ASE TElf THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON December 12, 1941 Mabketl and tf-inoHcial WHEAT BACKS D01 FROM PEAK PRICES CHICAGO, Dee. IS (ff) Wheat prices backed down today from four-year peak levels as the market absorbed profit tak ing and selling inspired by re ports of increased sale of grain from producers' hands In some localities. Losses amounted to about a cent at times but the market gained sufficient support from mills and professional traders to withstand the profit taking easily. Large eastern chain bak ers were reported Inquiring for 800,000 barrels of flour and the army announced substantial purchase at Minneapolis. Despite attractive prices well above gov' ernment loan rates, Kansas City reports indicated producers con tinued to show indifference to ward redemption of loan wheat. Wheat closed unchanged to 1c lower than yesterday, December $1,261, May S1.29t-I; corn un changed to ic higher, December 701c, May 85c: oats unchanged to ic up; rye 1-lc lower; soy beans unchanged. SALEM, Dec. 12 W) Gover nor Charles A. Sprague will speak at 3:30 p. m. Saturday on all radio network stations in Ore gon on civilian defense. Mary's In the garden Hanging our the clothes. And since she uses Par, then They're clean and sweet, she KNOWS! At Your Grocer's PAR SOAP not only washes clothes clean, but ' also, because of the "Pyro" it contains, it rinses clear and quickly, leaving the wash fresh and sweet. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 4 Cali fornia, 3 Oregon arrived, 18 un broken, 11 broken cars on track, market firm; Klamath Russets No. 1, none offered; combination grades, few sales, $1.63-1.75; late Thursday 1 ear fine quality $2.35. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 11 Califor nia, 4 Idaho, 3 Utah arrived, 44 unbroken, 18 broken cars on track; by truck 7 California, 1 Idaho, 1 Oregon arrived; no Klamath quotations. 8. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 12 (Federal-State Mar ket News) HOGS: Salable 250 around 5 cents higher; few loads good, 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts $11.60, few sorts $11.10; good sows. $9.00-23. CATTLE: Salable none; nomi nal; week's meager supply lends firmer- undertone; for week, steers ' 25 cents higher, top $11.25, bulk $10.40-75; medium to good heifers, $0.00-50; good range cows, $8.15-50, common $7.00-25, canners and cutters, $3.50-6.75. Calves: Salable none; nominal; good to choice vealers quoted $12.00-13.00. SHEEP: Salable 600; steady; 4 decks good to choice 83 lb. shorn lambs, $10.33 straight; wooled lambs absent, quoted $11.50; me dium to choice ewes, quoted $4.30-5.50. STOCK MARKE T DEALERS TAKE IL GAREFL BAT CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. 12 (AP-USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 69; on track 210; total US shipments 647; sup plies moderate; for Bliss Tri umphs . demand good market slightly stronger, for northern white stock demand fair, market steady; for Idaho Russets demand light, market slightly weaker; Idaho Russet Bur banks US No. 1, $2.55-65. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 12 (AP-USDA) Hogs: salable 75, total 330; market opened 10-1 5c higher; one lot good 203 lb. hogs $11.40; prices quotable to $11.50; packing sows steady, few lots $7.50-8.25. Cattle: salable 15, total 50; calves salable and total 5; noth ing here early; market nominal ly steady. NEW YORK. Dec. 12 () War optimism was not enough to keep a stock market rally going today and an assortment of lend ers negotiated a quiet retreat af ter an early sortie. It was the slowest session of the week to