S Mi ' SERIAL STORY i LADY BY REQUEST .V'.- BY HELEN R. WOODWARD eOFYHIOKT. Itat, HIM. SCRVICK, INC , 'THB STORTi It aTa at am ' . atraaara Mr. flaphca. Curt ; 1 Plaaa4 aava so mtic ajnra fcftr lanahroa with Hra - Hlraard i Taarp-Ii:valri-'-4il(aoaB'a. It la i ,ae woman whom ntepaen, famona Jwrttar and commentator, lovra. 1 Klralra, blind bavtlfal, Mantlet It la Impoaalhla not to lora. UMldea, '(.IMaaa'a marrtaa; la a haalneaa i nrapoeltloa tor alx montao and ' 10,000, Tin for gtrphra a :.l'400i0w Inhorltanra ha wanld aara I .loot had ha not married hctora ha -waa. aft. Dtaaa'a farmer father t . Mr. Tneker. and old Bllen Curt. . ' Btephen'a atepmolher. ar hoplatt i .-ttha eaapla will eomo ta car for !-.aea other any war apltefnl, apollad Adela makea Ufa ao dim. i;.alt for her alater-ln-law that ..' aalv" atcpaaa hlndneaa and th 'frlendahlp of people Ilka Bralm I'l and Fhll Brnre. Stephen'a heat friend, make Adlaa Intuit hear H nhl. OtaerrrU tHana mlaht wlah i r ah had returned to her down . atat heme aad to Bill Jarkaoa, fhr childhood aweetheart, laalead . I af aBarrTiaa dtephen whrn aha I 1 . waa d red n? flirtation Richard ,' Thorpe. It la a blow, then, to . .-return from luncheon with Rn l- lrn. nd And Adela and Thorp la :--ck athera arm. t- MOMENT OF TENDERNESS CHAPTER XIV A T the tound of her startled movement they sprang apart. Quilt was written large on their face. Richard, clasping a cock 'tall glass In one hand, laughed unpleasantly. "Why, It's th lady 'f the manor, herself!" ha cried mockingly, and Diana, with a sick lurch of heart, thought of Eva lyn's loving words concerning him. , Adela's face was livid with rage. "Lady, my eye!" she shouted, re gardless of listening servants. Her strange, dark eyes flashed with fury. "I suppose you'll think It your noble duty to tell my brother what you took pains to spy upon! And I'll tell him that you're a Jying, cheating, eavesdropping !" 'Her voice rose high and shrill and Richard clasped a hand over her mouth roughly. Be was flushed with embarrassment and Diana rfelt that he would have given a great deal if she had not witnessed .that embrace. - K Without it word, Diana turned and walked out of the room and tip the stairs. She felt that only by keeping silent could she main !tain. her dignity. But her heart was sick within her as she thought of Evalyn Thorpe and her childish iaith hi her husband. Even she, herself, had been led to think well of him because of Evalyn's praise. But her original estimate had been the true one after all. . She lay down on the bed, her hands over her eyes, her heart full of misery. The feeling of exaltation with which she had eome into the house was gone. She felt spent, utterly tired. She wished; fervently that she might fcave been spared that scene In jtbe drawing room. m fV-Ai dinner , Adela was sullen but apprehensive. ; Diana caught her .surreptitious glance more than jonce. and knew that whether she (wished it or not she held a jweapon over Adela's head which tnieht be used in advantaro: Alcn that Adela's hatred of her had j Increased a hundred fold. . JITTER dinner Stephen asked Dl ana to help him correct manu script and she agreed gladly. Adela watched them go Jealously but -dared say nothing. Tonight he could not invent an excuse to keep them from spending hours alone together. A