-13 FOR SALE 1935 Chevrolet pickup. Four speeds ahead. Oversize low pressure tires In good shape. Recent overhaul included new rings, new radi ator and valve grind. Will soli on or after Dec. 13 for only $173. H. E. Dickson, P. O. Box 23, Tulclake. 12-13 36 Miscellaneous For Sals DRY PINE MILL. BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.50 at mill. Phone . 8383 Conifer Lumber Co.. on ' Weed highway. 12-17mtf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard ' Graham. - 3204tf FERTILIZER frr farm yard. Lawn dirt. Phone 8817. 12-13 Auto Plants Close! Quick thinking businessmen are buying now before further curtailment and restriction are enforced beyond our c-"-trol Better Buy Now. '41 Bulck Special Sedan, deluxe throughout plus radio and heater, beautiful 2-tone finish $1175 '40 liulck Super Sedan, very smart with puncture proof tubes, radio and heater ..,$1005 '30 liulck Century Sedan, excellent motor, deluxe equipment, good tires, paint like new $765 '30 Chrysler Imperial Sedan, Chrysler prize winner with radio, heater and generally like new $705 '38 Pontic 8,-CyIlnder, 5-Pass. Sport Coupe, excellent motor, new smart finish $505 . '87 Dodge Coupe, very clean, good tires $450 '37 Bulck Special 4-Door Touring,, above average $543 '37 Packard Touring Sedan, the popular 120 $405 '36 Bulck Special Touring Sedan, radio and heater $423 '38 Olds Touring Sedan, like new, radio and heater.... $435 , '30 Chevrolet Coupe, very clean, good motor $345 ' '30 Chevrolet Town Sedan, radio and heater ..: ....$345 '34 Hudson Brougham, small series, very smart .$225 '85 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, reconditioned ... $275 '32 Oldsmoblio 6-Cylinder Coupe, new tires $ 75 "i 1 Dodge Sport CoUpe, good motor $ 85 Trucks and Pickups '33 Ford l4-Ton Dual Cab and Chassis, good tires... $393 '30 Dodge W-Ton Pickup, very solid $295. '35 Ford H-Tr,n Panel, new motor, good rubber $285 '.'if) Chevrolet Panel; a clean Job, good motor . ...$525 '37 Chevrolet 1 '4-Ton Cab and Chassis, a steal $425 '37 Mack Junior 4-Ton Pickup, heavy duty axle $375 Several HcBvy Duty Logging Units Priced Right. H. E. Hanger G M C and BUICK ' , 1330 Main Street Phone 5181 ' Open Evenings ' WANTED Good .Late Model USED CARS for SPOTCASH ; First Class Prices For First Class Cars No Delay for Your Money ' Sce'Jaek Morris, mgr., at Douglas MotqSCb.- "USED C'AR LOT 1131 Main Next to Elk Hotel " . , ' ..,'..'.' .. . .. 12-31 38 " 'MliceflhnoOus For Seta FOR SALE -Red fryers, 23c lb. live weight. Crystal's,- Mcrrill Lakcvicw junction. 12-13 CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers indicated. In dex keyed to map.. Price. 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in Ever body's Drug, Lea Hcndrick'i Drug. Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand. Robinson's Food store. Shaw Stationery, The News Herald. Vic's . Signal Service 3205 FIR SLAB WOOD Hlghley's Market, Summers lane. Phone 8076. ' , 4486tf DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 126 cubic foot load $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 5852 . - -12-19mtf FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter, used only six times. Will sell for $20 less than cost. Phone 8230. 325 N. 10th. 5tf FOR SALE Complete set po tato machinery, 20 Farmall, hydraulic dump bed, cheap. Fairbanks Morse 5-in. pump, complete with pulley, belt, pipes. Used one week, half price. Roy Hodges, Merrill, Ore. 12-13 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. . ..; 4885tf USED WATCHES, reconditioned nnd guaranteed. Men s 12 and 10 size El Bins and Walthams $11.00 up. Rlekys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 1040 CHEVROLET 1-Ton Truck, mileage 16,000: also B soprano saxophone. 