THE EVENING. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .Dpceniber Jl. 1941 Locol VFW Offer Support to County ' , Early in 1940 the VFW na tional commander offered the president of the United States his and the organization's aid in any way possible in case of emergency. Immediately after this offer the department commander made the same offer to the gov ernor of Oregon. Now the governor has de clared a state of emergency exists and asks the organization to cooperate with the local de fense councils. Therefore John W. Lchase, commander- of the Pelican post number 1383 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, has offered the support of the local post to the county for any purpose in this crisis. All members are asked to reg ister at the earliest posslblo time. Klamath Forestry Students Honored OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallls, Dec. It Tom Johns ton of Klamath Fulls, senior in forestry at Oregon State college, la one of nine men recently Initi ated Into XI Sigma Pi, national honor society In forestry. Members are selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and participation in school of forestry and campus activities. WILSON, LINOSKOO BET RAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11 (UP) The Shrlno football coin mlttco Wodnesdny announced addition cf Jack Wilson, Uaylor back, and Vic Llndskog, Htnn) ford center, to the West lenm which will meet the East in tin annual East-Wo.H charity foul ball game here New Year' day Road the Classified page PAGE SIXTEEN. smaeiBBBBaaaaaaiBBaaBiaBai ail d: Si of p7 "oer .I..-.. . r- coW ' W.ed ifg , "Woof Weed If m a-i?5je WW IfU I bradcIolirma'le of cut t WtJW l'SM I . JUIM KM....lpi.PM!J 5 V?tznURf2& f 4&f li'ei Con.. Tavn-. vatJetnm V. ... wlW ft In a?; :!triv,Vnyo7;tto ho lt c,e-cut . f""-'ci . 8 ; 1 4 5 fire The" ZZ" ft an7eejs the :"nii ' ;ron' w ; rayo ii ma iS ! v in ni Ml ii .711 ill!' 1 if .ii' WML Clln..i.. ft-. . -v. bab !r'oliiri-... c;u;. '"" cut. , ;"-. w JVe' 'f W. .I"""' In.' - 2.9B en- 7 f -ruff t .L ICS .Li ;"Kln ",,:' E;""ee f fjTiTq.i IBB 1 tfwl Anl "hi "riP'd a"". "at ftT n ... . ( 1 " I"ao- t'llo. M ""'"' v.,;;;;- Zipp Front I Novefly Knit I 'Sweaters )29 Boys A Ward Vol, I Not only warm and sturdy, but gooa-iooKtng, tool Trim back. Springy-knit enffs. Rlngtr Gift Valwl Shirts, Shorts Rm-Pnlttant Rayon I Tallortdl Van Ardens ChtHtmaiWnpptil 45 ESi h CtfopAaie 29 Cotton broadcloth shorts with "Grippers." No-Ttrs fly Are they your pet panties too? Then introduce them to your friends this Chrlotratst A B,IIRlngt Gift Vohtt Vine Handbags SontoPliul J. Sooty bltckit - Rich browns I Other high-style colors, - tool Soft simulated leathers! - r.WU AIM PracUcof gift U.a I Girt a boy Sport Shirts Boyf$lttt6bia A good-looking . assortment o plain and novelty weave fabrics. All fast color) Long sleeves. Rayon A Cotton I V Dress Socks Htt2S 13 e VttorlyFtmlnlnol lied Jackets Inuhuiltet 1 19 You won't find better looking patterns for the money! Short and regular lengths! Lacy, be-ribboned rayon satins I Cuddly brushed knit rsyonsl Cotton chenilles! Boft wools. , ForTnof "Ixtro"Cftf , Ioycly Hankies ! VerySpecferel ' XO Tuck a gay posy-print or dainty white cotton In with your greet ing card I Big assortments l: AS 1 ,tei4aas&EBl2322 Hj'l'.l,WWIW"l IP- I j lv y lft 1 I orsw , m 2i- si. ! Feast ,JU'" ravn 'V'es,.,, prefer 'ores if LiWlavVw w.ftJ-.-.'.6, . . e YOU CAN STILL BUY ON WARPS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN r1' '. Set the things yoa wsat TODAY . . . eaof them white yea are ptjrlng for them a Utile each month. You will and the Fdrl Regulations of Inttallment Buying kart not Increased the snonthtjr paynients yon make , ea Montgomery Ward's coaetilent payment plan. Ut a tell ron about ibli simple wsf to bef sll your needs. NINTp STREET, Corner Pine ...... i . . kl nMrir.RlMO.MiAV WW I Dm mm t m ii i i ii s fisi ii ru i n i i i r. 11 nr II . au 1 11 Dial 3188