short time later Diana heard voices, then the outer door. slammed and she supposed that Adela had gona out with some member of the reckless crowd she called her "kindred spirits.' Joey Long, the pianist, and a woman named Jane Burt Stephen worked until late, at times almost seeming to forget Diana, so absorbed was he ini transferring his thoughts to paper. J, He wrote of the South American. republics and the necessity of ce menting friendly relations with them in order to present a solid front of defiance to the totali tarian" governments of Europe. ' Ii-Diana was absorbed, . too, en- thralled almost, at this unfolding I of his brilliant mind. She felt she ' scarcely dared breathe for fear of Unterrupting the smooth flow of ms tnoughts. And it was only when he caught her slyly flexing Iher stiff fingers that he stopped short in amazement to slance at his wrist watch. -"Great heavens how time has Wown! And you must be dead! IWhy didn't you stop me?" !; :."It was all so interesting," she ismiled tiredly. ' ",WeU, the rest of it can wait (I'm, starved. Let's see what we jean find in the icebox." jt Diana followed him to the Bdtchen; helped him drag out cold ffiam, beer, an array of cheese and pickles. They ate ravenously, Jok ing like a pair of high school kids. This was a new Stephen Curt Different from the man who com manded the respect of everyone, phe'' terse commentator whose (views were important in high 'circles. Different even from the tman who had been at home in Bier father's house and at whose tfeet she had sat and called him Ifriend. He was gay now, amus ing, fun. . r . : , ' -. f'YOU'HE love'v tonight, Diana," L h" sald "'Uyf and Placing his hands on her shoulders drew her close beside him. . Wide-eyed,' she lifted her gaze to his and saw that his eyes were warm with a look that exceeded friendliness. ; Her lips trembled and suddenly he' drew her' closer against his heart and kissed her, softly at first, then with unexpected fierce ness and passion. And to her sur prise her lips responded with all the ardor of her being. Then he released her, pushed her from him, drew himself tip sharply. "I'm sorry, Diana that wasn't in the bargain, waa itj 'Forgive me, my dear, and I prom ise it won't happen again!'.' And then Diana, chilled by this sudden expulsion from his arms, remembered, tool Stephen loved Evalyn Thorpe and had only been carried away for the moment by her nearness and willingness to be taken in his arms. The brief embrace meant nothing more than that She would not embarrass him by thinking that it did. But almost for a moment it had seemed very real. . "It's quite aU right Stephen," she tried to make her voice sound gay, but in spite of herself it trembled, "Something chemical in the air, I guess. Good night" . "Good night my dear." But in her room she found her self sleepless, staring into black space long after Adela had come in, long after the house had set tled into quietness. A cold rain was falling. It slashed dismally at the windows and a wild wind howled around the house. She re membered her conversation with Stephen the night she had re turned from her walk with Bill Jackson. He had said that it would not be impossible to fall in love with her. But he had not denied his love for Evalyn. Yet could it be that proximity might have its way, and