The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 12, 1941, Page 13, Image 13

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    December 12, 1041
Midland mpUrie
dent body of tho NpruKun Ulvnr
high school held o n-uulnr bi
monthly meeting Weilnoscliiy,
Pncembrr 10.
TIib first Horn of business win
tlio announcement of the win-
aorri or tne urn:l mi Irs content,
ivhlch wm'hnld before tho pres
entation of tho school play.
Those who won envotod irtios
of time off from school Frldny,
December 12, were Norn Crunie,
girls' first, Evelyn Cadego, ulrls'
second, DwiiId Serlght, boys'
first, Fonzlo I'arrlsh, boys' sec
ond. Next Item of business wns
th discussion of the annual
ftamoon Christmas party,
which will bo held from 130
p. m. to i on the afternoon of
December 10. It was voted that
the seventh and elKhth grndrs
would hold a si-nnite prourmn
In their homo room, while the
four high school unities would
party In the assembly.
Tho students will buy sift'
for each other not to exceed
31V rents with a minimum price
of 23 cents. Names were drawn
Oiruni n urn hi uririnilUB Rl vnrn
ind receivers. Lomrr Dltwlllrr
will set the trees for tho as
sembly and auditorium pro
grams and the girls will deco
rate. Weed
Mr. and Mrs. W'lllard Dudley
of Medford wero guests at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. L, Yot
In Weed Friday. They were en
route to Oakland.
, Mrs. Newton Kirk and chil
dren of Mt. Shasta spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. A in Weed. 'ing In Initial work on organtza
The Kirks ate moving to the bay ! tlon nf tho civilian defense work,
area whore ho has accepted em-
Mrs. W. B. Dumble and Mrs A.
I,. Ue Hart were shopping in Mt.
Shasta Friday.
Hill .Stover him returned to
Fort Ord after a low days visit
with his mother and sister. Mrs.
Peorl Stover and Mrs. Vehna
ftKcutl. In Wood.
Mrs. Mullle Trnylor
111 and 'In the Weed hospital for
a short time, Is now home.
ri,,rV.. -m... -
to San Francisco whero she is
under a doctor's enre.
Warier Ualtongcr and Petu
Roder left Sunday for Sacra
mento, where thoy hove accepted
employment. Their wives will
Join them as soon as they find a
Mr. and Mrs. Nelmeycr are the
proud parents of a daughter,
born to them in the Weed hospi
tal December 2. 1041. They
named her Ella Jean.
Mrs. Linda Muzzier with their
two children. Norma and Lave , Davis. Clnrcnco Kegg, C. I. Kim
hove returned from Klamnth rey, Jim ISephenson, Lester Lea
Falls, where thoy spent a week ; nnd Vlnnie Hoy, and the host
with Mrs. E. Georges, formerly ! esses Mrs. Kerkes and Mrs. Reg
of Weed. Mrs. Mazzier stayed j istcr.
there while her husband went '
pheasant hunting.
o B,y
.',r. and Mra. O. B. Ronnie
Were left in charge of the Bing
ham houses and cabins.
Mrs. Holmes of Ashland is vis
iting Willi her daughter, Mrs
Ward and family for several
Mrs. Carl Raupach is In a
Klnmuth Falls hospital for a
major operation.
Beulah Elliott was culled to
Red Cross meeting In Klam
ath Falls on Tuesday evening,
Nell Causble has been absent
from school for several days due
to enr trouble.
Mrs. Oscar Hrrrlngon took
young nillio to Klamath Falls
on Wednesday to have his tonsils
Norman Smith and son, Dale,
spent a few days In Bly after
working in Bernlc, Calif. They
expect to live in Chiloquin this
winter with Smith's sister.
Mr. Fiddler of Klamath Falls
waa here on business Tuesday.
Ha Is making extensive improve
jrienta on tho thenter building.
O Frances Vaughn who has been
very 111 for several weeks is
now In the Hlllsldo hospltol In
Klamath Falls after being moved
by ambulance from Thn Dalles.
It Is reported that she is Im
proving. There will be a Christmas pro
gram at the Community church
on Sunday, December 21, at
10:80 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Bing
ham and son loft for Minne
apolis whero they plan on going
Into business.
More than half of all the
deaths from tuberculosis occur
during the important productive
years of life between 10 and
43. i
Whan .in Modlord
Star at
Thoroughly Modern
Joe and Anna Esrlay
Fonsler to Call
Civil Defense Meet
TULELAKE Clark W. Jons
Inr, as civilian defense coordin
ator for Siskiyou and Modoc
counties, will call a man ment
ion next Sunday nftornoon at
Urn high school gymnasium to
acquaint all mon and woman of
tho Tiilolako area with tho naces
slty for consistent effort In tho
present wnr emergency. Commit
tec that will govern nil phases
of war work at home will ba ap
pointed prior to tho mass meet
ing with city councilman and
representatives of all other civic
omnnlzatlnna to be present to
offer suggestions.
The meeting Is called for 2 p.
m. and Kensler urges that every
ono capable of assisting In any
way be present.
