The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 11, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    Dember 11, 1941
Qoii North Mm. Arthur
"Snowy" Gwitufnun ami simiil
daughtor, Bony, left Thursday
for MHton-r"reewter where they
will bo the guest of Mm, Gus
tufson's sister, Dr. mid Mri. Klow
or. They have beon located In
Carmel since Gustufson, former
Klamath Union high school foot
ball conrh, win on lied Into the
orvlce. Mri, Citislufsoti visited
here Wednesday evening with
old friend. Khn will remain
north with her smsll duughter.
for an Indefinite time.
Ream Women Mouther of
lite women' mixtllnry of Itenme;
Gulf and Country club will meet
Friday at 1:30 p. ni. at the home
of Mr. Georife H. Merryman
Sr., Pacific Terrace, to spend
Did afternoon sewing for the
American Hod Cross. All mate
rial for thone who with to knit.
or lew will be on hand. It wa
announced by Mr. W. E. Lamm,
president of Rcnme.
St. Pul'i Guild The regular
meeting of St, Paul' guild will
he held at 2 p. m. Thursday, De
cember 11, at the pnilsli house,
Eighth and Jeffi-rson street. In
tho absence of Die president,
Mr. W. B. Ilrndrlrkson, vice
president, will preside nt the
outline lueeii; a licporU of
the recent parish baziiur will be
made at till time. Alt women
of the parish are cordially In
vited to be present. A lighted
Christmas tree and exchnngn of
gift during the tea hour will
close the afternoon meeting.
Course Cancelled Dr. Peter
H. Rozcndul, Klamath county
health officer, who was to have
left Wednesday night fur Port
land to attend a three-day course
in chest diseases, received word
late Wednesday the school had
been cancelled due to the na
tional emergency.
Girl Scout
Data Changad The regular
monthly meeting of the DeMolay
Mother club ha been changed
from Thursdoy, Deremher H, to
Wednesday, December 17, at the
home of Mr. Godfrey tilohm lit
8 p. m.
wigareii Tire ine cuy fire)
department was called to 220,
South Fourth street, home of
Dave Allison, where a cigarette
had caused fire to destroy a
mattress and several blankets.
The call wa received at 1:13
a. m., firemen stated.
PTA Notes
The November business meet
ing of Shasta PTA opened with
Mr. Ralph Aubrey presiding.
Mr. Leonard Lund, program
chairman, Introduced Mr. La
Verne Doty who led the flag
salute, and Klcanor Hum who
ang, "Cod Bleu America,"
Mr. Monroo led the fifth
grade choru fa three number.
They were accompanied by Ruth
Gysber. Mr. Knight played a
piano number, "The Holy City,"
by Steven Adam. It was re
ported that Loll Hare' room
won the award in tho PTA' uc
cessful drive thl fall. Her room
brought in 25 new member un
der the leadership of Mrs, East
man, room representative. Mrs;
Monroe' fifth grade room won
the attendance award for Wed
nesday' meeting.
Committee report Included a
report by Mr. Williams that the
rummage sale on November 18
brought in 121.85. The project
thl year 1 the furnishing of
health room, Mr. Williams also
announced that in February the
PTA will sponsor a box social
followed by square dancing. The
meeting was concluded with a
report on nutrition by Mr. Aub
rey, assisted by Mrs. Ivan Crum-
packer. They announced the
PTA would buy a largo nutrition
poster for each room.
Refreshment wero served by
the three first grade rooms. The
December meeting will be moved
ahead ono week to December 17.
Tho Girl Scout of Klamath j
Kalis have pledged their crv- j
ice In this national emergency.
Senior Girl Scout mid Mar-
im-rs arc trained by tho Red '
Cross to help register in time of
disaster. Another group has
volunteered to help with tho
registration at the chamber of
AH troops are planning to do
Red Cros sewing or knitting as
the need arise and are concen
trating on first aid training in
their program.
In Girl Scouting the opportun
ities to learn helpful and neces
sary things are cm! less. They
want to be occupied with task
that seem to be of particular im
portance now. Those very task
have always been important, and
have always been a part of the
Girl Scout program, but 0 clear
er light is shed on them now be
cause they realize that to leorn
how to do them, and the doing
of them well la defense service.
They learn how to give first aid,
how to organize groups for war
work or play, how to preserve
the valuable things we have and
to waste nothing, how to cook
in their own home and out of
door, when they have the usual
thing to cook with and when
they have to use "make shifts."
In thinking of what young
people can do to serve, do not
under-value the learning how to
perform simple household tasks
and the making add keeping
home happy, well run and unit
ed. Anything that they do to
strengthen our home life Is
definite contribution to defense
and is In troubled times a in
peaceful ones a patriotic respon
sibility of girls and women.
Girl Scout believe that if all
agencies which are itrivtng to
preerve democracy will work
together, they will give much to
one another and will strengthen
our total defense program. The
Girt Scout organization pledges
It cooperation.
BENSON Born at Klamath
Valley hospital, Klamnth Falls,
Ore., Deccmbor 10, 1941, to Mr.
and Mr. Porter Benson, 330
Martin atrect, girl. Weight: 8
pounds 5 ounces.
SANCHEZ Born at Klamath
Valley hospital, Klamnth Falls,
Ore., December 11, 1941, to Mr,
and Mr. Jose Sanchez, Mowlch,
Ore., a girl. Weight: 7 pounds
14 ounce.