that when the time came to let Diana go, Ste phen would find that he needed her? Diana knew that having their marriage a success was the one thing Ellen Curt wanted most Perhaps She shook herself, shivered and burrowed farther under the cov ers. "Don't build up any hopes, Diana," she admonished herself. "It'll make things too hard whan parting comes." For if Richard Thorpe ware really untrue to Evalyn, wouldn't the fact come to light before long? Then it Evalyn should divorce Richard and Stephen should be free to declare his love xor ner, where would Diana come in? . "I wouldn't" i whispered Into the darkness. "I wouldn't I come in at all. In fact, I'm - i ready on my way out!" (To Be Continued) OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hooplo O The republican party has been in power so long in this coun try that a great many of Its leaders do not understand the role of a minority party. Alf Landon, GOP presidential can didate in 1930. 135 THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson ANDREW VJ-Aii-UAJ'NJ WAS THE FIEST PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES' UFDM WHOSE LIFE AM . ATTEMPT AT ASSASSINATION WAS AAAOf. OW JAN. 30, 1635, Richard laweence snapped I WO KiarOLS AT H1A WHILE HE ATTENDED A R iijf WHA.TIVB WO LISTEN, O' THBM Y NO.THHLV WOKlT M BEEN DOIUO TO CHERUB" KID BOSSBS 1 PICS MA.UV OLD T ITf IT SHOULDN'T U VOO'KLE. IS SOKIMa, I TIMECS--TWCV " ' SET OUT Of OEDEC 1 UUtST MBM FIRE. OLD (SOT TO HAVU "" THAT QUICK THAT I FROM, IROUSIDE OMEBOCV MA CHIME 13 fl COU-ESB, OKIE O'THBSH 1 OUDeB TWAM JL JUST UEW AM VtXj'Ge CM-V3 FC-R THEMSEIVE TO STA FEOMTHB l OUT OP ?ITTIM' fTO COMTRADICT .."jV FACTOEV.' OEDER , CABCASTIC VAHV, THAT 3 WO taTTy- - RKSMT, V J FUN, A (MMrSIV -S J TXSwIilfl V MOW' 1' COK1TCADIC.TIWV n-tt. J iwiaMjamtai r. am at mi THE OLDER THE BETTER i GREAT CAESAR.' COOK, LEANDER.THE. RUBBISH BARREL IS AS EMPTY Aft A HAUNTED HOUSE MOT A VESTIGE OP MV 300-c aPUTT-TT;,.' heavens SUPPOSE SOME VAGABOND SHOULD FIND IWV FORTUNE OrTHE- CITV VfQbLf ol DUMP rTy .wiNurvin,u INU I OU -i LOSTu FOB, 3DO I'D SNATCH P BWs OP PEANC31S AWAY FROM AN ELEPHANT,'- THE RUBBISH MAN WAS HERB An HOUP. ASO I'LL CHASE HIM, ON MY POn"Y WSm i 11-12 RED RYDER bU'LL BE CHASIKJG THE MAJOR, ,TOO By Fred Horman MINE 1 R2LU5W eANJO OIK MM yi rsi'T ygkWECP ,hL)vlLin rn . TS.T , PS0OJT KANE LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE r I HOWE A VERV IMPORTANT TRIP AHEAD - WAS SPEEOTiG TO CffTCH ONE OF OUR BOMBEC5I GOIfiG FROM My PLANT, WHEN WE SMASHED UP It Cf.ASv&s; i y?- sis-' K IhiS VEAR.AU.CXje PULLETS Turned out to be high BOOSTERS. Say AMJS. BRUCE BAIKD, IOWA NEXT: The while man's first popcorn. U. S. OFFICIAL HORIZONTAL 4 Chairman : ot u. s. House Foreign K . 'Affairs Committee, 9 Choose. 14 Verbal. 16 Allow.. 18 Solely.' 19 24 hour 21 Prevent. 23 Sip. 24 Preposition, 25 Obtain. 27 More recent' 29 Exclamation. 30 Scion. 32 Send in.' payment 34 Pain. 36 Women. Answer to Previous Puzzle Irtll iG l-I CJiNI I c'w cr ir bl TIA'N!GLjrjO)ni-f EivEiD RjE1?fl3M Tr i1g!looh3 MEP alipis EUTsnElRIi EysrrTp SiNIE EIR'EbklR.O'C Kl I FIS I IrVbisiT E Rlsr IDAiSEW S'NIE EIR E SITO-AS 51 Expire. 52 Article. 54 Founded; 56 Insect 58 North, , America" (abbr.). 38 Elongated fish 59 Hurried. 40 Roman 61 12 months . . emperor. (pi.).. 