date, the turnover being around 1,100,000 shares. Reports that American and oruisn contingents were hold ing off Japanese invaders in the Philippines and Mnlava arnnwri consiaeraoie Hopefulness In li nancial quarters. In the matter of speculative operations, though, the inclination was to proceed carefully pending more aexinite imormatlon anent the Pacific conflict. In arrears the greater part of the day were US Steel, Youngs town Sheet, General Motors, Chrysler, US Rubber, Goodrich, Union Pacific. Snuthom Variiif Consolidated Edison Anaconda, Kennecott, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, American Can, General Electric. Eastman Kn. dak. Allied Chemical and Unit es Aircraft. Contestinff offprint wr Western Union, which made fur. ther response to the company's good earnings statement; Texas Co., Santa Fe, Pennsylvania, Cerro de Pasco, American Smelt ing. Phelps Dodtte. Du Pont. Johns-Manville, Glenn Martin, Sperry and Westinghouse. Bonds maintained a relative steady course. Commodities were mixed. Closing Quotations: Air Reduction ST Alaska Juneau li Al Chem Sc Dye 1411 Locally Owned and Operated SUGAR Tender Swart Brand Trr Warming, Nourishing - CORNcL. 9C jgc 31b. yit Cnua S1 - Tendar golden corn Al011 Pl"' pkg. with that fresh-from-the-cob flavor sun r r right wroi roaMeet of Whut Alone. TanptMfc mrtaareet flamr. Fionas with wVTir PEANUT BUTTER ,aff7.f29c or,o Brand CRACKERS iTl,, f 9c WAFFLE FLOUR ,t ... 49c Tall Can . 4 fo, 33C T0MAT0 CATSUP r, u I Oc WAFFLE SYRUP , 29c - PREMw- , 29c TOMATO JUICE Sr,, 19c lb- CAr wc preserves ,,-390 3c. Gc ripe olives srr..rr 1 5c - ' With F a Coupe U1Y BIBER dim I Brta an your Motor Hatl.'i SarU-twMt BMA rwrfcH Its ft. row "'"- MORSELS OR BARS 2f25c J (for Minns CooHeo, Frootlnae an Cakeo) BEEI Tandor, lull . flannel .. ' ar. FLAVOR lKL prt, 85C loaf karo sYRUpr,',ri6c zZZZ- FLOUR miyfi) niitc ' ' PTS 'p.'S'.'ir.i.g. ; 21c Enriched with a, Z3C Titomin, .nd r BAKING POWDER ,33e m ,Jon . u WHEAT WAFERS m 2 IC ""-"' a"" Sold with 1 "" " onr back Knlght't Famy OeckatM BEANS IA aSTTl DINNER SWEETS 33c " 1.79 'szr- - PEAs:rM.w 32Sc 0ur CER.KIN-ETSr,?,29c POP-CORN 3lt.,25c PRI0IS IFPIOTIVI SATURDAY ONLY rnrrrr Bee! Roast, lb. 19c 'A"M musmBrn M0T COFFEE Bi.d. cut. ' LOCAL CARROTS 'CJTu. 4c fca'bLd T'Bone . . . lb. 33c CAULIFLOWER 10c , waav e e v. 7JV LirM mew wmi hu Drip or Rtg. St.aks HIDBfe i. Gr,"d ,....,, . CABBAGE iriakM Heade U. IC pound -f BEEF SHORT RIBS I5c PARSNIPS. 3lbfc I0e Z1C STEAK 25c SQUASH l2c V:lJA' PORK SAUSAGE 2lbt27c ORANGES rmf 2 33c CANDY Houia the m ,m anjeTT Onnuta m t aoQ BANANAS 8.IB 2lbt.l4c Money Savins PrleM Vu' Brapa, eommarolil .p-t yjatJ ohrietmaa mii, jeiiy ff Jfs us your order now for your Christ- ,''lJT' "W .rfSfc"1" Turkey, and be sure of tha finest raanut Srlttle, Oum .2ivX 1 -mum L' i , . Orope. OommerolH '$CjIj ChrUtmM nnerl Ohoeolataaand otnor !!mmm!!S ' Solve Your Cut PnMem-fila t Turkey I Phona 4803 Remember It's Whitoker's Groceteria The Best for Lett Just one convenient location 1205 Klamath Ave. Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 Allis-Chalmers American Can Am Car It Fdy Am Red Sta San Am Roll Mills Am Smelt Sc Ref Am Tel & Tel Am Tob "B" Am Water Works Am Zinc L & S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp .,, Bald Loco Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Airp Borden Borae-Warner Calif Packing Callahan Z L Calumet Hec Canada Dry Canadian Pacific Cat Tractor . Celanese I Ches & Ohio Chrysler .. Col Gas & El Com'l Solvents Comm'nw'lth Sc Sou Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products Crown Zellerbach ... Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N Eastman Kodak El Pow Sc Lt General Electric General Foods Goodrich Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper . Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap Sc P pfd Int Tel & Tel 26 1 . 70J 28 .. 4 10 . 35i ...1321 .. 471 21 - 3! 25 3) 23 38 12 35i 561 171 201 . 101 18 ....916 ... 51 .... 131 .... 3 4 .... 39 . 201 . 32 i .... 49 . 48 .... 71 ,.532 211 . 121 5 . 28. 48 ... 101 8. 65 ...143 ...132 .1516 ... 281 381 18 131 201 12i 5 91 451 23J 551 11 Johns Manvllle Kennecott Lib O Ford ,. Lockheed ........... Loew's ............ Long-Bell "A" Montgomery Ward ... Nash-Kclv Nafl Biscuit Nafl Dairy Prod Nat'l Dlst National Lead N V Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific ....... Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Amer Fish . Pac Gas & El Pac Tel Sc Tel . Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways . Paramount Pic Penney (J C) ;. Pcnna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet A Proctor Sc Gambia . Pub Svc N J Pullman . Radio Rayonler Rayonier pfd Reoublic Steel Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum sou cal Edison Southern Pacific Sperry Corn Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone it Webster . Studcbaker Sunshine Mining Texas Corn Trans-America Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines. United Aircraft United Corporation ... United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures .. Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth .. 54. .. 331 22 .. 231 .. 351 .. 2 .. 271 - 31 .. 151 .. 131 .. 231 .. 131 .. 8 12 .. 10 .. 41 - 71 .. 5 .. B .10 .1001 . a , 141 . 131 ,. 731 . 181 . 261 . 44 . 521 . 121 . 201 . 21 . 91 . 25 . 161 . 91 . 421 . 601 . 15 . 81 . 181 . 101 . 201 . 31 . 211 . 301 . 441 . 5 . 31 . 4 . 431 . 4 691 131 611 111 321 1 41 701 181 83 491 18 8 241 751 251 BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 12 (AP-USDA) There was fair demand for do mestic wools In Boston today. Fine territory wools were selling at 91.12, scoured basts, for good French combing length and at around $1.08-1.10, scoured basis, for wools of average to short French combing length. Moder ate quantities of graded three. olghths and one quarter blood bright fleece wools sold at 82 cents in the grease. WESTERN PINE REPORT PORTLAND, Dec. 12 (I') Wentnrn plnn mills cut 64,200, 00U board feet of lumber dur ing the week ending Dec. 6, the Western Pine association said todiiy. This rompnred with a 70,404,000-foot cut the previous ' week and 71,820,000 for thaft same week lasf year. Orders lnw that order were 62,014,000 board feet, 71,681,000 and 71. 380,000; shipments: 68.709,000 bnnrd feet, 76,008,000 and 87,-755,000. Poor old King Solomon! 1000 wives, no Witland's Extra Palal LA fa""- 'aPeaaao IIBBY'S quality ... in Hawaiian pineapple, in peaches, pears, seedless grapes, cherries. The Fruit Cocktail Libby brings you is out standingly delicious because all the fruits it's made with are really ine. Get Libby's today, and note the difference. You'll agree it's Ine fruits that count! FREB-NEW RECIPE BULLETIN. Hunchea for NutrMou Lunchti It full of good ideas for packing a lunch boi. Addr.ei Mart Hal Martin, Llbby, McNeill A llbby, Chicago, llllnola. Pfiurafiple-, (Macho, wan, frap, chtrrltt each Ubby't quality. Dtllcloutl SO GOOD! SO INEXPENSIVE! r I tYBMS I a Alcohol 20 by volume Conrornla Fine wines, in distinctive decanters... worthy of a place on your sideboardl SHERRY i PORT TOKAY (ANGELICA7 MUSCATEL' " $1.95 Gal. 60c at. r TrwRO. IYONS ft HAAS COMPANY frt hnn hetxtKO, California ' t 8UPER MARKET 9th and Pine Ph. JIBS STORE NO. 2 133S Ore. Ph. 4714 8TORE NO. 3 2200 So. 6th . Ph. S875 SHOP EMiLS AXD save: SUPER FOOD PRICES FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY ($2.00 Orders or Over Delivered FREE?) Del Monte Catsup 2 Ltro. Bott,w 2flc SW Coffee D,ip Regular Grind 1-lb. Can 30 2 Pounds S9ei Swansdown Cake Flour L.rg. p.,.,. 