Sports Briefs V By Hugh Foliation, J. 4 tfi NfcW lUKK. Drc. U Wlde World) Isaac Kltld Jr., ion of Admiral Kldtl, who win killed In action In llnwull, win u mrni her of tit nuvul sctnlcmy "B" football squad this sreiinn , , , l.lrut. 131 11 Iniirain, one-time 011 vy coach, wait stationed on in Oklahoma . . . Another ex- nthlata who prohulily hai teen action I Tom Lombard!, Syra runo footballer and oamman of II) your ouo, lay reported ntioard the Writ Vlriilnlii 'The New York unlvemlty un (I.Tiirncluiile newspaper council, which itarted tho blast against the Violets' nthlntlc tntup, has decided to forgot nhout It for the duration . . . This may bo Junt propaganda, but rnparti from the southwest iiiiy Coach Korguo Ferguson of the alwnyi bi' Arkaniiaii Aggies Dolt Weevils claims he won't risk scheduling Pacific Cod lit con ference clubii . . , "We would lie taking kii uwful clmm-r," he uy, "and might even win," TODAY'S QUEST STAR Tommy Tucker, Cleveland jfcwi: "it In the general con On"1" that Mrl Ott wilt be more popular ai manager of the Giants than was 1)111 Terry, which you might cnll damning with faint prale." CLEANING THE CUfT Rumor hat Oklahoma City U. returnlnit to big-time football NOTICE! Top Notch Cafe On Oregon Avenue hn agreed to observe the picket line en Bratton's l.G.A. (tore. They are therefore fair to organised labor. ' Building Trades Council Pelican Cagers Collide With Yreka Here Tonight Green Klamath Team Gets First 1941-42 Airing Against Miners The 1041 luue of Klamath high school Pelican eager, pine tall but fir-green, makei Its bow to hometown tone tonight in the KUHS gym against Yreka. Two games ara scheduled, one pitting the Wildcats against a Miner secondary. Tomorrow night the Blgbllls face major test In Albany of the Willamette valley No-Nam league in a contest which should give a pointed Indication of tha Klamaths relative strength. Coach Dutch French this morn- THE END Wm BROKE MKmNPm1 'SEASONAL SCORING RECOm OF 79 POINTS WITH 35. v at Ing aald his starters would be Cuit. Gene Love and George Brosterhous at forwards, Jim Cox at center, and Jim Bocchl and lngvar Swanson at guards. Love and Bocchl ar tha only first string holdovers from last year's state semt-flnallsts. The other three give this year's Pelicans a slightly green ting. Cox, a 6-foot three-Inch graduat from Wildcat ranks, has never seen Hlgblll action. Brosterhous and Swanson both were Pelican reserves (ant season. French said the team has about the same speed as last year's model and la taller. Love and Swanson stretch about 6-1, Bocchl Is 6-2, Cox 8 3, and Bros terhous 6-8. Caliber of the Yreka team Is unknown but French expects It will provide stiff enough compe tition for an opener. Saturday night's tilt Is some thing eliie again, French bollev ed. Albany Is said to have virtually the same team back which In 1040-41 was a power In No-Name circles. Tonight's program opens with the Wildcat encounter at seven and the main clash at eight. Saturday's game starts at eight and about to sign Fred Thorn sen, who is due to get the gate s Arkansas coach . . . One of Lefty Grove's greatest ambi tions was to stick around un til he could pitch against Bob Jr., In a big league game and beat htm ... in spite of his tough 2-year-old campaign, Al ias put on 100 pounds during the year. That'a nothing com pered with what the bettor put on him . . . Week's worst gag: Larry MacPhatl found a hole In the Brooklyn outfield and spent $30,000 to Padgett. Beside The Head pin r -LADysus Junior has been browsing through