With this meeting Tuleleke
falls In lino with Merrill and
Malln In tho south end of the
Klamath basin. Committees
wero appointed at Merrill early
this week and will respond to
call, and at Malln on outpost
was established several woeka
nito fur the ue of air raid war
dents The outpost Is located
cast of town and telephone llnoi
ore being established and a stove
linns Klvlg, manager of the
Malln office of the Big Basin
company hns been appointed air
raid commnnder with Hnv Van
Meter, Irving Cnpek, Everett
Jones, M. M. Stastney and Tony
fetrasek as wardens. Each war
den will hove an alternate to
serve in event tho warden can.
not and among these nr Dave
Myers. Gerry Price and "Butch
Women of the Tulelake area
will nrgnnlro a Rod Cross first
aid unit members of tho auxl!
lary of Tulelnke post, American
l.eslon to moot with county of'
flclnli of the Red Cross at Yroka
for Instructions.
Members of the Legion post
here devoted this week's meet-
Dorcas Circle
Meets in Weed
WEED The Dorcas Circle
members met at the Weed Com
munity church Thursday after
noon. The main attraction of
the afternoon was the beautiful
i Christmas tree decorated by
mm. i . I. rviiiiri-y. r inc ciuse
"'" """ , ' Si
! w'"1 n exchnnge of gifts. The
! cost of tho gifts were not to ex
i ceed 28 cents.
Fort frcs hirtetits, Jellb with
whipped cream was served. The
dining room tables were decor
ated In a beautiful manner. Tho
centerpiece was a miniature
Christmas tree.
Before tho business meeting,
Mrs. LUlic Dnvls gave an Inter
esting devotional reading.
Thoso attending were Mes
dames Hnrry Spence, Leslie
Kyle, A. I. Morrison, Jewel
Rhodes H. A. Mitchell. Lallle
Bill of Rights
Program Held
CHILOQUIN The students
of Chiloquin high school ob
served the 190th anniversary of
the United States Bill of Rights
in a special program Wednesday
afternoon. After the first 10
amendments to the United States
Constitution were read and ex
plained, an interesting panel dis
cussion followed. An attempt
was made to relate these funds
mental guarantees of liberty to
the present war-tlmo emergency,
Members of the student body ap
pearing on the panel were Lewis
Pohll, John Monks, Truman
Hall, Donald Smith and Feo
Music by the newly-organized
a cappella choir and vocal
solo by Bill Bell rounded out the
Club Entertained
By Mrs. Wimer
of tho Wednesday Night Con
tract Bridge club were enter
tained on Wednesday evening by
Mrs. Harold Wimer, who was
hostess at a 7 o'clock dinner at
the Crater Lnko cafe, followed
by an evening of contract bridge
at her home. The occasion was
the annual Christmas party of
tho group.
Each member was presented
with a Christmas gift from a
miniature docoratad Christmas
tree, the Yuletide motif being
Midway Grange
Dee. IS
Sponsored by
Midland Y. O. A.
Musle by
Johnny Soto's Band
Adm. 13a . Ladles Free
further carried out In bridge ac
cessories and rpraya of Oregon
holly. At the close of tho eve
ning, Mrs. Fred Zumbrun waa
given high acore, and Mrs, Wll.
Ilam Page received second high.
Mrs. Joe Taylor will next en
tertain the club on the evening
of January 14, the regular meet
ing which falls on the evening
of December 24 being set ahead
to that data, due to the holiday
Guests of Mra. Wlmar for the
Christmas party Included Mra
Jerry Rlsemore, Mra. Joe Taylor.
Mrs. William Zumbrun, Mrs. El
don Brattaln, Mrs. Alfred Cas-
tel, Mra. William Page and Mra
Fred Zumbrun.
Malin Masons Elect
New Local Master
MALIN Harold Dehllnger
has been elected worthy master
of the Malln Masonic lodge, sue-1
ceedlng Loland Harris. Serving '
with Dehllnger during the com-1
Ing year will ba Joe Halousck,!
senior warden; Leonard Bow- j
man, Junior warden; Wendell
Wolnwtight, senior deacon; R. S.
Thompson, Junior deacon, Wil
liam Halousck Jr., Junior stew
ard; Frank Paygr, sec'y; Ivan
Ottoman, treasurer; A. E. Street,
chaplain: vv'llllam H. Harbison,
marshal). Offices of the tyler
and senior" steward were not
definitely accepted.
A Joint Intallatlon with newly
elected officers of the Order of
the Eastern Star will be held In
Malln December 16 with Horace
Getz, Klamnth Falls, district
deputy grand maater expected
to act as Installing officer Of
ficers of tho Star are being
elected this week also.
Officers Elected
For Bly Ladies' Aid
BLY. Doc 11 The Ladles Aid
of the Bly Community church
met on Wednesday afternoon to
elect officers for the coming
Mrs. Isadora Robin, vice presi
dent, conducted the meeting as
Mrs. Herrlngen was unable to be
present. Mrs. Herb Johnson, sec
retary, and Mrs. Wolter Camp
bell, treasurer. - gave their re
ports. The bazaar and supper
were an outstanding success.