21:c; Kraft Cheese VtWMU ar Am.ri,an a lb. OOc OaislllS Thompson Soadleaa 4 lb. pko.ftf Kellogg's g.LL.l.E8 DEAL ,or 10c Prcm c.n 20c Pink Salmon T e. 2 f0T 35c Seve on Quality Meats SATURDAY ONLY Veal Iloast Pound ... 2.1C 27 litUMtn Eastern Sugar Cured Lb, - Br the Piece ltMf Iloawt 23c Steer Beef, Blade Cuts Lb. .Short Ulb 1 5c For Braising Lb. Ilnitiburger anil Snuwfitfo J5 2 Pounds Sliced Ilnron 35c Oregon Brand Lb. Salt Pork lfle Welt streaked with lean, lb. " Corn Ileef 23 Boneless, Jlgg's Special Lb. Merrimac Salmon S0,luMbe.nB,T'. COMBINATION OFFER 2 20c 49 lb. Ha Swansdown Family Floor and Tall Cans Standby Oran-Baktd Reani BOTH CO FOR : BlaiSknal A Whole Kernel Corn, 2's 2 for 27c ntimeM A Cut Beans, No. 2 can 2 for 27c Diamond A Fancy Whole Beam, No. 2's.... 15c Dlimonrf A Pumpkin, No. 2'i can ... lie Diamond A Kraut No. 2'i's.. lie torratno Cut Sliced Beam, No. 2 can .... tic Lane County Cur Beans, No. 2 can .... 2 for 23c Diamond A ' Sliced Beets, No. 2 can....2 for 23c Garden Peas, Ne. 303's 3 fer 25c Candy and Diuts Hard Mix 2 lb. 27e Old Fash'd Chocolates ... 2 lbs. 27c Giant Gum Drop 2 lbs. 27c Fresh Roasted Peanuts.. 2 lbs. 29c Mixed Nuts (no peanuts) 2 lbs. 45c Walnuts, medium 2 lbs. 35c Del Monte - Fruit in Clef tJnr ' (Is t Ik., II at, Jara) Whole Fls, In syrup .............. 27e Peaches, halves or sliced ........ 25c Cherries, Royal Ann .............. 34c Fruir Cocktail ...........J..., ... 27e Fruits for Salad ..... .... 31e Haapy Vale Srand Peas, No. 303 can 3 for 29e sew Oven Baked Beans, med. 2 for 25e SW Brown Bread, med. can .... 10c IW Menta ar UMiy'a Tomato Sauce 6 cans 29c Ghlrardelli's Chocolate, lb. can 29e Mothers Cocoa, 2 lb. can 19e Farmlnsten Chocolate, lb. bar22e "rote A Slenliwell Fig and Plum Puddina. lb. can 33c Cornmeal Mush, No. 2 can,... 10c Marshmallows, Fresh, 14-ox 2 for 25e Hi-Ho Butter Crackers, Large pkg .'..19c liimhfne Krispy Crackers, 2 lb. box 29e Mustard, jar 8e araay Margarine .... lb. 23c 2 lbs. 4Se Italian Prunes 3 lbs. 25c La Olioy Bean Sprouts, large cans 2 for 25e Miracle Whip, quart ler 39e Peaches, No. 2Vt can 22e Mn Fruit Cocktail, l's.., 2 for 29e Hood ntver, raney , Apple Sauce, No. 2 can 2 for 23c Mew Figs, In svrup, No. 1 can 3 for 29c Dr. FMIIIpe, Soney . Grapefruit, No, 2 can .... 2 for 29c Dr. Phillips Orange and Grape fruit Hearts, No. 2 can 15e Poaches, Podigrea, No. 2'i's 24c Oxydol, giant pkg 60c Large pkg , 21e Camay Toilet Soap, 3 bars with coupon for 12c Ivory Snow, large pkg 22e Ivory Flakes, large pkg 22c Ivory Soap, large bar 4 for 37c Medium Bar 6c Starch, Amaixo, Corn er Gloss 2 pkgs. 15c Waldorf Tissue 4 rolls 17e Pond's Facial Tissue, 500's .... 25e Scott Towels 2rolb19e Sunbrtte Cleanser 4 cans 17e Juice a JSm TOMATO JUICI Toll can 3 for 25e 46-ox. can 22c No. 10 can 39e Dr. rtulllpe Florid Orange Juice, 46-ox. can 30e Dr. milllpe Blended Juice, 46-ox. can 28e No. 2 can yc Grape Juice, Churches, qt. bot. 32e Grapefruit Juice, Texas, 46-ox. 20c Tomato Soup, Campbell's 3 cans 25c PRODUCE SPECIALS (Mday and Saturdiy) Fancy Delicious Apples i5lb,25c - $1.98 FANCY HOMES box $1.89 Fancy Ilaiianas 2lbf.15c Klamath Nsttad Gems, U. S. No. 1 Potatoes ?b5. .50c Arlsona Grapefruit Large, 80 slse 6 for C Oranges 3 d01 3.1c CASE, full weight $1.89