bowling books all week and had some bowling terms to contribute, A "barmaid" or "one-in-the-kitchen" refer to that hidden pin left behind on or two on a spare. "Dead pumpkin." and "sour apple" both refer to a ball that seems to have nothing on It, while a "shaker" is a thin hit that shakes up the pins end gets a strike, "Snake eyes" yes, you guessed It a 7-10 spilt. All of these things and more happened to one or the other of the gals last night, but didn't seem to put a stopper on some nice rolling. Still a little leary and not quite up to the activity. Junior found a nice comfortable seat on top of the girls 200 club score board, falling off only once, when Ruth Newsom ran up a single game of ID? for high of the evening. Mary Williams had second high with 193, Flo Ann Eaton trailing In third with 191. Jun ior was back In his place and well anchored when he learned Doris Cheyne was really on the beam, turning In m-l?8-m-52a for high series, Flo Ann Eaton ran second with 814, and Pearl Poppy third with 498. High team series 2488 went to Eddies Place. tor aua nnous 6Nfi BY SWELLING 1 S J f L TO 595... AN ALL- s f J Ji I LEAGUE tgCQRP. WA - J tmA FAWP DEFENSE tHZy by scameo times w PASSES THIS FALL, ALTHOUGH HE WAS A MAMEbMkN, December lf 1941 PAGE EtBYBH 6REEN BAY6REA SEVENTH MONEY HIS POINT TO TIME NATOh Beavers Work to Remove Layoffs Excess Poundage DON'T WORRY - W Ha Complete Lin of ' ' " Used Tires and Recaps! W Can Supply All YOUR Needs! RECAPS WILL GIVI YOU NEW TIRE SERVICE! FULLY GUARANTEED POR 13 MONTHS! We Us Only U. S. TRIAD STOCK, World Famous far Long Mlleoge! Recap With MUD and SNOW TREAD CONVENTIONAL TREAD Save 50 70 OVER THI COST OP NIW TIRIS! TRUCKERS! We hove the equipment to vulcanize or recap your largest size tire! EASY BUDGET TERMS 1-DAY SERVICE CONSERVE RUBBER! Hov your wheel balanc. h contemn noedod rubber saves fuel. DO YOUR PART IN NATIONAL DEFENSE. SEE US TODAY! T I D JACK SHOOP-SCHULZE BLACK and WHITE SUPER - SERVICE wniitnt lrlr -in iw ui w -101 M7 IU 3'S 71 U M tn -111 111 111 M -1 I4 IU 40; -IM l IM Sit ame sn wansna-. lMi? nudist? S"tl Sot? H0!HCp sis iit ua ayl Sfmm ais im in tit i. to ll 1U , i . .41 M us nt M IW IU iA IS IM IK 4M n rs r sir u r tu mi mn OwifHtlvnirf HI IW IM iis iu in -) mi in ;o 1" IM IK 4 .. ,. M lit IM S.'4 w n t I. MIM , Attn aastr -a. miim rmiptMi iis4ica m m m Svmmifs Wm SM iti Hf IIS l IU IK Kt ii us rn IA3 lii 4SI IM IK IU 411 IT 9. HI tar -Tjl- Gflfft . Storm Mlldim UtaSlcaa Hufrt i! sot m sm , K. tnmiw c. IM !H til HT IM SM " i i s; KM IW Ul "- U lit SM iM 109 100 S00 VorllHMl Htodic nut BroatAB LI,lf5W Chtjn H4lel . Ill ?M liS StH .is in im .1)1 lit IM 9M ItS 10S lt SM -145 IM lit 403 1 11! 414 Si M St m nt me sotot't hsm IM IS W 44 lis 1 Ml IM t iw iso isi sn in its in tss w w si tss snout it SIS til S4SI -IW US IK 414 -in; m tit s ORfcGON STATE COLLEGE Corvallis. Dec. 12 Bight at present the main problem of the Oregon State coaching staff is to relieve the six or seven pounds of excess weight put on by the football squad during its one week lay-off, preceding its regular practice session In prep aration for its Hose bowl game with Duke university. To remedy this, tha squad has been going through series of conditioning workouts such at are given at the first of the season. These exercises will be the main bill of fare for the re mainder of this week. Coach Lon Stiner returned Wednesday from the Pacific Coast conference meeting held in Palm Springs and the prac tice schedule tor the remaining days until Newyear, day was