4720 Blsbee.-12-15 BOY'S BICYCLE Good condi tion. Reasonable. 2827 Sum mers Inno. ,12-15 20 FT. HOUSE TRAILER, with stove, bod and linoleum. $130. S23B Harlan Drive. 12-15 COLORED FRYERS and Toast ers, -. corn ted. Wc . deliver. Phono 5034. ;. . 1-H HAMILTON . AND . ELGIN 21 jewel railroad watches,- Full .stock 992 Hamiltons fof the i railroad' man's Christmas. Use your credit, kickvs jewelers. 12-26 NO CHRISTMAS COMPLETE without roast goose. - Cheaper 1 than turkey,. Lewis- Poultry Farm, Washburn and Garden Sts. Phone 4580. 12-18 36 Miscellaneous For Sal METAL EDGE hickory skis with binders and poles. Excellent condition. $18. 632 N. 10th. . 4730 LARGE well-built two wheel trailer with 600-16 tires. 202 Lincoln. . 204U GOOD fir body wood. Phone 7832. 1-7 Give FULLER BRUSHES for Christmas! Phone Clen Joy er, - 7808; R. V. Morgan, 3348. ' ' 12-16 FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness Is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. l-9fntf GLASS DUPLATE safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resi! vering. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. l-6mtf NOTICE! SEE us for FHA loans on new homes. Very low down pay ment, balance less than rent. . Also improvement loans, no down payment. Shingles Rtil ' 73c bundle. Wallboard 31c foot. Suburban Lumber com pany.. Phone 3301. 12-12 L'SED electric range, good condi tion. Write Mrs. Ada El Dick son, Gen. Del., Klamath Falls, Ore. . 4932 WANTED Male Cocker Span iel puppy. Call 6953. 12-13 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath: Phone 5671. 12-3Imtf 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE equity I acre. 4-room house with . outbuild ings for late model clear car. 2157 Ogdcn. 12-13 42 Mticellanesua Wanted 2-BEDROOM furnished house. Will take year's lease. Must bc.modern. Responsible party. Phono 4310. 1551tf WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 8713, our ex pense. ' ' ! ' - 1-llmtf 44 - Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE-r25 coming 2-year. .' old heifers freshening .in March and April. Tom O'Keefe. Ma lin. ;. . :- 12-12 FOR SALE-Two Holsteln. cows "and six shoats. J. H. Phipps, Midland. ' 12-15 TURNER' OK'd Used Cars The Cleanest Stock of Used Cars in Town! " '41 Chev Sedan. $995 '37 Special '40 Plym. Sedan. $795 '40 '39 Chrysler Sed. $725 Royal '41 Ford Sedan . $895 '37 Deluxe , '39 Olds Sedan . $645 36, Turner Main and Esplanade 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 900 head feeder . hogs, 25 veal calves. at public auction by the Farm Bureau at Anderson, California, Wed nesday, December 17 at 1 p. m. Hogs graded and sold In truck load lots. Calves, sold Individ ually by the pound. 12-13 FOR SALE Holsteln Guern sey heifer fresh In February. 60 head white faced ewes to . lamb March . 10th. 100 head feeder and weaner pigs John . O'Shea, 41 mi.- southeast Tule lake on Altuxas Detour.- 12-12 WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds Trulove's Market. Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 12-18mtf FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore., Box 145. . . 11-28 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock:. .Call Klam ath Packing Co. . Phone 5361 V. Midland road... - .