The new officers elected were
Mrs. Walter Campbell, president;
Mrs. Ross Shepeard, vice presi
dent; Mrs. Lem Houston, secre
tary; Mrs. Archie Strong, cor
responding secretary, and Mrs.
Mann Varnum, treosurer,
The hostesses, Mrs. Jack Men
gel end Mrs. J. T. Birch, served
mincemeat pie and coffee to
those present; Mrs. Mann Var
num, Herb Johnson, Mrs. Isadore
Robin, Mra. Walter Campbell,
Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. Lem Houston,
Mrs. T. E. Shea and Mrs. George
Poe Valley
A carnival was held at the
hall Saturday night. It was
sponsored by the grange.
Ray Freuer was a shopper In
Klamath Falls from the valley
Mr. Beebe of Bonanza was a
caller at the Eddie Roberts home
Wednesday morning.
Donald Roberts has been on
the sick list with stomach
Chet Barton is having some
hay bailed.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Doak
and daughter Lucille of Macdoel,
Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Maglasson and son Philip of
Dorris. Calif., and Web Van
Meter ajid children Louise and
Dale of Dorris, Calif., were lunch
eon guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Nork Sunday.
Fred Relling Is having some
land surveyed.
Leslie Prultt and Delbert
Prultt brought some horses to
the valley from Tenant, Ore.,
recently where they were en
gaged In logging during the sum
mer months,
Chiloquin Organizes
A Cappella Choir
CHILOQUIN For the first
time In the history of Chiloquin
high school an a cappella choir
has been formed. The local choir
Is under the direction of Esther
Boughtor, director of vocal music
In Chiloquin high school. Such a
choral group differs from ordin
ary glee clubs In that an a cap
pella choir requires no musical
accompaniment and relies only
on the blended voices of t h e
Members of this novel musical
group are: Herbert Hall, Philip
Heath, Lewis Pohll, BUI Bell,
Ralph Ince, Billy Robertson,
Clarence Reed, James Conroy
Donald Smith, Feo Mlnato, Reno
DeBortoll, Robert Carson, Rob.
art Monks, Roy Reed, Ellda De
Bortoll, Gina Mlnato, Bruna
Heel Repairing a Specialty
Highest Quality
Fast Service
121 N. 8th St.
Parisotto, Marian Doty, Lorraine
Baker, Mary Melcholrl, Shirley
Martin, Yolanda Blanchlnl, Ma
falda Blanchlnl, Arlene Allen,
Rachel Robblns, Linda Roser,
Nina Sue Fernimen, Edith Reed,
Kathryn O'Donoughue and
Robin Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horsley and
Infant son moved from the
Rogers house In Pine flat to the
Dairy school apartment last
Thursday. Horsley Is driving the
school bus from Dairy to Bo
nanza. Little Joann and Diana Bor
man are visiting with their uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hors
ley and other relatives of this
Harry Brown has been absent
from high school due to Illness
the past few days.
Friends will be glad to learn
that Mrs. E. B. Schmoe Is again
able to be up and around after
being confined to bed with flu
the past week.
pea his ohoistmas
A Fair Of
Til Mihl
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You Down! Lack of Ready C ash Is
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Hew Do You Get Them? . . . Just go to the Credit De
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your Purchase Coupons in a handy little book worth $10,
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How Do You Buy Them? . . . You pay only 2.50 down for
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Bly PTA Holds
Regular Meeting
BLY An afternoon meeting
of the Bly PTA was held at the
school on Monday, December 8.
Mrs. Carl Deorlng presided
and Mrs. Archie Strong acted as
secretary. There was fair turn
out and the sixth grade was
awarded the prize for having the
best representation.
The Christmas party for the
school children was discussed.
Mrs. George Luck was appoint
ed chairman of committee to
make sacks for the candy and
get them filled. Mrs. Fred Stone
reported that she had placed
empty milk bottles at the busi
ness places to receive contribu
tions from anyone wishing to
help pay for the children's
Christmas treat. The party will !
be given In the evening. i
It was decided to give a public 1
card party on Saturday evening, ;
January 10. Committee chair-1
Save 20
On- Memorials
By Calling at Klamath
rails Marble and Oraaite
Works lie So. 11th St
and Making Your Own
America's Qreatest Qift Selections
It's easy to select gifts from the catalogs at our Catalog Order Desk. Shopping
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men appointed war: George El
liott, tickets; Mra. Warren Os
born, card tables; Mrs. Tom
Shea, lunch; Mrs. T. S, Oreen,
prizes and score cards.
With Plywood
Veneer Panels are light tight.
They ean bo cut to lit window exactly, shurrlng :
off light. . ,
Panels have boen used extenstoelr 1st England fot '
Blacking Out.
It takes only minute to put them up or take them
They ean bo stored in eleset during tho day.
They can bo salraged and made into useful articles '
after this emergency is over.
They are applied from tho inside and minimis ' ,
danger from flying glass.
They coma In thicknesses from S-1S up to 1H '
May we servo you In this emergenert
8226 So. 8th St. Phono Silt
The) next
the evening
ary u.
meeting will be fas
on Monday, J ants-
Read the Classified page, '