definitely outlined. Mixed in with the condition ing work, however, were scrim mage sessions. From all Indies tions, the scrimmages have shown that the team as a whole is glad to get back to work again after the lay-off. Block ing and tackling were per formed with great enthusiasm and the players seemed to haw lots of spirit. Opposition against the varsity during the scrimmages ha been the freshman squad. They will continue this work until the team leaves for the south De cember 19. The team was reported In good shape with no injuries to hamper any practice sessions. As soon as the team gets into its "fightin" trim," the griddera will settle down in earnest to conjure strategic plana to .use against the Devils. Henley Five, Chiloquin Ready for Go CHTLOQUIK Attention of the follower, of "B" league bas ketball will be turned on the clash at Henley Friday night. when the undefeated Henley high Hornets tangle with the in experienced Chiloquin high Pan thers in two games. Chiloquin with but one game played thus far will enter tha fracas as the underdog. The Panthers have been work ing on offense all week to pre paration for the game. In their victory over the Bonanza Ant lers last Friday the local boys showed only flicker ot offen sive strength In the last quarter. The probable starting lineup for Chiloquin In the "varsity" game will probably be Smith, Monks and Conroy at the for ward posts, and Miller and Rob ertson at guard. Chita Rnnta Klili Handicap Wt tl HT m M ! IS 41 11 lJ US ? m in in sb H S Tit IB) Like Chinook Salmon, Popular Everjwtere Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey WATEHflU & FRAZ1ER DISTILLERY CO. . ANCHORAGE, KENTUCKY Crater Skiers Work on Plans For Style Show A committee of tho Crater Lake Ski club met Wednesday night with the dance committee of the junior chamber of com merce to work out plana for the forthcoming ski style show to be given between the dance intermission at the Jan Gsrber dance Wednesday night, Decem ber 17. The merchants in the city who handle ski equipment havo arranged to have models, both gentlemen and ladies, to model the latest ski clothing and ski necessities. The style show is looked for ward to each year by the winter sports enthusiasts and it was thought that the general public would like to have the chance of seeing this show and the jun ior chamber gave their permis sion to have it put on at the Jan Garber affair. The national de fease council has urged tha pub lic to carry on Ita regular rou tine of living and any entertain ment or projects in tho regular field of life are urged to bo car ried through as usual. Giants Get Miie From St Louis CHICAGO, Dec. 12 (UP) The New York Giant last night ob tained First Baseman Johnny M ize from the St. Louis Cardi nals for Pitcher Bill Lohrman, Catcher Ken O'Dea and an un disclosed amount of cash. , The Giants, rebuilding under General Manager Bui Terry and Field Manager -Mel Ott, were forced to outbid the Chicago Cubs and probably the Brooklyn Dodgers. Mire, 28 years old. Is one of the National league's most po tent hitter. In his six major '; reasons he has pounded out 158 home runs, of which 16 came in 1940 when he compiled an average of .316 despite a slow start. BowJing Congress - f iuys U. S. Bonds MILWAUKEE, Dec. 12 OP) secretary E. H. Baumgarten of the American Bowling Congress today asked the 18,000 bowling leagues in the national organi sation to offer league prizes in United States defense bonds and stamps. The ABC has purchased $13,000 in bonds and plans- to convert most of