41 Music noev - 63 Indistinct 43 Humor. 45 Relaxation. 4; Obstruct 49 Coif device. 65 Cravats. 67 Cracks. ; 69 Italian 71 Small ocean vessel. 12 Marshland. ' VERTICAL 1 Sing alone. 2 Conjunction. 3 Boy. 5 Music note. 6 Unusual. 1- Sign. 8 Headdress. 10 Behold! 11 Print measures. monetary unit 12 Clew. 13 Germ causing" typhoid. .15 Delay. . 17 Chimney 20 Day before today. 22 Man again. 26 Pedal digit 28 One who rides 31 Born. 33 Weary. 35 Fresh. 37 Dyestuff, 39 Ignited. 42 Makes easier.1 44 Beverage. 46 Taunted 48 Resources.' 60 Finish. ' 52 Skills.' 63 Brad. 55 Pull. 57 Until. 60 New (prefix). 62 Health Tesort 64 My (Italian). 66 Therefore. ' 68 Samarium (abbr.). 70 Registered nurse (abbr.).' (SEP T ... j, V tSkl . II wte liter' I WELL. MOURE aK WHY OOMT YOU GO AHEAD r ITS ANNIE? TO INTENDED TO HER WITH FRIENDS. THE SLAMS. IN THE CITY-COULD 6HE TRAVEL THAT FAR By Harold Gray BETTER "TO QUIET FOR A WHILE-WHY DOKTM30 LEAVE I oh. we DONT WANT TO IMPOSE ON Htou- rtXJVE DOME ENOUGH FOR US ALREADY- NONSENSE- NELLrfi A FINE COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER - LOTS OF ROOM PRETTY LONESOME HERS IF ANNIE COULO STAND IT SHED CMFFR I K5 I tO aw w. - LOT- jm BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES HAT I ( LrSTEN TcT ABOUT IT I s THE CHS.O- ANNIE? Vf ro LIKE WHY.WULL YOU HEARD H THAT A MAKE A THE DOCTORS LOT- IP I HOME OUT !NO I WONT BE OF THIS rtVITATlON - B TOO MUCH OLO HOUSe- . v-r-rS BOTHER-slT J 1 HMOlO u&vf I WOT TX THOSS OV' OOCTOW DO. LKC-E. -r.OG.SE.. By Martin WWW T'&V-t &000 M" ST BONO n I W'l II WOW ,OOM cwv) VOU I'M'-y-'X' IQ WASH TUBES 3m KSj3 V good SirfW" T:'yWl THE FIRE WHISTLE W- Wf?J AMD 6ETTIMi THE K Y-JfV X f-KS WRXM6M OUT A V"S 1 ' A BOMB,) I ' j-.r-anoJ VBS, AND THEBES rX POZEM MOPE HIODEW THRU THC PLANT, FELLA! THSYffl LIABLE TO 60 Off AMV MIWUTE! GET v He SLATES .OUT O HERE; CJWJ MlMUTfS " lateh: By Cran FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS f 1 ME AM' MV . VB ARE PROUD AUD IF TWIS PLANT Y 0 1 f WHAT! 6ETTIN' OUT, NATIONAL fEFENSE.'l THERE'LL BE A 60IW TO WU PACJtf 1 EE? yvn MAKE MACHINE I LOTTA PLAWES I STAVAW V AOAINf -c;UNi FOR AIRPLANES A WITHOUT cSUNi HELPWt I . I i . I 14 5 6 Tm 6 IT" IcT" l 112 1 13 I4 I 1 jib 17 1 118 : B iF """"" iT1" " 22TTi? Cvi "nw y- I-'VP J3a 3Mj4 J Jj 47" 48 "14y soVtsT " 5Z 53 j 54j - ! i7 1 Ibb 59" t,o jt r j ?rT6rq "jb1 Za is to -j II f H-l I I H 1 1.1. Bar we cant AFFORD IE) TAKff "OJEM TUERB, FKCCK ! IT TAKES FOLDING KONBV I f Tmi5 music is jTyil KCOMIN3 TO YOU w AT cdou tup orviPCA I V. I ni II E? IWItl i , A V J ?t Five bucks IS32 A COUPLB . I Me .TOO I AIN'T HAY ! BUT LETS OO AMD AT THE I OFP TUB 06EP MOMENT, I'M I END I SUFFERlNfl FUOM OauflM f' 1 m woe il June, howtj fj You LIKE to You ' 9WAP AT A MPAN BONELESS DINNER SQUA6 IM j AMD RWRA W blueroom! LOVE' GO AMEAO .... ASK HILDA WE'LL WORRV ABOUT TUB MONEV LATER By Blossor ALLEY OOP ) Ok-Ay, eur 1 wat I S TO OUN SUCH AN I j NEXT THIM& IS T" STBlP J VelL, NOX"'! J-J't SUIT" J USBCRVIM" OPP AW MAKE SURE I I ABOUT MV H8 STAVS OUTA By V. T. Hamlin Y HMMij NOT A BAD FIT.., J"HiJ4 BUT CERTAINLY MOS'T-rT . &7i7 NCOMFORTABL.C,W6LL TiTa a. 11 11 I A. VBRVCOM- RIK AMP SeeiN' AS HOW MV STRATtG1 I CALL5 FOK FOOLIN' HI& MSN, I I &UBSS I'D BB" TOR RIOB W HIS HORM .too NOW LQSSBB...HAVH X 'V,i'i''M.-1'i'' J ' X VFORS OT TEN ANVTHIMS..T A'o