California Holds
Many Alien Arrests
(UP) At least 570 Japanese,
German and Italian alien were
under arrest In California Wed
nesday night, according to the
federal bureau of Investigation.
The biggest catch wa in
southern California, where 401
aliens were rounded up for
questioning. The number In
cluded 314 Japanese, 72 Ger
mans and 1 1 Italian.
The northern California divi
sion of tho F.BI said It had taken
169 alien Into custody, includ
ing 59 Germans, 18 Italian and
92 Japanese.
An FBI spokesman indicated
tho roundup was nearly com
Sitka spruco prices will be dis
cussed in Portland December 12,
Price Administrator Leon Hen
derson ald. Price had risen
sharply and'he had asked pro
ducer to meet.
The spruce la used In manu
facture of training plane.
Seal Estate Sala
Rental Leans
Property Management
Automobile, fir, Casualty InturanM
. ICS! Pint DM Ittl UN
WmtM office tf
j n v Baby Blankets Women's Aprons Handkerchiefs 1,55 Umbrellas
I fcciSs . era.? fMi,?9 trim i
I 88c KsmJyJ!L--n A 1 . f
m $ Seor bautifuJ s SSTf -Jl &
fA (' ' pr ' SH,d 9ift . Htr r" Femme e YeM' Cfcriai tirtl P
Mk ill L sfwm Rayon Satin and Crepe Gowns J
I 1 S I wf W Worth 2,8WMof AflA f;
S lI"J r" gJ?- J -ifV7 v s sT" Listen to her "oh" and "ah" when she If - '
S Hn MiJaH ilijjVirZ&'''iF tJryf it receive one of these high-sly le gowns m v' '
' H 1 1 .1 ffi SPfc. SV2Sfc - pijAiiTirf i . in gleaming rnultiiiament rayon satsrt! Mg tt
fff "rT11 rT y3 'T f-!rZZ' N,V"-t Frothing with fine imported lace, tsih gg
Wii ""Csrii N3sJ t-;!i.'.,:-l'fl'K red tyJe. too. Tearese or blue. Sire tf St
IiCA "Boudoir" I uSr I yS''" Crepe Slips J
ft H 7Y K s Wj ; l l--f-'t ."si D Glamorous yet practical gift thsfi M ft A
. SLf C n POJOmOS to please! LaS-trtamed, tailored 1 7
B: l l'vS!u 3llDD6l S J' V V 1 VCi - QSt with embroidery, or plain embroidered It
f II V- 'tf rT y i W styles. Tearose or white. Sizes 32 to . 11 W'
'VlAyaWv Slipper so lovely you'll I A'V VS - h 35W . , -
S?VSaMk have a hard time choos- fr . el V . ?ieeiy H'8"" Reg. 79 C RoyOH SIipS Sft
i VfW2k ing! Satin, velvet or leath- 'Y V ?4 Iflo Attractive tearose or Hf J
XS4tIi er In blue, wine, red, or & X'flh V white Isce-trimmed. -n S ffl.
, .3fiF ern DOrsay, mule, or S V U X Z bias-cut, or 4-gore lips! 5C fc- Jk M
I TST teudoir Wl . NCiw 32to MfM .
1 81 Esm i
t OthernS S V 'P
I Dress-Type ' $:V- vjM liVlf
I slippers I -i 4ri I I Kmij A I
f. VagQ says. Everett, chenille 1 ." - ' V TM
ft" 57?2a scuffs, bow or pom-pom t V f Mj K X . I S
S X -3W trimmed boudoir models, Vl i- ':'-'r J I J 1 I. M ,v--i:-"vl
if: le booties, and others, jrf , fc . ;'.- S I fiV X i ' J
fi Robes, Gowns, Slipl Infonls' Jackets g: lljl I ' rjVx If A V X'lV 8'
B ' fy i LW Dress hi males- S afAt ." '. V. 1 I' ., a& jsicaHlHieSSlt9 3 !
B' , for a 3-in-l gift! & V-4 JV I, r,rk.M Bl V ' y V V " 7l I ,5k f
Si I Warm embrold- j y lO4' f t I T'l ': ' S Jlj .ASfS Wl
W ! O J I ered flannelette, k Hand embroid- S I f '
(JXs" ( : ri'-S M Special Purchoi A 1 I S W
I fWfe I SHk Hosiery R, M
X , O? ll- 1 . Manufacturers' close - out M M ' X'O !,N 'irF&lil A
3 XttlgiW XmJ"0:. f of higher priced lines! f f iX V 8 MpA S
! ' V IW - i SVB il YjN Jk Novelty Pullovers
ff ir- aVfN felr ' U M five lash new - a ft ' ' f f OHE GHOOP M W -,7
S? Vy O ll V li Hi Jt rter shades! f jhrsi .. jj..;. 4 ,
j,gl 4- w K i J -jr. cotton top and ' I -f Silk Hosiery $ Applause for your teste if jou
H b Vl 1 Values up to 1.191 Odd I h Eng"sh ko"
f Cunning Frock to Drew Up JT S fi: lots, odd sizes. Every pull-over In fine slf wool ph-
Your Cherubs for Chrittmot Buy several pain at- this - pair drastically JA - Wrfe short beeves. ,
g "Honeysuckle" I n mn "f.if V
fflne broadcloth, poplin, or printed dresses II pj S
In fresh now patterns, "Sizet 1 to'. 8H. U ; 133 So, 8th ' . - , ; -. - ' .-