Its reserve fund into such securities. OSCWinsAs Ducks Drop . Another One cafMt , anm u. Onem MM M, WMmmm M. M. MirlWr't M, VMMto M. MM H, lM Rn tT, Mfta CMtow III WMta 17, Maqr St, Bf Tha AitocitlKl P;m O r i f o o State, basketball team, tha one aU the scribes and coaches sre "fingering" as this year northern division . title threat, won its first nn-aeasoa hocp test mi Sa!ra last, eight while Oregon dropped lis second straight on lit eastern barnstorm ing tour. Slats Gill veteran gang of OSC B severs slid peat Willam ette, 44 to 34, Tha tall but still unmeshed Webfocts from Oregon, who lost tha night before to Wayne uni versity at Detroit, shuffled off to Buffalo where they were out lasted by Canute college, 42 to 34, The WebfooU held a 20-19 lead at halftone, but Canisius started canning 'em in the second half with Bob Gauchat, holder of the school's all-time scoring record, setting the torrid pace with 19 potato. Canisius simply outopeeded the lanky western ers. Oregon lour times declined free throws in the closing min utes to take the ball out of bounds and try to "go for two" and dose the gap. Catfoot Johnny Katica scored 1$ points, making it 33 in two nights, led ZU Martin's touring Banger to their second straight road victory last night. 51 to 34, Pacific university was the victim on ita home floor at Forest Grove, The. Rangers took an early lead and seldom were approached by less thsa W points. Despite 32 personal, eatladl against them. If in the f;rrt half. Whitman's Miwlo runes managed to stay ahead oi. Le wis ton normal, 08 to 37, at Lewis ton. The Missionaries led 31 -J 2 at halftim. Vic Kelly's IT point were high for toe wirv ners- . ..." Oregon College of Iducaijoa squeezed past Albany la ar,o:hr college game at Monmouth, 27 to 35. . . BOXIHt wra r The .. Prwm YEW BaVEV j Anita, us. Ina. fsn. Pi., ocfjvbt-d Gm& Zcnsvmf.. iSt. Isabel Milne Queen of State B PinTopplers T r Isabel Milne of Klamath Fafls Is the state women,: bowling class B all-events queen, statis tics revealed Friday, According to final ewnpiia. tions released by Mrs, Hi zel Henzler, State Women's Bowling association secretary, the Khm ath woman spilled a total of 1446 pins in the recently-completed state tourney here ior th title Winner of the c!aj title wtm Virginia Parisl of RwUairf totaled 1555. Esther Peterson of Redmond copped the Boaster all events crown with a 13C5 total. Turkey Shoot Bonanza Sunday, Dec 14 1:00 f.M. Bring to or favorite dm riils of -22. (Ttr- $jat rights bond towHo 3 .S 71 jT'iiill m C7W UlCQ IDT Dv Ywi I $7$ A foB tnwath product of xpert aoiliag mftboos in xs nee 189&. BoOkd m Boni under A SBSerriosaftheU.S.Got, Selling t bttomt1awprtca $22t5i5 i -Tr--r.4'T i 4 r aim vn , i -m t.A a, tn- .rTSiiiW o tTTt l,ti- at a bargain, we mesa fuse what w My! Ttke a look at the no im portant senice lined at the left. Then look st tha price below. Get this special bargain -? on'U tave mosey, bm asd trotibl now and 1 throughout the win tee. Drire in to--l . . All fo r ese i i run pj i ataww -tqfn L intj Mwfiutrjr Gut sir BALSIGER MOTOR CO. - - ;Tok Adyantoge of Our -VIRY LARGE STOCK OF Used CAR and TRUCK TIRES (No Advance In Pries) Visit Our Recapping Department And See How You Can SAVE 50 to 70 On Your Present Smooth Tires 0 Day and Night Service O.Wew Tire Guarantee Q Easy Payments As Usual Sale of AH New Tires Temporarily Frozen by the Government Come fit, or Phone 3 J2 J Balsiger Motor Co: ' Your Saibcrting DaaUr Mto an Espland Main and Spring Phone 3S71 ' Main and Esplanade ' Phon 3121