- ,12-31fntf 30' WEANER pigs; Phone 4960 ' 12-12 46 financial aaWMWWSWWaMW'lM ; CASH LOANS' 1 WITHOUT ENDORSERS t WATS TO OET A COMSCUKRS ' CASE LOAN - PROKB . WRITS . COMB tS Too ami no ro-jiinf r or endorser, to rt oownmer. lora whether row r ourrtat or udzk, THREE. LOAN PLANS NO. I-IVCOMR tOAKS , On your not only. X wag tsjlgn menu. So co-iicner. NO. 1 rtJRI1TRB LOAN'S Voar chrcttr U trior fmportAQt than th faraitcr) rcwlf. - NO. S-AUTO " SO to $iQ caih loans an4 rf urtog,. . CONSUMERS' CREDIT M-ZS! 720 Pine St. 8 tU) Phone 7711 ItJImU L O -A N S ON OCR ACTOMOBILR Cash At Oncet' Tour Cr Kee4 Kot Bt fuUr Ptid For . . . See Us Today ' Commercial Finance . CORfORATlO! . -IK South eth St.. Fall. Phone SMS M- ItJlmtf See Dinty Moore " - For . AUTO LOANS ; REFINANCING Locally Owned L Motor Investment COMPANY in x. rth ue. m ;;s rhon usi IMImtf Equitable Loans cost you less and get you Out of Debt. Lower interest Rates "' Prompt Service CHILCOTE-& SMITH Since 1909 ' 1 111-N. 0th St. 1 Phone 4564 - Tti-Fr-tt 48 Dullness Opporrunities MUSf SELL AT ONCE -e Good .. going business for man and .wife.- An. excellent proposi tion for right party. . $200 will ' handle News-Herald Box 18. ' ' :. ' " ' ' .. 12-13 FOR SALE 'Restaurant equip- ment, -Will 'sell all w'jpart. K Cafe, 808vKlamath avenue. rnone oiou. - ii-io Dictator Deluxe And Many Chevrolet 3 Locations 3 Tulelake Choose Your. Used Car, Now:." From Our V'.,.;;:.- Complete StpeKi Of New Late Model adejgj 4I M0 "'40 Ford Sedan - ' : Radio and heater, original Folkstone grey finish Ilka -new, has 12,000 actual nilles,- -frfiOC a real buy at -.; .. .'.; . . ; " 3 Ford Deluxe Business Coupe Auxiliary seats, radio and heater, original, -maroon finish, very low mileage, reconditioned, r -,;' tf CMC new .rubber, priced to sell at ,, --:t97. Mercury Club Convertible Coupe .- Leather upholstery, radio! and heater, this motor has) been reconditioned, original 4j?QC ' finish like new : i-.L "PO,' : Ford Deluxe Touring Sefif Seat covers, reconditioned motor, origtnal.;i';djc I C grey finish like new ...:f,,.., l;..,.4.'.t....;...,';.-..'y?!?J , '36 '36 '35 '34 '36 ,'41 Ford, Deluxe Touring Tudor? . Radio and heater, new " paint, owi' 6y "-on of. our own mechanics and mechanically' "''t'ST'C is first class , . . ... - - .. 'p Ford Coupe : Reconditioned motor, food rubber, new maroon paint, very low mileage, . ; -v;; 475 real -transportation J .... Lr,J:':f Ford Coupe . . . ' -: ' "-: ;N: First " class ' rubber, original, black finish,: new seat covers, motor reconditioned,. :r (tAC first class transportation Chevrolet Sedan '. . - y.- Good rubber, good motor,; this "car has. reconditioned, many miles of . " . . good service left . , , . ; Chevrolet Coupe : -.'"'.-r)!, New paint, seat covers, radio-; and heater, this ear Just' reconditioned, good , " ' $45 transportation for i. ...... i :fH7?' Ford Pickup : - -- Low mileage, orlglnaL black finish, radio and'heater, - sport light, tires first: class condition; ; ; ' "t AQE looks like new.. ......,.: i;,,...,..,,i '..l-'TT: r Balsiger Motor Go; Main and Esplanade Safety Tested Cars Many Laie Models-Popular Mi esr Trade Up Today. :. ' -V.v.v; '40 Oldsmobile Touring Sedan . $850 40 Chev Deluxe Club'' Coupe. $795 '39 Oldsmobile TouringTudor;: $675 '39 Chev Deluxe Trg. Sedan . '. $675 '39 Chevrolet" Pickup . .:. . '. V: $495 39 Oldsmobile Coupe ; . . .. .. $65f) '38 Oldsmobile; Coupe Vy:.; .585 '37 Oldsmobile Coupe ; X$5l .- .. .. . .. 25 Others From $45.00 Up J - 1 Dick B. Miller Co.-; OLDSMOBILE V-ri -'.V-' .- . . 1 jiUAC The Big Olds Tower bt7tF ond KlGmetb. 11th and Main Phone 4Ut 5 More Similar Bargains ..;tWi 6th Si -:. iVv-y Phone, 3131 .4 i i Go;--